Demon's Web

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Demon's Web Page 10

by Laura Hawks

  Zen’s eyes darkened and he lowered his eyes to the gift on his lap. He didn’t say anything. He knew there was more and he was digesting what he heard thus far.

  Azamel paused for a few moments before he continued. “I didn’t know anything about her. When Destruction returned and I saw what was left of the village, I was in despair. I did what I could to make up for the damage which was done. I only wanted to trade for food. Boralium, your father, learned what happened. He didn’t understand I didn’t intend harm to come to anyone. He didn’t comprehend I couldn’t control the demon yet, or that its emergence was to protect me, as the host, from being killed. Next thing I knew, I was being attacked by him. I didn’t blame him. I killed a woman he was in love with yet didn’t know anything about. I killed innocents and I was not only ashamed, but also despondent. I could not stop Destruction so others would not be caught in the whirlwind of his vengeance. Boralium attacked me. He wanted to end my existence, and I would willingly have given it to him, but Destruction would not accept the loss of his host and returned the assault. By the time I came to, all the damage had been done.”

  Mel nodded towards the box on Zen’s lap. “It belonged to your father. He used it on me and was one of the last things in his possession. I’ve held on to it to remind me I was always going to be alone in this world with no one to trust. Until Rissa changed all that. Now you have found your woman to guide you and stand by your side. She has proven as much over the last couple of decades.” He rubbed his hands on his thighs then clasped them on the desk. “I am giving you both your freedom to go and do as you please. I promised Mani his mother would be safe, but I think you will do well to protect her as any other, if not more so.”

  Zen was unsure what to say. There was a lot to process here. He opened the gift to see a double crossbow. Carved into the wood was his father’s mark. His mark. It was a piece of his past, a part of his history, even if he had been fully unaware of it until now. So many little things slipped into place with Mel’s revelation, items during the centuries which perplexed him as he rose through the ranks. He seemed to have Azamel’s guidance more than any other. Little luxuries afforded to him and no one else now made more sense.

  Lifting the crossbow out of the box, he examined it closely then returned it to the container and stood.

  “Thank you for the truth and for this. I will discuss with Santanya on where she would like to go, if she doesn’t wish to remain here. Regardless, I would like to remain your bailiff. What you do here, to protect the humans, is a righteous cause. I feel there is nothing more worthy of my attendance.”

  “You will have a position here as long as you want, Zenthus. As well as my protection. I just wanted you to understand and be aware you have options. Whether or not you choose to take them is your decision. That and your soon to be wife. Speaking of which, it’s time to start welcoming your guests.”

  Chapter 13

  The attendees started to gather. Shara greeted them in the reception hall. They were then led by various ushers, Mel’s guards, to the ballroom where aisles of seats were strewn purposefully about. The room was filling up but there were a couple of people they were still waiting for.

  Dzhihibai Manido appeared in the waiting room, almost out of breath. It had been a long while since she had seen the male. He rarely visited, in order to keep his mother safe. Hell, he suffered to keep her safe, he was not about to blow it now. However, he was worried such a congregation of folks would put her in danger once again. It was a small affair, for the most part, but even still, there were those he just wasn’t sure about.

  Azamel had taken every precaution he could, including limiting the invite list. He purposefully kept his brother, Jes’Sakkid, off of it, since Jes was the one who threatened Santanya to begin with in order to get Mani to do his bidding. Jes had also once owned Mani’s soul, which he used to force the demon spirit to comply with his demands. Mani’s soul was later recovered by Nana and Azamel after Jes lost the epic battle of gods when he tried to overthrow Nana and assume control of the Elders Council.

  Nana felt Mani paid enough of a price for his involvement in the affair, and, with his mother protected in the Nether Realm under Azamel’s watch, Nana returned Mani’s soul to its proper home, under the condition he couldn’t sell it again. Of course, Mani agreed. He may be gullible when desperate, but he was not a stupid fool.

