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(Watch Me) Body You (Run This Town Book 2)

Page 19

by Avril Ashton

  This shit was crazy. Is stood with his back against the wall. He’d completely spaced on calling to let Xavier know that Quinn might be around. In the end though, all this was Is’ fault. He shouldn’t have ever sent Tek to Quinn. It was a bad combo, the two of them together with what they’d both gone through. With who Tek was. And wasn’t.

  Footsteps sounded and he looked up. Tek and Quinn were headed his way, walking side by side, but something was different. Like something had changed between them and it wasn’t for the better. Tek was expressionless and Quinn’s entire body was a big fuck-off sign.

  “Quinn. Fuck.” Is looked him over with a critical eye. “Are you okay?”

  Quinn smile was pained. “I’m fine, just overwhelmed.”

  “My fault. I should have told X you might be around. He’d have kept his distance.”

  Quinn shook his head. “He shouldn’t have to, he did nothing wrong.” He made a frustrated sound. “I just— Seeing him was too much.”

  “I’m sorry about that,” Xavier’s voice came from behind Is.

  Quinn’s gaze flew over Is’ shoulder. “Xavier.” His voice was a mix of heartbreak, pain and longing.

  Tek’s jaw tightened.

  Is stepped aside. X and his Russian stood shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand. Quinn seemed to notice that, too, for the first time because his flinch was noticeable. Fuck. Is wanted to be anywhere but here he was right then, witnessing this.

  “I’m sorry for running away from you,” Quinn said softly.

  X shook his head. “You never have to apologize. That’s my job.” He exchanged a look with Dima and when the Russian gave him a nod, X said, “I’d like to hug you. Can I do that?”

  Quinn nodded. “Yes,” he whispered.

  X released Dima’s hand and went to Quinn, slowly, carefully pulling him into his arms. Quinn buried his face in X’s chest and wrapped both arms around his waist. X kissed the top of his head and palmed his nape.

  “Don’t ever apologize for your reactions,” X told him. “It’s okay.”

  Is glanced over at Dima. He was watching X and Quinn, but Is couldn’t tell what he was thinking. He certainly didn’t expect for Dima to just stand quietly by. He could honestly say the Russian surprised him.

  “You look good,” X said.

  Quinn sniffed and lifted his head. “And you look the same, only happier.” He glanced over at Dima and X held out a hand that the Russian took.

  “This is my partner, Dima Zhirkov.” X tugged Dima closer. “Rush, this is Quinn.”

  “Hi.” Quinn’s smile was hesitant, but it was there.

  “Heard a lot of great things about you, Quinn.” Dima grinned. “Good to finally meet.”

  And Quinn’s smile climbed higher into his eyes. “Thank you. For taking care of him.” He nodded at X. “He needs a keeper.”

  Dima snorted. “Oh yeah, don’t I know it.”

  Quinn laughed. “I have to go, just came off my shift and I’m beat.” He touched X’s arm. “Be good, Xavier.”

  X smiled a little sadly. “Be good, Quinn.”

  Quinn walked off and Is turned to Tek who’d been watching them in silence. “Take him home.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Tek said.

  “Do it anyway.”

  Tek searched his gaze then gave him a sharp nod and jogged off to catch up with Quinn. Is turned back to X and Dima.

  “I completely expected you to act the fool,” he told Dima. “Thank you for not doing that.”

  “Oh, Rush can be on his best behavior from time to time.” X tugged on Dima’s earlobe and the Russian gave him the finger. “Or maybe not.”

  “All right. I’ve left Reggie alone too long dealing with all your shit.” Is walked off in the direction of Reggie’s room.

  “Heard you’ve got a leak,” Dima said. “You’d better plug that shit up fast before it becomes a downpour.”

  “Any idea who it might be?” X asked.

  Is shook his head. “None.”

  * * * *

  “Only the lieutenants knew we were coming down to Atlanta,” Tek said.

  Is had waited until Tek got back from taking Quinn home before they discussed who the snitch might be. Reggie was supposed to have only one visitor at a time, but Dima had smiled at one the nurses. She’d blushed and looked the other way when they all piled into the room. Of course, X had dragged Dima into the bathroom for some alone time, and when they exited, Dima had looked like he’d been shot up with something nice.

