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The Baroness of Clawynd

Page 8

by Morgan Henry

  Yet, she knew that he wanted to protect her and see to her comfort. She knew that he asked Micha to look after her needs first. Merrin cared for her horse, one of the spare mounts in the party, personally. He was painstaking about checking the mare each day to ensure she was fit for Aenid to ride. And every night he held her in his arms, keeping her warm as they slept. Every night she felt his erect penis against her and felt her own desire rise as his body fitted itself against hers.

  Every night she could feel her nipples harden as Merrin rubbed her back. Her slit would moisten and she would feel a restless ache between her thighs. She wanted to get her body closer to his and feel his skin against hers, but she was hesitant to proceed further.

  Aenid was relieved to see the house in the distance. She couldn’t wait to get back and make sure her people were all well. They had not stopped long anywhere in Clawynd, but did briefly speak with any of her knights and troops they encountered about the borders. No one had seen anything that indicated Torquin was sending soldiers, but they would be looking more closely now. She also sent out the word that the knights and guards in Clawynd were to muster at the manor home as soon as possible.

  For all the people they spoke with, no one really had any news of the manor house. In fact, no one really knew she had been gone. Aenid was worried about what Bruson may have done to, or threatened the staff with.

  It was all she could do not to gallop down the lane to the house. The sprawling manor with its modest towers on each wing was a balm to her soul. When they were close enough, she saw Tanis out the front getting ready to greet the visitors. She was sure he didn’t recognize her. She was in the middle of the men and dressed in her plain, and now somewhat dirty, gown.

  Merrin and Arto were in the lead as the party stopped in front of the house. Before they had even dismounted, Tanis was speaking to them.

  “You are most welcome here, Your Grace, My Lord. The baroness is absent at this time, but if you permit I would like to speak to you regarding that.” Tanis spoke in a worried tone and his face betrayed his concern as well. He gestured to the grooms to take the horses.

  “No need, Tanis, I’m here.” Aenid spoke as she came to the front of the group. “We have been riding hard, and we all need baths and a hot meal tonight. Tell Cook not to worry about how extravagant the meal is. Anything made by her talented hands will be most welcome.”

  “Very good, My Lady.” There was obvious relief in Tanis’ voice. “And may I say, we are so very happy to have you back.” He looked at her gown and though his face was impassive, she could see the shock in his eyes. “I will send Setha up to you immediately.”

  Tanis began ushering the footmen and servants into action, taking bags and ensuring rooms were allocated. Aenid left the chaos and went to the large study. She quickly sorted through her mail and messages from various tenants and such. She piled those that needed immediate attention at one side to be dealt with once she had bathed. There was nothing terribly earth-shattering, thank the god and goddess, but there were a few issues that needed tending to.

  As she got to the bottom of the pile, she came across a strange report. Freehold farmers in the east of the holding had reported several thefts of foodstuffs. There was always a little thievery that went on, and her father certainly did his best to stamp it out, but this seemed to be on a larger scale. Aenid thought it needed investigation and she wondered if it could be soldiers from Torquin.

  She went to her rooms next, finding Setha in a state over her mistress’s dirty clothes and the disarray of her hair. Setha was horrified that Aenid had been a prisoner of the duke, but Aenid thought Setha was actually more upset about Aenid’s clothes. A true lady’s maid, that was Setha.

  She managed to mollify her maid, bathe, dress, and get her hair tamed to Setha’s satisfaction over the next hour. Aenid had to admit she felt much better being clean and dressed in her own clothing once again. It was tempting to lie down on her own bed and rest in its comfort until dinner was served, but she had too much work to do.

  Aenid headed down to the study. She rang for Tanis and spent some time going over matters concerning the house and estate. Tanis had made sure all her guests were accommodated, and updated her on the few issues about the manor that he had seen to in her absence. She asked Tanis to arrange meetings tomorrow with a few other people she should see before they left.