  At first, Shara was worried she wouldn’t remember what he looked like, but as soon as he entered the reception area she knew who he was. She had thought the tall demon had been handsome in his own right, though now he was sporting a scar along his left cheek and wondered how he came by it. Oh, he wouldn’t be the one to make every girl turn her head the first time, but there was an underlying strength of purpose to him which attracted Shara and made her notice him the few previous instances. Not that it mattered. She was an assistant to the demon judge, invisible to most unless they needed her to fetch something. Truth was, she wasn’t always his assistant. She was a demon herself and she probably would have perished if not for Azamel happening upon her. She owed Mel much, swore to be faithful to him in her service, and for eons she did just that.

  She was born in the Nether Realm, as were her parents. They never considered going elsewhere. This was their home and they were content. When Mel became ruler of the world, an uprising occurred. Many of the demons had no intention of falling under guidance by this youthful god, even if he did bear a demon within. The realm became filled with unruly unrest, many lashing out on whoever they came across to show their defiance to the newly assigned demon judge. In particular, massive, winged, gargoyle-like creatures, called Waia, rebelled against the new order. They had governed the world and certainly were not willing to share the advantages of domination to a whelp like Mel.

  Unfortunately, her parents had been caught in the crossfire. They both thought a change of venue would be good for the realm. Maybe many wouldn’t be so scared of stepping outside of their doors. You were either with the Waia or you became their food source, which was usually done in public to instill further fear of consequences should anyone attempt to go against them. A friend of her father had been discovered one morning. Her father and mother were up in arms about the Waia’s treatment and forms of punishment. By evening, the Waia were in front of her home. Shara was still fairly young at the time—nineteen by human standards. She was only old enough to know what was going on yet young enough to hide with her parents, unsure and unable to do anything to protect them.

  The Waia came in force. Fifty of their ranks surrounded her home, their claws tearing it down piece by piece. Some had burst through the doors and windows. Her mother shoved her in the closet so Shara wouldn’t be found. From that vantage point, Shara saw her parents ripped to shreds by the Waia’s talons, claws and fangs. They were about to find her in the closet when Azamel showed up. She couldn’t hear what Mel told them, but they departed what remained of the home to surround him. Destruction emerged and, in minutes, none of the Waia were standing. She saw Destruction as he entered the house, looking for more Waia or her parents, she was unsure. He seemed to sense her though and headed right for her in the closet. Shara ducked further back in the corner. When the closet door opened, however, it was Azamel back in his natural form: Destruction had been put away for the time being. Azamel calmed her and brought her to his home to be cared for and protected. The war with the Waia had been established with the gauntlet being thrown at her homestead. Within but a couple of months, Mel and Destruction had eradicated the Waia species, the final two of which became the guardians in the reception room, standing vigil as a reminder to not go against the demon judge. Shara remained with Mel ever since the day he found her.

  Mostly she was content with her role, but there were moments, such as when she watched Santanya and Zenthus together, she wished for something more personal. If she admitted it to herself, she would acknowledge she daydreamed on very rare occasions about Mani.

  The first time she saw Mani
he took her breath away. He continued to do that each and every time she saw him. Now was no different. The scar gave him a rakish look, which she found intriguing.

  “I’m not late, am I?”

  Shara shook her head. “No. Just in time, although your mother was getting worried about you.”

  She nodded to the guard still there. “Malcolm, take Mani to his mother in the dressing room. She will want to see him first before she walks down the aisle.”

  Malcolm nodded and led Mani from the room. Shara watched the two leave, her eyes focused on the sway of Mani’s hips. Sighing softly, she turned back to her clipboard. Only Logan and his girl, Jasmine, had yet to arrive. She wondered what was keeping them just as Clarissa entered the reception room.

  “Any sign of Logan yet?”

  “Sorry, Clarissa. None yet.”

