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Page 6

by S. L. Carpenter

  Dave stood there dripping wet from the rain, crying, thinking he had killed a man out of sheer jealousy.

  In fact, he’d murdered…a mannequin.

  Seems Tami had been secretive lately because she was feeling unfulfilled. Her friend Joan had purchased her a “boytoy”. It was a life-size rubber doll with attachable anatomy in various sizes. She had picked a large (Dave was definitely a medium). The jumbo looked like it was for elephants.

  She told him how being alone a lot had made her search for alternatives and she couldn’t bring herself to cheat on him. So this was the next best thing. Her biggest problem was that she had fallen in love with the boytoy, or “MEAT” as she lovingly called him. He was always there when she needed him. Stamina had never been a problem and the premature ejaculation problem was never there. He never complained about her housecleaning. Never nudged her in the ribs with morning breath, wanting sex. Didn’t eat everything in the refrigerator and didn’t like sports. He actually listened when she talked. Never told her to lose weight. He made love on demand and always satisfied her and her friends when they stayed the night. He didn’t get jealous. Didn’t fart in public and blame her. Let her go out with her friends. He even cuddled with her as long as she wanted after sex. His only joy was being there for her.

  He was the perfect male.

  The Long Nights, Part 2

  The night was long and Melissa didn’t sleep very well with the visions of the stranger and the Asian woman rushing through her head. Her body still ached for the touch of a man because it had been a while. The opportunity had arisen but the men she attracted were after one thing. She was attractive and a very sensuous woman but her career and time weren’t on her side. After college she rushed into the proverbial rat race and became another rat.

  Melissa awoke to the numbing buzz from the alarm clock at 5:30. Blinking her eyes rapidly, she stumbled to the bathroom hitting the nightstand with her foot. The shower water covered her in warmth. She relaxed and closed her eyes. She rubbed the washrag along the slick curves of her sore muscles and smooth skin. The water caressed her flesh. Her hands wandered on her body and as she closed her eyes she saw her strangers again. Not wanting to scare the visions away, she kept her eyes shut tight and envisioned the man in the shower with her.

  A sudden warmth filled her as she rubbed the washcloth along her pubic bone and the frill glanced off her pussy. She clenched her eyes tight, grasping her breasts, but in her mind it was the stranger that grabbed them. The taut nipples flashed shock waves straight to her clitoris as the water streamed on them and trickled off the erect tips. Her body was on fire and the wetness of the shower couldn’t stop the burn.

  A deep moan echoed in the small glass shower as the stranger’s tongue rubbed against her clit and Melissa leaned against the ceramic tiled wall. The surface was slick and smooth against her face as the rough wetness dug into her pussy. Leaning over to give the tonguing freer access, she felt the water trickle along the cheeks of her ass.

  She breathlessly envisioned the stranger’s long hard shaft penetrating her opening. Sliding two fingers into her pussy, she pressed her breasts against the wall while reaching her other arm up over her head. The wet, smoothness of the wall made her feel as if she were being pushed against it as the stranger drove into her from behind. There was a slow drumming spatter of water as it slid down her back and fell from her hand as it pushed her finger ever so deeply into her convulsing hole. Her desire was taking over and she became flustered, forgetting where she was. Moaning loudly, she almost cried from the sheer pleasure of these fantasies of her heart.

  She moved her other hand up to her breasts and pulled hard at her nipples, making them ache. As her climax approached Melissa found she was unable to hold herself up. She turned and faced the showerhead. Her mouth filled with water and she gasped.

  Grabbing the showerhead off the hook she sat in the shower and pressed the force of the water against her pussy. Vigorously she rubbed her clit as the water washed the flesh of her pussy. When she came, she slammed her back against the wall. She sat motionless and weak, while water gushed along her thigh, washing her clean.

  The morning flashed by and at work Melissa was a little more relaxed than usual. Stretching her sore muscles, she walked home. As she strolled up to the stairs to her apartment, she saw the stranger and Asian woman approaching their complex across the way. They walked up to the set of mailboxes right outside the door and stopped to talk to someone on the walkway steps. Melissa saw the Asian woman open the bottom right mailbox and check her mail. Then the couple went inside.

