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Love's Joy

Page 35

by Emil Toth

  “Not ordinarily. Enlightenment takes dedication to the spiritual practices I outlined for you.

  “Is enlightenment your goal?”

  “I must say no. My goal is to love Creator every moment of the day. Beyond this singular goal I do have others. I sense a need to help people evolve in consciousness and love. I sense this same need in you, Moshe. When you return to your people humbly serve your people. They will notice your growth, love and sensitivity. They shall welcome your new insights. I know you have suffered great losses in the past and it devastated you. I urge you to remember you are not your memories. They are there for you to use as stepping stones to freedom and a new awareness.”

  “When you sense you are in the Presence, what is going on inside you?

  “The moment a benediction envelopes me, I am in a profound peace, a deep stillness and immense love.”

  “You have mentioned your will and Beloved’s is the same. Does it mean you are a co-creator?”

  “No. At some levels of consciousness it appears as if it is happening. This is because your mind activates consciousness into creation and consciousness is Beloved. In enlightenment you know you are doing nothing and Beloved is doing everything. Everything is Beloved’s play. Everything is Beloved.”

  “With everything you have shared with me about enlightenment, it seems you are.”

  Kaathi’s eyes twinkled. “You are gracious to include me as an enlightened person. I chose not to judge, if I am or am not. I have had moments of exalted bliss, where all body functions ceased. It was in these states the breadth and depth of Beloved’s love was beyond any other experience I ever had. Time as we know it was also suspended.”

  “Are you saying you did not breathe and your heart did not beat?”


  “It is incredible. You broke so many of man’s concepts of how we are able to stay alive. Is your mind or intelligence expanded?”

  “It appears everything is available with the proper focus.”

  “Can you give me an example of how a person would go about attaining enlightenment in non-spiritual terms?”

  “I believe I can. First you need to understand everything you do is spiritual. We cannot escape being spiritual beings. It is from spirit we have our expression and existence.

  “I will answer you in societal terms. I will use a theoretical woman in my examples. There are usually three areas a woman needs to attain before she can enfold enlightenment. The first area concerns a sense of security, comfort and having her basic needs provided such as food and shelter. The villages have ratified the peace treaty thus providing her with a secure future free from the devastation of war. She and other people have gathered together for security since beginning of recorded history. There is strength and security in numbers. It is a basic need of the first area. So long as there is sufficient rain, the river provides water to drink for her and her livestock and to use in the irrigation of crops. She can also eat the fish in the river. In this area she and others must feel comfortable about their environment and be protected from predators.

  “With those stipulations from the first area taken care of, she can proceed to the second area of need. It is based upon emotional and psychological stability and is a major step toward the peace of mind needed to move to the next area. By introducing the Relationship Sessions to her, she will come to understand how important her relationships are with friends, family and spouse. Learning ways and techniques to promote well rounded relationships presents a sense of accomplishment. She no longer needs to lash out in anger at a friend’s response. Instead she can breathe deeply and endeavor to understand the underlying reason for her reaction. Was it her friend’s words or something said by someone in her past brought forth her reaction? Once she acquires the exact knowledge, she can act with the appropriate sensitivity to defuse the situation within herself or her friend. Such emotional and psychological stability in relationships is as necessary as breathing. Loving and caring relationships relieve stress and provide a nurturing atmosphere for her and everyone involved. Woven into this fabric of awareness is the ability to forgive past and current offenses.

  “Securing her emotional stability she can move to the third and most crucial area of development. It is her ability to reach her potential in relation to herself and others in her society. The Spiritual Awakening Services are especially helpful to those arriving at this plateau of consciousness. This includes utilizing and satisfying her creative nature. By reaching her potential, she can achieve a sense of accomplishment through helpfulness and volunteering on a personal or a societal level. At this level of consciousness, she is confident in herself and is closely aligned with the purpose of life and Beloved. It is at this point in her progression she is able to love fully, freely and confidently, knowing it is the purpose of life. At this point, even if she is an atheist, she will evolve and realize there is a Divine Power giving substance to creation.

  “I believe all of the tribes, villages, kingdoms and nations I know of are psychologically and spiritually emerging and are providing the fertile landscape for our hypothetical woman to attain enlightenment.”

  Moshe tucked the information away in his memory and continued his inquiry. “When Mother Earth was populated by millions or billions of people was there a corresponding number of enlightened souls?”

  Kaathi minutely nodded her head. “I believe so. I think they were scattered around the world and present in all capacities of governing bodies, education, the arts, religion and philosophy. After attaining enlightenment, they may abandon what they were doing and seek a solitary life or they may continue in some way to help humanity in a variety of ways outside of their original chosen endeavor.”

  “Were I alive during those times, how would I know them? What would be the indicators I would look for?”

  “Hmm, they would be accomplishing great tasks using wisdom and example and not by coercion. They would not control people they would accept criticism and allow you freedom of thought, and would abandon their idea in favor of yours, if yours had more merit. An enlightened person would respect you not demean or belittle you. He or she would be an example of inclusiveness and not be divisive or exclusive and would work to expand your knowledge not hinder it. The person would be tolerant and understanding as he or she guided you along your determined path of fulfillment in the areas of justice, equality, freedom and spirituality.”

