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Choices of Fate (Fate Series)

Page 24

by Chavous, S. Simone

  There are worse problems to have. He thought to himself before he picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I like the direction of your thoughts, Amor.”

  “What, are you a telepath now?” she teased.

  “Hardly, but I am learning to read you, and,” he grinned wickedly, “your body betrays your mind. The scent of arousal is all over your skin.”

  Alexa’s cheeks flushed immediately at his words. Something about knowing that she smelled so strongly to Ethan was embarrassing and made her slightly self-conscious.

  Guess I better get over that quickly or I’m going to have to shower constantly. She told herself.

  Ethan brushed his knuckles over her cheek, “This, I love. Perhaps I should embarrass you more often to see this lovely color light your beautiful face.”

  “I would think that over a little more, Mr. Kellar, unless you want to spend a lot of time in the dog house.” She huffed, glaring at him with false menace.

  “Dog house, huh? I surely do not want that, perhaps I must find other ways to keep you flushed then, Mrs. Kellar,” he husked as he crawled the short distance across the seat to hover over her and look into her eyes before he began kissing the side of her neck.

  She tilted her head to the side to give him better access and a soft moan escaped her lips as he ran his tongue in a slow line up to the sensitive skin behind her ear. “I love the little sounds you make when I touch you, Amor,” he whispered and then he dipped his soft tongue into her ear eliciting a noise somewhere between a giggle and a moan.

  He hooked his arm around her waist between her body and the seat and pulled her so that she was almost laying down on the soft leather. She closed her eyes while he returned to his assault on her neck and then trailed kisses down along her collarbone, sliding the straps of her teal tank top and bra down her shoulder to reveal more of her perfect olive skin. When he tugged the front of the top down further, nearly revealing her left breast, her eyes snapped open and she grabbed his hair in her hand and tugged slightly so that he looked up at her.

  She nodded her head toward the front of the car and the driver on the other side of the glass divider, “You are not getting me naked with an audience,” she said firmly.

  “Amor, I would sooner kill him then let him look upon what is for me alone. Besides, it is one way glass, he cannot see or hear us,” he stated matter-of-factly before he turned his attention back to her body and kissed the top of the soft mound that he had all but completely exposed.

  Instead of pulling her shirt down the rest of the way, he used his fingers to push only her bra down off of her hardened nipple, leaving the thin fabric of her tank top covering it. He grinned at her devilishly and gently gripped the sensitive flesh, shirt and all, with his teeth and tugged lightly, never taking his eyes off of her face.

  His other hand was sliding ever so lightly up the inside of her thigh, then up over the denim of her shorts where he stopped short of where she needed him and squeezed her leg possessively. At this point, she had begun to pant and squirm, desperate to find release after so many days without Ethan’s touch.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore and was ready to start begging, the car slowed and came to a stop.

  Ethan skillfully slipped her bra and tank top back into place and kissed the tip of her nose before he sat back up on the seat.

  Still in a partially horizontal position, Alexa looked over at him, “You are so mean,” she whined in frustration.

  Ethan slid his hand down into his lap, drawing her attention there as he tried to adjust his erection to make it less noticeable. “As you can see, touching you affects me just as much as it does you,” he said settling on pulling his hardness up his stomach where it was held down by the waistband of his shorts. “I apologize, but I could not sit here alone with you and not put my hands on your beautiful body, especially with so much of your skin exposed,” he stated unabashedly. “Trust me, the anticipation will make the bonding experience so much more intense, but if you prefer, I will do my best to behave until we arrive.”

  Just the mention of the bond caused Alexa’s stomach to flip as her neck began to tingle. Thinking of Ethan sinking his teeth into her while he was inside her made her impossibly wetter and did not help at all with the task of calming herself to exit the car.

  Ethan inhaled deeply. “Amor, if you expect me to resist you, you must try not to think things like whatever just ran through that pretty head of yours. I have a strong will, but a man can only stand so much,” he said with a wink, only half kidding.


  To Alexa’s surprise, they had actually pulled up right next to the large jet that was taking them to whatever mysterious destination Ethan had chosen. Despite numerous pleas from her, he refused to divulge the secret, he wouldn’t even give her any hints and she found it extremely frustrating. Being a telepath, she wasn’t really accustomed to surprises.

  When they approached the stairs to board the plane, they were greeted by a cheerful flight attendant whose super short white-blonde hair made her look a lot like a pixie. She smiled at each of them brightly and held out her hand to Alexa, “Hello, Mrs. Kellar, my name is Allie and I will be taking care of you and your husband during your flight today.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Allie,” Alexa replied. The young woman’s gaze hadn’t lingered on Ethan at all, there was no batting of her eyelashes, no flirting, just a short professional greeting, which had to be a first. Every other time Alexa had seen women around Ethan they were practically drooling and giving her the evil eye.

