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Demon's Web

Page 9

by Laura Hawks

  Mel took her hand in his, his thumb gently rubbing her knuckles. “I’m not sure what more can be done. After all this time, it seems almost hopeless to find her.”

  “Don’t! Don’t you dare!” Clarissa growled. The deep rumbling sound low within her chest was the sound of the wolf which resided within her, not the human she was.

  Mel had spent enough time with Clarissa; her anger didn’t faze him.

  “I’m just trying to be practical, babe. We are looking everywhere for her. I’m having my minions scour every inch of every world imaginable. Whoever took her has kept her close to the vest. No one has seen her, heard from her, or sensed her. We are running out of options. It has been five years.”

  “Don’t you think I know how long it’s been? Don’t you think I have been acutely and painfully aware of how many days have passed since I have not seen my child? I’m not giving up, though. If you are, then that’s your issue not mine. She is my daughter and I will never stop until I find her.”

  Mel frowned as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “I’m not giving up. I’m just running out of options. We still don’t even know which Rougarou were involved in taking her or where they brought her. We don’t know what they want with her or what she has been going through since she disappeared. Whatever the fuck is going on, it’s incredibly hush hush. I’ve never seen anything like it to where I can’t get even a basis on where to start.”

  “I know. I know you are trying to find her. I know you are doing everything you can. I just don’t understand where she is. I don’t understand any of this.”

  “Neither do I, my love. Neither do I.” He pushed the tray of plates towards her. “How about you eat and spend the day relaxing? You have not rested a full day since this all began.”

  Clarissa shook her head. “I don’t have time to rest. Every minute I waste on resting is one minute longer Trinity is not home where she belongs.”

  “One minute or one hour is not going to make much of a difference at this point. You need to care for yourself as well. And in case you have forgotten, we have a son, too, who might like to see and spend a little time with his mother.”

  Clarissa sighed as she raised herself to sit against the headboard, leaning back. “I know I have a son. I’m very proud of him. I love him. But he has not needed a mother in years. Not since we failed finding Trinity after a year of searching. He is out in the world now. The human world and one I can no longer go.”

  She looked up at him, a deep sadness in her eyes. “He no longer needs his mother. He has buried something deep within himself. Logan has become withdrawn since Trinity was taken. As if he blames himself. I don’t know how to reach him anymore. I don’t know what to do and I am limited since he moved away. My son is twenty-nine years old and I no longer connect with him as I once did. When Trinity was taken, I lost both my children, not just my daughter.”

  “That’s not true, Clarissa. You never told him and he is hurt you never visited him. You have been so concerned about Trinity, you have not focused on much else, including Logan. He wanted you to meet his girlfriend, see his place, take you out for dinner.”

  “And you know I cannot do that, no matter how much I wish to.”

  “But you have not told him. He doesn’t understand and he thinks he is the reason you won’t come see him. Baby, he thinks you blame him for Trinity being taken, for not finding her and bringing her home. He believes you don’t love him anymore.”

  “That’s not true!”

  “He doesn’t know it’s not. You need to tell him.”

  Clarissa was quiet for a moment, then nodded. “I’ll talk to him when I see him at the wedding. He is still coming, right?”

  Mel bobbed his head in affirmation. “He is bringing the love of his life with him.”

  “I’ll steal him away for a few minutes and tell him the truth. You’re right. He deserves to know why I haven’t gone to see him.”

  Mel leaned over and kissed Clarissa. “Rest up a bit more. It’s going to be a very busy day getting the last minute preparations made before the guests start arriving tomorrow.” He saw the look in her emerald eyes and took her hand in his. “Two days is not going to hurt you to rest and enjoy the celebration of another. Besides, I still have my men out there looking. If anything, and I mean anything, sounds promising, you and I will be right there to investigate. I swear.”

  Clarissa gave a gentle smile. It was a rare sight lately and Mel was grateful to see it light up her beautiful face. Her smile was what pulled his heartstrings the most. He moved the tray of food out of his way, leaning closer to her as he captured her lips. His tongue begged for entrance as his hands pulled the covers away from her.

