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The Carpenter

Page 5

by Ramona Gray

  “Holy shit, Rachel. I’m completely hetero and even I’m a little turned on by your tits right now.”

  “Shut up, Mads!” She blushed furiously and yanked her shirt closed.

  “That’s a gorgeous bra. Where’d you get it?”

  “I ordered it online.”

  “It’s sexy as hell. You’re like the total cliché of the librarian. You know that, right? All prim and proper on the outside and total slut under your clothes.”

  “I like pretty underwear, okay? It doesn’t make me a slut.”

  I grinned at her. “Nah, it doesn’t. But, if Ren could see what was under your shirt, he’d totally pop your cherry for you, no questions asked. In fact, come here.”

  “What?” She was reaching for the buttons on her shirt and I brushed her hands away.

  “Take off your shirt.” I started digging through the top drawer of my dresser.


  “Just do it. Put this on.”

  She slipped out of her shirt and took the shirt I gave her. She started to button it before shaking her head. “I can’t wear this. It’s too small. I’m like four sizes larger than you.”

  “It’s perfect,” I said.

  “I can’t even get it buttoned over my boobs!”

  She was tugging futilely at the edges of the shirt. She’d managed to do up the button across her tits, but it was straining to do its job.

  “That’s the point.”

  Rachel gave me a look of horror. “Are you kidding me? I can’t go to the bar like this. My tits are nearly falling out of my shirt.”

  I studied the deep v of her cleavage and her pale milky skin. “Just don’t run or jump up and down and you’ll be fine.”

  “The shirt is too tight, it shows off my gut.”

  “It shows off your gorgeous curves. Besides, with those boobs, no one is going to be looking at your stomach. I guarantee it. Are you going to wear your hair in the bun or should we see what it looks like down?”

  “No,” Rachel said. “I didn’t wash my hair this morning, so I can’t wear it down.”

  “Really?” I studied her hair. “Jesus, it looks good. I gotta wash my hair every day or it’s like a fucking oil bath on my scalp. Just take it down and see.”

  I reached for the two sticks that were somehow the only thing keeping Rachel’s long, thick hair in the bun.

  “No.” Rachel ducked away from me and gave me a stubborn look. “I’ll wear your too-small shirt but I’m keeping my hair up. My mom says it’s not a flattering look for me when I wear my hair down.”

  “Yeah, well your mom’s a bitch and we all know it.”

  Rachel didn’t reply, and I kissed her cheek. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You didn’t. I know what my mom is.”

  We were silent for a moment and then I put my arm around her and squeezed her tight. “You look beautiful, Rach. Now, let’s go drink, dance, and make our men insane with lust.”

  * * *

  “Sweetie, why don’t we just go home?” I gave Rachel a worried look.

  It was three hours later, and we were both standing in front of the sinks in the ladies’ room at Ren’s Bar.

  She shook her head and finished washing her hands. “No, I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine.”

  “I am.”

  “He’s an idiot, Rach.”

  She just shrugged, and I could see her blinking back the tears as she turned and reached for the paper towel.

  Much to my confusion, Ren had not only not been sucked in by Rachel’s gorgeous boobs, but he hadn’t even spared a single glance at her all night. I’d sent her up twice to get fresh drinks instead of waiting for Liz to serve us and each time Ren had sent Peter, the other bartender, over to help her.

  “Listen, why don’t we go back to my place and watch something loud and scary on Netflix. I’ll make popcorn and we’ll forget all about -”

  “No.” Rachel turned back and adjusted her boobs before smiling weakly at me. “It’s fine, Mads. Honest. It was stupid of me to think Ren might be interested in someone like me. Besides, Jacob hasn’t even shown up yet. If we leave now, you’ll never make him jealous enough to, uh, screw you tomorrow morning.”

  “I don’t care,” I said. “I’m not going to ask you to do something that makes you completely miserable.”

  “You’re not,” Rachel said. “We’d better get back out there. They’re waiting for us.”

  “They can wait a little longer.”

