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Hangman's Army: Lake Of Sins, #3

Page 13

by L. S. O'Dea

  “Meesus,” she said.

  He took her hands in his. “I promise that I’ll do everything I can to help your daughter, but I’m not sure what I’ll be able to do. I have nothing and I can’t contact anyone who does have power or influence. I’d try if I could, but it wouldn’t be safe for them.” He squeezed her hands. “How soon before she...starts?”

  “A few months, perhaps a little longer. She is of age. She could start any day, but the auctions only occur twice a year. We have almost six months before the next one.”

  “That’s not very long. We’ll need to find money and I’d have to get introduced to the right people.” He began to pace. “That’s not going to be easy. I’m sure they’re careful about accepting new members into their group.” He stopped. “They probably run background checks, the kind that require fingerprints or DNA. There’s no way that I could pass those. I want to help, but I’m not sure how I can.”

  She stepped closer, her musky scent clouding his head. She smelled like sex, pure unadulterated sex. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

  “All I ask is that you promise to try,” she whispered against his lips.

  “I promise.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. If he tried and failed, she wouldn’t take it lightly. That was the last thought he had as they fell onto the bed.


  HUGH SHOVED HIS FACE deeper into the pillow, wishing he didn’t have to get up. Not only were Tim and the others probably angry with him for refusing to lead their suicide war, but he now owed Ray for last night. Perhaps he could delay reality a little longer. He stretched his arm across the bed, searching for Meesus but finding empty sheets. He rolled to his side, sharp pains shooting through his body. There were scratches on his chest and down his hip and thighs. He sat up and touched his back, flinching as his fingers skimmed over torn flesh. Meesus had dug her claws into his shoulders last night, but he had no idea when he’d gotten the other marks. As a matter of fact, a lot of last night was fuzzy.

  He glanced around the room. He was alone. Meesus hadn’t been gone long. The sheets were still warm. If this were a trap, he might have time to escape. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, knocking an empty bottle across the floor. He took a deep breath. They’d both drank from the same bottle, the same glass. He hadn’t been drugged. Jason’s Guards weren’t going to break down the door and haul him back to prison. He picked up the bottle, his memories of the night before almost nonexistent. He ran his hand through his hair. This was the first time he’d ever blacked out from drinking. He obviously couldn’t hold his liquor like he used to.

  The door opened and Meesus stepped inside, carrying a tray of food. “Morning.” Her hips swayed seductively as she approached.

  His day was looking up. He dropped back onto the mattress, grimacing as the cuts on his back pressed against the headboard.

  As she placed the food on the nightstand, she smiled, her fangs peeking out from under her top lip. “Eat. I’ll be right back.”

  “Later.” He patted the bed.

  She shook her head, but there was a promise in her eyes. She handed him a piece of toast and headed for the door, pure invitation with every step. He could make a career out of watching her walk. He stuffed the bread in his mouth and reached for another, cringing as the skin around his cuts pulled. His fingers brushed against something warm - sausage. He swallowed back bile as an image of Viola’s severed head invaded his mind. He’d been forced to eat meat in jail, but he was no longer a prisoner. He shoved another piece of toast in his mouth and got out of bed. He had scores to settle. He grabbed the pair of pants off the stack of clothes on a nearby chair.

  The door opened and Meesus frowned at him as she carried a pan of water to the bed. “Sit.”

  “I have to go.” He flushed like a schoolboy, being caught doing something naughty.

  “Sit.” She repeated as she ran her claws gently down his chest.

  She didn’t deserve to be treated like this. Last night had been...well, he didn’t remember everything, but he’d had sex; so, it’d been good. She nipped his ear and he sat, dropping the pants on the bed.

  She began running the wet cloth down his back, the water stinging the open wounds. “I am sorry about the cuts.” Her voice was a soft purr near his ear. “You made me lose control. That does not happen often anymore.”