  “They are about to begin soon. I was hoping to see him before the ceremony.” She took a deep breath, trying to calm her own nerves. “You did a great job for the wedding. Thank you for all your help. I’m sorry I wasn’t more useful in the preparations.”

  Shara turned to face her. “I understand. You are worried about Trinity and your focus has been on getting her back. I don’t blame you and I was honored to take care of the details.”

  “You are always taking care of the details and I don’t think Mel or I have told you enough how appreciative we both are. Thank you.”

  Shara was slightly taken aback. She never expected to be recognized for the work she did. She gave Mel her loyalty and stayed with him for eons because he rescued her. It was her duty. Until this moment, she had never seen it as anything else. Shara smiled, a rare visage.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “You know, Shara, you are more than just Mel’s assistant. You are part of our family. I know we got off to a rocky start all those years back when I first came here to be trained, but I have come to realize long ago you are only being protective of Mel. And then you have always been there for our children. I just want you to know your dedication and devotion has not been overlooked by any means, even if Mel and I have been remiss about telling you so.”

  Shara became a bit flustered over the effusive compliments. She wasn’t sure what to say and Clarissa was astute enough to realize she probably put the matronly woman ill at ease. Giving her space, she took a step back.

  “If you can, have him seek me out the moment he arrives; I will be grateful.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Shara stated, turning away to face the fossilized winged gargoyles of the Waia standing on either side of the fireplace in the room. She hoped Logan and Jasmine would hurry as she didn’t want to miss the ceremony.

  The simple proceedings were just about to start when Logan sidled up to his mother, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her cheek. Clarissa’s face lit up as she turned to pull him into a tight hug.

  Keeping her voice low so as not to interrupt the others nearby, she whispered to him, “I’m so glad you made it. I was getting worried.” She looked around him. “Where is this girl I have heard so much about and have yet to meet?”

  “She will be along in a bit. She had something she needed to do first. Mom, be nice, okay? She is really nervous meeting you.”

  Clarissa frowned. “Why would I be anything but nice?”

  “Well, I figured you were not happy about her since you haven’t met her yet. So I was fearful you might not be pleasant.”

  Clarissa’s eyebrows furrowed further. “Logan, I need to talk to you about that.” She looked around and, not wanting to interfere with the impending ceremony, she whispered, “As soon as this is over, we will chat. Okay? I owe you some explanations.”

  Logan was taken aback slightly, but he nodded as he leaned over to kiss her temple. Turning, he held onto her, his arm draped over his mother’s shoulder as the ceremony began.

  There were only a handful of people there. Nanaboojoo bound the couple together as one. Santanya looked amazing in a red gown trimmed in white. Zen looked striking in his matching red suit with a white tie. Mani stood by his mother as witness; Azamel stood by Zenthus. Besides Clarissa, Shara and Logan, the guests included Coyote, Archanidou, Gawaunduk, and Halinois, the latter two the god and goddess of love, respectfully. There were also about a dozen of Mel’s demon hunters who were Zen’s co-workers.

  Logan occasionally looked around as the proceedings progressed. He was waiting anxiously for Jasmine to arrive and was also interested in what his mother wanted to tell him. Before he knew it, the ceremony was complete and the guests were breaking out into small groups, each taking their turn to congratulate the newly bound couple.

  Clarissa pointed to a side door from the ballroom where she knew they could talk. As Logan and Mel headed in that direction, Clarissa stopped, gasping slightly and looking around, almost wildly. Logan followed her gaze and noticed Jasmine had just sashayed into the room, Shara by her side. Coyote looked up as well, his eyes narrowing at the figure of the young woman. Archanidou frowned, rushing to Jasmine’s side and pulling her back to the reception hall. Clarissa, Mel and Logan all quickly followed. Coyote wanted to, but he knew the others were watching, so held back. He didn’t want to give anything away, even though he instantly knew the unknown woman who had garnered such interest was the source of the Gem of Avarice power he had been occasionally feeling and searching for.

