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Breaking Hearts [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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by Grae McTavish

  Smoky Mountain Motorcycles 2

  Breaking Hearts

  They say you never forget your first love. Layla Ross has always been strong and independent, but despite best efforts, she can’t forget the boy who broke her heart. Former Navy Seal, Bo Lawson has seen the darkness life has to offer, and has the scars to prove it.

  The loss of her job gives Layla the courage to turn her hobby into business, however, the type of classes she offers raises more than a few eyebrows in their small Southern town raising. Zumba is bad enough in the Bible Belt, but pole dancing, oh my!

  Since getting out of the Navy, Bo has been seeking a purpose in life, trying to forget the horrors that haunt his nightmares. When he finds out Layla’s being threatened, his purpose becomes clear. He calls in a few of his former SEAL buds and his family to keep his woman safe, because despite everything, Layla is and always will be his.

  Genre: Contemporary

  Length: 50,149 words


  Smoky Mountain Motorcycles 2

  Grae McTavish


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2013 by Grae McTavish

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-446-5

  First E-book Publication: September 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  For all my girls who aren’t afraid to be themselves, even when it goes against the norm, and most especially for my Angel. I’m so proud of you and the fact that you’ve always been strong enough to walk your own path.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen


  About the Author


  Smoky Mountain Motorcycles 2


  Copyright © 2013


  He drew in a deep breath, watching her. He couldn’t help watching her. She was an evil devil’s siren. He had tried to resist her. He had tried to stay away. He had spent months fighting it. He’d tried to talk to her, hoping her sin didn’t run as deep as it appeared. But no, she continued down her evil path.

  Tonight she had gone even farther down that path. Tonight she had led a group of innocent women into her world of sin. He watched the group giggle and strut as they walked to their cars. Their language was foul, their behavior vulgar. The shoes that dangled from their hands were meant for one thing, a man’s destruction.

  He felt himself grow hard as he watched them. He loathed himself even as his hand went to the zipper of his pants. A deep groan forced itself from between his clenched teeth as his cock sprang free. His eyes zoomed in on their jiggling breasts as he began to stroke himself. Damn filthy women. Their tight shirts left little to the imagination. Their nipples could be seen plainly behind the thin fabric. Breasts that should be used to nourish, not tempt a man, but tempt him they did. He ran his thumb over the sensitive head of his dick as he imagined thrusting in between the plump mounds of flesh. He could see the nipples clamped tightly in little vices, the tips bright red. He would yank at them as he forced his cock in between them over and over. She would cry pitifully, beg so prettily for his cum. And he’d give it to her, spewing all over her face.

  “Fuck!” He cursed as thick ropes of white cum spurted over his hand. Damn it! It was all her fault. Never before had he had such an urge to touch himself. When he was a teenager, his father beat him to remind him of what a sin self-gratification was. He thought he’d overcome his baser needs. Then he’d met her. She brought it all out. It was her fault, the bitch!

  A woman should know her place. She should endeavor to make the life of the men around her bearable, not tempt them with her wicked flesh. She would pay the price for her sins, and all women had sin. They couldn’t help it. Their bodies were made to tempt men. Their breasts drew men to them. Their cunts dripped poison. And she was the worst, her dark hair drew his hands. Her plump lips beckoned. The curves God had so generously given her made men weak. But it was her tits that drew him. And just like that, he felt himself grow hard again!

  He knew what he needed to do. His father had taught him how this type of woman should be dealt with. It was how he had dealt with his mother. Her evil needed to be
purged. He could still hear her screams. In the end she had admitted her sins and begged for absolution.

  The creature before him would beg as well. It wouldn’t be easy. His gut clenched at the idea of destroying such a beautiful creature, but it was the only way to end his torment!

  Perhaps he could warn her? If he could turn her from her evil ways, then perhaps she could be saved. She was a beautiful creature. It would be a shame to destroy that beauty.

  He cursed. He was so weak. She made him weak. Just another sin to lay at the pretty feet of Layla Ross.

