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Demon's Web

Page 4

by Laura Hawks

  Boralium’s feet swung as he tried to kick the massive beast. His hands clawed at the arm which held him chokingly aloft. “Because you killed the woman I loved and cherished. The mother to my son.”

  “You lie! You’re not even married.”

  “I had a mistress in the other village. The village you raided two nights ago. You killed her and several others of her clan.”

  “Why did I not know about her?”

  “Why should it have mattered? You’re no longer a man. You’re a monster, an abomination who should be eradicated.”

  Before Azamel could attempt to halt any further damage from Destruction, the beast savagely thrust his free claw into Boralium’s chest, through his rib cage, as he ripped the spinal column from his friend out the front of his body.

  “I don’t get eradicated. I eliminate!” Destruction exclaimed.

  Despite his torn up body and loss of blood, as well as his general weakened state from the poisoned arrows, Mel struggled to catch what was left of his friend before he collapsed.

  When Azamel came to, Destruction had returned to his cage and he was healed enough to investigate Boralium’s claims only to discover the truth of them. Zenthus was the son who was now an orphan by Destruction’s hand.

  Azamel took the child and raised him, never letting Zenthus know he was the cause of his parents’ deaths.

  Chapter 4

  Clarissa would have to talk to Mel about Santanya and Zen later, but for now, there was a larger issue at stake: that of her daughter missing, Jakome dead and Zenthus injured. At least the latter was alive to describe what happened and how she was going to get Trinity back. She strode over to the bedside, unconcerned at the moment of Santanya holding Zen’s hand.

  Shara held back slightly, moving close to Logan to whisper to him. “Don’t tell them about the girl, Logan. There is no reason for either of you to cause any unnecessary agitation or distress over something which might not even be related. Your father has a multitude of enemies, any of which might have taken Trinity as leverage against him and not by mistake for your female.”

  It surprised Logan that Shara knew what he had planned on doing. However, he shouldn’t have been all that astonished Shara was aware of Jasmine as well as everything else which went on in and around the house and its inhabitants. He leaned over and whispered back to Mel’s assistant.

  “Isn’t it better if they know everything? What if it isn’t Trinity they wanted but took her falsely? What if it’s Jasmine they want and will use Trinity as leverage? Mom and Dad won’t know what they are referring to in a negotiation if they don’t know about Jasmine at all.”

  “And what exactly are you going to tell them, Logan? You don’t know all that much about her, do you? All these years you have seen her a couple of times a week in the garden and most of that has been anything but talking. Do you know her last name? Where she lives? Who she is related to? Why someone is after her? What her powers are which permits her to travel to this realm so easily? Do you actually know anything about her of use?”

  Logan frowned. Truth was, he didn’t. She never wanted to talk about herself, never wanted him to know anything personal about her. Just in case, she always stated, and he never wanted to push her. Something about her called to him whenever she appeared. Something inside missed her terribly, but he didn’t really have any information about her background. Shara was correct. What could he verbalize which wouldn’t get them both in trouble or offer any respite from worry?

  “I won’t say anything, unless I feel it’s important for them to know. Thanks, Shara.”

  Logan quietly followed Shara into the infirmary just in time to hear Zen’s story of what happened in the garden.

  “She insisted on going into the garden. Said she was going to be a surprise, but wouldn’t elaborate. I insisted she wait for backup in guards, which she did. When Jakome arrived, we took her into the garden, both of us taking up the standard positions. At first it was quiet. Then there was a rumble to the outside entrance. Jak headed to see what was going on and I moved closer to Trinity. I tried to urge her to get back into the house, but she refused. She said it might be what she was waiting for and we were not going to stop her from it. The rest is a blur. There were a couple of them, but one seemed to stand out from the others.”

  “A couple of what? What were they?” Clarissa interrupted his description, almost frantic to get the knowledge out of him. “Who took my daughter?”

  Just then, the door opened again and Mel strode in. If he could have looked any fiercer, Clarissa would not have been aware of it. She had not seen him that furious and upset in over a decade and she had forgotten how determined he could appear. His mouth was set in a stern, brook-no-nonsense line. He seemed to feel the need for his wife, as his arm went about her waist when he neared the bedside. It did not escape his notice that Santanya was still holding Zen’s hand, a deeply concerned look on her face. She was the least of his concerns at the moment though. Mel waited for Zen to answer Clarissa’s question.

  “Rougarous. There were at least five of them. Three came in by Jak and he tried to hold them off, but…” Zen shook his head. “They were more vicious than I have ever seen. It all happened so fast. Jak was dead, Trinity was gone and I have failed you. I will accept whatever punishment you deem.”

  “Rougarou? Are you sure?” Mel asked astonished. He had no qualms with that species he was aware of. Why would they attack and take his daughter with no obvious provocation?

  “I’ve never heard of it. What is a Rougarou?” Clarissa asked looking around at those there.

  “They are creatures who live in the Maurepas Realm. A swamp world. They are half swamp creature with the head of a wolf. They occasionally have their world intersect with the swamps in Louisiana, which allows them to sometimes cross into the land of humans. However, they usually stay to themselves and in the areas of swamps until they can get back. I don’t understand why they would have attacked here and taken Trinity.” Mel patiently explained, though his mind was already planning on a visit to the Maurepas Realm to extract his daughter and behead those who were responsible for abducting her.