  “They” were Elliott and Richie. Two guys around our age and from the next town over. They had latched on to us about twenty minutes after we arrived at the bar. Elliott was polite and kind of funny and it was obvious that he wanted to take Rachel home and do naughty things to her. Richie was an asswipe with an ego bigger than the damn planet.

  My guy is kind of nice, right? Maybe I’ll take him home and get him to-to pop my cherry for me tonight.”

  I frowned at her. “Rach, don’t give it away to this guy just because he’s nice, okay? You’ve waited this long, there’s no reason to -”

  “Exactly,” Rachel reapplied her lip gloss, “I’ve waited too long and I’m tired of being a virgin.”

  “But Ren -”

  “What about him?” She gave me a sudden furious look. “He doesn’t want me and it’s stupid to wait to give my virginity to a guy who barely knows I exist. I’m glad your crush is working out for you, okay? I really am. But mine isn’t and it’s time I grew up and realized it.”


  She gave me another furious look before slumping against the counter. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” I gave her a quick side-hug. “I totally get it. It’s your body and your decision and if you want to take Elliott home tonight and hump his nice-guy brains out, I support you.”

  She smiled a little. “Your guy is kind of a douchebag, honey.”

  “I know, right? Richie is a real piece of work, but honestly, it makes it a little easier. He’s such an arrogant asshole that I don’t feel bad just using him to make Jacob jealous.”

  I squeezed her again. “Ready to go back out there?”


  Chapter Six


  “Hi, handsome.”

  “Hi, Liz.” I smiled politely at the dark-haired waitress. She had her hair in her usual pigtails and when she leaned down, I could see straight down her shirt. I kept my eyes on her face as a flash of disappointment crossed her face.

  She straightened and placed one hand on her hip. “What can I get you?”

  “Isn’t this Madison’s section?” Christ, did I have to sound so eager?

  “She’s not working tonight.”

  “What? She’s not here?” I gave Liz a look of confusion.

  “She’s here, just not working. What can I get you to drink?”

  “Uh, a beer. Whatever’s on tap.”

  “Coming right up.”

  Liz walked away, and I stared around the bar. What the hell was going on? Madison wasn’t working but she was at the bar? I didn’t see her, and I wondered for a minute if Liz was fucking with me.

  “Holy shit.” My gaze had landed on the hallway leading into the restrooms. Rachel Banks was walking out of the hallway and into the bar. Her hair was in its usual bun and she was wearing a long skirt, but her shirt was incredibly tight and showing off a generous amount of her large tits. My gaze automatically went to the bar.

  Maybe it was because I spent every Friday night in the damn bar, or maybe it was just because a man who had spent the last nine months lusting after a woman he could never have, recognized another asshole who was in the exact same fucked-up situation, but I knew that Ren wanted Rachel as much as I wanted Madison.

  Ren was staring at Rachel as she crossed the bar. I frowned in confusion. There was lust in Ren’s gaze, plenty of it, but it was almost overshadowed by anger. Why would he be angry? Why would he be –

  I forg
ot about Ren’s anger as I caught sight of Madison walking behind Rachel. All the blood in my head drained to my dick and it swelled with painful intensity. Her dark hair was down, and her shirt hugged her tits. She was wearing a short little skirt that barely covered her ass and showed off her smooth, pale legs. An image of those legs spread wide while I buried my face in her pussy, went through me and I groaned at the pressure in my jeans. Fuck, I was going to explode.

  I’d spent all week dreaming about Madison and wishing I could go to her. I had worked overtime at Eleanor’s, both in a bid to keep myself too busy to think about Maddie and to finish the job so I didn’t have to avoid Eleanor’s goddamn wandering hands and come up with excuse after excuse about why I couldn’t join her in her fucking bedroom. I had finished the job this afternoon, thank fucking Christ.