  Intimate moments between them had been few and far between since Trinity had disappeared. They were either too busy searching and apart, or too exhausted, catching minimal sleep and food before heading back out to search again. For Mel, he also had his duties as demon wrangler. It afforded them little to no time and he truly missed being with this feisty ball of fire he called his. He, too, had missed Clarissa. Needed her with a desire which could no longer be refused. He wondered if she would toss him aside, refuse him, or if she would give him what he wanted most at the moment.

  Her lips parted beneath his onslaught, her tongue meeting his in a wicked dance. Her loins heated instantly as his body pressed against hers, trying to push her nightgown up and, finally refusing to wait any longer, tearing it in two from her. His hands clamped upon her breasts, teasing them firmly until her nipples scraped against his palms. Mel moved his arms behind her lower back and pulled her down under him. His silk suit glided along her soft skin and he flashed it away, wanting no barriers between them.

  His mouth left hers, moving along her jaw to her neck, just below her ear, thrilling to hear her cry out breathlessly as she became excited. Her hands moved to his shoulders, her legs opened to expose her dampness. It was only then, she realized, how long she had gone without his touch and she mentally berated herself for not giving in sooner. She had forgotten how to live in her quest to find her daughter. She had put everything else to the wayside as she pursued leads, no matter how unreliable they might be. Through it all, she ignored what she shouldn’t have. Her husband. Her son. Now was the time to fix both, starting with her husband.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist. Mel sat up, pulling her with him. Taking her hands, he held them behind her back, forcing her to jut her breasts out to his waiting mouth. His tongue swirled around her pert nipple, tugging it, pulling it gently with his teeth, growling with satisfaction. He loved the taste of her skin, how she felt in his arms, but most of all, how her body responded to his. His demon blood burned with desire for her, his rod hard and stiff against her wet core, twitching as if searching for entrance.

  His mouth moved to her ear, his tongue dragging its way along the pulse of her neck as he did so. “You ready for me, baby?” he asked breathlessly, needing to be one with her.

  “Always, my love.”

  He needed no more encouragement than that. He rubbed his shaft over her sex a few more times before he finally lifted her slightly, settling her back onto his erection and pushing inside of her. He bounced her gently, driving himself to her very end over and over again.

  He filled her, her body pulsating to his rhythm. The muscles deep within her belly tightened as her hair bounced with each thrust he made. He let her wrists go, one hand grabbing the back of her hair and twisting it around his fist to pull her head back, exposing her throat. He glided his teeth against the hollow of her throat to the life pulse of her neck. Finding the spot which beat with her heart, he suckled the skin.

  She knew what he wanted, but she was also aware he wouldn’t just take it. There were times she wouldn’t allow him and others she did. This time she gave her consent to his silent query.


  A simple word which entailed so many things. He growled against her skin at her permission. Somehow, knowing she would give
herself over to him in every way imaginable, that she trusted him enough to agree to his greatest request and that she loved him so unconditionally, only served to make him harder. He didn’t fully understand how he could be needier than before, but that was the effect she had on him. A response only she had ever elicited.

  With his free hand, he held her lower back steady then sunk his teeth in against the pulse that ran against his tongue. The blood was his dietary staple. Though, before Clarissa it always came from the demons who were captured and served their sentence. Thankfully, he never needed much to satisfy his nutritional requirements and Shara had always seen to his meals. She still did as an overall. However, Clarissa was a rare delicacy he would indulge in. Her blood was sweeter than demon’s and, though it did not carry the full weight of the nutrients he required, her sanguine fluid was like having an infrequent delectable dessert.