  He replayed the events of last night in his head. They’d kissed and she’d undressed. Araldo, she had a great body - muscular but with curves in all the right places. Then they’d gotten in bed. Like now.

  She kissed his neck and then applied a salve onto his back, chest and thighs. “This should take the pain away, at least for a while.”

  “I had worse in jail.” His lips met hers in a warm, soft kiss.

  She pulled back, putting distance between them. “Again, I am sorry for the injuries. I have not been with an Almighty in a very long time.”

  “Are we that different from the others?” Genetically they were all similar but the other classes were physically superior to his kind. He prayed it didn’t flow over into the bedroom too. That’d really hurt.

  “Physically?” She ran her fingers down his chest to his stomach and back up.

  A flash of memory burst forth, her head thrown back in passion, her claws sinking into his back and he’d only been kissing and touching her at the time. He couldn’t hold back his grin. Her reaction had not been an act. She’d enjoyed the night. “Maybe, this is why we Almightys think we’re superior.”

  Her eyes gleamed with amusement. “Truth? No.”

  “Ouch.” His smug smile vanished. “You don’t have to be that honest.” He shifted to get off the bed. The fun was over. It was time to face his new life.

  “However.” She ran her hand down his arm, stopping him. “Every male is unique.” She glanced down at his lap. “Most Almightys do you say it...enjoy the journey as much as the destination.”

  “I’d be happy to take another trip with you.” His hand went to her waist and moved upward.

  She kissed him quickly and moved away. “Another time. There is much for you to do today.” She handed him the shirt from the chair.

  He pulled it on over his head and grabbed the pants from the bed. “Thank you for the clothes.” These weren’t prison garb. He was really free. He owed a lot of people for that.

  “I’ll be in touch when I find the lab.” She sauntered toward the door.

  He appreciated the view for a moment and then said, “How will you find me? I don’t know where I’m going and I’m still not sure how I can help your daughter.”

  She strolled across the room and kissed him. “Don’t worry. I will find you and then we will talk.” She touched his face. “Go and live free for a bit. It is something many of us do not get to experience.”

  He captured her hand. “I can help you leave here...this life...”

  She laughed. “This life is my choice.”


  She touched his lips silencing him. “Ray and I are bound in ways you will never understand.”

  “That may be but he shouldn’t force...”

  Her green eyes hardened for a moment and then brightened in humor. “Don’t try to understand this.” She kissed him to take the sting from her words. “You’re a good man, Hugh Truent, but you cannot save everyone. I chose my life long ago and do not regret much.” She turned and stopped at the door. “Dede will escort you out. Stay safe. I will find you when the lab is ready.”

  The door closed and he was alone. This wasn’t right. Ray shouldn’t own these females any more than Almightys should own the members of the other classes. He took a deep breath. One battle at a time. Meesus seemed content with her life. All she wanted was freedom for her daughter. He’d do what he could.

  His knife and cloak were on the chair. He strapped on the belt with the knife and tossed the cloak over his arm. Unfortunately, it hadn’t been washed and still stank of shit.
He took a long drink from the glass of water on the nightstand. It was time to go. He couldn’t delay any longer. He stepped out of the room. The black-haired female from last night stood in the hallway.

  “Dede?” His face heated a little. He hadn’t bothered to get their names.

  She nodded, smiling and then her eyes narrowed as they fell on his waist. She pointed at the knife. “Cover that, you fool.”

  He grimaced as he pulled the cloak over his head. It’d conceal the weapon and he needed the stench to get through the city.

  “This way.” She frowned at him and headed down the hallway.

  She shouldn’t be angry about the knife. She had to have seen it when she’d helped to undress him. He grinned. That had been fun. He trotted after her. “Sorry. I forgot I had to keep it covered.”

  She ignored him and continued walking.

  “Are you...happy here?”

  “You, High Hugh, should mind your own business.” She looked at him over her shoulder.

  “No one should be forced...”

