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MIKE: Defenders MC

Page 5

by Anderson, Amanda

  “How is she gonna do that?”

  “She might know somethin’.”

  “Yeah ‘cause I’m sure the Defenders tell their kids everything they’re into.” Mike rolled his eyes. “That’s fucking stupid.”

  “Shut the fuck up! I wasn’t finished!” Dax raged and Marty flinched.

  Mike shrugged, but Marty felt the tension rolling off him. “You stick your dick in her and I swear I’ll cut it off.” He met Dax’s eyes without fear. “That’s a promise.”

  “I’m not fucking her. She’s all yours, but I am gonna make her bleed. I’m gonna make them both bleed and then I’ll get my answers.”

  Dax grabbed Marty and pulled her out of the room. She knew Mike followed, but she also knew they would kill him if he tried to interfere. They would hurt her and he would have to let them. She had to stay strong. She couldn’t tell them anything. She would stay strong and he would let her cry later. She told herself this as she was led back to the basement and secured to the same chair she had been liberated from days before. She would be back in his arms later and he would tell her that she was safe again and make her believe him. She could survive this.

  She couldn’t stand the thought of not being given back to Mike at the end of this. She wouldn’t consider it. He had become her haven in this madness and she needed him to heal her soul when it was all over.

  She found Dax and shivered when he smiled at her. The slap took her by surprise and she cried out.

  “Tell me all about the Defenders.”

  “I don’t know anything.” She said around the lump in her throat.

  Another slap.

  “Tell me all you do know.”

  “They are a motorcycle gang.”

  This time he closed his fist and Marty was sure her eyeball had exploded.

  “Motorcycle club you worthless cunt.” Dax corrected. “Tell me more.”

  “They live somewhere up north.” She cringed, but he didn’t strike her. She figured he had held back because she’d expected it.


  “I really don’t know anything.”

  This time the blow was hard enough to send the chair over on its side. Marty hit the ground hard on her shoulder and hip and the pain almost burned her alive.

  “Who is your daddy?”

  “Ace Hulsey.”

  The chair was jerked back up.

  The rest of the questions made no sense to her. They asked her about several of the brothers and she answered honestly because she didn’t know anything. They seemed interested in Spec, but she didn’t know anything they asked. Their questions made him seem like and evil mastermind and she couldn’t wait to tell him that. She wanted to laugh for half a second until Dax hit her again.

  Dax paced the room like a caged animal. He was furious and had taken that fury out on her body. She had met Mike’s eyes twice, but he had looked away. She knew she shouldn’t seek comfort from him, but she was weak.

  “Where is he? Get that son of a bitch in here right fucking now.”

  Marty heard a shuffle and a low cry, but she couldn’t focus on anything but the pain. There was nothing but pain now.

  “Stop! Just fucking stop Dax. This is on me. She is innocent.”

  Marty tried to focus. She knew that voice… Harper.

  Her vision sharpened and she took in his appearance. He had been badly beaten and was bleeding from several gashes she could see through his ripped clothes. What the hell was going on?

  She looked to Mike again, but he was staring at Harper with hate in his eyes and that just made Marty more afraid. Things had gotten out of control and she was caught in the middle of it all.

  “Put him in a chair and let’s see if he talks now.” Dax said coldly and Harper started to struggle.

  “Let her go Dax. She’s innocent.” Harper pleaded.

  “Not anymore little brother.” Dax grinned and Harpers heartbroken gaze met hers.

  “You’re a monster Dax. You fucking pig! This is nothing but a shithole full of pigs!”

  Dax’s fist landed in the middle of Harper’s face and caused his nose to gush. The bright red flow made the man look like a horror movie gone wrong, but Marty couldn’t look away. He met her eyes and tried to give her a smile. The smile was just as sweet as it had been the first time she had seen him at the diner, if a little gorier.

  “I’m so sorry Marty. I never meant for any of this to fall to you.”

