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Lure of the Blood

Page 15

by Doris O'Connor

  “What a touching scene indeed. If I had a heart it would be bleeding by now. So, Channing, you’re ready to start a war, for this human who shares her body as willingly with vamps as she does with wolves.”

  Ion’s hands tightened on hers, but before he could respond, Marnie twirled round in his arms. Enough! She had to stop this.

  “Let me go, Ion, now! This has gone far enough!”

  When he would have resisted, her hand on his mouth stopped him and whatever he saw in her eyes made him release her reluctantly. She mouthed a silent ‘I love you,’ and his eyes darkened in answer, before turning back into his wolf’s and he shifted again, joining his pack.

  Marnie took a deep breath, knowing exactly what she had to do.

  “There will be no war, Carmen. At least, not on my account. Whatever Ion and Lucas stand accused of,” she glanced back at vampire and wolf, her heart heavy. “Whatever sentence you were going to impose, I will take it for them.”

  Again all hell broke loose in the room and Marnie straightened her shoulders, all too aware of Ion’s despair seeping through her consciousness and Lucas’s sharp intake of breath behind her. He had his hands firmly in Ion’s fur to stop him from launching himself and Marnie’s heart broke at the expression in both wolf’s and Vamp’s eyes.

  “You would sacrifice yourself for a wolf and a vamp? Why?”

  Carmen’s raised eyebrows were the only indication of her reaction to this news. The rest of her was like a marble statue waiting for her answer.

  “Because I love Ion and Lucas is my friend. They have both tried to protect me and have done nothing wrong. It was my misjudgement that brought about the death of the man who attacked me. If anyone should be punished for the trouble it caused, then it should be me, no one else.”

  Silence fell on the room like an oppressive blanket.

  “You do realise that the punishment is death, human!”

  Chapter Twenty

  Marnie came to in a darkened room, a heavy weight pinning her to the soft bed. Panic set in as she remembered the earlier events, followed by confusion. Carmen had said she was going to be killed and Ion had been there shouting and holding her and then…then just blissful darkness.

  She must have fainted, but what had happened after that? Her head hurt trying to make sense of it all. If they wanted her dead, why was she not at least chained up somewhere and why was she pinned down by…

  Her immediate shriek was muffled by a gentle hand on her mouth and Ion’s familiar scent finally registered in her befuddled brain at the same time as his face slowly came into focus. He was smiling down on her, one hand holding his weight off her and she swallowed hard at the realisation that this was Ion in all his naked and very aroused glory.

  “I…I don’t understand. What happened?”

  “Don’t worry about that now, little one. You’ve had one hell of a shock and you’ve been out for a while. Relax,” his smile turned wicked as he settled himself between her thighs. “It so happens I have the perfect method right here.”

  Marnie’s breath hitched as he ground his hips against her, letting her feel the full force of his arousal and her body responded instantly, moist heat flooding between her thighs.

  “That’s it, little one, just let yourself feel.”

  One hand found its way under her top and Ion swallowed her moan of surrender with his kiss, as his fingers closed around one turgid nipple and sensation overwhelmed her as she went up like cinder to the flame. Pushing any misgivings away, she simply let her body take over. Ion played her like an instrument, his harsh breaths in her ear and his rough tongue setting her alight. His murmured words of encouragement as he licked and nipped his way down one side of her body and then the other, always leaving her hovering on the cuff of release until she was as naked as him, whimpering her need for him to make her his.

  “Do you mean that, little one?”

  Ion held himself very still on top of her, the thick tip of his cock nudging her entrance, driving her wild with unfulfilled need and love for this man. Tears filled her eyes at the love and raw need she saw shining out of his eyes as he waited for her answer and when she nodded, his wolf’s howl filled the stillness of the room. His eyes never left hers as he thrust into her swollen depths and her hips lifted to take him further into her body, needing him to fill her completely and totally. Every thrust brought her closer to the brink, obliterating any lingering doubts and when he went still, his wolf’s eyes burning down on her in a silent question, she shut her eyes and tilted her head to one side in silent anticipation. Damn being righteous and thinking of others. What good had it done them after all? They had tried to do the right thing and had both almost been killed in the process. For all she knew she would still be executed in the morning, so why deny them both.

  The scrape of Ion’s fangs against her neck coupled with a deep thrust send her tumbling over the edge and when he finally sank his teeth into her neck, stars exploded behind her closed eyes as the sensation shot straight down to her clit. Ion’s growl in her ear matched her own as her body heated up and all her senses intensified until she could swear she could hear his blood rushing through his veins, her heart beating in unison with his. Her body ceased to be her own and she melted into Ion’s warmth, not knowing any more where he started and she ended. Unable to comprehend what was happening to her, she simply gave herself up to the new sensations assaulting her, clinging onto the one certainty she had, their love for each other.