  I like her. Alexa thought immediately.

  They entered the cabin and Alexa’s jaw dropped. Ethan was right, it was far from cramped. The spacious area looked more like a luxurious family room than an airplane with its plush leather chairs, marble tables, wet bar, and flat screen televisions on opposite walls.

  “Please sit wherever you like. Would either of you like for me to make you a drink or perhaps something to eat?” Allie inquired pointing towards the bar.

  “Nothing for now,” Ethan replied.

  “Very well, please let me know at any time if you need anything,” Allie said with a smile looking to each of them. “I will remain in the front cabin for the duration of the flight to give you some privacy, but there are call buttons on the arms of each chair. I’m just going to go check in with the captain for a moment. We should be in the air in just a few minutes.”

  “Thank you, Allie,” Alexa said. She took a seat in one of the chairs and sank into it with a sigh. “Now this is the life,” she said smiling up at Ethan who was watching her with amusement.

  He took the seat opposite her and frowned at her. “What’s wrong?” Alexa asked with concern.

  “I do not like this,” he said without elaborating.

  “What do you mean, this is amazing, what’s not to like?” She questioned with astonishment.

  A crooked grin tilted his lips, “You are much too far away from me sitting like this.”

  She snatched up the small pillow that was next to her in the chair and chucked it at Ethan, aiming for his face. He reached out and caught it with one hand before it made contact. “I was actually worried that something was wrong!”

  His grin turned to a full smile, “Something is wrong, as I said, you are too far away from me. Perhaps you should sit on my lap for the trip,” he said, completely serious.

  “I don’t think we’re allowed to do that, aren’t we supposed to be strapped in?” she questioned, her nerves about flying starting to return. Though her claustrophobia didn’t seem to be an issue, there was still the small problem of being thousands of feet above the ground and potentially crashing from said height.

  “I believe we can do whatever we please, Amor, but I will ask our attendant if it will make you feel better.”

  “Don’t you dare ask her if I can sit on your lap!”

  “Then perhaps we should spend the flight in the bedroom,” he said lowly, gesturing to the door at t
he back of the cabin.

  Alexa lifted up and turned her head back to look over the back of her seat, her mouth going dry thinking of getting in bed with Ethan right then.

  “I thought you wanted to wait until we can complete, um,” she stopped, thinking it better not to mention anything about blood bonds with humans so close by, “until we get where we’re going,” she corrected.

  “Hmm, yes, I suppose you are right. While I was suggesting we could just lie together, I should know better than to think I can keep my hands to myself, especially with you seeming so happy and playful. This side of you is very sexy.”

  She smiled at him, her eyes full of love, “I am happy, Ethan, more so than I’ve ever been before.” She got up and moved around the table that separated them, sitting down on Ethan’s lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. She pressed a soft kiss to his lips then leaned her forehead against his. “I love you, Mr. Kellar.”

  He pushed his fingers through her long, silky hair and fisted it lightly pulling her head back so that he could access her full lips. His kiss started out soft, but quickly grew hungry and needy. He let out a little growl and drew back, his breathing heavy.

  “I love you too.” He whispered after a moment.

  Alexa could sense his internal struggle. She took his face in her hands and looked into his eyes which were darker than normal, like there was a storm raging just beneath the surface. “What is it, Ethan?”

  He placed his nose in the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply, letting the breath out slowly. “Your blood is calling to me, my primal need to complete the blood bond continues to grow stronger as the time draws near. It may sound barbaric, but it is in my nature. I need to possess you completely.”

  “Yes, it did sound a little caveman-like,” she said frowning slightly before her lips turned up into a crooked grin, “but at the same time it was irresistibly sexy. Do you need me to go back to my seat?” she asked, not really wanting to leave the comfort of his arms.

  “No, I need to be close to you. While your blood draws my desire, your nearness soothes my soul and gives me strength to resist the call, if that makes sense.”

  She sank down into his lap and snuggled into him. “It does make sense, being close to you calms me as well. I’m not even nervous about the flight anymore,” she whispered against his neck just realizing that the plane had already taxied out to the runway and was about to take off.


  Less than three hours later, they were beginning their descent. Alexa had fallen asleep in Ethan’s embrace shortly after takeoff.

  Ethan lightly stroked her hair and whispered, “Amor, wake up, we are almost there.”

  She smiled lazily without opening her eyes, “Are you going to tell me where we are now?”

