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(Watch Me) Body You (Run This Town Book 2)

Page 15

by Avril Ashton

  Reggie kissed him again and this time, Is opened for him, letting him set the pace, allowing him to drive. He’d never be disappointed. Reggie didn’t move his hand from Is’ neck, though his grip had relaxed. His tongue probed Is’ mouth, twisting around, tangling with his.

  Every nerve ending in Is body was on alert, waiting for more. Wanting and needing it. He broke the kiss.

  “You spoke a big game earlier.”

  Reggie stumbled backward, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “You don’t have to do—” He waved a hand.

  “It doesn’t matter how we fit,” Is told him. It didn’t. “All that matters is that we do.” And Is never would have imagined asking for any of this, but he’d had a taste of what was to come and he wanted the whole thing. “I want it.”

  Reggie slapped a hand over his eyes. “You’re killing me here, you know that right?”

  Is couldn’t smother the grin. “Killing myself, too.” He swallowed. “Come here.” Then he shook his head. “Forget that, I’m coming to you.” He went to Reggie, hugging him close and putting his face in the crook of his neck. “It’s you and me, Reg. Always has been.”

  Reggie just stared at him, still searching, and when he finally found what he’d been looking for, he licked Is, tongue gliding over his bottom lip and down his chin to his throat.

  Is tilted his head, giving him all kinds of access. Reggie didn’t require permission though, storming his way through all of Is’ defenses while kissing a wet trail down his chest. Is palmed the back of his head, soft grunts rumbling in his throat.

  Who’d have thought?

  Reggie pinched his nipples, one then the other and Is got louder, his erection throbbing between them. He tightened his grip on Reggie’s head, tipping him until Reggie opened low-riding eyes to peer up at him.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing,” he rasped. “Fish outta water, Reg.”

  Reggie’s teeth snapped together in a grin. “I don’t know either. Just going with instinct, all the things I want to do.”

  Is’ knees buckled with the heat in his eyes. He grasped Reggie’s shoulder “I should lie down before my knees give out completely.”

  “Yeah.” Reggie nodded and after one last lick between Is’ pecs, he straightened and stepped back.

  Is got on the bed under Reggie’s hot scrutiny. Head against the headboard, pillows thrown to the side, he stretched his legs out and waited as Reggie pulled open drawers. Is’ gut tightened. He wasn’t a complete novice. He’d had anal sex with women. He knew the basics of that, but he’d never been the receiver. No one getting near his ass ’til now.

  He took a breath when Reggie dropped some items onto the bed. Condoms and lube. Reggie must have noticed the way Is tensed up because concern crossed his face.

  “We don’t—”

  “We don’t, but I want.” He winked. “Just nerves. I’m entitled. Not everyday I let you run up in my ass.”

  Reggie barked a laugh as he placed a knee on the bed. “I’ll be gentle.”

  “The hell you will.” He waited until Reggie was fully on the bed then asked, “How do we want to do this?”

  Reggie sat back on his haunches over Is’ ankles. “Hands and knees would be preferable for this first time.”

  Is shook his head. “Not now.” He licked his lips. “I have to watch you.”

  A smirk curved Reggie’s mouth. “Yeah?” He nudged Is’ knees apart and settled between them, just staring down at his hard cock where it rested, dripping pre-cum on Is’ lower belly. Under Reggie’s gaze, Is’ shaft jerked and twitched.

  All this wasn’t altogether comfortable. Is fought the urge to squirm under the perusal. Instead he widened his knees even more and fisted the sheets on either side of his body. He’d made his decision and while it wasn’t all smoothness and familiarity, it was exhilarating, thrilling and scary as hell.

  All feelings he embraced as he stared up at Reggie. “We gon’ do this?”

  “Shh.” Reggie placed the pad of one finger against Is’ lips then slid it down, past his chin, tracing his throat and the middle of his chest. A straight line that didn’t stop until Reggie reached Is’ cock. He tapped the wet, purpling head.

  Is hissed. His dick seemed to lean into the touch, slit gaping open, a drop of liquid forming there.

  “I have to watch you,” Reggie whispered Is’ words back to him.

  Is’ muscles bunched when he strained to get closer. “You can watch and do other stuff at the same time, yeah?”

  “Yeah.” Reggie bent and licked him, tongue flicking out to catch the liquid at his cock head.

