Demon's Web

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Demon's Web Page 11

by Laura Hawks

  “Because I died in my earthly form, I cannot go to the Human Realm. It is the only one I am forbidden to go, but, my darling son, it is why I could not visit you or see your new home or tell you how proud I am of you, since you had left. I was going to tell you today, just not quite in this way. I didn’t want you to feel I wasn’t going to see you because I didn’t love you. It’s the farthest thing from the truth there could be. It was a choice I had to make and, to be with Mel, I would do it again willingly, without a second thought.”

  Logan waved his hands in a ‘wait a minute’ gesture as he tried to grasp everything he was being told. Jasmine had been hiding from his mother, and maybe his sister, because of what had grown inside her and became the source of her life’s blood. His mother had been murdered by his uncle, which explained why he so very rarely saw him and why she never ventured to the human world with them or visited him for all those years. It wasn’t because she blamed Logan for not finding Trinity, but because she was physically unable to.

  And then it clicked for Clarissa. That little bit of knowledge which remained on the tip of her tongue finally made itself known. She paled and looked at Mel. “That’s why they took Trinity, isn’t it? It’s the only thing which makes sense. Somehow, somewhere, they sense what Jasmine carries and they need Trinity to search it out. It’s why she is still alive and why we can’t find her.”

  Mel wrapped his arms around Clarissa. “It’s a very viable theory and a strong possibility. Especially since we were unaware of this turn of events.”

  “How?” Clarissa turned enough within Mel’s arms to look at Jasmine. “How were you able to stay off the radar from me?”

  Archanidou stepped forward. “That is partially my doing. Her mother’s eggs were laid in the Faefardom Realm. There is a natural protection there which hid the power of the stone, so when Jasmine was there, she was invisible to all who searched for any vibrations of the gem.”

  Jasmine stepped forward to Clarissa, her eyes filled with sadness and pleading for forgiveness. “I knew I wasn’t supposed to leave the realm, but I…” She looked back at her grandmother and lowered her head to complete the revelation. “I had heard so much about your garden of black roses, and so I came here to see them. It’s when I met Logan for the first time.”

  Logan piped in. “I was only fourteen at the time. I was just trying to protect her from the demons of this realm. She kept saying she couldn’t come in the house or let anyone find out about her coming here.”

  Jasmine moved over to Logan and placed her hand on his arm. He moved it to wrap his arm around her waist and hold her close. “I came once every couple of weeks, when I could, to visit. After a while, I came more for Logan than for the beautiful flowers which grew in your garden. Someone must have sensed me and figured they would capture me on one of my visits.”

  “The day Trinity was taken, Jasmine had delayed her visit. I knew this was going to happen, but told no one. Trinity had found out I was meeting Jasmine in the garden and wanted to meet her.” Logan lowered his head. “I was going to tell you that I thought Trin was taken by mistake. That it might be Jaz they were after.”

  Mel frowned. “I found out about Logan meeting a woman in the garden and told him not to tell you about her. I seriously doubted his female friend had anything to do with Trin being taken. I should have told you, my wife. I am sorry.”

  “As am I, Mom. I should have listened to my gut. We might have Trin back by now, if only I had spoken up sooner.”

  Clarissa was furious and pulled away, pacing behind Mel’s desk for a few minutes. They all waited, giving everyone a chance to digest all the information. Clarissa turned towards them.

  “First, without having met Jasmine, I am not sure I would have believed there was any connection between her visits and Trinity’s abduction. But, I would have probably at least pursued the idea. Second, I don’t understand how she is living with Logan in the Human Realm and still was not discovered.”

  Jasmine stepped up to the desk, closer to Clarissa. Her hands were folded in front of her in a contrite manner. “When I left Faefardom, a friend came with me and he warded the house we live in. I keep my visits away from the house to a minimum. I never, ever wished harm to your daughter or your family in any way.”

  Coming around the desk, Clarissa stood in front of the young woman. Many emotions crossed her features for a moment. Anger. Displeasure. Disbelief. Sorrow. Pain. But there was also a glimmer of hope and happiness. She had watched how Logan’s face had lit up when he sensed her in the room, how he stood by her as they both confessed things hidden previously. After all this time, it was good to understand and comprehend what had been going on the past couple of years. Clarissa understood sacrifice for love. She made it herself for Azamel, for seeing her own family in the afterlife, and for having a family. She could not, would not, deny that to her own son.

  “I do not blame you, child.” Clarissa took Jasmine’s hands in her own and held them. “I’m afraid we all have had secrets we thought better of elaborating upon. We did what we thought was right at the time and hid details which are only now coming to light. I wish we knew everything sooner. I wish if we had known, Trinity might be safe and home with us now instead of still with whoever has her and is using her to search for you. I really believe it is the only thing which makes sense. She was taken, either by mistake and realized for her usefulness or on purpose to hunt for what I thought was no longer in existence. Regardless, it is not your fault. You didn’t ask for this. Although I wonder, having even a small piece of the gem inside of you, what powers do you have?”