  Is wasn’t mad at that at all.

  Now, he sat on the bed next to Reggie while X and Dima took up the two chairs, and Tek stood over in the corner. It didn’t escape his notice that Dima, his rival, was in this meeting.

  Is didn’t mind, he needed an unbiased perspective.

  “Do you really believe this Hutchins guy?” X asked.

  Is had finally told them about the visit he’d gotten from one Dane Hutchins, FBI.

  “Dutch is good peoples and he knows his shit,” Reggie spoke up. “If he thinks we’re looking in the wrong direction then we’re looking in the wrong direction.”

  “And you trust him?” Dima asked.

  “I do.” Reggie sat up. “Don’t let the badge fool you, Dutch is just as gulley as everyone in this room. Maybe more, but in the end, I wouldn’t mind having him at my back.”

  “Okay. So we’re looking at the lieutenants,” Is said. “But one of them could just as easily have said something in passing to one of their soldiers.” He had a lot of people working for him.

  “But who have you pissed off recently?” Dima asked. When Is scowled at him, he shrugged. “You tend to do that, piss people off.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “No, he has a point,” Reggie said. “You had to discipline anyone? Question their earnings or something?”

  Is shook his head. “Nah, man. Everyone’s been on point. They know how I would react if anyone of them come up short.”

  “Okay.” Reggie closed his eyes. “No one coming up short. No one disciplined.” He opened his eyes. “No one comes to mind? You mean to tell me all your men love you and are on the up and up?”

  “Well, yeah.” Is lifted a shoulder. “I run a tight ship, but I keep things fair. No favoritism or any of that shit.

  “What about women?” X asked.

  Is paused. “What?”

  “It’s not that far-fetched,” his cousin said. “You have a particular blind spot when it comes to the fairer sex, as our resident Russian can attest.”

  Is scowled. Dima grinned and gave him a little wave.

  “There’s only Tawnya,” Reggie said.

  “Yeah, but…Tawnya?” Is shook his head. “Nah.”

  “You threw her over for Reggie, didn’t you?” Tek asked.

  “I didn’t throw her over for Reggie.” Is got to his feet. “Tawnya and I were never serious, she knew the score. That shit was explicitly spelled out before anything popped off between us.” Is didn’t believe for a moment that Tawnya had any part of this. It had nothing to do with her being a woman. She just wasn’t the type.

  “Just in case, I’ll have Cutty and the rest watch her.” Tek pulled out his phone. “See if she—”


  “Huh?” Tek paused in dialing.

  “Cutty,” Is said grimly. “It might be him.” And the more he thought about it the more he knew it to be true.

  “Cutty?” Reggie frowned. “He’s been with you since the beginning, hasn’t he? Why would he try to kill you?”

  Is grinned. “I threatened his son.”

  “Why?” X asked.

  “Kid is always in trouble, got roughed up and thrown in lockup for some dumb shit, and I heard from one of my peoples on the inside that he’s throwing my name around. Using it as leverage to shake some people down.” Is rolled his shoulders. “Only one way that can be possible, Cutty let him in on some things. So I told him to handle his pickney else I’d do it for him.”

  Dima lifted a brow. “Well, threatening a man’s child. That could guarantee a bullet.”

  “You threatened to kill his kid?” Reggie gaped at Is.

  “Hey, he’s a grown fucking man who knows what the consequences are for fucking with me.” Is had no apologies for that. “Cutty should’ve been nipped that shit in the bud, but no, he allows his son to run the streets and use my name as some kind of get outta jail free card. It’s my business on the line,” Is said, “and I have no fucking qualms in handling it the way I see fit to protect my assets.”

  “Well, Cutty must have felt the same way.” Tek put his phone in his pocket. “He has family down here, did you know that?”

  “I do now.” Is nodded to Tek. “I want him and his son taken out off my streets immediately.”

  “I can handle that.” Dima lifted a hand. Everyone looked at him. “What?” he asked defensively. “Now that we’re all getting along, there’s no violence, no blood shed.” He shuddered. “A man can go crazy with all this fucking peaceful crap.”