  “I was not forced, High Hugh.” She smiled, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she turned toward him, seductress once again. “I volunteered to assist you.” Her eyes were dark blue, almost black in the dim light of the hallway.

  “Thank you for that, but shouldn’t have to...with...” He ran his hand through his hair. “You know.”

  She laughed. It was a tinkling sound. “I prefer mating to cooking and cleaning.”

  “There must be other options.”

  She shrugged. “There are but starvation on the streets, alone and scared didn’t suit me.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “There is also servitude to your kind.” Her voice was brittle now. “Good masters like you are hard to find, so I prefer this life.”

  “Still, there should be other options.”

  “This is our world, High Hugh.” She tipped her head, studying him. “Are you going to change it? From what I heard last night your answer was no.”

  So that was why Ray had offered his hospitality. The Servant knew he had a weakness for strays and sob stories. “I didn’t say no. I said that I’d assist in the way that I’d be most helpful.”

  She shook her head. “Just like an Almighty. Always right even when wrong.”

  She turned and continued down the hallway, opening a door at the end. He followed her into the main room. It was mostly deserted, although a few House Servants roamed about, slinking in and out of the shadows. He’d been around Servants his entire life and he’d thought he was used to the way they moved, as if they were part of the very air surrounding them, but this was different. Maybe, because he was out numbered and at their mercy. Being an Almighty would no longer keep him safe. Now, it was enough to get him killed.


  HUGH TURNED TO ASK Dede where his friends were staying but she was gone. Someone grabbed his shoulder. He spun around, clasping the knife at his side.

  “Do not do that.” Jackson’s voice was low as he moved his hand from Hugh’s shoulder to his arm. “We don’t need any trouble. Tim and Trinity left a couple hours ago and we should do the same.”

  Eyes glowed from the darkness, watching them. Even with Ray’s protection neither of them was welcome in the midst of House Servants. Shadows followed them as they made their way toward the exit.

  “Do you know where Barney lives?” He had some questions for the old Servant but if Jackson didn’t know where to find Barney, he’d need to ask Ray for directions.

  “Yeah, but we can talk about it as soon as we’re out of here.” The Guard tugged on his arm.

  Three House Servants emerged from behind some boxes near the door. They were all young, adult males and that wasn’t good. The older ones would be more prone to follow Ray’s leadership, whereas the younger ones still thought that they could change the world. He’d believed that himself once.

  “Hugh, wait.” Meesus strolled down the stairs, her hand clasped tightly around Dede’s wrist. “This one is lazy. I found her lounging about in her room instead of doing as she was told.” She exposed her claws and sunk them into Dede’s skin.

  “Oww! I’m sorry.” Dede struggled in the older female’s grip.

  “Do not disobey me again.” Meesus dropped her hold and Dede scurried up the stairs.

  “There was no reason to hurt her.” He abhorred bullies and it appeared that Meesus was one of them.

  “Dede disobeyed.” Meesus strolled up to him, her eyes hard. “What would you have me do? Tell her she is a bad girl.” She smiled but it was brittle. “That does not work.”

  “I had many under my care who disobeyed but I never hurt them. There are other ways to punish disobedience.”

  “It is our way to inflict physical punishment, not mental,” she said.

  “I didn’t—”

  “Almightys control us. They tell us where to live, what to eat, with whom to mate—if we get to mate at all—and take our young.” She ran her claw down his cheek. “You may not have done those things, but you are an Almighty. The threat was implied.”

  He’d never considered that his power and control had come from the fact that he’d been able to do whatever he’d wanted with his Servants and Guards. “I’m sorry about how your kind is treated, but you’re wrong—”

  “Hugh, let it go,” whispered Jackson. “Meesus is helping us.”

  The three young Servants in front of the door had moved to the side.

  “We could’ve handled them,” he said.

  “But not the rest of them.” Jackson nudged his arm, nodding at the other Servants who lingered in the shadows.