  Being curious, Melissa walked across the street and looked at the mailbox the woman had opened. “Tony and Kayla” she read off the mailbox. So that’s who they are, she thought finally putting a name to the images in her head.

  The next few nights flew by and every night Melissa would check the window to see if they were there. Thursday on her way home from work, she passed a pawnshop and saw a pair of binoculars in the window for fifty bucks. An evil grin crossed her face and she stepped in. A few minutes later after a little bartering she had the binoculars and 40 dollars less money. Now she could see Tony and Kayla up closer and more personal.

  She went home and took a long shower, then strolled into her living room to watch “Sleepless in Seattle” again when she saw the binoculars on the table. She giggled and picked them up, then walked over to the window and looked out. She could see the park now. It was down the road and she could never really see it from the apartment. She saw the lights of the city flickering. She spent a while just gazing out her window seeing other buildings. There was a woman walking her dog, two men kissing on a bench and a couple fucking in a convertible.

  A light shone out from Tony and Kayla’s apartment so she turned to face it. The binoculars put her almost inside the room. She saw the reflection in the hall mirror of someone running across the room. It looked like they were fighting about something.

  Should she watch? Should she turn away? Melissa was torn again but continued to watch. She felt drawn in to watch them, even if she was invading their privacy. Tony and Kayla were face to face yelling and she could make out the words “Fuck you” more than once by reading their lips. Suddenly Kayla slapped Tony’s face and jumped on him, smothering his mouth with her tongue. She pushed him hard against the wall causing the hanging picture to crash to the floor. Tony reached out to touch her and Kayla slapped his hand away.

  Desire burned inside of Melissa. She was transfixed by Kayla’s power over Tony.

  Kayla pulled at his shirt, tearing it open. Reaching over, Kayla grabbed the letter opener on the desk and shredded the hole in his T-shirt, then pulled it loose from his chest leaving the strands to hang. Tony tried to move forward and Kayla shoved him against the wall again. Kayla was in total control.

  Melissa’s bathrobe opened as she stood staring at the couple. The slight coolness of the room made her body chill even as her own feelings warmed her. She rushed into her bedroom and pulled out her pocket rocket toy and rushed back into the living room, not wanting to miss anything. Melissa moved a chair over to the window and sat down, refocusing her eyes on the couple.

  Kayla was tugging at Tony’s belt and slung it from the loops. She hung it around his neck and undid his pants, unzipping the front. She reached her hand in the flap of his underwear, wrapping her hand around his growing cock. Melissa looked closely through the binoculars at how Kayla was biting his nipples and squeezing his large cock in her hand. Tony’s eyes were closed and he looked like he was enjoying everything. Kayla knelt down before Tony and slid his underwear down his flexed thighs.

  Kayla showed no mercy as she took the entire length of Tony’s cock deeply into her mouth. Tony stared skyward and grasped her head. Kayla stood up and slapped his hands away. She turned his face against the wall and slung the belt from around his neck, making him flinch in pain. She cruelly wrapped his hands behind him.

  Melissa’s view with the binoculars had he
r almost in the room, feeling the heat between them. She found herself stroking her thighs with her toy. The humming vibrations of the toy became less distracting and more exhilarating. She stared as Kayla knelt down against the wall in front of Tony. She grabbed his ass as he fucked her mouth.

  Melissa’s pussy was afire and the toy seemed destined to explore her heat.

  Kayla grasped Tony’s thigh and pulled him towards her more vigorously. Melissa moved to the corner of her window to see Tony’s cock slide in and out of Kayla’s mouth. Her view became clear and she saw Kayla pull her skirt up and reveal her trimmed pussy. Tony would slide his hard cock into her mouth and Kayla massaged her pussy at the same time.

  Melissa had seen other women masturbate, but Kayla stirred her. The way she manipulated the lips of her flesh seemed so sexy and natural. Melissa found herself copying the movements and she became a little distracted from her vigil. Melissa became a little overwhelmed as the sanctity of her moment was broken by a sudden primal urge to satisfy her desire. Her toy made its way to her wetness and now hummed against her clit. She plunged two fingers deeply inside the walls of her pussy. The tightness around her fingers made her dream it was Tony’s stiff rod instead of her fingers.