  “Fuck!” Is lurched upright then flopped back down onto the mattress. Reggie licked him again, tongue barely touching his crown, drinking up the liquid. “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.” It wasn’t so much the act as it was the sight that had Is’ thighs tensing and his balls drawing tight.

  “Tastes weird,” Reggie muttered. “Not bad, just weird.” Then he sealed his lips around Is’ cock and moaned.

  Is howled, clamping a hand at the back of Reggie’s head. Reggie took him deep, no finesse, some teeth got in there, but bloodclat, Is rolled his hips, lifting off the bed as he carefully fucked Reggie’s mouth.

  Reggie’s fingers dug into his thighs, his throat working to pull Is deeper. Is eased up onto his elbows, one hand at the back of Reggie’s head as he thrust into his hot mouth. Reggie made wet sounds, rapidly breathing through his nose, tongue flicking over Is’ tip. He moved his hand from Is’ thigh and circled him, stroking him up and down as he sucked.

  “Shit. Reggie.” The plea rushed from Is’ throat. He couldn’t tear his gaze from Reggie between his knees, from the sight of his cock tunneling in and out of Reggie’s wet mouth. Slick fingers trailed the under side of his balls and Is was trembling, shaking, babbling. “Good. So fucking good.”

  The finger circled his hole, making Is tense. Reggie didn’t stop suckling or petting him and he learned to breathe deep. Just in time, too, when Reggie eased a finger into him.

  A yell barreled its way past his frozen lips. One finger, but the pain was…fuck! Deep breaths. He remembered reading about that. Deep breaths. He gulped in air and inch by inch, Reggie’s finger sank into him.

  A finger up his ass. Israel Storm with a finger up his ass. Wasn’t this some shit?

  Reggie pulled off his cock with an audibly wet sound and flatted his tongue down the length with hurried, hungry strokes. Again no finesse. In and of itself, this wasn’t head to write home about. But it was Reggie and already that made it better than Is ever had.

  Pain in his ass flared white behind his eyeballs. There was now more than one finger inside him and Reggie was slurping his balls, sucking on them, licking them. All that pleasure assaulted his senses, coalescing in his nuts and at the base of his spine in a hot ball.

  “Fuck.” He tugged on Reggie’ neck. “Gonna make me come.”

  Reggie pulled off him instantly, withdrawing his fingers. Is made a hollow sound when they left him. He’d gotten used to their presence.

  Reggie sat back and licked his lips, eyes glassy. “Damn.”

  “What?” Is squinted at him, absently stroking his wet erection.

  “I liked doing that. A lot.” Reggie grabbed the lube and condom and squeezed some of the stuff onto his fingers. “Open. Knees to your chest.”

  Despite what Reggie had just done to him, Is’ face still burned as he hugged his knees to his chest, exposing everything to Reggie. Reggie held his gaze, pressing the two slick fingers into him and twisting.

  “Argh!” Is jerked, but his cock grew harder. “Reg…”

  Another finger pushed its way, crowding Is’ ass.

  “Breathe,” Reggie whispered. “Breathe.”

  Easy for that fucker to say. He wasn’t the one with three huge fingers stuffed up his ass. That made Is chuckle, made his hole clench up. Reggie hissed.

  “You have no idea how tight you are, Is.” He thrust in and stopped then spread the digits. “How
hot. It’s un-fucking-believable.”

  Is licked a wet streak in his palm and stroked his cock, pulling hard as he loosened up enough to push back against the fingers. Every time Reggie thrust, Is rode it and before long, the pain was somewhere on the sidelines while pleasure took the forefront and he was blatantly and unabashedly fucking Reggie’s fingers with hungry grunts.

  Is chucked everything aside and focused, on Reggie, on the pleasure they were sharing, on the amazing feelings boiling hot in his gut and the heat they generated between them. Hunger blossomed, sharp, deep, and he became ravenous, slamming down on the digits as Reggie pushed them into him all the way.

  “Jesus.” Between his knees, Reggie stared at him as if he’d never seen Is before. He pulled out his fingers slowly.

  “Fuck. Don’t.” Listen to him. He regretted nothing, except the removal of those fucking fingers that made him ache for something more.