  Chapter One

  Layla laughed at the half-asleep antics of her students. Some instructors might fuss, but she wasn’t one of those. Exercise should be fun! Life should be fun! Of course, if you’d asked her a few years ago she might have given you a different answer. Back then things had been anything but fun.

  Two years ago, she’d thought her life would never be the same again as she’d stared at the Human Resources manager, trying to make herself comprehend the words she was hearing, Reduction in Force. They had made it seem so civilized. They had all kinds of excuses, stated all kinds of facts. Profits were down. Inflation was up. They needed to reduce overhead. Like it didn’t all mean the same thing in the end. It was easy for the smug bastard to pat her hand and say that everything would be okay. It wasn’t okay. She was the new kid, the new hire. She knew that, knew that it didn’t have anything to do with what kind of worker she was. She worked circles around her coworkers, but she’d been with the company for less than a year. Yep, life as she knew it was over.

  But now she was living her dream! It had been a lot of hard work and she’d had to ignore a lot of naysayers. There’d been some dark times, and she’d done some things she wasn’t proud of. There were dozens of people who’d told her she was crazy to try and start a business when the economy was so fragile. She’d proved them wrong because she was willing to work and because she lived by the motto that reflected her business’s name. Fitness should be fun!

  “All right, ladies, are you ready to move?” she called out, adjusting her hands-free microphone.

  “Yeah,” they called in a low hum. She was pretty sure she heard a few of them call her some fairly unflattering things under their breath.

  Layla laughed. It was early, and she completely understood their lack of enthusiasm. Monday morning classes were hard for anyone, let alone a bunch of hungover college kids. Heck, her bed had felt pretty darn good this morning too.

  “Ah, come on, ladies! I know it’s early, but we’ll all feel better if we can get our blood pumping.”

  “I’d feel better if I could get a little coffee pumping into my veins,” came a grumble from the back of the room.

  Rolling her eyes, Layla hit the play button on her iPod, sending a fast-moving beat through the dance studio. The sound echoed off the brightly paint walls and made the floors vibrate.

  “We’re going to start with a warm-up, and then we’re going to have some fun! What better way to start the week than with a little fun! And that’s what Zumba is all about, fun!” She ignored a few more grumbles. “Let’s roll, ladies.”

  She started rolling her head from side to side enjoying the sounds of Flo Rida telling them all how the dancers left him dazed as they danced around the pole. By the second chorus, they were all starting to move. Even the naysayers in the back of the room began to come to life bit by bit. By the end of the song, everyone was looking much better.

  “So, ladies, are we feeling better now?” she shouted, drawing a much louder response this time. “Are you ready to really move?”


  Not loud enough.

  “Oh, I don’t think you’re ready to move. The neighbors are still asleep. I said, are you ready to move?” she taunted.

  “Yeah!” They screamed in response this time.

  “That’s better. Tell me now, is anyone ready to Wobble?”

  They screamed.

  “Oh yeah, you like to Wobble don’t you?”


  “That’s what I’m talking about!” she shouted back, hitting the play button on her iPod again.

  The quick beat of the music took over as “Wobble Baby” by VIC filled the room. It was one of their favorite songs.

  For the next hour she let her body move to the music, feeling it lifting her spirit. Yeah, when she’d gotten RIFed two years ago, life as she knew it had changed all right. It had gotten a whole lot better!

  * * * *

  Layla leaned back, enjoying her well-earned double cheeseburger and fries. She knew she ate for shit for a fitness instructor, but good food was something to be savored. She loved the way the melted cheese oozed over her tongue, and it wasn’t like she didn’t burn it off. It had been a long but fulfilling day. She’d taught two zumba classes, a senior yoga class, and a step class today, and she still had two more classes to go this evening. She wasn’t upset about the pace she’d set herself. It meant that her business was booming. Fit and Fun was still small, but growing. Her recent contract with the college had been a big boost. The students were required to take at least three semester hours of fitness for their degrees. Instead of paying a full-time staff member, they had contracted various local companies. She knew the Bowlarama around the corner had a contract with them too, as did the local driving range and tennis club. She didn’t really make a lot of money off the contract, but it had spurred other business. Several of her students had signed up for additional classes on their own once their semesters were complete. Others dragged friends and family along. She worked hard to make her classes as fun as possible, and it was paying off.