  Maddie and Rachel sat down at their table and I suddenly understood Ren’s anger. I was immediately filled with the same anger when I saw the pimple-faced kid put his arm around my woman. Another dark-haired guy was grinning at Rachel, his gaze practically glued to her tits, but I didn’t spare a thought for Ren or his rage. My own rage was threatening to spill out and send me on a rampage that would end with me kicking the shit out of a kid decades younger than me.

  I tried to breathe deep but when the guy started to lean toward Madison, I was up and out of my seat. Before I could stomp over there, Liz was standing in front of me.

  “Here’s your drink, sweetheart.” She set it on the table.


  She smiled expectantly at me and I yanked my wallet from my pocket and handed her a ten. “Keep the change.”

  “Why, thanks, big guy. Hey, what are you doing later tonight? You want to get a drink after my shift?” She smiled again at me and I bared my teeth at her.

  “Not fucking interested, Liz. Leave.”

  She took a step back. “You don’t have to be a dick about it.”

  I ignored her, and my big hands clenched into fists when she finally left and I could see the empty table where Mads had been sitting. I looked around the bar frantically. Ren was already out from behind the bar and I strode across the room, following him to the small dance floor.

  Dimly I was aware of Ren pushing the dark-haired guy away from Rachel and taking her by the arm, but most of my concentration was on Madison and the pimply dick holding her way too tight as they danced.

  I stood behind Madison and glared at the guy. “Get lost, asshole.”

  “Who the fuck are you?” The kid gave me a look that was supposed to scare me.

  I laughed in his face. “Get. Lost.”

  “You know this guy?” He asked Madison and she nodded. “Tell him to fuck off then. We’re dancing.”

  “Last chance, dickhead. Take your hands off of her.”

  “What if I don’t?”

  Madison squirmed out of his grip and put her arm around my waist. “C’mon, Jacob, let’s go.”

  The guy glared at her. “Are you fucking kidding me? You’ve been wagging your ass and pussy at me all night and now you’re just going to -”

  “You need to shut the fuck up right now.” My voice wasn’t loud, but the kid took one look at my face and stepped back.

  “Fuck this shit. Elliott, get your whore and let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Madison turned to the dark-haired guy, her body tensing. “Where’s Rachel? What did you do with Rachel?”

  I put my arm around her and squeezed her hip. “She’s with Ren.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” I nodded toward the hallway where Rachel was just disappearing with Ren into his office.

  “Okay.” Madison’s body sagged with relief as Elliott rolled his eyes and followed his buddy off the dance floor.

  Without speaking, I pulled Madison into my arms. I couldn’t dance worth shit but I could at least fucking sway to the music. Madison put her arms around my shoulders and smiled up at me.


  “What are you doing, Madison?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You show up at the bar in a skirt that barely covers your ass, hell, half the guys in here have probably seen your goddamn panties, and you’re flirting and dancing with some asshole.”

  “One – I’m not wearing panties so there’s no way anyone’s seen them and – oh, hello Mr. Jacob.”

  I growled at her as she rubbed against my obvious erection. “Stop it. And don’t you dare leave the house again without panties. Do you hear me?”

  “I’m wearing a bra,” she said with a sassy grin.

  I bit the inside of my cheek to stop from returning her grin. “I mean it, Madison. You wear your fucking panties whenever you leave the house.”

  “Why? What’s the big deal?”

  “Because I don’t want anyone seeing what’s -”

  Shit. I couldn’t say it. Not to her.

  “Seeing what’s yours?” She smiled at me and rubbed the back of my neck with her soft hand. “Is that what you were going to say?”


  “Liar.” She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her mouth against my ear. I should have been pushing her away, but instead I just held her tighter against me.

  She kissed my earlobe before licking the curve of it. “My pussy is yours, Jacob.”

  “It isn’t.” My voice was hoarse, on the breaking point of need.

  “It is. Only yours. I’m never going to let anyone else fuck my little pussy but you. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Don’t say that, baby.”

  “It’s true. I’ll wait for you forever, if I have to.”