  Jasmine shook her head and peered perplexed at the question. Archanidou stepped up. “I have never trained her in her powers. In order to hide her as best as I could, I dampened the abilities of the stone. She can teleport into various realms, and she has telekinesis and empathy. Those are her only powers. By dampening the stone, I have also limited her natural demi-goddess abilities in the process.”

  “Can it be reversed?” Clarissa asked, moving back to Mel to be again encased within his strong arms.

  “I am not sure. May I ask why?”

  “If the stone is stronger, it might call to the new guardian, Trinity. Then whoever has her will go after Jasmine and we can find them both, as well as who is behind this.”

  Logan scowled. “No. Jasmine will not be used as a guinea pig, no matter how much I want my little sister back. I won’t sacrifice one on the possible hopes of saving another.”

  “I have to agree with Logan, Clarissa. I will not jeopardize my granddaughter. I understand your frustration and wanting to do anything to get Trinity back, but Jasmine shall not lead the way.”

  “Shouldn’t I have a say in this?” Jaz crossed her arms, a touch of anger in her voice. She felt like they were ignoring the fact she was standing in the room with them.

  “No,” Spiderwoman retorted. “I know you would want to help and you would agree to it, but you would be putting your own life at risk and there is too much at stake.”

  “What’s at stake? Other than Trinity, who has been captured and held against her will for far too long? Or the agony of her family worrying about her? If I am able to do something, it should be my choice of whether or not to do it.”

  “Even if I wanted to, I’m not sure I can increase the power of the stone’s call. As for what is at stake: your very life for one.”

  “Well, it’s my life and my choice. Reverse it, if you can.”

  “And if I can’t?”

  “Then at least we tried and will know for sure.”

  “And if I can, then what? You will be hunted constantly for even a scrap of power which flows from the stone. The only way to get it would be to remove your heart from your body. You would be running and fighting for all the rest of your days. Not even the protection of Faefardom would be able to hide you.” Spiderwoman turned to Clarissa. “Don’t you remember when you were sought after, just because so many knew you were the guardian? Months and mont
hs of being hunted, fighting every demonic creature who came across you? Can you contemplate having such a happenstance occur again with my granddaughter who has no training? Can you relegate her to that kind of life, if you can even call it that? Don’t you remember what it was like when every creature imaginable was after you?” Archanidou rationalized with a slight pleading to her voice.

  Clarissa leaned back against Mel. It was so long ago, but she would never forget the constant running and fighting. She was not able to sleep much, always wary of who was searching for the stone and her in order to acquire it. She didn’t even have Mel beside her for support. Alone, it was a hard existence. She realized she couldn’t condone putting someone else in that situation. Ever. It was obviously not Jasmine’s choice to be born with the bit of stone embedded within her. Spiderwoman was practical enough to realize the importance of trying to keep her powers limited in order to hide the stone and protect the girl as best as she could. She couldn’t fault her for trying to give Jasmine some semblance of a normal existence by dampening the call the gem emitted. Undoing the restriction to the spider girl’s powers would be like throwing her to the wolves. The female was not accustomed to fighting and her powers were limited, so she wouldn’t know how to utilize them appropriately. Clarissa reluctantly relented.

  “Yes. I remember and I wouldn’t want that kind of life for an enemy, much less an innocent. Keeping the stone dampened is best.”

  “Thank you, Mom.” Logan walked over to kiss her cheek. “I know that wasn’t an easy decision.”

  “No. It was not my first choice, but I was thinking with my heart, not my head. I can’t put anyone in the position I was in for so long. Afraid to sleep, always on the run, fighting almost every day some creature determined to end my life in hopes of acquiring the location of the stone. A piece is within her. They would hunt her to the ends of the Earth in trying to get even that little sliver. I can’t. I won’t put her in such a position of having to fight for her existence every day. That’s not a life. It’s a minimal existence at best.” Clarissa’s eyes shifted over to Archanidou. “You had hard decisions you had to make as well when she was born and you realized what occurred. I commend you for making them. I just wish you had informed me so I could have been more prepared.”

  Spiderwoman nodded. “I should have. I see my error now. I was doing what I thought prudent in hiding her from everyone. Even the guardian. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what would happen and I feared for her very life should she be discovered.”

  “And so you should have,” the deep, resonating male voice stated from the entryway of the office. Nanaboojoo stood there, the door propped open by Coyote, whose eyes glimmered with satisfaction. He lowered them quickly, lest anyone see the scheming glee which resided behind their soulful depths.

  All those in the room turned to face the two new occupants. Nana strode in and approached Jasmine, lifting her chin to turn it one way then another. She tried to get out of his grasp, but it was too firm and she was unsuccessful. Moments later, he released his grip. “Yes. I would have seen her erased had I been aware of her existence. However, she is a sentient adult. Keep the spell in place and I will consider her an innocent who needs protection. I would suggest this information does not leave this room. For her continued safe-keeping, of course.”

