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College Omega's Secret Baby (MPreg College Book 1)

Page 3

by Dex Bass

  “Correct.” Os pointed Alan’s dick up higher, directly toward his face. Alan felt the vibrations of Os’s voice on his sensitive dickhead. “Male orgasm.” Os nodded calmly, then cupped Alan’s balls in his right hand. He drew his nose in to Alan’s dick, and smelled up and down the shaft. “Your dick smells like quite a bit of precum.”

  Alan could only moan blankly in response. He put his hands on his hips. He felt like he’d almost lose his balance and fall down. Os had that power over him.

  Os puckered his lips and gave one small dry kiss to Alan’s shaft. “Smells amazing. Tastes amazing too.” Then the tongue. Os’s tongue touched Alan’s balls, then slowly traced the path of a vein up the dick to the tip. This was really happening.

  “Oswald, Os, are you sure?” Alan wasn’t even sure what he meant.

  “I’m sure.” Os slurped at the dickhead. His saliva made Alan’s dickhead feel cool, like wet hair on a cold day. Os blew on it and laughed. This was one extremely naughty little omega. “I’m extremely sure. Cocksure.” Os laughed at his own joke, then grabbed Alan’s balls with his left hand and dick with his right, and shoved them into his mouth.

  It was like nothing Alan had felt. Sure, he’d had random hookup blowjobs at academic conferences. But he’d never felt anyone hungrily suck at his dick like this. He’d never felt lips and mouth passionately wrapped around his cockshaft like that.

  This was his student sucking his dick. Which he was trying to forget. But then he kept remembering. He wasn’t sure which way was better.

  Os’s hands grabbed and fondled Alan’s ass cheeks. His fingertips were strategically teasing Alan’s sensitive rim. That was definitely no accident. Os was as mischievous as he was young and naive. And Alan was absolutely loving it.

  Alan’s dick deeply in his mouth, Os softly slapped Alan’s ass cheek. Alan took it as a reminder for him to do something too, not just stand there. He started fucking Os’s mouth, thrusting into him until he could feel Os’s throat on his dickhead. Os sucked hard and grabbed desperately at Alan’s ass and balls.

  Os’s tongue danced quickly on Alan’s dickshaft and dickhead. It felt like a hummingbird. Then he slipped the dick out of his mouth and announced, as if he were the faculty dean: “I believe you’ve had enough warm-up, Professor Archer.”

  “Warm up?” Alan was mumbling. His dick was dripping precum mixed with Os’s spit. Os walked over to Alan’s office chair and pulled down his own pants completely, down off his feet. He tossed his pants aside. And now there was a half-naked student sitting in Alan’s professorial chair. This wasn’t good. Even if it was so good.

  “Certainly you know enough about human reproduction to know about the main event? My ass is already lubed up. I hope you’re ready to do your part.” Still sitting in the chair, Os raised his legs in the air, then grabbed them with his arms. His clean virgin ass crack stared directly at Alan. And Alan’s dick was hard and ready.

  “You mean—” Alan started to ask. His head was still loopy from what was happening.

  “I mean fuck my ass now. To teach me all about male pregnancy and human reproduction.”

  “You want me to—” Alan had never encountered such a bad idea that was such a good idea.

  “Fuck me hard, deep, and shoot a lot of cum into me. Like the alpha you are.”

  “I’ve never—”

  “You’ve never had sex?” Os smiled.

  “Not with an omega. Not to make a baby.” It was true. Alan’s past brief hookups only resulted in a few small spurts of cum. His dick hadn’t even knotted during those past hookup encounters; he definitely couldn’t have made any babies those other times.

  “You’re a professor of human reproduction. You need to know omega ass a bit better.” Os smiled. “Fucking mount me now.”

  Alan gasped. It was the best and worst invitation he’d ever gotten. He approached Os and stood so his hard dick was dangling down and just barely touching Os’s asshole.

  Alan leaned down to Os’s face and puckered his lips for a kiss. Os turned his face away. “Put your dick in me first,” Os demanded. “Then we’ll kiss.”

  Alan did as told. He held his dick in his hand and pointed the dickhead directly at Os’s asshole. Then, still aiming his dick with his hand, he stepped forward, and pushed all of himself into Os’s butthole, shoving his dick into it.