  “I would like to get off the subject of enlightenment, if you do not mind.”

  “I do not.”

  “Why did you take all those dangerous trips?”

  “Love motivated me in taking the trips. I sensed some people needed to make the trips with me. I knew I would meet people in need of growing spiritually and help them.”

  “Would you have made the trips for your own benefit?”

  “No. What I am searching for is within me and to answer your next question, yes it is Beloved.”

  Moshe grinned.

  “Everyone I have spoken to says you are the best healer the village has ever had. Is it because you are enlightened?”

  “I do believe the more spiritual and devoted to healing you are the better healer you will be.”

  “Have you ever been sick?”


  “Will you die from an illness?”

  “Of course. This physical body will have served its usefulness and it will cease functioning, afterwards I will exist in a non-physical form and continue to learn about love, consciousness and creation, while experiencing Beloved.”

  “Are there precepts you have urged your apprentices to follow I can follow?”

  “Indeed, I have. It has guided me on my journey of discovery. Many great mystics have shared this wisdom in the past. Keep these thoughts in your heart. Forgive everyone who has injured you, so you can help others to forgive. Where people find doubt, show the strength of your faith. Wherever others find falsehood, reveal the truth. Whoever is in pain, give them comfort. If anyone has lived in
silence, sing them Beloved’s praise. Where people live in despair, give them hope. If anyone has lived in darkness, bring them light. If they profess hatred, shower them with your love. Above all, always be an instrument of peace.”


  Moshe sat across from Kaathi at Batu’s meditation tree. It had been days since he had her all to himself. For many cycles of the moon, he had affectionately called her Dear One. It was in response to all the love and attention she had showered on him. They had finished meditating and he needed to share what was in his heart before he left for his home village.

  “The time has come for me to return home. I want to thank you for accepting me without hesitation into your inner circle. Thank you for helping me achieve union with my Beloved. Our friendship and what I have learned has been rewarding beyond my wildest expectations. I owe you so much Dear One. I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. Alas I am driven to return to my home to share what I have learned. I hope you are not disappointed with me leaving.”

  Kaathi reached out and laid her hands on Moshe’s, while sending him love. “How could I ever be disappointed with you? You have loved me and blessed me with your presence and yearning to understand your connection to Beloved. By telling me you want to share what we have discussed in private and what you have learned at the Relationship Sessions and the Spiritual Awakening Services, I know you shall be a powerful instrument of peace in your village.

  “I have encouraged others to share what they have learned, but you, Moshe, are the first to set out to be the instrument of peace without my asking. Changing the viewpoint and attitude of people is why we created the Relationship Sessions and the Spiritual Awakening Services. You have seen how the sessions and services impact people’s lives. You are going to be a marvelous representative in your mission to help your people understand the goodness of the sessions and the sacredness of the services. Through those gatherings and the witness of your experiences with Beloved, they will reap the benefits of you being an instrument of peace.”

  Moshe nodded moved by her praise. “If I am a worthy instrument of peace, it is because of you Dear One. You have opened your heart and soul to me. You have not held back your wealth of spiritual knowledge and experiences. Doing it has meant the world to me. It showed me I cannot hold back anything to those in my village with a desire to know the truth and know Beloved.”

  “As you share your understanding, Moshe, be aware there might be one or a few with a deeper desire to know the truth and driven to be in union with Beloved. Take them under your wing and guide them more intimately, for they will be the ones to help you teach others longing for the truth.”

  “I will Dear One.”

  “Do not be surprised if women will accept your understanding of the truth quicker than men. Women are heart oriented and men are head oriented. Men will readily change, if they have had military experiences similar to yours.”

  Moshe knew a few of his soldiers who exhibited signs they had enough of the terrors of war. He made a mental note to contact them upon his return.

  “I wanted to tell you of my intention to leave before I said anything to the others.”

  “I appreciate it. I think the next time we gather as a group it would be appropriate to let them know.”

  He looked at the mystic. “Are you ever going to journey to Delta Nation?”

  Kaathi smiled. “The future unveils in surprising ways.”

  “Yes it does. Whichever way it unfolds, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your love and friendship. I was pleasantly surprised and thankful at how generously you shared your knowledge and experiences.”

  The next morning Kaathi, Ashlee, Scarlet, Jacob, Keri, Janos, Sharika, Marie, Mara, Kacy and Moshe assembled at Taja’s meditation site. The Great Sun was warming the air. A gentle breeze moved over the distinguished group, providing them with an assortment of scents from blooming flowers and decaying plants and leaves. They concluded their meditation, and Moshe cleared his throat to get the attention of everyone.

  “I spoke to Kaathi yesterday and let her know I am going to return home. Most likely it will be tomorrow. I have been blessed to have Kaathi and you as my teachers. I am grateful for your patience. I know I have asked a great deal of questions.” He paused, looked at Ashlee and smiled. “Not as many as Ashlee, but her circumstance dictated most of them.