  Duke Arto and Lord Merrin joined her in the study as Tanis left. They helped themselves to the apple brandy that her father always kept in the study. It was a spirit that Clawynd was famous for. Aenid hated the stuff, but many of her visitors liked it.

  “Are your accommodations to your liking, My Lords?” she asked when they had all seated themselves around the fire.

  “Wonderful,” Duke Arto proclaimed. “Tanis and your staff are excellent. We’re always well treated here.”

  “I agree,” added Merrin with a grin. “Though you could have put me in the corner room in the basement by the kitchen, and as long as it held a bed, I’d be happy at this point.”

  “Well, I certainly hope we’ve got you in better rooms than that, but I know how you feel. Or at least my backside does.” She smiled as they both laughed. It was nice to feel comfortable enough with the two of them to be able to joke in that fashion. “Shall we go to dinner, My Lords?”

  Dinner was a quiet and relaxed affair. Despite her instructions to Cook to make the meal simple, the kitchen staff had worked hard to create dinner that was far above the plain fare Aenid had asked for. Tanis reported that the servants were so happy to have Aenid back and safe, they put extra effort into dinner and hosting their guests. Aenid was sure to have Tanis convey her gratitude to them.

  They were all tired from the journey, and since many were leaving the next morning, almost all retired for an early night.

  Aenid went into the study again, and started to catch up on some correspondence that had gone unanswered in her absence. Merrin found her there an hour after most had retired.

  “Aenid, my dear Lady, come to bed. The letters will be there in the morning,” he pleaded softly.

  “Though that’s true, I can’t help but feel behind.” She looked at the papers with an expression of dismay on her face.

  “When I return to my small estate, I often feel the same way. Like you, I’m lucky to have an excellent manager, so if I am gone, I can trust him to look after things. All this will be here tomorrow, and Tanis hasn’t bungled anything so badly that it can’t be repaired. He probably hasn’t bungled anything at all.”

  Aenid let out a deep breath as she stood and walked away from the desk. “You’re right. And I am tired.”

  She smiled at him with a bit of mischief in her eyes, forgetting for a moment she was irritated with his overprotective and controlling nature. “How will I get to sleep without you keeping me warm though?”

  Merrin took her in his arms. “I’m so very happy to keep you warm tonight, if My Lady wishes it.” He leaned down and kissed her.

  Aenid melted into his kiss. True to his word, Merrin hadn’t attempted to be intimate with her on their journey. He had held her at night and kissed her gently yet thoroughly before they slept, but that was it.

  This kiss was not chaste. He coaxed her lips open and plunged his tongue inside, entwining it with hers. He tasted very inch of her mouth while holding her head with his large hand. After he had finished with her mouth, he moved to her ear, kissing, nibbling, and licking his way around the shell and down her neck. She was breathing heavily when he paused.

  “Let us spend the night together,” he pleaded softly against her skin. “No more than that if you’re not ready.”

  Too many thoughts swirled through Aenid’s head. Was it too soon after her father’s death to take a lover? What would the other nobles and servants think of her? Whose bed would they stay in? She suddenly realized that all of her questions had nothing to do with whether she wanted Merrin in her bed or not. Clearly, she did want the man.

  “Yes,” she
said softly. “I want you with me, but I’m not sure about the rest.”

  “My room is across the hall from yours,” Merrin said. Aenid raised her eyebrow at him. “I insisted being near to you as the king has charged me with your safety. Arto actually pointed this out to Tanis and Madam Proust,” he explained with a sheepish laugh.

  His gaze softened and he caressed her cheek. “Come and stay with me tonight.”


  Chapter 11

  Setha helped Aenid into her nightgown. It almost felt strange to be in the soft, lace-trimmed slip of ivory fabric instead of her chemise and underclothes she had been wearing at night during their journey. Her nightgowns were sleeveless and simple sheaths, and she was bare beneath the material. Aenid preferred them this way. No high necks and ruffles for her. Even in the winter she eschewed long sleeves. They made her feel trapped.

