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College Omega's Secret Baby (MPreg College Book 1)

Page 8

by Dex Bass

  “So you think I’m going to walk away from the baby? I mean say even if Os doesn’t want me — you think I can walk away from the baby I fathered? Just for tenure?”

  “Alan, you need to be realistic. The University will pay for Alan’s scholarship. We have on-campus daycare for students’ babies. We have a full support program for single omega fathers. Meanwhile, you’ll finally get tenure. And I’m no omega, but you and I both know you’ll have no problem getting yourself a new hot little omega.”

  “Is this conversation finished, Bill?”

  “Alan, I have the contract right here with me.” Bevins pulled a file folder from the briefcase standing on his desk. “Full tenure. Increased salary. And of course a confirmation that you had nothing to do with the delusional student who claimed to have a relationship with you.” Bevins lay the contract in front of Alan. Then Bevis took a pen off the desk and lay it on the contract. “All you have to do is sign and tenue is yours.”

  “Bill. Is this conversation finished?”

  “We’ll have to fire you in disgrace is what you’re saying you prefer, Alan?” Bevins folded his arms across his chest and leaned back in his chair. He still looked like a fat guppy. Alan was half-waiting for Bevins to start grabbing fish food flakes with his lips.

  “It’s what I prefer to betraying Oswald, yes.” Alan said it loudly enough to echo off the walls of Bevins’s office. “You know I want to keep teaching here at Springville State. If you want to fire me, that’s your decision. Either way, I’m not going to betray Oswald, nor am I going to betray the baby I fathered with him.”

  “If that’s what you prefer, Alan. If that’s what you prefer.”

  “Alright. Is this conversation over? Am I fired immediately or do you want me to turn in a resignation letter tomorrow or what’s the deal?”

  “Tenure, Alan. Full tenure.”

  “Is this conversation over?”

  “Yeah. You can turn in a resignation letter tomorrow. You can email it to me. Don’t worry about teaching tomorrow’s classes.”

  “Got it.” Alan nodded and stood up. He started walking toward the office door. The campus security guard might have lunged at him and force him back in, or forced him into signing that contract. Instead, Bevins stood up, and called out after him.


  “I’m not going along with the plan, no matter how many times you ask,” Alan said.

  “Not that. I just wanted to tell you. Don’t take it out on Oswald. Kid didn’t tell us anything. We got rumor from around campus. We never talked to Oswald. Ok? I was doing the bad cop good cop routine, telling you Oswald already snitched on you. Oswald didn’t even talk to us. So don’t take it out on him.”

  “I suspected as much,” Alan said. That wasn’t entirely true. Alan didn’t suspect as much. He hadn’t known Oswald well enough. He knew Oswald was a good kid, but nineteen-year-olds were always flighty and unpredictable. It would’ve been conceivable for a nineteen-year-old, even a good kid, to go running to the University to complain about his professor boyfriend.

  Fortunately, Bevins confirmed to Alan that Oswald wasn’t that kind of kid. Alan could pretend that he never doubted Os’s loyalty, Bevins or no Beivins. In retrospect, was a little bit shameful that Alan had even believed Bevins’s story, even for a half-second. But Os was young and pregnant. Young guys did silly things. Pregnant guys did silly things. Young and pregnant guys did especially silly things.

  Sorry, I had an administration meeting. Ready for pick up to go home? Alan texted Os.

  Ready as ever. Starbucks. was Os’s text reply.

  When Alan pulled up to the Starbucks and saw Os standing there, big windbreaker hiding his pregnant belly, he smiled. A lot. Alan knew it was the last of Os having to hide his pregnancy.

  “You’re chipper!” Os said. “Good faculty meeting?”

  “I’ve got good news.” Alan tapped his hands on the steering wheel as if drumming along to a nonexistent song.

  “You got tenure?” Os asked.

  “Even better. I’m fired.” Alan announced it proudly.

  “Getting fired is better than tenure?” Os asked, his jaw dropped.

  “It’s better than tenure because we don’t have to pretend anymore. You don’t have to wear hoodies and windbreakers. You can be openly a four-month-pregnant omega and I have no university position to risk by everybody knowing it.”

  “You mean, I can just go around campus, pregnant? Openly pregnant?” It was guilt-inducing, the way Os said it. Thanks to Alan’s arrogance and selfishness, Os had been forced to hide his pregnancy. At least that wouldn’t be needed anymore. It would do a little bit at least to make things up to Os.