  “Since I mentioned Ashlee let me start with you and express some of the things I have noticed about you. Almost any woman appreciates being told she is lovely and you my dear are lovely of face. Having had a few chances to talk with you, I found you also have a lovely personality and a great love for Beloved. After all you have suffered at the hands of the mutants, you are a perfect example of forgiveness for people to follow, and I shall endeavor to be as forgiving.

  “Scarlet, we have gypsies living in my village. You, my dear, have their free spirit. It is easy to see you as part of the King Edmund’s Armada. In my estimation, you would have done anything to have a chance to see Jacob. You have a tenacity about you few others have. An outstanding characteristic about you is your bewitching eyes. I have often succumb to them, and were you not married, I would pursue you until you were mine.”

  Moshe looked at Jacob. “I apologize if I offended you.”

  “You have not.” Jacob smiled at Scarlet. “Her eyes bewitched me the moment I first saw her in Homar.”

  “Jacob, it would have been an honor to serve at your side in any military engagement. Kahali is in your hands and they are secure. Over the two years I have lived here, I saw you serve admirably on the council with integrity and intelligence. There is no finer example of a man being strong when needed and gentle when needed. I fully understand why Kaathi selected you to be by her side on the adventures she has taken.

  “I want to give praise to you, Keri. You are a ground breaker in Kahali society. You may not have been as driven spiritually but you have all the magnificent qualities of the spiritually driven. You may not have been as vocal and persistent as Batu, but you are a ground breaker. You took two women into your home and it speaks profoundly of your character, strength, love and confidence. The few times I had the privilege of talking with you, it reinforced my opinion of you. You proved to me that you do not have to be spiritually driven to be a wonderful person.

  “The quality and intelligence of healers determines the physical health of a community. Kahali is blessed by three such healers. The all-encompassing body-mind-soul approach to helping sick people is proving to be the best approach. The body-mind-soul method is an outstanding one, and Marie, you are an outstanding healer. Marie, I have seen you exhibit confidence time and again in your dealing with the sick. The Kahali are fortunate they have you as their healer.

  “Mara, you have gone to the Land of No Shadows for me on two occasions. On the second one, I forgot to inform you that you might encounter individuals still at odds with me. You met them and defused the situation without any problem. I apologize again for having forgotten to tell you about the men.

  “I was always interested in your lack of hair and small stature. To your credit you answered all my questions about yourself with dignity and calm. It is a shame your village was not led by you so they could evolve. I am happy you found Coloma to fall in love with. He is a fortunate man to have you bestow your love on him.

  “Janos, it has been my pleasure to be your friend. I have enjoyed our hunts and talks. I have never known anyone to turn my sour disposition into a sweet one in the span of a few breaths. I shall remember our easy banter and jokes and smile with their recollection. In chatting with your children, I have noticed they have your gift for making people smile. It is a marvelous trait and rarely passed down from parent to child. Of course in getting along with people, it helps a great deal that your daughter is as beautiful as her mother.

  “Sharika, there are two stories in my village relating tales of women from the land of the Amazon River. This race of women were the warriors and the m
en were the child caretakers. If the tales are true, you are the perfect representation of the Amazonians. You are strong physically and mentally and possess a set of ethics few others can claim. I am proud the Kahali people have recognized your qualities and created stories recounting your prowess. Janos told me you turned down a marriage proposal from Prince Zach. I think you would have been a marvelous asset as a princess.

  “Kacy, Kacy, Kacy. Your ability to read energy lights around us is legendary. You also have stories about you as has everyone here. None of us can hide anything from you and yet you love us. You have learned a great deal from Kaathi and the others. You have been very patient with me and all the questions I put to you about what you see represented in the lights around us. I have tried to keep things hidden from you and they proved unsuccessful. You have made me better because I could not hide anything from you. It is a good thing all of us do not have this capability, otherwise we would be at one another’s throats.

  “I saved you for last Kaathi. I am certain everyone here knows what I am going to say, but I shall say it anyway. I nearly lost my mind along with my arm and life on a battlefield. As I lie recuperating, I knew I survived because there was something I needed to do. During my time alone, I often prayed I would meet someone like you. My prayers manifested dreams about you time and again. Meeting you has tremendously enriched my life. You guided me to experience my Beloved. I never dreamed I would be graced and have a spiritual experience with my Beloved. When I am back in my village, and I am under starry skies, awaiting sleep, I shall tremble and weep, remembering my experiences with you and wish with all my heart I could have stayed to have more.”

  Moshe bowed his head. “It has been a blessing to love all of you.”

  Kaathi responded, “I know I speak for all of us when I say it has been a pleasure to share our lives with you and receive your love. You have learned how important it is to have a sense of expectancy and anticipation, so expect the people of your village to accept your good news and brave new thoughts about love and Beloved, and you will succeed. You have cultivated the correct attitude and walked the path of love during your stay with us. Rest assured your loving countenance shall draw people to you and they shall feel your goodness. And remember Beloved is always with you.”


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