  Ion set a frantic pace, tumbling her into one furious orgasm after the other and when he finally growled his completion into her ear, biting her again in the process, the whole world shifted on his axis as new awareness slammed into her. The whole room seemed brighter, a myriad of scents assaulting her, overwhelming her senses. Ion froze in the act of licking her wounds and she could feel him tense in wonder, before his eyes sought hers and he swore under his breath. The last thing she felt was the ache in her jaws before darkness once again claimed her.

  When Marnie next came to, she was alone, wrapped up in the tattered remains of the clawed sheets. Judging by the first rays of sun streaming in through the windows, she had slept the night away. One hand shot up to her neck and she scrambled out of bed, shivering at the sight of Ion’s bite on her neck. What had they done? And where was Ion? She didn’t recognise the room, looking around now and frowned at the scene of the devastation. The place looked as though Ion’s wolf had gone berserk in here. She ran one bare toe thoughtfully over the deep grooves in the floor, dread filling her anew at what could have caused Ion so much anguish. This had to be his room, his scent was everywhere and Marnie shut her eyes, savouring the feel of him around her. Her hand once again went up to her neck and warmth filled her from her toes right up to the roots of her hair. She was truly his and whatever happened they could never take that away from her. How could something that felt so right be wrong?

  Her heart beat faster as she heard his footsteps come up the stairs, followed by the heavier gait of Landulph. How did she know that? And how could she hear them anyway? They were too far away, still just approaching the second floor and this room was on the third. She could tell from one look out of the window as she mentally calculated how she would have to angle her body were she to leap out of the window.

  That thought startled her back to the mirror. What on earth was happening to her? All her instincts seemed heightened and super aware. Yet it was same old Marnie looking back at her. She hadn’t sprouted fangs and fur overnight, so where were these strange thoughts coming from? She felt stronger too and her vertigo seemed to have vanished. She hated heights, damn it, so why had she weighed up how best to jump out of the window and hit the floor running?

  So engrossed was she in her perusal of herself, it took Ion’s gentle cough to alert her to his presence.

  She smiled at him as their eyes connected in the mirror.

  “How are you feeling this morning, little one?”

  Ion’s face showed apprehension and
he crossed the room in a few big strides, drawing her into his warmth. He tipped her head slightly and his eyes lit up with silent fire at the visible mark of his possession. Marnie couldn’t help but grin at the way he inhaled and his hold on her tightened as he murmured into her neck. “I love you, little one. I never would have thought…”

  “Let me tell her, Ion.”

  Landulph’s deep voice interrupted their little bubble of happiness and Marnie’s cheeks flamed. How could she have forgotten about the older man standing mere feet away? And why did her state of undress in front of Landulph not bother Ion more? He was normally so protective, yet he just smiled at the older man, and let her go.

  “Don’t leave me, Ion.”

  His smile deepened and he touched his forehead to hers, his voice full of tender compassion “I’ll just be outside, little one. You need to hear this from him.” And with one quick lick of her bite, which sent her heart into overdrive, he was gone.

  Landulph’s smile held a similar expression as he looked at her and Marnie pulled the tattered sheet a bit tighter around herself.

  “Would you mind turning round so that I can put some clothes on, please?”

  To her surprise he turned round instantly.

  “Whatever makes you feel more comfortable, young one.”

  Young one? Really? What was it with these shifter dudes? At least he hadn’t called her human or little one. From Ion’s lips the term was an endearment and made her feel cherished, anyone else saying it set her blood boiling. Spotting her discarded jeans on the floor she hastily pulled them on, blushing anew at the sight of her shredded knickers and bra. At least her clothes were in one piece and once she’d pulled her t-shirt over her head, she felt marginally better equipped to deal with Landulph.

  “Okay. I’m all ears. Start with why I’m still alive, when your vamp friend was all set to execute me yesterday. What happened after I passed out?”

  Landulph’s smile was affectionate when he turned back round again. “I thought the young pup would have filled you in, but I guess you were too busy to talk much last night.” His smile deepened at her indrawn breath and the involuntary movement of her hand covering her neck, before he sobered. “I’m just surprised he waited this long…only he didn’t, did he? Why did you stop him before?”

  “You know why…the damn prophecy. I couldn’t let him commit to me like this. There was too much at stake… there still is.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as the truth dawned on her. Oh my God what had they done? She sat down with a thump on the bed behind her, her voice an anguished whisper.

  “I have ruined it all, haven’t I? I was only thinking of me and … what will the council do now? I guess we’ve just given them more ammunition. So, you’re here to take me down? Because there is no way I let Ion take the rap for this, no fucking way.”

  His hand on her arm stopped her mid rant.

  “Marnie, listen to me. No one was ever going to be executed. It was a test.”

  She could not believe what she was hearing.