  “Exactly. That’s why I’m smiling. And I can openly love you. Hold your hand in public. Kiss you.” Alan’s mind filled with imagining it. Of course he’d held Os’s hand and kissed him when nobody was watching. But doing that in public would be amazing, empowering. Alan had never openly had a boyfriend.

  “And what about your job?” Os’s voice of concern was wonderful. His immediate concern for Alan was warm all over, even if a little bit childish.

  “I told you I have a standing job offer from OmegaCheck. It’s much better pay than the university anyway. And it’s right here in Springville.”

  “Didn’t you also have a job offer from H-Harvard?” Os’s voice quivered slightly when he said it.

  “Yeah, I did, and I do.” Of course he did. And until he’d met Os, he thought about going back to Harvard to teach. But now that he was with Os, he wouldn’t leave him for anything.

  “So? Harvard is a bit more prestigious than a pregnancy kit company, isn’t it?” Os gulped a little bit and closed his eyes when saying it.

  “A bit more prestigious, but a thousand miles away from Springville. A thousand miles away from you.” Alan steered the car down the icy road to his house. The trees were bare. Os’s pregnancy was in full bloom. The roundness and rotundness of Os’s pregnant belly: Os and Alan could now proudly show off the pregnancy. They didn’t have to appease anybody anymore.

  “You’d turn down Harvard to be closer to me?”

  “Os. I turned down more than that to be close to you. Trust me. Just trust me.” Alan’s voice was pleading. Of course he was asking to be trusted about more than just Harvard. He tapped the brakes and steered the car down the Archer driveway.

  “I learned. I already learned.” Os put out his arm and gently rested his hand in the crook of Alan’s elbow as Alan steered the car. “I know to trust you.”

  “Me too. I mean, I just learned to trust you,” Alan said as he pulled the car into the garage. The electric garage door closed behind them and Alan turned off the car. He still hadn’t finished explaining to Os what had happened that day with Bevins. The garage felt like a confessional booth.

  “Just learned now?” Os asked with a half-smile.

  “Os, have you ever been questioned by the cops?”

  “Uh, no?” Os laughed. “Am I a suspect?”

  “I mean me. Today. When they called me into the meeting today. Os, you know how when the cops question you, they tell you that they have all the evidence against you, even though they don’t really have any evidence against you?”

  “I’ve seen that on Law & Order reruns, yeah.” Os nodded.

  “And they tell you that everyone else already ratted you out, and that your proclaiming your innocence is useless, because all those close closest to you have abandoned you. That’s a basic interrogation technique. Apparently. I learned today.” Alan sighed.

  “So they told you that I abandoned you? That I ratted you out about our relationship or something?” Os’s gray eyes looked into Alan’s. Alan couldn’t lie to those eyes. He couldn’t also say the harsh truth. But of the two choices, he had to tell Os the truth.

  “They told me that you complained about our relationship, that you told them everything about it in a complaint, that you wanted me fired.”

  Os only shook his head. “
And did you believe them?”

  “I thought — I mean —”

  “You believed that I’d do that?” Os asked, still shaking his head. His voice cracked. The garage was dark, but Alan knew Os’s eyes were tearing up, even if he couldn’t see the tears directly.

  “Os. You’re nineteen. You’re pregnant.” Those were rational reasons, of course. To an adult. To Alan. But to Os, Alan knew, they’d sound like an insult.

  “So you think I’d throw you under the bus like that? After I told you I love you? After we’ve been in a relationship together?” Os was definitely crying.

  “I’m sorry, Os. I’m sorry. Now I know. I learned. I’m sorry.”

  “You learned, I guess.” Still sitting in the Camry, Os leaned in and put his head in the crook of Alan’s shoulder.

  “Os. I love you and I trust your devotion to me. I just know a pregnant nineteen-year-old can be flighty, ok? Trust me that I love you.”

  “I trust you,” Os said. “I think. I hope. I trust you.”


  Alan shielded his eyes from the morning sun as he lay his head on Os’s baby bump. Alan was resting his ear on Os’s belly, just as he’d been doing every morning for the past three months, since the baby’s kicks had become audible.