  “Okay.” Is nodded. “I want them kept alive, though. They’re mine.”

  “Aw, man.” Dima made a disappointed sound, but pulled out his phone and turned away.

  “You really think it’s Cutty?” Reggie asked.

  “I’m positive.” One thing crossed off his shit list. “Now I need you to get in contact with your FBI friend,” he told Reggie. “I need to pay Vega a visit.”


  He shook his head. “No, I need to do this. I’m taking Tek with me, so you don’t have to worry.”

  Reggie glared at him. “It doesn’t matter who you take with you, fool. I will always worry.”

  Damn. “I know.” He touched Reggie’s shoulder. “I’ll be fine, I promise.”

  By sundown that evening, he was inside an empty office in a large warehouse along Mountain Industrial Boulevard in Tucker. Tek stood at his back as he sat in one of only two chairs in the room. His eyes were trained on a door to his left that led to an adjoining room. He’d been ushered in through there by the ever-helpful Dane Hutchins, and was now waiting for Vega to put in an appearance.

  “What do you think?” he asked Tek without looking at him.

  “I think it’s a good thing they let us keep our weapons.”

  Is had been surprised that he hadn’t been stripped of his guns, but he wasn’t complaining.

  The doorknob turned and a man stepped through. He was dressed casually, plaid shirt and faded jeans with heavy boots, nothing special about him, but Is knew his face. And his reputation.

  Renzo Vega had black wavy hair that didn’t quite reach his shoulders and a jaw full of scruff. His eyes were captivating, a messy shade of gray and brown, as if they couldn’t quite decide. A good looking man, but if he was involved in the shooting, a dead man.

  “Israel Storm.” Vega sat in the chair opposite Is and stretched his legs out before crossing the ankles. “Gotta say I’ve looked forward to this meeting.”

  “I get that a lot.” Is leaned forward. “Yes, it’s nice to meet me.”

  Vega laughed, a booming sound that echoed in the wide space. “I’ve always admired your balls, conducting your business in my territory as if you own it.”

  Is shrugged. “I’ve been in Southeast Atlanta way before you even thought to set up camp here.”

  “But I am here, and you should have long kept your dealings to your New York streets.”

  “But where’s the fun, eh?”

  Vega lurched forward, bringing his face within inches of Is’. “You New York boys always seem to think you run things. That everyone else should bow and scrape to you. Why is that? What makes you so special?” His breath touched Is’ face.

  “If you don’t know the answer to that then I feel bad for you, son.” Is winked.

  “Cocky.” Vega sat back. “I once knew a man as cocky as you. He was my predecessor.”

  Is grinned. “I’ve been at this way longer than you. While you were pulling off those short money cons and toeing the line, I was giving orders and running things. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you can touch me. I clap back.” He sat back. “Your people killed one of my men.”

  Vega lifted an eyebrow. “Did they? I could say the same for yours.”

  “We should be even then.”

  “We should.” Vega nodded.

  “I have no plans to fuck with you, but my businesses will remain where they are for the foreseeable future.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Vega stared at him.

  “I much prefer to coexist than to start a war.” Is got to his feet, and Vega did the same. “Hutchins vouched for you, said you weren’t involved in what happened the other night.”

  Vega didn’t speak, but there were all kinds of cagey shit going on in his eyes.

  “You get a reprieve.” Is stepped forward into Vega’s personal space. “But I find out you were indeed behind it, I’ll be taking you apart. Limb by limb.” He lowered his tone. “And I’ll be loving it.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Two weeks they spent in Atlanta. One week at the hospital where Is stayed at Reggie’s side day and night. Except when Reggie’s parents stopped by. Those days he made himself scarce. He’d seen the way Reggie’s moms looked at him like she wanted to carve him into little pieces. That woman did not like him and he’d gone out of his way to be all charming and shit. The one female immune to his shit just had to be Reggie’s mother.


  The other week they stayed in a hotel so Reggie could recuperate, but fifteen days after that ambush, they landed back in New York. Reggie’s pilot gave them a lift, all of them including Reggie’s folks. X and Dima had already left on their own. Is was thankful for small mercies. God knew what Reggie’s mother would have said had she seen Dima.