  “Excuse me, Miss Ross, can we talk to you for a second?” asked Tiffany, a pretty blonde with an equally sunny personality. She seemed the polar opposite of her best friend Mariah, who had just added bright pink streaks to her ebony hair. The two had signed up for her class last semester, and they’d stuck with it. In many ways they were typical college students, but they were good kids.

  Layla sat her burger aside and hastily wiped the grease and crumbs from her mouth. She should probably try and set a better example with her eating. She smiled and cleared her throat. “You can start by calling me Layla. I’m not that much older than you.”

  Taking a seat at the chair across from Layla’s desk, the girls laughed and visibly relaxed.

  “Okay, so here’s the deal,” Mariah began. “We have a friend that’s getting married and she doesn’t want a traditional bachelorette party. For some reason she doesn’t want strippers. And her friend is like a thousand months preggers so we’re trying to stay away from alcohol. Do you know Mrs. C from the college library? She’s the preggo one.”

  Layla bit her lip to keep from laughing as the girl was forced to pause and suck in a deep breath.

  “I’ve met Mrs. Cavanaugh, though I don’t really know her all that well. She seems very nice.”

  “Oh yes, she’s super nice, and that is going to be the sweetest, most spoiled baby ever!” Tiffany sighed.

  “I know. Can you image how spoiled it will be if it’s a girl?” Mariah added.

  “Oh, don’t you know it! I can just see all the pink and ribbons and—”

  Layla rolled her eyes. “Focus, girls,” she interjected, cutting them off.

  “Oh, yeah.” Mariah laughed. “Sorry, we’re just really excited. We love Mrs. C. Anyway, we’re really excited about the wedding too. Willa is going to be so pretty and Jake is going to be so handsome.”

  “I don’t know, I think Jake’s kind of scary, all those tattoos.”

  Mariah shook her head at Tiffany. “Jake’s not scary, just really big. I mean come on. The man’s almost seven foot tall.”

  Layla had to fight the urge to bang her head on her desk. When these two got on a roll, it was like trying to stop an avalanche. “Girls!” she cried. “Have mercy, it’s been a long day, and I still have two more classes to go.”

  “Sorry Miss…err…I mean Layla. We’re just rea
lly excited about, well about everything.” Tiffany blushed with a sheepish grin.

  Layla couldn’t help but smile. Their enthusiasm for life was infectious. Sometimes she got so caught up in things, she forgot to stop and enjoy life, forgot why she’d started this business to begin with. “So what do you need?”

  “Okay, you know sometimes you teach private pole dancing classes, well, we were thinking that would make a really cool bachelorette party.”

  Layla felt her breath catch. She’d never thought about it but it could be loads of fun. “Where would you want to do it, here? I have the portable poles, so we could be flexible. I could come to them, or they could come to me,” she questioned, her mind spinning with ideas. This was a whole new avenue she hadn’t even considered.

  “Oh, we hadn’t really thought that far ahead. Here would be pretty cool, I guess. We could set up a table with cake and punch off to the side in the reception area maybe. We would still have plenty of room for dancing,” Mariah answered.

  Layla nodded, letting her gaze sweep past the girls, to the glass window that overlooked the dance floor. “That would work pretty well actually.” The images were forming in her head.

  “Let me get Mrs. C to come talk to you. She’s the Matron of Honor at the wedding. We’re just helping out cause like we said she’s like two years pregnant.”

  “Idiot, only elephants stay pregnant for two years,” Mariah pointed out with a good-natured laugh. They were still bantering as they rose to leave.

  Layla grimaced. Those two were a force of nature. But she was really liking this idea. She’d met the little fireball librarian when she’d first gotten the contract, and they were right, she was a nice lady. She’d gone out of her way to make Layla feel welcome, when many of the snobby faculty had snubbed her. This was good business and helped a good lady. She called that a win-win.


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