  For Clarissa, once his teeth sank deep into her veins, it was an entirely different experience than any she had ever beheld. She could feel his heartbeat joined with her own, sense his emotions, feel the love he had for her and she could feel the demon he carried deep inside roar with ecstasy. It was the latter which overwhelmed her so much, she could only satiate the desire on occasion. For the most part, it was erotic and exciting. She gave into it willingly. Her eyes wide open as he drank from her while he pumped his manhood repeatedly deep inside of her. When she came, it was in a blind explosion of stars and streaks of color, a rush unlike any other. She shivered, convulsing at his touch. When Destruction started to rise within Mel, he withdrew his fangs and licked the wound closed. Clarissa collapsed in his arms and he let her have a moments rest, laying her gently back onto the mattress before he renewed his strokes with a swift, hard, steady rhythm.

  Clarissa needed a couple of minutes to fully recover and start to feel the build again within the depths of her womb. Without his drinking from her, she was solely focused on the feel of him embedded within her core, her own muscles tightening about his thick, hard shaft. Her whole body tingled, her blood raced. She was very aware of his demonic abilities to keep going over and over until she was finally sated. Her stamina was quite extensive as well, due to her female and were abilities.

  Before long his steady pace caused them both to climax simultaneously. Using his elbows, he hovered over her so he could continue to kiss her. He only needed scant minutes to regroup and begin again. When he was ready, he sat up slightly, slipping out of her so he could flip her around to have her lay face down on the mattress. Wrapping his arms around her belly, he lifted her bottom up so he could drive in her again. He was going to remind his wife repeatedly why he loved and needed her, as well as make up for some lost time over the past few years.

  Chapter 12

  Shara and Clarissa checked the room one final time. Everything had to be perfect. White roses had been brought in and strewn about the rooms with tons of red and white tulle and big red bows. Chairs were placed accordingly about two main rooms. Candelabras and white candles sat atop red-clothed tables, which were adorned with gold plates and sparkling crystal glasses. It looked like a storybook enchanted area, just as it should for such an auspicious day.

  Zen strutted into the room and growled, “Why the fuck am I doing this again?”

  Mel followed just steps behind him. “Because you love her and we always do what makes our women happy.”

  Zenthus growled again as Mel just laughed at him. Azamel looked at the two women in the room and grinned. “Cold feet.”

  Clarissa wandered over to the two of them, leaving Shara to do the rest of the final check through. Reaching up, she fixed Zen’s bow tie. “Don’t worry, Zen. One moment of embarrassment here in front of everyone equals a lifetime of sex and happiness with Santanya. Trust me; in the long run, it’s very worth it.”

  “Better be. All this fuss is something I would prefer not to go through. I like being Mel’s strong arm. Not in the forefront of the light, wearing a monkey suit just because she wants to do the human ceremony thing.”

  “Demon way is not always the best.”

  “It would have been fine if she hadn’t seen the ritual you did with Mel,” he grumbled.

  “I’d apologize, but I’m not really sorry.” Clarissa chuckled softly.

  Clarissa looked at Mel, a questioning look on her face. Mel gave his head a quick negative shake and she responded with a stern get it done now look. Azamel rolled his eyes.

  When did he get to be the whipped male to his female? Well, granted only in some cases, and this was one of them, but he was still surprised by it none the less. Maybe he should never have told her about his best friend and how Zenthus was orphaned because of Destruction. He didn’t feel Zen needed to know all of this, but he did have something left of Boralium’s, which he had been holding on to for centuries. Now was the time to make sure it was passed to Boralium’s son and the truth finally be told. Clarissa pointed out to Azamel Zenthus was about to begin a new life with Santanya, to start a future with the woman he loves. It would only be fair if he understood his past before he began a new future. Mel still wasn’t sure about this, but he did want Zenthus to have what was rightfully his.

  “Since you have a couple of minutes, Zenthus, why don’t you come to my office? There is something I wish to discuss with you.” Without waiting for a response, Mel left the decorated ballroom and headed down the corridor to his office.

  Zen appeared perplexed and slightly worried. Clarissa put her hand on his arm and smiled. “It’s okay. He has something for you which I think you will be interested in. At least, it’s something you need to have.”