  Clarissa took another look at Santanya. “Take care of Zen.” She turned towards Mel. “Let me gear up and I will be ready to go.”

  “What makes you think you are going?” Azamel asked, disquieted by Clarissa.

  “What makes you think I wouldn’t?” she quipped back.

  Mel shook his head. “You’re right. I almost forgot how stubborn you are.” He looked over his shoulder at Logan. “I suppose you will want to come as well?”

  Logan gave a quick look at Shara to make sure she still felt he shouldn’t say anything about Jasmine. In return, she gave an imperceptible nod. He still didn’t feel right keeping this news from his parents

  Logan nodded. “She’s my sister and I will do whatever it takes to get her back.”

  “Alright. Reception room in fifteen minutes. Get whatever you are going to need.” Without another word, Mel left the infirmary to prepare himself for battle with a species he previously never had issues with.

  Coyote grumbled as he walked through the swampland grasses. He absolutely detested coming to this place and, if he had any other alternative, he’d never be here at all nor would he work with such disgusting creatures as the Rougarou. However, the lucrative opportunity far outweighed the abhorrent action of materializing at this realm.

  He didn’t pause or knock, he simply entered the small shack without preamble, looking for the Rougarou he had hired. Well, truth be told it was more of a conditional blackmail than a hiring of the creature. They were easy to manipulate and wouldn’t reveal whomever or whatever took the woman under any circumstances. Therefore, Coyote’s nefarious scheme would remain unknown to all except those whom Coyote chose to share the information with.

  “Where is she?” Coyote asked as he looked around for the captured female he commissioned to have taken.

  The creature with the body o
f a scaly human and the head of a wolf pointed to the back of the shack. Coyote went to look in the direction indicated to him. The box she was being held in was made of a plexiglass-like material which also acted as a one way viewing mirror. They could see and watch her but she could not see anything of where she was or who might be gazing upon her. The material was also sound proof, so she couldn’t hear what was being said and have the opportunity to recognize possible voices.

  When Coyote saw the female contained within, he was furious.

  “What the fucking hell? You captured the wrong female! Who the fuck is this?” Coyote stopped his tirade and squinted closer at the captive, suddenly realizing who it was. He walked around the cage stroking his beard. This may be more advantageous after all. A better happenstance. Yes. This could actually work out better in the overall long run. She was coming of age, but still young and impressionable. If he played his cards just right, he could have an even greater advantage than he had originally anticipated. The only problem would be Mel. Coyote was going to have to plan this carefully. Very, very carefully.

  Stepping back to the Rougarou, Coyote made all the necessary arrangements with the creature to transfer Trinity to a place which was not only secure, but also undetectable from Mel and the other gods. Then, he would have to go to work on the young daughter of the guardian.

  Trinity looked up when the door opened. She wondered if she was finally going to see her kidnapper or maybe learn why she was taken. Maybe she could barter with them to release her. Her father was a god. Surely that would have some pull in her liberation from this prison she found herself in. Trinity had tried for the past few days to touch the minds of her parents, or even her brother: anyone in the hopes of them finding her. She just wanted to go home. Wanted to be in her room daydreaming about other realms. Only now, she had no interest in traveling anywhere unless her family took her.

  A young man was brought in, his hands zip tied behind his back. He wasn’t as old as her brother, but appeared to be only a year or two older than herself. Seventeen, maybe eighteen tops. He was very good looking. His hair was dark and curly, his eyes grey. His skin a slight olive tone. He had an athletic form and a purposeful gait, despite the bruises and cuts that appeared on his upper torso, arms and face.

  Strong arms manhandled him, throwing him in and slamming the door shut, the locking mechanism audible as it was clicked back into place. The new male prisoner looked at her warily as he moved to the furthest opposite corner to sit down cross-legged on the floor, his head resting back against the bars of the cage. There was a small drape used to curtain-off a portion of the room in order to give each of them a bit of privacy when it became necessary, but otherwise the two cages occupied the small Spartan space.

  Trinity gave him a skeptical look as she kept her eye on him. She wondered what they could possibly want with him. She hadn’t recognized either of his handlers. She still didn’t know where she was, why she was taken or who took her.

  She watched as he wiggled, moving his secured wrists under his ass, down his thighs and over his feet to now be in front of him. He gnawed at the plastic tie keeping his wrists bound together. After a while, he finally was able to pull it apart using his strength to break the weakened restraints. Once having freed his appendages, he rubbed his wrists and flexed his fingers to regain circulation.

  Trinity was intrigued at his fortitude. She had to admit he was the sweetest bit of man-candy she had ever seen, though her experience at seeing others who weren’t hundreds or thousands of years older than herself were far and few between and could be counted on one hand. One finger even. She wasn’t sure if she should talk to him or not. He seemed as wary of her as she was of him.

  Once his hands were free, he stood and began pacing, testing the parameters of his cage, trying to find a weakness. He kept one eye on her as he did so, as if skeptical she was actually a prisoner and not in on his capture.