  “Take me home, Jacob,” she whispered into my ear. “Take me home so I can fuck you. It’s what we both want. What we both need. Isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” I was helpless to resist her. Helpless to ignore my need for her.

  She kissed my cheek and took a step back. I immediately missed her softness and her warmth. She took my hand and we were halfway across the bar when she stopped.

  “What’s wrong?” I was suddenly afraid she’d changed her mind.

  “Rachel. I need to tell her I’m leaving with you or she’ll be worried.” She turned and, still holding my hand, marched toward Ren’s office. I followed her like an obedient puppy. Hell, I’d have been surprised if my tongue wasn’t hanging out. I was pretty sure that half the goddamn patrons in the bar were staring at us and I didn’t give a fuck.

  We walked down the hallway and Madison was just about to knock on Ren’s door when the distinct sound of a woman moaning came drifting out of his office. She stared up at me and we both leaned a little closer. There was more moaning and the gasps of a woman on the edge of her orgasm. The low sound of Ren’s voice was too quiet to understand. The higher pitch of Rachel’s was perfectly understandable.

  “No one fucks me, but you, Ren.”

  “Holy shit,” Mads whispered. “Is that -”

  She was cut off by the unmistakable cries of a woman cumming, and cumming pretty fucking hard from the sounds of it. My cock hardened again. Soon it would be my woman making those noises as I fucked her over and over again.

  “Jacob?” The look on Maddie’s face was kind of adorable. “Did Rachel just…”

  “Have an orgasm?”

  She nodded, and I grinned at her. “Yeah, sounded like it to me. C’mon, this isn’t the time to interrupt. You can text her.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Madison was still staring at the door and she said almost absently, “That sounded like a really good one.”

  I tapped her on the ass and leaned down to suck on her earlobe. “Get your sweet ass in my truck and I’ll take you home and give you a dozen of those really good ones.”

  “Promise?” She said breathlessly.


  “Can I sit on your face?” She gave me a sweet little smile and I almost came in my pants.

  “Fuck. Yes, you can sit on my face. Now let’s go before I push you up ag
ainst the wall and Rachel gets to hear what you sound like when you’re cumming.”

  “Yes, Jacob.”

  I grinned at her and we walked quickly out of the bar and into the cool night air. We were at my truck and I was unlocking the door when Mads made a low gasp.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Rachel.”

  I followed her gaze. Rachel was hurrying to her car. Her hair was down, and I was surprised to see it hung nearly to her waist. I’d never seen her hair down before.

  “Give me one minute, okay?” Madison said.

  I nodded and waited for her at the truck as she hurried across the parking lot to Rachel. I watched the two women talk. After nearly five minutes, Madison hugged Rachel and the curvier woman climbed into her car. She drove away as Madison walked back to me.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I think so.” Madison was chewing on her bottom lip and I squeezed her hand.

  “If you need to be with your friend tonight, I understand.”

  She smiled at me. “Thank you, but Rachel said she wanted to be alone.”

  “Did Ren…”

  She hesitated and then said, “Rachel’s, um, a virgin and Ren knew it somehow. I guess he went all alpha male and told her that her cherry belonged to him and she wasn’t allowed to let another guy even touch her. They didn’t fuck or anything, but he made her cum.”

  “So, why is she leaving?” I asked.

  She said he went all weird as soon as she climaxed and told her that she should leave.”

  “He’s older than her, maybe the age difference is freaking him out.”

  She gave me a wry look. “Not that big of an age difference and besides, just because it’s your personal hang-up, doesn’t mean it’s Ren’s.”

  “Are you sure you still want to do this?” I asked.

  She ran her hand over my flat stomach and my cock surged against my jeans. “Are you trying to get out of your promise to let me sit on your face, Jacob?”

  “No,” I said. “But -”

  “Then take me home so you can eat my pussy.”

  I unlocked the truck and lifted her into it.

  “You should know that I might ruin your seats,” she said when I slid behind the wheel. “Between listening to Ren make Rachel cum and knowing that you’re going to eat my pussy, I’m soaking wet.”


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