  “I know that Harper.” Her voice was nothing but a whisper and when she dropped her eyes she saw the blood that soaked his hand where it lay on the arm of the chair. They had tortured him. He was missing fingernails and the first joint of his pinky finger. How could they have done this and what would they do to her?

  Her attention shot to Dax when he laughed.

  “How sweet. Now let’s see how tough you are when it’s her fingers being broken you bastard.”

  Marty’s hands were tied to the arms of her chair and she screamed when the guy with the skull tattoo stepped up and grabbed her hand. Her little finger was bent back until she heard it snap. Pain exploded in her hand and she cried out again.

  She heard words… “Defenders…had to…money…forced…no choice…”

  Harper babbled. She wondered if they were hurting him too as she felt another snap. She wanted to scream for Mike to help her, but her voice wouldn’t work. She kept hearing a high-pitched scream and wondered if that could possibly be her voice.

  She seemed to float. She felt a fingernail being ripped from its base, but she couldn’t feel anything different. She was surrounded by pain as if submerged in it somehow and adding more made no difference. She thought of drowning in the ocean and Dax pouring buckets of water in on top of what had already claimed her.

  She let the pain surround her, claim her, hold her in its embrace until it became darkness and dissolved.


  Mike knew he would be dead before morning if he made a move, but it was all he could do to stand there and watch Marty taking a beating, taking the torture this sick bastard was dealing out, but she would heal from this. It was better than what could have been done. She could take a beating, but he still hated watching it. He knew it was weak, but he couldn’t meet her eyes when she sought him out. He left her to bear this alone and he hated himself for it. He should have held her eye if only to show her he believed in her, but he had looked away.

  He tried to reach out when the chair toppled over, but he couldn’t save her from the fall and the unconsciousness was probably a blessing at this point.

  He stood and listened as this evil bastard screamed at Harper and threatened horrible things. He knew his time was up. He should have tried to get Marty free of this shit hole already, but he had somehow been enjoying having her to himself and Spec had told him to wait. Now it was too late and he wasn’t sure he could do it.

  “Get me a fucking phone with that piece of shit defenders asshole on the fucking line! Now!”

  Dax was handed a phone.

  “I’ve got a little bitch here for you.”

  He listened and Mike assumed it was Prech who spoke.

  “I will let the brothers have her if don’t do what the fuck I say! I swear to you I will send her back in pieces!” He listened. “Fuck you, you piece of trash! He wouldn’t dare tell you fuckers anything. How bad do you want this little cunt back?”

  He held the phone out to Marty and pulled her hair until she made a sound that was more moan than anything else. Mike hated the way her eyes rolled around in her head. He was starting to really worry.

  Dax listened and flung a few more insults before he named his price. His grin was one of an insane man as he disconnected and threw the phone against the wall and it shattered.

  “They agreed to meet us. They want that little bitch bad. We get the cash and then I want her brains splattered all over those mother fuckers! I want you to do it Nix. You shoot that little bitch or I shoot you. Preach says Harper talked and her brains are his punishm
ent. She is too damned valuable to keep around. Those fuckers could use her and make my own damned blood a fucking rat!”

  He drew back and slapped Harper across the face.

  “Too valuable. Stupid bitch!”

  “You got it Dax.” Mike said as he shrugged. The man had lost his shit over this. What the hell had Preach been thinking to say that shit? Did he want to get Marty killed?

  The thought struck him hard. Preach had a beef with Ace and it all seemed smoothed over now, but what if Preach was getting pay back somehow? Mike hated the idea. He respected Preach more than any man alive and he couldn’t stand to think that he would do something like this, but there didn’t seem to be another option. Preach had bated Dax and he’d had to know it would be harder on Marty.

  “She stays in your fucking bed too. You make her hurt. You fucking make her bleed. I want to hear her fucking screaming! Want that sound in my head when I go to sleep at night. Fucking lullabye.”

  “You got it Dax.”