  Instead of entering the reception room, the small group entered Mel’s office. Mel felt it was more secure for this confrontation. Clarissa went right to Jasmine, feeling the power of the gem calling to her and not understanding it.

  “Who? What? How? Who are you?” Clarissa asked, confusion confounding her attempt at speech.

  Archanidou pulled Jasmine to her, Logan stepping by her side and wondering what the hell was going on.

  Clarissa noticed how close Logan was to the young woman and she realized it was Jasmine. Her furrowed brow deepened.

  Archanidou moved to stand in front of Jasmine. “Calm down, Clarissa. All can be explained.”

  “Explained? I don’t even know where anyone should begin!” Clarissa retorted. “I am the guardian. I should have known it, or some of it, existed. Even in this form.”

  “You were dead. The stone was destroyed. My daughters and sons removed all vestiges of the stone and scattered the minuscule remnants onto various lands. Nothing tangible exists. Except one. My daughter buried it with her eggs. She was going to hide it when she could leave long enough to do so, but by then it was too late. The stone scrap fused with the egg. When Jasmine was born, it was embedded in her heart and flows through her body as her life’s blood. There is no way to remove it without killing my granddaughter.”

  Logan’s mouth gaped. “Wait. Mom was dead? What stone? What is this all about?”

  Clarissa sighed and moved to stand by Jasmine, looking her over, but it was her eyes that told her everything. They were the same iridescent color as the stone itself. The pull of the stone softly called to her. Jasmine didn’t move under the woman’s scrutiny, but she did look back at Logan. “I warned you.” It was all she said and it seemed to have a strong meaning behind it, which Clarissa didn’t understand.

  Clarissa turned away, facing Logan. “You have heard I was a guardian. It fell to me as my duty once my family was murdered. It always fell to the matriarch of the family. We protected a stone which was an ancient artifact. We, I mean, I could feel it calling when it was in trouble of being discovered.” She stopped. Something was tickling the back of her mind, but she couldn’t quite place it. Something about Jasmine and the stone. Why had she not felt it before now? Yes, the signal was weak, and it had a different resonance than previously, but it should have alerted her far sooner than now. Had something changed when she died? What should she know, but couldn’t quite grasp? Maybe if she kept talking, it would come to her, clicking into place.

  Logan stood there, trying to comprehend it all. He turned to Jasmine. “This was what you were afraid people would find out? By people, you meant my
mother? She would sense this, this stone within you. What did you think she was going to do when she found it?”

  Jasmine looked terrified, her head spinning as she looked between Clarissa, her grandmother, Logan and Mel, then back again. Turning to Logan she answered him.

  “I wasn’t entirely sure what was going to happen; but yes, I knew your mother would sense what I was. Or maybe even your sister. In a way, I think you sense it too, though you are unsure why you are drawn to me; just that you are.”

  “Trinity?” Clarissa slapped her forehead. “Of course. Trinity would be able to sense it, search for it, and hear its call. Technically, I am dead, so it would make sense it would go to her to protect.”

  “What do you mean you’re dead?” Logan looked around frantically.

  Archanidou placed a calming hand on Logan’s shoulder. “In a time before you were born, your mother protected a stone called the Gem of Avarice. Several searched for it, for its power was foretold to be immense. A war between the gods broke out in hopes of weakening the guardian in order to obtain it for whomever could secure it from her. They were led by your Uncle Jes. In the process, Jes killed your mother’s mortal form. When she was about to cross the arch into the underworld, your grandfather, Chipiapoos, held her back, as I had asked him to. Nana, Chia and I realized this was not the full destiny of the guardian and she should not be punished for protecting the world. With the destruction of the stone, her duties were no longer required. However, we knew of her love for Azamel and his love for her. They were stronger together than separate and we felt they belonged together. Since she didn’t cross the arch, we were able to bring her back to him. The rest is mostly history as you know it. With one additional stipulation.” Spiderwoman nodded to Clarissa to fill in the last bit.


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