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Demon's Web

Page 7

by Laura Hawks

  “Is it safe? Someone took Trinity. Someone could still be after me.”

  “It will never be safe for you, my child. You carry tainted blood inside which will always call to others. Sadly, it is not your doing but that of your mother’s, gods above rest her soul on the Happy Hunting Grounds.”

  Jasmine knew the story. Had been given the knowledge of what power she held within and why others would always search for her. A stone once protected by the guardian, previously known as Clarissa, was destroyed in a dispute of the gods before Logan and her were even born. Archanidou sent her children to remove all the fragments of the crushed, broken gem to hide away. Jasmine’s mother took her entrusted small remnant to the land of the Faes. She buried it with her eggs, knowing she could protect it best there. One egg somehow developed around the sliver of gem that remained and became infused inside the life source, which grew within.

  Time moves slower in the land of the Faes than in the human or Nether Realms. When Jasmine was born, her body absorbed the particle that remained by the egg. It became part of her bloodstream, part of her life force. As soon as Jasmine opened her eyes, the stone’s deep rich color, and a minute sense of the power, was discernable, giving off an orange-red color never seen before. Jasmine’s mother died shortly after her birth. Archanidou realized the specialness of Jasmine so she kept her in Faefardom in order to conceal her from those who would seek her out in order to obtain the power which flowed within her very veins.

  Spiderwoman made Jasmine very aware that Clarissa, having been the guardian tied to the Gem of Avarice, would sense it within her immediately if the two ever met. Trinity, as the female descendant of the keeper of the stone, would also sense it, even if she was not trained. The gem would call to all who were commissioned with the duty to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. The only conclusion she could safely make was Trinity had been taken to try and locate Jasmine.

  “I know, Nunohum, but how long do I keep hiding here? Somehow, someone sensed me and yes, maybe it was my own fault in doing so because I have left the safety of this realm, but I don’t fit here. I don’t belong here. The fairies have never accepted me, barely tolerated me.”

  Spiderwoman reached over and took Jasmine’s hand in her own. “I know growing up here where you had few friends and only me as family was difficult for you. The Fae are not used to our kind. If you don’t have wings then you can’t soar with them, and that they find useless. As a result, you have been alone most of your life. I do not blame you for exploring away from this realm to find others just to talk to. However, you have been exposed. Nothing will change that. Nothing can reverse the knowledge you exist. Now, you can only prepare to face the challenge which awaits you as a result. If Logan is willing to be by your side to aid in keeping you from harm, I will rest easier knowing you have the comfort of another trained in defense. One who must care for you, for I can see within you the light you have for him and I cannot believe it would not be reciprocated.

  “No more hiding, my child. It is time you live in the light and deal head-on the threat which has been looming since before you were born.”

  Archanidou pulled two dream catchers from beneath her shawl. One was in the form of a necklace to be worn around Jasmine’s neck, the other a larger piece to be hung over her bed as she slept, wherever that may be. As Spiderwoman handed them to her granddaughter, she explained their powers.

  “The one for your bed will protect you while you sleep, catching in its web all tendrils trying to locate where the miniscule sliver of stone still exists. You will have peace as you rest. The necklace, wear it at all times. It should block any who try to sense you, no matter the realm you are in. But, do not let the sunlight hit it, for it will absorb the sun and nullify the powers of the necklace. It will take the light of a moon to recharge it again. I cannot stop you from venturing forth, but I will be around should you need me. All you ever have to do is call to me and I shall be there as soon as I am able.

  “I love you, my granddaughter. I always have and I always will.”

  “And I, you, Nunohum. Always and forever, you have my love.”

  Jasmine leaned over, hugging her grandmother tight. Realizing what she had to do, she then stood and went to pack what few items she possessed.