  Mike untied Marty and carried her to his bedroom. He had to get her out of there tonight and he might have to do it without help. He reached into his pocket and hit a button on a tiny device that stayed hidden among the spare change and shit he carried. It was like a panic button. It let the brothers know they had run out of time. They had.

  He laid Marty on his bed and tried to clean her wounds. She was badly bruised, but he didn’t dare leave her to get ice. He cleaned and inspected her cuts and decided she didn’t need stitches. He felt along her body and sighed when he found she didn’t have any broken bones other than her poor fingers. Her shoulder and hip were turning black and he knew they would hurt like hell when she woke up, but she was alive and he was damned well going to keep her that way. He didn’t know what to do about her fingers, but he tried to straighten them and found an old bandage in his sock drawer. He bound her hand and used his toothbrush to try to keep everything straight. He had no idea what he was doing, but he hoped he wasn’t making it all worse.

  He cursed Spec for allowing her to be taken and cursed himself for not getting her the hell out of there when he had the chance. He buried his hands in his hair and tried to take deep breaths. He had to stay calm.

  “Marty. Wake up. I need you to wake the fuck up now.”

  She stirred and her eyes flew open. She searched the room as she tried to inch up the bed. Pain and fear clouded her beautiful dark eyes and almost crippled Mike.

  “Shh. It’s ok. You’re safe for now.”

  She shook her head. “He will…. He will let them all…” She was shaking her head and tears bled from her eyes.

  “No. Marty, no.”

  She wrapped around him when he got close and Mike felt like the lowest kind of man.

  “Please. Please do it. Before he can. Please.” Marty sobbed.

  “What are you talking about sweetheart?” She wasn’t making any sense. Was she asking him to kill her?

  “Fuck me. Just do it. I can’t let them take that from me.”

  Mike knew he looked at her like she was crazy. She was hysterical. She was definitely in shock. His body wanted to argue with him though and when she started throwing her clothes to the floor he was finding it hard to argue with her logic. She was the only woman that had stirred him since she had doused him with that damned glass of water the first day she came to the compound.

  “This isn’t right Marty. I will get you out of here. Let me get you home. You don’t have to do this.”

  She was shaking her head as she slid into his lap. “I want this. Please Mike. Let me give this to you. Don’t let them take it.”

  His body was as hard as a spike, but he still couldn’t do this. She slid off his lap and tugged his shirt off and he let her. Then she went for his pants and he let her do that too. He kept his eyes on hers and even though one of hers was swelling she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. His mind drifted back to the first time he had seen her. She had been wearing a tight little tank top and a pair of soft cotton shorts that were way too short and he had liked them just fine. He had lost a part of himself to that spunky girl and he hadn’t found a way to get it back. He would have gladly tumbled that girl if she had given him even a hint of interest, but not this one. Not this scared shell of a woman who just wanted to give herself to someone before her choice was taken from her.

  “Marty, don’t do this. You will hate me for letting you. Please, just lay down and get some sleep and I promise if you still want this in two hours when I wake you up then we will talk about it, but I won’t do this to you, I can’t.”

  She slapped him before she met his shocked eyes and for the first time in days he saw fire burning in those dark depths.

  “I will hate you if you let them take this from me. I know I can’t fight them. I know I can’t get away, but I can make damned sure they don’t get to take this from me. I get to give it away and I want to give it to you. Don’t treat me like a kid and don’t treat me like I’m going to break.” She spread her arms wide. “I’m already broken!”

  “That’s bullshit and we both know it. You aren’t broken and I’d be the last man you chose if you had a choice.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” There was determination warring with the fear in her eyes now. The determination of a woman who had been told no and wanted to prove to the world that she wasn’t taking it. “I want you Mike.”

  “How the fuck can you be turned on right now?” He knew he shouldn’t have, but he was desperate to stop her before his control slipped.

  “Because I’m alive.”