  She was trying very hard to act normally around Setha. Aenid’s emotions were in turmoil. She was excited, aroused, and nervous all at the same time. She was eager to feel Merrin’s body against hers again, and she wanted to further their intimacy. But she was also a bit worried about where their relationship was going. Was this a casual seduction of opportunity for him? That wasn’t necessarily bad, but she hoped she would be more than a mere sexual release for him. And would she even please him? Her lack of experience worried her a bit as well.

  After putting on her burgundy robe over her nightgown and dismissing Setha, Aenid crept across the hall. She had no illusions that her trip would go unnoticed, but she still wanted to act with some discretion. She knocked on Merrin’s door softly and entered when bidden.

  The fire in Merrin’s room had died down to a low flame, giving off only a little light. The lamp by his bedside was lit, but turned down low as well. The large bed with its navy coverings was pulled down and ready for night. Merrin had stood to greet her and walked over to take her hand.

  Aenid was shaking a little. She was nervous and cursed herself for it. She was a virgin, yes, but she was not completely ignorant.

  Merrin pulled her to him for an embrace and simple kiss. “That looks so much more comfortable than your chemise and underthings. Prettier, too,” he added with a smile as he looked down on her in his arms.

  Merrin was in soft pants with a low-slung drawstring waist and a black robe. He had obviously bathed as he smelled clean and slightly soapy. Aenid couldn’t help but think how handsome he was. His tanned torso appeared even more golden in the firelight. The smattering of hair across his chest seemed to emphasize his muscles rather than hide them. His feet were bare and for some reason Aenid found that erotic. She had never seen his feet without coverings. His hair was loose around his face and his eyes watched her closely.

  Aenid swallowed. “You seem more comfortable as well,” she said as she lightly touched the smattering of soft hair on his upper arms.

  “I am. I’ve learned to take all the enjoyment I can out of a bath, clean clothes, and a soft bed when I have them. I spend a great deal of time travelling for the king and often as not, sleep on the ground.” His eyes twinkled a little as he added, “Alone.”

  Aenid blushed, and he laughed a little. “I was more than glad to have your company the past few nights,” Merrin said.

  He gently undid the sash of her robe and slid it off her shoulders. He stepped away and laid it over a chair and turned to look at her. He smiled as he removed his robe and laid it aside as well.

  “You’re lovely,” he breathed. Then he added in a stronger voice, “It’s late, and we’re tired.” He took her hand and led her to the bed and helped her in, pulling the covers over her body when she settled on her back. The silkiness of the sheets was such a contrast to the coarse blankets of the tent. It emphasized the vastly different nature of their encounter tonight.

  Aenid watched Merrin stride to the other side of the bed. The butterflies in her stomach still hadn’t gone entirely away. The bed dipped as he slid between the covers and moved over to her. He lay on his side, propping his head up with his arm. The other hand settled on her stomach. His touch felt like it burned.

  “You haven’t said much, Aenid,” he observed quietly. “Are you having second thoughts?”

  The only thing Aenid was having second thoughts about was whether all she wanted to do was sleep. Sex with Merrin was looking better and better. Every night they had spent in the tent seemed to tease her a little more, leaving her needing something more, wanting more.

  “No,” she answered. “I want to be here.”

  “We hadn’t specifically said how much intimacy you wanted,” he said in a low voice. “I don’t think you’re ready for intercourse yet, but will you let me touch you? Let me explore your lovely body and bring you pleasure?”

  Aenid looked into Merrin’s eyes and saw desire in them. She also saw caring and self-control. He hadn’t moved his hand from her belly and the heat from it was slowly setting her on fire. Somehow the slight pressure of just his hand on her belly was arousing her more than lying in his arms in the privacy of their tent. And yet he had not crowded her or pressured her in any way. He was a gentleman, but she realized part of her didn’t want him to be so restrained right now.

  “Yes,” she said. “Touch me. And I want to touch you, too.” This last was said a little hesitantly. She had examined men in her role as a Healer, but not touched one sexually.

  “Your wish is my command, Baroness,” Merrin said with a slow smile. He ran a finger under the shoulder of her gown and she quivered in anticipation. “We need to get rid of this, then.”