  Chapter 8

  Logan walked the streets of New Orleans looking for the Cat’s Meow. He had only arrived in the city a day before and was still getting acquainted with finding his way around. His mother had been none too pleased he was leaving for the Human Realm, even though she herself had instructed him to go. Of course, she told him before Trinity had been taken; before she lost her daughter to the unknown. Now, her son was leaving and, although she would know where he was, he wouldn’t be with her, he wouldn’t be under her protection or the sanctuary of the manor. He knew she was upset. He knew she didn’t know about Jasmine or that his father had told him to go and protect the woman he had fallen in love with.

  Logan tried to explain he would not give up searching for Trinity. He would keep looking, but it wasn’t going to consume every moment of every waking hour for him like it had for her. If he wanted to make his mother angry, he certainly succeeded with those words. He felt awful he had hurt her like that. She was a good woman, a loving mother, and she didn’t deserve such unkind words. He had not seen her when he left. He would apologize to her the next time he saw her. When he found a place, he would invite her to visit and offer to let her add the woman’s touch she always bragged about whenever she re-decorated the manor.

  As he walked down Bourbon Street, he saw the building just up ahead and quickened his pace. It stood on the corner, an opening within the wall facing Bourbon and St. Peter Streets could have originally been a door. It was half-walled with a wooden section reaching up to the back part of the stage, which contained a wildly painted piano. The other half-level opened so passersby could peer in at the show going on inside. A couple of women were on the stage singing some song he was unfamiliar with. They appeared pretty intoxicated and didn’t seem to care how off-key they were, but were having a good time and getting the crowd worked up regardless. He headed past the open corner to a narrow door guarded by a big male wearing a Cat’s Meow polo shirt and checking IDs as people walked in. His father had made sure he had all the proper identification materials he would need to live in this world, so he pulled his wallet out from his back pocket and removed the state identification card from within, showing it to the man who let him pass. Once inside he looked around quickly, trying to find access to the courtyard. It was not difficult to find as the place was not very big and the courtyard opening was just opposite the door from where he entered. Logan headed straight for it.

  Another bar, entrance to the restrooms, a staircase leading upstairs and a couple of tables to stand or sit at were located in the small brick courtyard of the establishment. She was not there yet and he was slightly disappointed. He headed to the bar and ordered a beer, bringing it back to the table facing the two entrances from within the building.

  Taking a sip from his beer, he played with the label. He was almost afraid she wouldn’t show, even though he berated himself for being ridiculous in the process. He kept looking at his time piece and then at the doors any time he heard someone approach, only to be disappointed as it was someone heading to the restrooms behind him or up the staircase to the second floor and outside balcony which overlooked Bourbon Street.

  Logan had lined up five bottles of empty beers and was about to give up when he heard a couple approach. He glanced up, although he was sure it wasn’t her, only to see her with another man who was holding her hand. His heart sank immediately at the closeness of the couple. He thought she loved him and seeing her with another was like a slap in the face. Why did she ask to meet him if she was with someone else? How could she break his heart so easily?

  The male led Jasmine to the only table occupied. He was only a little taller than Jasmine. Logan guessed about five foot ten inches, maybe eleven tops. H
e was lithe, athletic, even a bit wiry. He seemed very graceful and almost floated into the yard towards him. Did he catch a glimpse of gossamer wings on his back or had the five beers taken a bit of a hold on him?

  Jasmine let go of the man’s hand and hugged Logan, surprised when he didn’t respond, only continued to glare at the male. Stepping back, Jasmine smiled, trying to ease Logan’s obviously hurt emotions.

  “I’m so glad you came, Logan. I apologize for being late but Tyler is not one for punctuality. Tyler, this is Logan.” She said the latter name almost reverently and Logan had to look at her in astonishment at such softness. The look of adoration as she gazed upon him loosened him up slightly. He held his hand out to Tyler.

  “Nice to meet you.” Logan wanted to ask a myriad of questions, such as who was he, how long have you known him, what is he to you, but nothing came out.