  Somehow, those words did not make him feel much better. He looked over at Shara who was too busy finishing up the final touches before the ceremony. Nodding, he headed to Mel’s office as Clarissa watched him depart. She hoped it was the right thing to do. When Mel told her about Boralium and Zenthus, she wanted him to come clean immediately. He refused, not wanting to upset Zenthus. Who wanted to find out their father tried to kill the man who raised him because Destruction killed his mother and, in self-defense, his father? Mel didn’t wish to burden Zenthus with such news. The male was his chief bailiff, his top guard and, in Mel’s world, about the closest thing to a confidant and son, before he met Rissa. Zen enjoyed his position. Azamel didn’t wish to ruin the man’s perspective on his life, but Clarissa had been in a similar circumstance years ago. She knew the importance of fully knowing one’s past. Better to be forewarned than surprised when it could actually do some damage.

  Zenthus knocked on Mel’s office door even though it stood open as Mel waited for Zenthus to arrive.

  “Come in and shut the door behind you, Zen. Care for a drink? It will help calm those wedding jitters you seem to be having.” He held up the decanter with amber liquid.

  “Yes. I think I could use a double right now.” Zen closed the door and walked over to grab the drink. “Were you this anxious when you got married?”

  Azamel thought about it for a moment then smiled. “Actually, no. I wasn’t. I knew Clarissa was the one for me. She had proved herself over and over again. I also remembered what I was like without her. When I was told we couldn’t be together, it was the hardest thing I had lived through, so knowing she would be mine for eternity, I knew it was the perfect thing. The right thing.” Taking a sip from his own glass, he peered at Zenthus. “If she is what makes your heart flutter with the thought of her near, if she is what you think about every spare moment of every day you are not together, if she is what you need to make you feel whole, then there is no reason to be so nervous. You are two pieces of a puzzle fitting together. It means you belong together. Nothing should tear you two apart. You are making your claim on her in front of witnesses so there will never be any misunderstanding of her being yours.”

  Zenthus downed the drink in two gulps and placed the glass down. “You’re right. She is what I want, and having an eternity to be with her is all I could ever hope for.”

  Azamel moved
over to his desk after setting his glass back on the minibar. He scooped up a beautifully wrapped elongated package and handed it to Zenthus.

  “This was your father’s. I know I should have given it to you sooner, but the time just never seemed right.”

  Zenthus’ eyebrow went up in surprise. He took the box in his hands and sat on the nearest chair with it in his lap. “How did you get it? What is it?”

  Mel chuckled softly. “Open it and find out. As for how I got it, well, as you know, your father was once a very dear friend of mine. However, you should know the truth about something. About him. About us.”

  Zen didn’t stop watching him. He couldn’t recall ever seeing Mel so anxious. It concerned him about what Mel had to tell him. He wondered why it mattered now, after centuries of not saying anything before.

  As if Mel read his thoughts, he answered, “I never knew how to tell you. Was never sure you really needed to know. Your father should have only been in your thoughts as a good man, one who loved you and one who would do right by you. Truth is, he was all of that. He was my best friend and helped me when no one else would or cared to.”

  Zen was aware of all of this, so far nothing new or revealing, so he waited.

  Mel unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat behind his desk

  “Rissa is an amazing woman. She sees things most never do. She believes you should know the truth of your father despite my reluctance to have you think of him in any other way but as a good man. She feels to know oneself, one should know their ancestry, to know where they come from and in some cases why. Boralium had a heart for love, but he never shared it. Not even with me. It was a time when Destruction had recently taken up residence within. I had not gotten him under control to keep him locked away. There was this village near ours. I went there to seek food, hoping I would not be recognized there for who I was or what I had become. When I got to the area, I tried to barter for food. A group of men recognized me as the cursed one and attacked. Destruction emerged forth. I couldn’t stop him. I wasn’t able to contain him yet. He destroyed a good number of the village; the men and, sadly, some of the innocents were caught in his wake of savageness. Among them, Zen, was your mother.”


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