  “A test? What the fuck do you mean a test? You put Ion and Lucas and the pack through all this for a test? Whatever for? Answer me, damn you, and stop smiling at me like that!”

  God, the man was infuriating, grinning at her like a dumb ape.

  “Sit back down Marnie.” He waited until she did and took one hand in his. His scent enveloped her, stirring a faint, long forgotten memory and her heart speeded up. It couldn’t be, but there was no mistaking the sudden sense of belonging, heating up her blood.

  “Don’t fight it, Marnie, just let the blood work. I can sense him in you, just as you can sense him in me. It took Ion’s bite to awaken you. And the council needed to be sure you were ready to accept your destiny.”

  “My destiny? I don’t understand. I’m no one’s destiny. I’m just a little human girl, who got herself mixed up in all this craziness. And I’ve messed up all the blood lines and…”

  “Marnie, you haven’t messed up anything. Have you never wondered who your father was? Never caught a scent on the wind, had the feeling someone was watching you? Why do you think you were drawn to Ion and Lucas? You were born to be his mate. You were as helpless as he was to resist the lure of the blood. We had to be sure you deserved the honour of your blood line.”

  “My blood line?”

  His deep sigh raised the ends of her fringe.

  “Yes, Marnie, your father was my son. He was a stubborn and insolent pup, determined to go his own way and he had a weakness for pretty humans. He fell fast and hard for your mother and even though it was strictly forbidden he threw all caution to the wind and set up home with her. I did my best to cover it up, but then you came along. Against all the odds it was clear from the start that you inherited full shifter capabilities.”

  Marnie’s eyes grew wide at that. “But I can’t shift.”

  “You will at the next full moon, if not before. Your father came to me begging me for my help. It was only a question of time before the council would find you. You and your mother would be killed instantly. Mixing the ancient blood line with humans was strictly forbidden, even if the outcome was someone as promising as you.” His smile was so sad; Marnie’s heart ached with the chill of foreboding. “So he traded his life for yours and your mother’s. You were hidden under a spell to bind your abilities, so that no one would know what and who you really were. The spell could only be broken if you found your true mate and only then if you proved yourself worthy. Had you not been drawn to Ion, you would have lived your life as a human, never once knowing the truth of your heritage. It was the best compromise I could come up with and that took all my influence at the council.”

  It was all too much to take in. She needed Ion. No sooner had she thought that, the door opened and he was by her side. Marnie leaned into his warmth with a small sigh and her heart leaped in joy when the full impact of her grandfather’s words hit her. Her grandfather!

  She pushed against Ion’s chest and he released her instantly as she turned to Landulph, her eyes shimmering with tears.

  “You have lost so much. You must hate me.”

  “No, young one. I could never hate you. Raoul lives in you. He was young and foolish, but you were born out of love. Never doubt that your father and mother loved you. She swore to protect you and watch over you, even though she was terrified for the rest of her natural days. The council took away her memories of what exactly Raoul was, but I believe a small part of her never forgot totally. I came to visit you on your first birthday. She threw me out of the house.” His eyes crinkled in obvious amusement and he looked much younger than his advanced years all of a sudden. “I have never seen a human more furious and determined to protect her young and I finally saw what Raoul must have seen all along. I bowed to her wishes and stayed out of your lives. It was safer that way anyway. After she was killed and you moved away I lost all track of you. But I always hoped I would find you again one day, so when Lucas came to the council pleading your case, all my Christmases had come at once.”

  Marnie couldn’t help it. She drew the old man in for a fierce hug and after a moment’s hesitation his arms tightened around her, his voice suspiciously tight.

  “Welcome home, young one!”

  Three weeks later

  Marnie listened to Ion’s deep rumble outside her bedroom door and her whole body tightened in anticipation of her husband’s touch. Their wedding, the day before, had been attended by none other than the regal Carmen. Resplendent in shimmering blue, she had watched over the proceedings, and when they had been declared husband and wife, her usually composed face had been hidden behind a lace handkerchief, her eyes looking suspiciously bright. Landulph, who had given her away, had tears in his eyes and even her proud alpha husband had to clear his throat a few times, before he could address his pack. Marnie herself had floated on a cloud of happiness. She had hugged her own little secret to herself, having found out that morning that she was pregnant.

  When she fi
nally got Ion to herself that evening, his stunned expression before kissing her senseless had been without doubt the best memory of a wonderful day, only surpassed by the night of passion that followed. With her heightened shifter senses, making love to Ion had set all her senses alight and left her gasping for breath and tingling for more. His whispered promise of much better things to come, once she had completed her first shift, filled her with renewed anticipation.

  Tonight was the first night of the full moon and already Marnie could feel her body responding. She smiled as Ion’s arms encircled her waist, his wolf’s growl in her ear being answered by her own wolf, yipping on her heels to be set free.

  “Let’s go hunting, little one.”

  The End

  Evernight Publishing




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