  She slid back into his lap and he pulled her close. He tasted her lips and the slight twinge of her blood, but it couldn’t cool his desire for her. She started moving against him and he knew he needed to help her or she wouldn’t be ready for him. He couldn’t stand the thoughts of hurting her.

  He turned and pressed her against the mattress. “Let me get you ready baby. Let me make it good for you if you are determined to do this. No more pain tonight. No more pain ever.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her. “Tell me to stop.”

  She shook her head.

  “Tell me to stop. You’re not thinking right now.”

  “I am.”

  “If you change your mind I’ll stop. Just say stop.” Mike knew it would probably kill him, but he would not hurt her. He knew she was likely riding on adrenaline now, but she was going to be hurting in a little while.

  Her ran his hand over her belly and gently caressed her thigh. He felt her muscles tense and looked up at her face. She gave him a shy smile, but nodded.

  “I think I’m nervous.” Her voice wobbled and Mike knew he was lost to this girl. Just like that the horrors faded and they were just a guy and a girl trying to figure out how to be with each other.

  Mike looked down her body. “I am too if we’re being honest. Damn Marty, you’re perfect.” He sighed and lowered his head to rest on her chest. “I wish…”

  She wrapped her arms around him. “Don’t.” Then she pulled him close for a kiss.

  He touched and kissed every inch of her body trying to kiss away the hurt as he prepared her for his possession. He pushed her thighs wide and knelt between them. He let his eyes meet hers before they made their way down to the pink flesh glistening before him. She was ready.

  “Are you sure Marty? We can’t undo this once it’s done and I can’t ever forget it.” He wasn’t sure she understood what he meant until he met her eyes. “I won’t ever forget this.”

  “I’m sure.”

  Mike saw part of what he was feeling mirrored in her eyes and he didn’t need anything else. He positioned himself at her opening and slowly pressed forward. She was so tight it was almost painful. Her eyes screwed shut and he felt her undamaged hand on his shoulder. He almost pulled back, but she wrapped her legs around him and forced him deeper. He watched her face for signs of pain and saw it when he pressed against her barrier.


o it.”

  He kept his eyes on her face as he drew back a little and then pushed all the way in until her was fully seated inside her body. Her eyes opened wide as he broke through and her mouth let a silent scream pass her lips, but she made no sound. Tears tracked down her temples to her ears and Mike stayed frozen inside of her.

  “Please move.” She said in a voice that sounded like sandpaper.

  “I’m so sorry.” Mike started to pull away, but Marty wrapped her arms around him.

  “Just move. Make me forget. Take me away from here.”

  Mike couldn’t believe it. He had thought she had meant for him to get off of her, but she wanted him to continue. He began to move his hips and felt her hold on him tighten. She began to make little sounds that told him she was enjoying what he was doing. Mike lost himself in her warmth. He had never felt anything like Marty. She was bewitching him and he didn’t want to stop her. He never wanted to stop.

  All too soon he felt himself nearing his end.

  “I need to pull out Marty, I’m not wearing a condom.”

  “No. Chances are, I’ll be dead tomorrow anyway. I want to feel it. Let me have you Mike. Let me feel what it’s like to belong to someone.”

  Mike couldn’t deny her. He slammed into her twice more and felt his body turn inside out as he spilled inside of her. Her felt her tighten around him as she found her own release, milking his seed from his body. He collapsed on her and tried to think of a way to save them both from the horrors that they faced the next day, but all he could do was whisper, “I’ve got you.”


  Marty lay in bed with Mike. He had fallen asleep and she had wrapped around him like and octopus. She wanted to remember everything that had happened between them. It had hurt when he’d taken her, but then it had felt so good. Tears blinded her as she thought about her life and how it would end before the next sunset. She had heard the words in her foggy mind. Dax had ordered Nix to kill her. He had ordered Mike to kill her and he had agreed. She knew he wouldn’t actually do it, but someone would. Someone would pull the trigger and there was nothing Mike or anyone else could do about it.


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