  “Oh my God.” Os laughed in joy.

  “You ok?” Alan growled as he pushed the dick in deeper and deeper into Os.

  “It doesn’t hurt at all. Feels amazing.” Os was still smiling, like a kid opening Christmas presents. But Os’s present was his professor’s alpha dick deep in his ass.

  “Can we kiss?” Alan asked. Not only was he balls-deep in his freshman student, but he was asking him permission. Everything was upside down.

  “Fucking kiss me now,” Os answered. Alan leaned down with lips and tongue and went ferociously to Os’s mouth. He sucked on Os’s lips, then thrust his tongue into Os’s mouth. Os tasted like fresh Listerine; maybe he’d planned this seduction all along. Alan’s tongue explored Os’s mouth, running over his teeth, his gums, his lips. Omega pheromones washed over him.

  Os was kissing him back. Their erect tongues met and pushed against each other in their mouths. Os sucked on Alan’s lips, then on his tongue.

  Alan started his fucking rhythm into Os’s ass. His own precum along with Os’s natural omega lubrication made the fucking slippery and fast. He fucked Os harder and and harder, pushing into him, feeling Os’s prostate brushing up against his dickhead.

  Every time he pushed even harder, he expected Os to complain at some point, to say too much, or to draw away. But Os only moaned in deeper pleasure and with his asshole fucked back at Alan’s dick even harder.

  “How are you handling the advanced fucking seminar, Oswald?” Alan couldn’t believe he’d just said it. Maybe he really had been asleep in his faculty ethics seminar. Or maybe Os was just too much — maybe even faculty ethics seminars couldn’t keep him away from an omega like that.

  “Harder the better,” Os groaned. Alan started pushing in longer strokes, to feel the pleasure of his dick sliding in and out of Os’s ass. Then after a particularly hard thrust, it happened — what he knew about only from studying it in male pregnancy books. His dickhead expanded, knotting him inside Os. He couldn’t pull out completely, but he could definitely move inside Os’s ass, move around and give him pleasure.

  “Are we studying alpha knotting now, Professor Archer?” Os grinned. Alan unbuttoned Os’s dress shirt and fondled his chest, his nipples, his small but defined abs. That was Alan’s answer. Then he leaned down again and kissed Os.

  “Yes, we are studying knotting now, Oswald. And I love being knotted inside you.” Alan kissed Os deeper than he’d ever kissed him before. His tongue went almost to Os’s throat. The deeper his tongue was in Os’s mouth, the closer his nose to Os’s face, and the closer he smelled Os’s omega pheromones. He moved his dick as much as he could inside Os’s ass while he was knotted in him. He could still rub up against Os’s prostate with his cockhead and rub up against both sides of Os’s rim with his hard shaft.

  Os moaned in pleasure. His mouth was open, his cheeks flushed red, his eyes were back in his head, and he was breathing quickly. Os closed his eyes and reached out to Alan’s balls. With both his hands, Os fondled and massaged Alan’s balls. It felt amazing, especially while Os’s ass was clenched on his dick, and while they were alternating kissing and staring at each other.

  Alan’s hips spasmed. His whole body shook and he felt weak. He involuntarily pushed deeper into Os, then even deeper. His dick had never been that deep in. Then he felt it: his dick throbbing and pulsing, and the gobs of cum shooting into Os’s ass.

  Os howled in pleasure when he felt the cum. Then he clenched his ass, even the ass cheeks, around Alan’s dick. Os sat up slightly in the chair, Alan’s chair, and Alan lowered himself so they could kiss. Os’s mouth was hot and wet and salty and the pheromone smell came ev
en from inside his mouth.

  Alan was still pumping and shooting cum into Os and he grabbed Os’s dick to let Os reciprocate. It didn’t take much. Alan jerked Os’s dick and twirled his fingers on the dickhead. He leaned in to Os again and whispered in his ear: “I think — I think I love you.” He didn’t even know Os that well. But the attraction was unbelievably strong. And the sex was like from another planet.

  “I — aarrgh” Os groaned. He thrust up with his whole body, fucking up into Alan’s hand. Then he started shooting cum into the air and up onto Alan’s shirt. “I love you too.”