  “He still doesn’t understand the danger you were in. You’d better learn fast High Hugh. I won’t always be around to assist you.” She wrapped her arm through his and the three of them headed for the door. “Why do you wish to know where Barney lives?” She glanced up at him. “I overheard you ask about Tim’s father.”

  He didn’t see any harm in telling her his plans. She’d been there when he’d said that he and Tim weren’t related, so there was no secret to protect. “I want to talk to him about Tim’s parents.”

  “Ah, yes. That was a blow to poor Tim. He truly loved your mother.” She frowned slightly.

  “And Mom loved him. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t her child.”

  “You wouldn’t understand. You know your parents. We are taken from ours and never see them again.” Her eyes locked with his. She was talking about her child now.

  “Too bad Tim had to leave. He could’ve escorted you to Barney’s on the way back to camp,” said Jackson.

  “Actually, it’s better if we go without him.”

  “Secrets from your friends?” purred Meesus as they stopped at the door. “And so soon after they risked all for you.”

  “It’s not like that,” he said.

  Meesus raised her brow.

  “This is going to be difficult for both of them. It’ll be easier to get to the bottom of the story if we put our emotions aside. That won’t be possible if Tim and Barney are together.”

  “Ah. There you are, High Hugh.” Meesus tipped her head, studying him. “You say you are not that man anymore but he’s still in there.” She poked his forehead with her claw. “All science. No emotion. Gone is Hugh the passionate man seeking revenge and in his place is High Hugh Truent, cold and analytical.”

  “I’m being logical.” The truth in her words stung. High Hugh did lurk inside of him, but it wasn’t the scientist he feared but the fool.

  “Call it what you like.” She shrugged. “I prefer hot temper to cold calm.”

  “Servants usually do.” He turned to Jackson. “Do you know how to get to Barney’s? If not, we need directions.” He glanced at Meesus.

  “Yeah, I know the way, but I can’t take you. Like it or not, you’re going to have to go with Tim or another Servant.”

  “Why? You said it was on the way to camp. I want to get this done. I�
��ve got a lot of other things to do, and I don’t want to waste time traveling back and forth.”

  “It isn’t safe for us to go without a Servant,” said Jackson.

  “A Guard afraid of a Servant, I never thought I’d see the day.” His lips twitched. He’d missed harassing Jackson.

  “Not a Servant, many Servants. Barney lives in Glareclow Village. It’s a Servant’s town. All Servants. No one else.”

  “In the city?”

  “No, on the outskirts of the forest.”

  “This favor I do for free.” Meesus waved at a shadow hovering near the entrance to the main room. “The Victor will take you to Glareclow Village.”

  The huge Servant who’d guarded the door the previous evening came forward. He didn’t look happy about his new assignment.

  “It’s okay. We can manage,” he said. That Servant was as likely to kill them as help them.

  “No, we can’t,” said Jackson. “It isn’t safe for our kind.”

  “Barney and I are friends.”

  Jackson turned to Meesus. “Thank you. We appreciate the escort.” He grabbed Hugh’s arm and headed out the door. “You’re going to have to trust me on this. The world is different now, a lot different, but I suppose it’s hard to get used to not being the boss of everything.”

  “I never thought I was the boss of everything.” He pulled free from the Guard. “My imprisonment clearly showed that many are more powerful than I am or was.”

  “Even the lowest of the Almightys had more power and more rights than the highest ranking Guard.”

  The Victor half-grunted and half-growled his agreement.

  “The world isn’t like that anymore, at least in some areas.” Jackson patted Hugh on the shoulder. “In those areas, they don’t like Almightys. Not at all.”

  He’d spent his entire time in jail thinking about what he’d do if he ever got out, but he hadn’t considered that the world would change. Before jail he’d never worried about travelling anywhere. He’d usually had his Guards with him but it wouldn’t have mattered because no one would dare touch an Almighty. The punishment for that was swift and brutal. Mirra and the Trackers must have changed that attitude with their massacre and escape.


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