  Alan’s ear was like a suction cup, or like a human stethoscope, on Os’s belly. “I hear her kick! I feel it!” Alan was almost squealing in joy. Os hadn’t known that a forty-year-old man, a professor who studied human reproduction every day, could be so giddy about a baby. “I heard another kick!” Alan grinned ear to ear with his ear pressed to Os’s belly.

  Os gritted his teeth to delay his need for a good morning vomit. He could vomit after Alan got his baby-listening-jollies. “Not to spoil the baby mood or anything,” Os said, “but you’ve been hearing her kick every morning for three months now.” Os ran his hand through Alan’s silky blond hair as Alan rested his head on Os’s pregnant belly.

  “But only one week of knowing she’s a she. That’s exciting, isn’t it?”

  “Sure. I guess. Doesn’t really change anything, but it’s cute. Can I go throw up now?”

  “Not without me to help you, you don’t,” Alan said. He helped Os out of bed, then walked him over to the porcelain bowl. The bowl was always ready for Os’s pregnancy-inspired morning offerings. From the side, Alan held Os steady as Os emptied his stomach contents into the bowl.

  “Is that yesterday’s anchovy pizza?” Alan asked, watching the rainbow of puke fly from Os’s mouth into the toilet bowl. Os finished throwing up, then stepped over to the sink and washed his hands and face, then cleaned his mouth out with Listerine.

  “Anchovy and peanut butter pizza, don’t forget,” Os said, his mouth still burning with Listerine that was getting rid of the vomit smell. It felt like mouth Lysol. “But yes. That was pizza, I believe.”

  “Anchovy, anchovy and peanut butter — either way, the toilet bowl don’t care,” Alan said, laughing and affecting an Appalachian drawl. “Our baby’s gotta get fed. That’s all that matters.”

  “Do you think — she’s gonna come out craving peanut and anchovies?” Os smiled and mischievously patted his belly. Alan led Os back to the bed and helped him sit back down. “I’m seriously asking the question here, Professor Archer!”

  “I’m not Professor Archer anymore. I’m Alan.”

  “Ok, Alan. I’m seriously asking the question here, Alan.”

  “Every pregnant man and woman wants to eat stuff like that. Weird combinations. And then you know, not many kids out of the womb wanna eat shit like that. So, as former professor of human reproduction at Springville State University, I’m gonna have to say no.”

  “Former professor at Springville State, current model recruiter at Omegacheck, right?” Os lay back on the bed and laughed. Alan lay back, at Os’s side.

  “That’s one of my job responsibilities, I guess,” Alan said, talking up at the ceiling. “Scientific liaison and model recruiter. Sure. Photo shoot is in an hour.”

  “Stupid question, but they know that I can’t stand up too long, right?” Os embraced his pregnant belly with his two hands, then rolled onto his left side.

  “They know. They even want you to wear bunny slippers at the photoshoot, because they know about swollen feet and ankles.” Alan sat up, then leaned down and softly massaged Os’s feet and ankles. “Remember what business OmegaCheck is in, Os.”

  “Right. Just that, you know, wanted to make sure, even if they’re in the omega pregnancy business. I mean even Springville State University isn’t perfect sometimes.”

  “Yeah. I know. I’m glad I’m no longer teaching there. And you can be out and pregnant and proud.”

  “I’ve been thinking, Alan: one of these days, would you mind visiting the campus?”

  “Why? More stuff to bring from your former dorm room?”

  “No. Well maybe. But not that. Just that I want to see about really getting involved in the omega support and omega rights community at school, now that I’m out.”

  “You’re not too exhausted, with your huge pregnant belly?” Alan kissed the belly again.

  “I am, but I think the visual effect is awesome, being a visibly pregnant omega. And if you appear with me — ok, I admit, with your looks — it’s even better.”

  “I see. So it will be just like the old days, with Alan Archer serving as the mantelpiece decoration, right?” Alan smiled at Os, obviously awaiting the rebuttal.

  “You’re not just brains, you know.” Os squeezed Alan’s arm.

  Alan lay his mouth in Os’s crotch. “Can I interest you in some pre-photoshoot relaxation, Mister Pregnant Man?”

  “You know I’m too exhausted even to get my butt fucked,” Os said matter-of-factly. He was horny a lot of the time, but usually felt too listless and too plagued by minor aches and pains to want to do anything about that horniness.