  “Shh.” Reggie shushed him with a kiss of his knee as he tugged on the condom and slathered it with lube.

  The main course. Time for the real thing, although how much realer could him begging for Reggie’s fingers be, huh?

  “Is.” Reggie was back between his knees, one hand wrapped around his condom-covered cock as he brought it to Is’ hole. “Eyes on me,” Reggie rasped. “Put those eyes on me.”

  Is’ gaze flew to his as Reggie pushed in, blunt cock breaching him, his thickness tearing Is in two.

  He gasped for air, fists opening and closing. Mother fuck. Some kinda ache. What?

  Reggie claimed him, his ass, his gaze, holding him trapped in all the hot pain and the emotion in his bottomless eyes. “Hurts, yeah?” He eased in another degree. “But good, isn’t it?” He pushed in more.

  Is’ erection had flagged with Reggie’s entrance, but he wasn’t all the way soft. He blinked the moisture from his eyes and lost himself in Reggie’s gaze.

  “It’s a pain for sure,” Reggie muttered, “But it’s a delicious pain, Is. Makes you want to run away from it even as you reach for more of it. Steals your breath and your thoughts and your fucking equilibrium.” He sank in all the way, and Is clawed at the mattress, mouth open, no sounds coming out.

  The shock of pain had him frozen, but Reggie’s words sparked something inside him. Like jealousy. How did Reggie know what Is was feeling right then?

  Reggie had gone still once he hit bottom. Is felt him, his thighs quivering. his stomach contracting.

  “Get accustomed to it, to me. And breathe.” Inside Is, his cock throbbed, hot and hard. “Took me a while to do that.”

  Despite the pain lancing through his ass and lower back, Is found the strength to lurch up and grabbed Reggie by the throat. He still couldn’t make his tongue work, so he bared his teeth.

  Reggie’s lips quirked. “Ask me, then.” He rolled his hips. Is gasped. “Ask me how I know what you’re feeling, Is. You wanna know who has been playing with your property?”

  Fucking A. And he’d slit the throat of anyone who even thought to touch Reggie.

  “I did it,” Reggie whispered against his forehead. “My fingers and one very lucky cucumber from my fridge. No one touches me. No one, but you.” He reared back and slammed in.

  Is found his voice. “Fuck. Fuck.” He held Reggie when he would have pulled back, hand at his jaw as their eyes met. “Don’t play with me, Reggie. Not about this. Payback is gonna hurt.”

  Reggie grinned and bent, licking the tip of Is’ nose. “I look forward to it, but for now…” He brushed his lips over Is’. “Watch me body you.” He thrust in and Is grabbed on to him, nails clawing at his back, teeth in his bottom lip.

  His cock ached between their bodies, rubbing against their stomachs as they came together, lips clinging, Reggie pounding into him. Reggie leaned back and Is let him go, lifting both hands up to grasp on to the carved metal headboard.

  Through hooded eyes he watched Reggie take him, every thrust sending him deeper and deeper inside Is, hitting places only Reggie would ever hit. He breathed through parted lips, the musk of their sex melting on his tongue. He swallowed and widened his thighs, clenching around Reggie, making the other man’s hips stutter and curses to fall from his mouth.

  Reggie circled his hips and ground against Is until his pubes scraped his skin. His cock head brushed something that made Is shout and his eyes cross.

  “Hold up,” he barked in a shaky voice. “Back the fuck up.”

  “What?” Reggie stopped, concern etched over his face, his body shuddering with barely-leashed control. “Is, what?”

  “That.” He unclenched a hand and waved it. “What you just did. Fuck.” His hole was spasming, needing. He lifted both legs and hooked them around Reggie’s waist. “Do it again.” Was that him, begging like one of his strung-out customers?

  Reggie began moving again and at first he wasn’t doing it, wasn’t touching that place. But then he did and Is was yelling, all kinds of fucked-up words falling from his lips. Reggie nailed it, punching that spot over and over and Is reached between them, jerking himself off.

  “Fuck.” Reggie lowered himself and took Is’ mouth, tongue stabbing deep. “Surrender— Is, surrender looks good on you. Everything looks good on you.” He went back to kissing Is, deeply, hungrily.

  Is melted into him, into the kiss, into the sensations rioting through him, and all of it built and built until he couldn’t contain it, didn’t want to. They spilled over and he cried out into Reggie’s mouth as he came, squeezing the dick in his ass, cum shooting onto their bellies as he lurched off the mattress.