  Alan’s dick was lazily pumping its last shots of sperm into Os. Os had his hands cupped on Alan’s balls, milking all the nectar out of them. Alan didn’t know he had that much cum inside him. It felt like he’d shot a gallon of it inside Os. The room smelled like cum, even though all the cum had gone deep inside Os’s ass.

  Alan slowly gyrated his cock inside Os to milk out the last drops and to give his dickhead time to unknot. He put out his tongue and put his head down to Os’s face. Os looked at him with his big eyes and met Alan’s tongue with his own, then drew his mouth in to kiss him deeply, the whole time still staring into Alan’s eyes.

  Os smiled at Alan. “You think I’ll have a baby?”

  “I’ve never shot cum like that before in my life. So I think we’re gonna be parents, yeah.” It was crazy. Alan knew it. But he and Os were going to be parents. He’d most likely just made his student pregnant. He couldn’t be absolutely sure yet, but it was pretty much a certainty; as a professor of human reproduction, Alan knew very well that omega males don’t have menstrual cycles and are always fertile.

  “You’re not going to forget me, are you?” Os asked. It was the first time Alan had seen Os so vulnerable, even more vulnerable than when he’d slipped-skated out of Alan’s office that day. Maybe thoughts of fatherhood had made Os vulnerable. The promise of parenthood had the tendency to do that to everybody. Maybe it was also happening to Alan, because he only wanted to cuddle and protect Os — not just to fuck him, not just to admire him for his cheekiness, not just to prove his academic power over him.

  Alan didn’t know how it happened, but he was definitely in love. He kissed Os’s mouth, his nose, his neck, and gave his chin a love nibble. He ran his hands over Os’s young, lithe body. His dickhead was already unknoted. He could’ve already pulled out of Os, but he didn’t want to. He was living the moment, enjoying it, savoring it. It had been his first time ever making love — not just fucking, not just getting a blowjob, but actually making love.

  Os’s face, with those perfect arched eyebrows of his, showed perfect freshness and youth, but a certain wise maturity. Os would definitely make a good father for their baby.


  Waking up in his dorm room, Os could only think of the pregnancy test kit. Archer gave him the kit after they’d had sex — or made love, as Archer called it when they kissed goodbye. OmegaCheck pregnancy tests were the brand Archer endorsed on TV, and he had stacks of them as free samples to hand out on campus.

  Two lines meant: pregnant. One line meant: sorry, try again, you silly omega.

  Os stood above the toilet naked. He held the test stick in his left hand and his cock in his right. He peed and peed and peed all over the stick. Somehow in his own superstitious thinking, the more he peed on the test stick, the more likely he was to be actually pregnant.

  His pee splashed on his hand as he enthusiastically peed all over the stick, but he didn’t care. Having a baby was all he cared about. It was, as he’d told Archer, his biological imperative.

  A WhatsApp message from Archer awaited Os on his phone. Another message awaited from Os’s father. He didn’t even want to read either one until he knew whether he was having a baby. Then Os could tell Archer that they were going to be fathers. He could tell his own father that he was all grown up now, about to have a baby himself.

  The stick was soaked in pee. Normally the smell would’ve been disgusting to Os, but this time, it was the smell of good news about to appear. Or so he hoped.

  Os shook it a bit and lay it on the bathroom counter. Then he washed his hands with lots of soap, once and again, feeling slightly disgusted at all the pee he was washing off. He tried not to fret or panic. The line or lines would appear. He just had to give them time. He slowly towel-dried his hands, deliberately trying as hard as he could not to look at the pregnancy test stick.

  Two lines. He saw it from the corner of his eye. Two lines on the pregnancy test stick. He was pregnant. He was going to have a baby. He was going to be an omega father. He was a parent. He was truly mated with gorgeous, amazing, arrogant, brilliant Professor Alan Archer.

  There was a baby inside him: a beautiful baby, all his and Alan’s. It wasn’t technically true of course. Scientifically, it was just a tiny embryo, not even a fetus, not even a baby. But Os preferred to imagine his offspring as a beautiful cuddly baby living inside him. It was a beautiful cuddly baby he’d spent his life dreaming about, not an embryo.

  Os’s mental image of a chubby pink-skinned baby just sitting inside him, waiting to come out and be hugged and loved, wasn’t wrong. It was only a few months early.