  Melissa watched as Kayla moved both hands to Tony’s ass and saw him strain and flex as he struggled to keep composure. She almost heard him yell as he came. Kayla stood up against the wall and wiped the dripping essence from the corner of her mouth as she held Tony tightly. Melissa licked her lips wanting to taste the salty seed from Tony’s cock.

  Melissa lost herself in the desperate need to feel Tony fucking her. She dropped the binoculars and put her leg up over the arm of the chair. She plunged her fingers in and out of her pussy as the pocket rocket massaged her clit. Her wet hair hung loosely as it fell against her body and the orgasmic feelings washed over her in a hurricane as she began to come. The steady vibrations against her clit caused her body to tremble and shake. A pleasurable smile widened on her face as she laughed.

  She gathered herself and stood up. She moved the chair back and leaned over to pick up her binoculars and took another peek. When she looked over to Tony and Kayla’s apartment she saw them standing by their window looking back at her through their own binoculars.

  The Transplant

  “Mr. Jones? Are you awake? Mr. Bob Jones?”

  “Huh, what happened? Where am I?”

  “You’re in the hospital. You were involved in a freak snowboarding accident.”

  “Is everything okay? I mean, how bad was it? Good Lord, I can’t feel my legs. I’ll never walk again! I’ll never be able to play baseball! I’ll never…”

  “Sir, calm down, you’re fine. But I must inform you that you’ve lost…how to phrase this, your, uh, ummmmm, leg.”

  “The right one?”

  “No,” the doctor muttered.

  “The left one?”

  “Uh, no. The other leg,” the doctor muttered again.

  “You mean…?”

  “Yes, the middle one.”

  “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!” screamed Bob and an echoing rumble issued from the hospital room and filled the corridors.

  After Bob awoke from passing out, he contemplated what to do next.

  “Is there anything you can do? I’m getting married in four months! I just couldn’t bear not having a…you know.”

  The doctor paused, thinking to himself and said, “Well, there is a new operation that’s performed with crazy glue, viagra, silicone, fiberglass, duct tape, a bunch of ointments, parsley and a lot of prayers. I’m not sure it would work for you. In the only successful case, they attached the guy’s own penis and yours is, well, an owl took yours and fed it to her nestlings and all that’s left is this.” The doctor held up what looked like a small chewed up piece of bacon.

  “What about transplanting someone else’s on? Can you guys do that? I’m desperate!” Bob asked.

  “Hummmm, interesting possibilities,” the doctor said, contemplating the idea.

  After consulting with the other doctors and trying frantically to find blood and skin matches to the existing stiffs (no pun intended), they came up with three potential donors.

  “Well, we think it can be done but we need your consent. And we want you to choose your new weapon.” The doctor handed him four pictures of the other men’s genitals.

  “This one here is Arthur, an accountant from Brooklyn.” The picture was of a penis with a telephoto shot really close up. For size reference it was next to a color crayon and still looked small.

  “Too small. Boy, he must have whacked it daily…look at all those stretch marks!” Bob said, while pointing at the picture.

  “Vincent here, a yuppie from Queens, is probably our best candidate.”

  The doctor mentioned that the penis had a little bend in it. It actually looked like a question mark.

  “Are you kidding?! Look it’s all bent to the right. And I at least want what I had, if not more.” Bob motioned like he was holding a large pepperoni.

  “Lastly there’s Tyrone. He was a Semi-pro basketball player and a bouncer at a couple local nightclubs.” Bob looked at the pictures with half a cock in each one. “You need to put both of those pictures side by side. We couldn’t fit it on only one Polaroid.”

  “Now that’s the one for me!” Bob shouted excitedly as he found his sword of choice.

  “Sir, other than the obvious color difference there may be some problems. I can’t really recommend…”

  “I don’t care, I want this one! Boy, what a honeymoon surprise this will be!”