  He chuckled as she sat up on his lap and stretched dramatically letting out a loud yawn.

  “Why don’t you look for yourself,” he said pointing towards the nearest window.

  She leaned over and frowned. “I can tell we are over water, but I don’t have super human night vision like you, so that doesn’t really narrow it down for me much,” she said looking at him expectantly.

  When he didn’t respond, she slapped his shoulder playfully. “Ethan Kellar, if you don’t tell me where we are I am going to get off of this plane and book the first flight home,” she threatened, not at all seriously.

  He chuckled, then sighed with feigned defeat. “Very well, I have rented a secluded villa on a the beach. It is on an island, in the Bahamas. Eleuthera. It is a very good place for swimming with wild dolphins,” he said, eliciting a loud squeal from Alexa as she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely.

  When she started to pull away he gripped her waist tightly and yanked her back, growling possessively as he plundered her mouth with his skilled tongue.

  Alexa finally broke away, eliciting another growl from Ethan, and snapped her head up, completely breathless when she heard a small cough from behind Ethan. She looked up to see Allie, her eyes downcast and a slight blush on her cheeks.

  “I’m terribly sorry to disturb you, but we’ve landed and your driver is waiting,” she said quickly and turned back to the front cabin.


  When they stepped up to the door of their private villa, Alexa was practically humming with excitement and anticipation. She had always wanted to go on a tropical vacation, but not really having anyone to go with and having such a demanding job before she had Chloe, she had never made the time.

  The driver had gone in ahead and dropped off their luggage, while Ethan and Alexa looked around outside, before returning and passing the keys to Ethan. Alexa was about to walk through the door when Ethan hooked his arm around her waist and yanked her back.

  “Not so fast, Mrs. Kellar,” he said as he scooped her up with one arm behind her back and the other under her knees, “is it not tradition for a husband to carry his new wife over the threshold?” he said stepping into the large home.

  “Oops, sorry, I kind of forgot about that,” she said sheepishly as he set her down and kissed her forehead.

  She took a step forward, wanting to explore, but Ethan grabbed her arm lightly pulling her attention back to him. “Amor, please, do not make me wait any longer, I need you,” he pleaded, his hunger for her hitting her with such force her knees buckled slightly.

  And then there was nothing and no one that mattered but him as her own hunger flared and she went to him, putting her hand on the back of his neck to force him down as she lifted up on her toes and crushed her mouth to his.

  He growled in approval of her forcefulness and put his hands on her ass, pulling her up and she wrapped her legs around his hips.

  With his vampire speed, he moved them to the bedroom which the owner had decorated in anticipation of newlyweds occupying the space. There were red roses scattered on the floor and on the ivory comforter that covered the large canopied bed. A large portion of the floor was glass, yielding a softly lit view of the ocean floor below through crystal clear blue water.

  But they saw none of it in the frenzy of their need to be one, to complete the blood bond and belong to one another forever.

  Ethan pinned Alexa to the soft bed, pulling back just long enough to mumble something she couldn’t quite understand, the only word that reached her was “naked” and in one swift motion he tore both her tank top and bra open.

  Not wanting to be outdone, Alexa reached up and grabbed Ethan’s loose fitting button down shirt and ripped it apart sending buttons flying around the room. When she looked up at him she gasped seeing his eyes, which were glowing in the dim light, and his elongated fangs.

  A flicker of concern flashed through the hunger flooding his eyes and he fought to pull back and stand at the foot of the bed breathing heavily. He thought she was afraid of him, her fear the only thing that could temper the beast in that moment.

  Sensing his apprehension, she sat up slowly, never taking her eyes from his as she smiled seductively and peeled off the remnants of her shirt and bra before kicking off her sandals. She reached down and unbuttoned her denim shorts, slipped them down over her legs and tossed them onto the floor.

  She slid back on the bed to rest on the multitude of soft down pillows in only her lacy teal thong and crooked her finger at him, beckoning him to join her. He didn’t need much encouragement. Immediately, his shorts and shoes were off and flung somewhere across the room, but he remained standing where he was, trying to calm the beast inside him as he looked to her with his eyes full of torment.

  “I, I am struggling to stay in control. I am afraid I will be too rough, that I might hurt you,” he said casting his glance downward in shame.

  Alexa crawled across the bed and sat up on her knees, stopping just short to avoid actually touching his impressive length which was jutting out just below her ample breasts.

  She reached out with one hand and pushed him back, giving herself room to get off of the bed and stand in front of him. She walked into him,
forcing his hardness up against her stomach as she grabbed his face and looked into his eyes.


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