  “Who are you?” he growled at her after pacing and examining the enclosure he was now confined in.

  “Trinity,” she answered simply. “You?”

  “Nathan,” he gruffly responded.

  “Do you know who is doing this? Who has captured us? Or why?”

  Nathan peered over at her as if she suddenly grew three heads. “You don’t know?”

  She shook her head. “No. I only know I was captured by some odd-looking creature with the head of a wolf and the scaly body of a biped reptile. I had never seen one before. I was rendered unconscious and when I came to, I was in this cage. I’ve seen or spoken to no one. The creature has brought me food, but other than that I have been alone.”

  “How long?”

  She thought about it for a couple of minutes. “I’m not sure how long I was out, but I think I have been here for about a week. Maybe?”

  Nathan gave one quick nod of acknowledgement then sat on the bed, crossing his arms across his broad chest.

  Again, she asked him, her desperate need to know evident in her tone, “Do you know who took us? Or why? Is it for ransom? Please, tell me if you know.”

  Nathan frowned at her. “I don’t know. Only one I saw was the Rougarou.”

  “Rougarou? Is that what the creature is?”

  “Yes. Half wolf, half gator-man, lives in the swamplands. I know what he wants with me, but what he wants with you, I don’t have a clue.”

  “What does he want with you?”

  “He wants to know some information I have. But I won’t tell him and I won’t tell you. I will die first.”

  “I don’t want to know whatever the information is. I don’t know anything. I just want to go home,” Trinity cried and turned away to put her back to him as she sat on her own bed.

  Nathan was quiet for a few moments, watching her. “Hey. Trinity. Look. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m sure you’re scared. I am, too. We will get out of this. I swear. You have to just cooperate and, I bet, he will let you go back home soon. Maybe he is just waiting to get paid by your parents. Then you can be free. I don’t know, but it will be okay.”

  “How can you promise that? You are stuck here too.”

  “Because you are not alone anymore. I am here. Besides, if they wanted to do you any harm, they already would have. You said you’ve been here for maybe a week. More than enough time to do something nasty if they were going to. Which means, you are valuable. If you don’t know anything, then it’s probably a ransom and as soon as the deal is made you can go home. Easy peasy.”

  “I hope you’re right, Nathan. Gods, I hope you’re right.”

  Chapter 5

  Logan wandered the swamps, sinking into the mud. At times, the mud reached his knees and others, his hips. The pungent order of decay permeated the air about him. After he and his parents searched for hours, they decided to split up and cover more ground. He watched his mother shift into a white wolf, trying to use her olfactory perception to uncover Trinity’s scent. However, the land was too porous and the odors from the rotting vegetation too strong, covering any discernible redolence which might otherwise be detected.

  As Clarissa sniffed around as best she could under the circumstances, Mel turned to his son, placing a hand on his arm to hold him back. He lowered her voice so the wolf would not hear them, even with her exceptional hearing.

  “What are you hiding, Logan?”

  Logan appeared surprised, then resigned and almost relieved. “I was going to mention it sooner, but, I wanted to be sure first.” He didn’t add Shara thought it best to keep the information from them for the time being.

  Clarissa moved out of sight as she continued her search, leaving father and son the opportunity to talk in private as they walked.

  “This isn’t a time for caution, Logan. The life of your sister is at stake. Even if you don’t think it important or consequential. Sometimes we are not the best judge of what information could be useful.” Mel moved in such a way as to face Logan. “Whatever secret you are keeping, I will not judge or scold you fo
r it now.”

  Logan hesitated a moment more, checking to see if his mother was still nearby in case she might overhear them. “There is a woman who comes to the gardens every couple of weeks. Today was her day to come, but she told me the last time she was here, she would be running late and could not get away as easily as usual. She has always said no one could know she came to the garden, because her life would be in danger if anyone knew. She never said who was after her or why.”

  “Who is she? How long has she been visiting? Why does she come?”

  “Her name is Jasmine, but I really don’t know much about her. She came to see mother’s roses, and then kept coming to visit them and me. She has been arriving in the garden for about ten years now.”

  “Ten years! You have been meeting this woman in the garden for ten years?”

  Logan lowered his head, slightly ashamed it had gone on so long without them knowing. “Yes. Ten years. I was fourteen when I first saw her trying to find the entrance into our garden.”

  “And you have been meeting her there ever since.” It was a statement not a question. Mel peered closely at his son, a penetrating look Logan had detested but knew it meant he was looking deep into the man’s soul. “You are in love with her.” Again, another statement.

  Logan had not thought about it, but with the words there between them he could not refute it either. “Yes. I am.”

  Mel gave a solitary nod then turned back towards the way Clarissa had taken off.

  “I suggest you don’t let your mother know this at the moment. She will feel like she is losing you and she is already distraught over Trinity.” He started walking again. “As for Jasmine, she may or may not be the reason Trinity was abducted. Regardless, she obviously needs someone to protect her as well if she has been fearful enough after all this time to still hide her identity from you or the reason she is being hunted. Whatever her secret might be, it deserves your attention. When we find your sister, you should consider finding a way to be with Jasmine.”


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