  The operation went well and the swelling went down. There was no infection and everything seemed to be great. Bob was now a new man with a new and improved tool. Wanting to christen it like a new bass boat, he decided to not whack off or do anything to himself until the wedding night. He wanted to be like a virgin again.

  The big day finally arrived and Bob’s wedding was upon him. Everything was beautiful. The bride, Jennifer, was dressed in a white satin gown with lace trim and a hand-embroidered train done by her mother. Her blonde hair was up, her skin was tanned and she was simply stunning. The day, Jennifer, the ceremony were all exquisite.

  Bob stood proudly and anxiously at the altar through the procession. He adjusted himself a few times not being used to something dangling below his boxers. He stood staring while she approached to join him and exchange their vows and pledge their eternal love. All Bob could think about was the honeymoon night and showing her his surprise.

  Finally, after exchanging the rings and saying their vows, they both said, “I do.” They kissed then ran through the crowd. Trying to remain calm, Bob smiled forcibly having pictures taken. Then came the crying and kissing by family members, the typical father-in-law talk and all the while he watched Jennifer glow. Finally they jumped into the limousine and sped off to the reception.

  The reception hall was decorated in the blue and white colors of their wedding. Bouquets of flowers accentuated each table and the white tablecloths. Everyone was cheering as they walked in hand in hand. Except Bob’s dad. He was very drunk and flirting with a tree. Otherwise it was very touching.

  When the special dance started, Bob and Jennifer took the floor and danced romantically to Shania Twain’s, “From This Moment”. Jennifer held Bob tight and kissed his neck. Then she whispered, “I can’t wait until tonight… There’s a little present in your pocket from me.”

  Bob gulped and as they danced he reached into his pocket to get a handkerchief because he suddenly felt hot. He wiped his brow and a distinct scent filled his head. He looked and saw it was her white panties he was using to wipe his sweat. He breathed in the aroma that was soaked into her silk panties, and he felt a twinge in his pants.

  As the song was ending, she ran her finger down his cheek to his chest and winked saying, “I just shaved, too, and it itches.”

  The stripper’s theme played, and the disc jockey pulled a chair out for Bob to rem
ove the garter belt. Bob’s buddies all whistled as he picked her foot up and slid his hand up her leg to her garter to pull it off. He smiled as he looked up at Jennifer and then up her dress. The shimmer of wetness was on her pink flesh. She smiled wickedly at him knowing what he was looking at.

  Suddenly, Bob was hungry.

  He tried to concentrate the best he could. At the reception table he sat next to Jennifer and they chit-chatted with the others. Jennifer’s mom walked up. While Jennifer listened to her mom talking, Bob slid his hand onto her leg and slowly moved it up. Jennifer sat up quickly and chirped as his finger touched close to her pussy. She told her mom it was gas and continued listening to her. Leaning forward she blocked any view her mom had and parted her legs ever so slightly. Bob took her invitation and kept eating with one hand and toyed with her labia with the other one.

  “Are you okay, dear?” Jennifer’s mom asked. “You look warm, and you’re sweating.”

  “I’m fine, it’s just warm in here.” Bob’s playful flicking of her clit made her want the impending sex even more. She was wet and feared the juices dripping from her pussy would stain the dress.

  She excused herself and took Bob into the corridor. Outside the door she grabbed his butt and kissed him deeply almost smothering him.

  “I have waited four months for sex. Other than my vibrator, nothing has touched my pussy, and now you decide to be naughty. This isn’t fair!” she wailed.

  Bob looked down the corridor and saw a maintenance closet. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room. The room was dark and full of chairs and folding tables with a few silverware carts.

  Jennifer tugged at Bob. “No, no, no. We need to get back before people notice we’re gone.”

  Bob grasped Jennifer with his strong hands, pulling her abruptly against him and kissed her deeply. Feeling the heat from her body, Bob became inflamed with desire. Succumbing to his passion, she held him with her arms around his neck. Bob kissed her neck and eased her down onto her back atop a room service cart. He unfastened the clasp of her gown and lowered it down past her shoulders. He kissed her chest until it flushed to a rose hue.


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