  Tyler gripped his hand and shook it. “Likewise. I have heard nothing but talk of you, Logan. I half expected to see you walking on water when we arrived since all she talks about ie you.”

  Jasmine slugged his arm. “Stop it,” she teased lightly then turned back to Logan. “Tyler is like my guardian and my brother all rolled into one. He has appointed himself my protector for the most part, and although I find him overbearing and annoying most days, he is one of my best friends. He has helped to keep me sane when everything else failed.” She plopped on the stool next to Logan, giving a quick glance at the beer bottles piled up before them. “I have made you wait a long time. I am so very sorry.”

  Tyler scooped up the empty bottles and grinned like the Cheshire Cat. “I’ll buy the next couple of rounds. My apology for keeping you waiting so long.” Tyler moved to the bar and placed the empties on it, ordering a round of beers for the three of them. He told the bartender to take his time in getting them, wanting to give Logan and Jasmine a moment to talk with as much privacy as a small area such as they were in could afford.

  Logan still said nothing, just watched as Tyler walked away. Jasmine laid her hand on his, catching his full attention. “I really am sorry we were late. I wanted you to meet Tyler. He has covered for me a couple of times in order to see you over the years. He is such a dear friend to me. I hope he will be the same for you, if you give him a chance.”

  Logan softened at her touch and more so at her words. He didn’t want to admit he was jealous when he first saw them together, hand in hand. Then her next words bothered him.

  “When I moved to New Orleans, Tyler got us a place just outside of the French Quarter.”

  “You two live together?”

  “Not like how you are making it sound, but yes. We share a place. It’s warded and I am safe there. I only moved here a few days ago. Tyler learned I was coming and refused to let me be alone. He is a trained soldier and has assigned himself as my warden. Tyler got us a cottage and used some spells so I couldn’t be easily found.”

  “Protected from what? What has hunted you all this time? What does it want?”

  “It wants me. It wants my blood.” She looked back at Tyler, who was starting to come over with the new round of beers, placing them on the table and taking a stool himself.

  “Haven’t you told him anything about what you are, Jazzy?” Tyler asked, almost amused.

  “I didn’t want to get him in trouble. And you know Nunohum, she would’ve had a fit if she thought I was telling everyone who and what I am.”

  Logan sat patiently, unsure what to make of the dynamics between the two of them.

  Jasmine sighed and turned her full attention on Logan. “My grandmother is Archanidou. You might know her as Spiderwoman. I know she has visited your family often.” She waited until that bit of news sank in before she continued.

  Logan was taken aback. Spiderwoman had hundreds of children, but he never really gave much more thought about it than that, so to hear Jaz was related was indeed a surprise. After a few moments to absorb the information he voiced his bewilderment.

  “So? What difference does that make?” Logan was unsure where this was going.

  “None really, except knowing that I am descended from a god, just like you.”

  “Tell him the rest, Jazzy.”

  “I am, Ty, I am. Geez Louise, keep your lace panties on.” She scolded Tyler then continued to Logan, “My mother was one of those sent to help your mother remove the shattered remnants of the stone your mother was assigned to guard. The sliver my mother was commissioned to hide, she took to Faefardom and buried with her eggs. Somehow, the power of the gem infused my embryo. It’s in my blood. It courses through me. Something out there can feel it on occasion. If it finds me, it might try to take my blood to extract the powers the stone provides. Even such a small amount might be the key to tipping the scales of good and evil. And most likely, it will kill me in the process.”

  Logan was stunned. Not sure what else to do, he lifted his bottle and drained the entire thing down his throat. The idea the gem his mother guarded was now infused inside of Jasmine took a bit of time to comprehend, as well as all the implications of what it meant if she was found.

  “That’s why where you live is warded. To help hide its power flowing within you.”

  “Yes. Tyler is from that realm, too. He has powers to help hide his own differences among the mundanes of this world. He warded the building he bought so he could be in his natural state when he chooses without fear of detection. Because of the shielding on the building, it hides what flows inside me as well, just as the realm hid me from anyone not within the world itself. You know how precautionary and defensive the fairies are about the land they live in.”