  He swore he heard his spine pop. His vision whited out and blood raced in his ears and Reggie was right there with him, never breaking the kiss as his thrusts grew shorter, sharper, and his breath whistled out his nose. The fingers on Is’ right hip dug in, scratching him to the white meat most likely then Reggie was speeding up, pubic bone knocking against Is’ as he gasped out his name.

  Reggie collapsed onto Is’ chest, body shaking, little mewls leaving his throat. Is lowered his legs, wincing when they and his ass ached, and hugged Reggie’s sweat-slicked body close. Reggie lifted his head, eyes closed, mouth searching and Is kissed him, soft. Putting a period at the end of something he had no particular name for.

  Something he liked.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Silence was the order of the hour once Reggie finally rolled his ass off the bed and limped to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and wash up. Felt as if he’d pulled all the muscles in his body.

  Yet there was a lightness that meeting his gaze in the mirror didn’t extinguish.

  He had no doubts, no qualms, no reservations. All he had were balls wrung dry and a nice ache in his limbs. He washed his hands, splashed water on his face then opened the bathroom door.

  The sight of Is sprawled out on his back, eyes closed, was a head rush.

  He had this, too. Is in his bed. Reggie didn’t know for how long, if their reprieve would last past the sunrise, but he had this now. He closed the bathroom door and went back to Is.

  “So…” He peered down at him from the side of the bed. They’d had a moment to just rest up, to fully digest what they’d done. He wanted to see if Is had any lingering regrets.

  “Ass hurts like a muh’fucker, son.”

  A snort escaped Reggie, and Is opened one eye to glare at him. “You laughing at me?”

  “Why would I do that?” He tried to smooth out his expression. “Sounds…painful.” He doubled over laughing, clutching his belly.

  “Yeah. Aight.” Is got up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. “G’head and laugh. See if I let you slide up in there again.”

  “Aw.” Reggie straddled him while standing, legs planted on either side of Is’ knees, a hand on his chin to tilt his face. “I can kiss it and make it better.”

  Is’ jaw dropped. Reggie used his thumb and forefinger to close it.

  “In fact, I insist on kissing it and making it better.”

  “The fuck am I gonn
a do with you, huh?” Is hauled him close and buried his face in Reggie’s torso. He kissed Reggie, soft kisses, some hard, but still sexy, still delicious.

  Reggie shivered, scraping his knuckles over Is’ scalp.

  “I thought it would be different, you know.” Is leaned back to look up at him. “Thought I might feel different, but I don’t.”

  Reggie frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I thought I’d look at you differently, feel differently toward you after this. After having you inside me.” He let out a low sigh. “Things is, I don’t. What I feel, I’ve always felt. Instead of this being awkward and weird, it’s not. It’s just us, being us. The sex just added a new deeper layer to who we are.”

  “And that’s a good thing.” Reggie just needed to be clear on that.

  “Ah good ting dat.” He chuckled. “I’m a little weirded out, but I’m good. Where it counts, I’m good.” His smile fell away and his hold on Reggie tightened. “I couldn’t let you go.”


  “That night we met. After we drove from Staten Island, you dropped me off.”

  Reggie nodded. “Yeah.”

  “And I couldn’t let you go,” Is said softly. “I— There was this thing, this pull. I didn’t want you to leave me.”

  “I didn’t. After all the beer and weed, I ended up crashing right there on the floor in the living room.” He remembered the shitty hangover the next morning, and he also remembered Is going out and bringing back breakfast.

  “I was fucking lost, Reg, and you just—” Is shook his head. “You were just there. Always. It’s more than I’ve had. More than I deserve.”

  “Goddamn it, Is. You deserve it. You deserve everything.”

  “I don’t know about everything,” Is said hoarsely. His eyes were bright when he said, “But I think I’ve finally figured out that I deserve you.”

  Damn. “Is.” Reggie didn’t have anything else other than that awestruck whisper so he just brushed his thumb over Is stubble and watched him.

  Is smoothed his hands over Reggie’s ass and the back of his legs. Up and down. Up and down. Then his chest and torso. Touching him all over, lingering, hot caresses as Reggie tried to stay still.


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