  They had to say their goodbyes in front of Mr. and Mrs. Turner since Reggie would be spending the next few days with them. Is didn’t like it since it meant his time with Reggie would be curtailed, but at least it freed him up to pay that long-awaited visit to see Cutty.

  As his lover’s parents watched from the back of the cab Is had had waiting for them, he pulled Reggie into a tight hug.

  “I’ll see you,” he murmured against Reggie’s neck.

  Reggie made a disgruntled sound. “Soon.”

  “Yeah.” Is had to force himself to open his arms and release Reggie. When their eyes met he flashed a crooked smile. “Really need to kiss you right now.”

  Reggie’s eyes darkened that fast and he licked his lips. “Soon.”

  Fuck. “Yeah.” He motioned toward the cab. “Go before your mother kills me with that legendary stare of hers.”

  “Is, don’t get hurt.” Reggie watched him with that knowing look in his eyes.

  “Reg, go on.”

  Reggie narrowed his gaze. “Don’t make me have to come for you, Is.” He turned and walked away, and Is didn’t move from his spot until the cab disappeared in the distance.

  “You ready?” Tek asked from behind him.

  “Born ready.” Is spun to face him. “Let’s do this.” He had traitorous blood to spill.

  * * * *

  The Russians had Cutty in the basement of a large apartment complex in Coney Island. Is couldn’t remember the last time he’d been to the area. Lots of things had been done to change the landscape, but he wasn’t there for sightseeing.

  The heavy metal door slammed behind him, echoing in the halls painted gray-blue. The floors were buffed to a glossy shine, but that didn’t hide the cracks in the aged tile. One of Dima Zhirkov’s buildings, if Is had to guess. Who’d have thought he’d be getting any kind of help from that guy?

  Things done changed.

  His footsteps were loud as he walked down to the room marked Utilities. It was just a simple door, but when he opened it, he immediately spied Cutty, naked on the floor, sitting on cardboard, chained to the exposed pipe nearby. Usually bound atop his head, Cutty’s locks were undone and grazing
the floor.

  Is entered the room fully and closed the door behind him. Cutty’s head had shot up once the door opened, but he couldn’t see, not with the blindfold over his face.

  Is grimaced. The Russians did like the dramatics.

  With the door closed, he leaned his shoulder against it and just watched Cutty’s head swivel left and right. He wasn’t a big man, slender, with skinny legs and arms, he had dark skin that looked ashen right then. Cutty wasn’t a young man though, he was old enough to be Is’ father, but right then Is felt as if he was the elder of the two.

  “Wah ya’say, Cutty?”

  His lieutenant stiffened. “Boss man.”

  “Ah mi dat.” Is walked over and yanked the blindfold off. Cutty blinked bloodshot eyes up at him. “Didn’t expect to see me, did you?”

  “Wha yuh ah chat ’bout?”

  Is lost the dialect fast. “I’m exhausted, Cutty. I miss my home and my bed, so please, don’t insult my fucking intelligence by denying that you set me up in Atlanta. That you had your cousins try to kill me.”

  Cutty’s expression blanked.

  Is smiled. “I look forward to hearing your explanation and the way you beg for your life.”

  Hate glared bright in Cutty’s eyes. He spat at Is’ feet. “Bad man never beg.”

  A challenge. Is pulled the knife from his left boot. “I’m always ready to accept a new challenge. You know how I stay.” He grabbed Cutty by his locks, held him steady and sank the blade into his side. Deep.

  A cry gurgled in Cutty’s throat.

  “Or you should know,” Is said into his hair. He pulled out the knife and the wound made a wet, suctioning sound. “You’ve seen me at this from the beginning, old man, what made you think you could fuck with me?”

  Cutty shuddered in his hold.

  “I want to know who else is in on this plan of yours.” Is pushed him backward and when he toppled over kicked him in the fresh knife wound. “Names, Cutty.”

  “I watched you.” Cutty’s words were slurred as he fought to regain his balance. “I watched how you did things and I knew you were fucked-up, but I never thought you would threaten to kill my son.” Blood spilled out of his mouth. “My son.”


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