  “I mean some oral relaxation for you, good sir.” Alan laughed at his own formality. He then slid Os’s sweatpants and boxer shorts down. Os knew his dick popped up, erect, even if he couldn’t really see it over his pregnant belly. “I’ve got fifteen minutes to suck you off before we have to go to the OmegaCheck photoshoot,” Alan said conspiratorially. He started rubbing Os’s dickhead on his stubbly face: that much, Os could feel, the soft, gentle sandpaper texture of Alan’s midday stubble. Os’s cock on Alan’s face was soon slippery: Os knew it was his precum coating his dickhead, and Alan’s face.

  Alan took Os’s cock and balls in his hand. Then everything around Os’s dickhead and shaft was warm. Os’s cock was deep inside Alan’s warm, tight mouth. The back of Alan’s throat was rubbing Os’s dickhead. Alan palmed and massaged Os’s balls while bobbing his head up and down on Os’s dick. Os only threw his head back and moaned. He knew that sexually, nothing was required of him. He was the pregnant man being pleasured by his beloved alpha.

  Os only felt the warm, wet, tight embrace of Alan’s mouth, with occasional grazes of Alan’s teeth along the length of Os’s veiny shaft. Alan was sucking hard. The entire shaft was inside Alan’s mouth, and Os could only see the top of Alan’s head over his own pregnant belly.

  A finger: Alan’s finger rested on Os’s taint, moving up and down, while tickling Os’s balls at one end, and Os’s ass rim at the other.

  “My ass,” Os whispered.

  Alan slipped Os’s dick out of his mouth. “I know your ass very well,” Alan whispered back, then took the dick back into his mouth, sucking on it hard. He spread Os’s legs far apart. Alan’s finger playing with Os’s taint and assrim felt amazing. He was pressing and massaging up into the prostate.

  Suddenly: Alan’s thick finger plunged into Os’s ass. Os roared with pleasure. That finger was totally unexpected, and it felt almost as good as a cock. Stiffer, bonier, bendier, and not at all unpleasant. Alan’s finger went deep into Os’s hole, up to the knuckle. Os was so horny and lubricated from the blowjob that the finger slipped in without pain. Alan kept sucking off Os as he finge
r-fucked him. Alan’s head bobbed up and down on Os’s dick as Alan pumped his erect finger in and out of Os’s ass.

  Alan’s finger-fucking of Os’s ass got more intense. Maybe it was the fastest, hardest fucking Os had ever gotten, or maybe it just felt that way because Os was very pregnant. Alan’s digit reached deep inside; his fingertip tickled Os’s prostate with every push in.

  The cum started gathering inside Os. It was man-nectar gathering up in his prostate and balls and soon it would need to escape. Os felt a body spasm approaching. “Oh fuck, now, it’s now,” Os frantically mumbled.

  Os’s whole body spasmed. He pushed his dick up, hard into Alan’s mouth, bulldozing its way into Alan’s throat. Os couldn’t quite see over his pregnant belly, but he felt Alan sucking the cum out of him, and he knew that rope after rope of his cum was splattering inside Alan. He heard Alan swallow Os’s thick cum over and over.

  Alan slurped at the dickhead, then licked it clean. Os felt Alan pouring his own saliva on Os’s dick, then licking it off to wash it.

  “Done!” Alan announced. “Feel good?”

  “Oh my God.” Os stretched his arms up on the bed and smiled widely. “Yeah. That hit the spot.”

  “Good. Time to get going to the photoshoot then.”

  Os didn’t particularly feel like getting up and out of bed under his own power. But Alan’s arm appeared next to him, as it always did in times like this. Os held Alan’s Arm and Alan led him to put on his bunny slippers and walk over to the garage and the car.

  The OmegaCheck building was in an office park on the outskirts of Springville. Having lacked a car on campus, Os had never been out that way. The letter omega and a silhouette of a pregnant man stood above the office park, and Os knew he must be in the right place.

  “I don’t really know the ad production people,” Alan said while parking the car by the building’s rear entrance. “I’m not involved in making ads.”

  “Except when you recruit a young pregnant omega to appear in those ads, right?” Os smiled.

  “When that omega is my beloved mate and boyfriend and lover, sure.” Alan turned off the car and jogged to Os’s passenger door, then led Os out, bunny slippers and all, to the building’s rear entrance.


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