  * * * *

  It was all Merrin could do to keep from shouting with joy at Aenid’s acceptance and plea to touch him. Frankly, the thought of her hands on his cock almost had him coming in his pants. He firmly took hold of his emotions and focused his attentions on the lovely woman in bed with him. He needed to ensure she enjoyed her experience with him.

  He had spent the nights in the tent hard as a rock and barely able to restrain himself. It had been the most exquisite torture to hold Aenid in his arms and not bring them both to ecstasy. Even now, part of him wanted to rip off her nightgown and love her hard and fast, but he knew that was not the way to show her how much he cared.

  He caressed his way up from her belly to her shoulders, just grazing the swell her breast lightly. Easing first one lace strap off her shoulder, then the other, he started to pull the silky nightgown down off her body. Aenid, so sweet and willing, helped him by rising off the bed to allow the material to slip away. Her body revealed to him, she blushed a little and moved to cover herself with her hands.

  “No, sweetness. You’re beautiful and I want to enjoy the sight.” Merrin took one of her hands and kissed her fingertips. She allowed the other to fall back to the bed.

  Merrin did enjoy the sight. His cock became a little harder, if that was even possible. She had lovely breasts, neither too small nor too large for his tastes. They were the precise size to fill his hands. She had pale skin, which set off her brownish pink nipples to perfection. Those lovely buds were standing at attention with her arousal. Her soft belly gave way to lushly rounded hips, ideal for him to hold while taking her in a myriad of positions. She trimmed the neat thatch of hair over her mound and he could just barely see the lips of her sex between her thighs.

  He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “If at any time you are uncomfortable, or wish me to stop, all you have to do is say so,” he murmured into her ear. “I’m going take pleasure in touching and caressing every inch of you, my sweet.” He started kissing his way down her neck and over her collarbone as she let out a breathy sigh.

  She smelled clean and fresh, like rosemary and flowers. Merrin leaned over her and inhaled her lovely fragrance and licked his way to her breasts. He fondled and caressed them, turning the nipples a darker pink and hardening them further. He took one into his mouth and laved it generously with his tongue. Aenid gasped and thrust her chest upward, involuntarily. He smiled around the nipple, enjoying h
er response. He treated the other to similar attentions and enjoyed her moans of pleasure. He looked forward to the day where he could oil the furrow between her breasts and thrust his cock between them. His cock twitched at the thought.

  He trailed kissed down over her belly, travelling down one leg to the knee then up the other. He stopped at her mound and he felt her tense up slightly. He kissed her curls lightly and looked up at his lovely Baroness.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked gently, looking into her green eyes.

  Aenid swallowed and whispered, “No.”

  He caressed her inner thigh with one hand and opened her to his gaze. “So pretty,” he murmured as her inner lips were revealed to him. She was already glistening with arousal and her clitoris was swelling. He bent his head and gave her a long lick from the bottom of her slit to the top, reveling in the fact that he was the first to taste her.

  She gasped with the contact and jerked her hips. He placed a hand firmly on her pelvis to hold her still while he continued to enjoy her pussy. He carried on licking and sucking on her lips, occasionally stimulating her clit while she moaned and fisted the sheets. Merrin could feel her getting close, so he backed off a little, but reached forward to introduce a finger into her vagina. He wet the digit with her juices then eased it slowly into her dripping hole. She was tight around his finger and he didn’t push in too far, not wanting to breach her barrier.

  Aenid made soft cries of pleasure as he fucked her shallowly with his finger. He could feel the ripple of her muscles around his digit. He leaned down and licked her clit repeatedly to send her over.

  She came hard for him, gasping and crying out. He gently continued to stimulate her clit to extend her pleasure, and she writhed under him. As she came down, he slid up her body, kissing his way up to her face.

  “So wonderful, sweet.” He kissed her lips. “Such a gift you gave to me.”

  “I thought you were the one who gave to me,” Aenid said shakily as she trembled a little under him still.


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