  He looked at the test stick again. It was definitely two lines. It wasn’t his imagination. He didn’t want to touch the stick after he’d peed on it. Instead, he took his phone off the nightstand and snapped a photo of the double lines. He sent it to Professor Archer in WhatsApp.

  It was bizarre to be sending a photo of his pregnancy test to his professor. But it was no less bizarre than Os now being Professor Alan Archer’s mate. And Os was getting used to bizarre.

  Still no reply from Archer in WhatsApp, even though he showed online. I’M PREGNANT! WE’RE FATHERS! Os wrote to him, just to reinforce his point. Archer endorsed the OmegaCheck pregnancy test kit on TV. It wasn’t really possible that Archer didn’t already know what two lines meant on the test. But Os wanted to make sure he was clear. They were having a baby, and Archer was his partner in this. And until he’d told Archer about his pregnancy, Os didn’t want to tell anybody else, not even his own father.

  Os went to his calculus class, but couldn’t think of much other than his pregnancy and being a father. Nine months later would be the middle of summer. He’d have to tell his parents too at some point. Maybe his dad would be proud of him for owning being an omega, or maybe he’d just lecture him about being pregnant when he didn’t even have a job. But the baby was most important to Os. And his love for Alan Archer was second most important.

  Calculus class passed in a blur of graphs and limits. Os wasn’t really paying attention. He snuck out after half an hour and went right to Archer’s office.

  Stairs or elevator? He was a pregnant man now, even if only for one day. He’d better get used to taking the elevator. He found the elevator and took the squeaking carriage up to the fourth floor. Archer’s door had the same sign as always: don’t knock before coming in, because he’s not scared of anybody. But when Os opened the door, Archer looked positively terrified to see him.

  “Don’t you have class now? Math 121 with Professor Zil.” Professor Archer seemed to be reading that off his computer screen. He saw Os’s surprised look, then quickly reached out and turned off the monitor in front of him.

  “I got out of class early to come see you.” Os hoped Archer would be touched by that gesture. Or at least not put off by it. It wasn’t such an unusual thing. Partners. Co-fathers. Mates. Future husbands probably. Os could definitely come visit Archer in his office during office hours, couldn’t he? Even when he was just Archer’s student he could do that. And now he was Archer’s — he wasn’t sure what.

  “Oh. I thought you’re in class,” Archer said. He looked distracted. “I mean, welcome.” Archer looked at Alan straight ahead, like a deer in headlights.

  “I never told you my schedule.” Of course, professors could access their students’ schedules online. That was what Archer had likely done. Os was still Archer’
s student, after all. Archer still held that much authority over him.

  “Ah. No. You didn’t tell me your schedule.” Archer seemed embarrassed.

  “Hey! We’re fathers! I’m pregnant! Did you get my message?” Os beamed his brightest smile at Archer.

  “Ah, yeah. I saw that.” Archer looked at Os blankly again. Os tried to find some exhilaration or joy at fatherhood in Archer’s face, but he couldn’t make out any. Maybe it was pregnancy messing with Os’s sense of faces. Or maybe Archer wasn’t really happy about the pregnancy.

  “Isn’t it great? I’m pregnant. You’re the father. I’m the father. Our baby.” Os waved his hands in the air in joy. It was a childish gesture, but the happiness of being pregnant had taken over his attempts to be adult.

  “Ah, yeah, Os. It’s a big thing, pregnancy.” Archer looked at his monitor, then at his desk, then at the door behind Os.

  “It’s a huge thing! Isn’t it great?” Os still held out hope that somehow he could jump-start Archer’s excitement or enthusiasm or at least vague happiness at the pregnancy, even if that seemed unrealistic. How could anybody not have been excited about being a father?

  “Os. I’m going to be direct here. I don’t want to lose my job.”

  “Lose your job? Because of being a father?”

  “Come on, Os. You told me this yourself. About the faculty ethics seminar. I’d be fired for having sex with my student. Or for having any kind of relationship with my student.”


  “And you know, by the laws of human reproduction, if I’m the father of your baby, and I’m no sperm donor, then I had sex with you. You know that?”

  “So you’re ashamed of having a baby?” That was really nothing like Os had seen or expected. He’d heard of men being ashamed of being gay or of being alpha or omega. That was pretty common. But Archer didn’t seem ashamed at all of being alpha. He just suddenly didn’t want to step up to being the father of the baby.


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