  “Yeah. I have heard that. Which is why they don’t allow many, if any, visitors to their realm.”

  “We are very solicitous of ours. And Jazzy is considered one of ours. So, I make sure she is safe-guarded.” Tyler leaned in as if making a point to Logan, who only smirked back. The male did not make him worried in the least. After all, Logan was the son of the demon judge and executioner, as well as a kick-ass werewolf. A fairy wasn’t about to scare him in the least.

  Ignoring Tyler as well, Jasmine leaned closer to Logan. “Where are you staying?”

  “Right now, in the Hotel Monteleone, but only until I find a more suitable apartment.”

  Jasmine gave a quick glance over at Tyler before turning back to Logan. “Stay with us. The Creole Cottage is not huge, but there are four bedrooms, living room, and kitchen. And, if you don’t like being there, you can stay there until you find a place more suitable.”

  Again Logan looked astonished. There were a number of revelations happening tonight and none of them he prepared for or expected. He looked over at Tyler and seemed slightly uncomfortable at the idea of sharing a place with them. However, it would mean he was much closer to Jasmine and that made it a very promising idea. No fear of being together, of her being caught in his mother’s garden, or of them really getting to know each other. Plus, Mel did tell him to guard her. What better way than to coexist in the same residence?

  “That sounds like a pretty good plan,” Logan admitted.

  “Great. Come on then. Let’s get you checked out of the hotel and moved into the cottage.” Jasmine slipped off the stool and slipped her arm into Logan’s as they began to walk out of the bar and down the street towards the Hotel Monteleone.

  Tyler frowned. He wasn’t too keen on the idea of Logan living with them. He realized part of it was because of the uneasy truce between Demonkin and Fae he had heard about his entire life. Some inbred inhibitions took a bit of time to overcome. He had a feeling this was going to be one of them. Tyler followed the couple to the hotel, warily watching others who passed, and kept an eye out for any trouble they might encounter. As Jazzy stated, he was a soldier before he took the assignment to make sure she was secure in the world of the humans.

  Tyler had been trained to fight and defend almost from the moment of his birth. He was considered one of the most proficient warriors of the Fae. When the opportunity to
become a personal bodyguard to Jaz arose, he quickly applied for the honor. He wanted the chance to actually do something with his unique set of abilities besides simply honing them with the rare possibility of actually putting them to use.

  Despite all of Jasmine’s talk about Logan, Tyler still hadn’t fully decided if he was friend or foe. He would have to be very wary and see how it all played out.

  Chapter 9

  Trinity was dragged from her cell to a solid white room and shoved inside. The room was stark and bare, with a chair and a fireplace with mantle. She looked around. No windows, no other doors but the one she was brought in from. A voice, hollow, rough and deep, almost mechanical, boomed throughout the room.


  Trinity ignored the voice and instead tried the door. It was locked and she heard the Rougarou growl just on the other side.


  This time, she did as the voice commanded.

  “Close your eyes.”

  Again, she hesitated.

  “Do not make me keep asking you more than once.” The disembodied voice boomed around her. “Or do I need to make an example of Nathan again?”

  “No! I’m sorry. I’ll do as you ask.” Quickly, Trinity shut her eyes and waited for the next order.

  “Empty your mind. Feel what is around you. Sense the very air that is in the room. Tell me what you smell. What you sense might have been in there.”

  Taking a deep breath, she emptied her mind and tried to use her senses as to what else might have been in that room. First she smelled food. A roasted turkey. Then she smelled something stronger. An almost unpleasant odor, like gym socks that had been stored in a locker for over a month with the corpse of a fish. The scent became stronger and she started to cough, then choke, finally opening her eyes as the expectorating became worse.

  After coughing for several minutes, she finally settled down.

  “What did you sense?” the voice asked.


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