  Coyote stood back, observing the proceedings but memorizing as much as he possibly could about the girl. She was Spiderwoman’s granddaughter. A sliver of the stone was embedded within her heart. In order to get it, it would have to be extracted. The girl would most likely die, but so be it. She would just be collateral damage, necessary to obtain his goal. But how? When? Would he even be able to get close enough to her to extricate the bit of gem buried within her? He needed to get something from her so Trinity could keep tabs on the woman and, when the time is right, capture her to get even the small portion of the Gem of Avarice.

  Mel spoke up. “We are here for a wedding. I suggest we all return to the ballroom and concentrate on the happy couple. There is nothing we can do at this point beyond what has already been discussed.” He held out his arm to Clarissa. “Shall we?”

  She slipped her arm in Mel’s as she watched Logan offer his to Jasmine. Nana offered his arm to Archanidou while Coyote held the door open for the three couples to pass through. Coyote was still scheming and now had the perfect plan.

  Chapter 14

  The music resounded throughout the room. Bride and groom so lost in each other’s eyes they barely noticed their guests in attendance. They had taken time during the meal to socialize. Had they been more alert to what was happening around them, they might have realized there was a slight tension in the air. Shara sensed it, even though it was minor at best. She also sensed a pair of dark brown eyes on her, but those only served to make her nervous in an entirely different way.

  When Santanya and Zenthus completed their first spin on the dance floor, the other guests were invited. Shara watched as Logan offered his hand to Jasmine to lead her to the open floor space, slipping his arm around her narrow waist. Like Zen with his new wife, Logan could barely keep his eyes off the young woman. Shara was surprised to discover she was Archanidou’s granddaughter. She was well aware this was the same young girl who had been sneaking into Clarissa’s garden for the past fifteen years, yet never once did she suspect the relationship of the girl’s grandmother. She couldn’t help but wonder why this seemed so off-putting to Mel and Clarissa.

  Still, she put it out of her mind immediately when a shadow interrupted her train of thought. She looked up to see Mani holding his hand out. “This is probably presumptuous of me, but I was hoping you would overlook my flaws and dance with me?”

  A smile instantly appeared on Shara’s face. “I would be honored.” She slipped her hand in his before he led her to the floor. He pulled her close in his arms and held her tight as he gracefully glided around the room. She was surprised at his gentleness and his eloquence.

  They danced quietly for a few moments before Mani spoke. “You look lovely this evening.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for all of your help for my mother. I don’t think she could have done this without you.”

  “I like your mother and I am used to organizing things and getting them done.”

  “You didn’t have to do it though.”

  “Since your mother has come under the protection of Azamel, I felt it my place to give her some companionship. It’s hard when there are not many women to socialize with while being confined, even if the confinement is for safety.”

  “You are very thoughtful and generous.”

  Shara blushed. “Your mother is a good woman.”

  “I know. I would do anything for her.”

  “I believe you have.”

  Mani snorted derisively. “Yeah. That I have.” He looked over at Santanya and Zen. Who would have guessed selling his soul to protect her would lead her into the arms of a man who adored her. Even more astounding was reacquiring his soul, held by Jes. He thought he would be indebted to Azamel’s brother for eternity. Color him surprised when Mel called him in his office and handed him the box where his soul was contained. At first, he wasn’t sure he was actually seeing it, holding it within his hands. Mel had to assure him that it was his essence. He made Mani promise to never give it away so lightly again.

  Mani spun Shara out then twirled her back into the encasement of his arms. “You dance divinely,” he whispered softly in her ear. Shara couldn’t help the chills which ran up her spine and down her arms. She had found him to be sexy, though she was well aware he would not attract most women. He was rakish with the new scar though, despite how wicked it looked.

  “Do you mind if I asked how you got this?” Her finger lightly traced over the angry-looking mark which ran the length of his cheek. He flinched back angrily then returned close to her, almost apologetically.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “You didn’t. It doesn’t hurt a
ny longer. I just forget how hideous it must make me look.”

  She shook her head. “No. It doesn’t. Actually, I think it gives you more of a jaunty, debonair appearance. I hope you don’t mind me so bold as to say, it’s very appealing on you. Though I am sure you acquiring it was not something you intended.”

  “No. I would have preferred to miss the rapier blade as a whole, but considering I came out looking jaunty and debonair maybe I should thank the bastard.” Mani spun her again just as the song ended. Pulling her back into his embrace he held her until the next song began. “In answer to your curious query, I got it while I was looking for Trinity. I heard Mel’s daughter was kidnapped and followed some leads that, sadly, didn’t go anywhere. But some were not too happy I was snooping around, regardless of the fact I couldn’t care less about their smuggling operation. This was the lesson they thought to teach me for being so nosy. Needless to say, they regretted the decision.”

  She stopped mid-step, causing Mani to almost trip over her feet. He looked down at her puzzled. “You were looking for Trinity?”

  “Of course. Why does this surprise you?”

  Shara shook her head, confusion clearly on her face. “I am just surprised. I didn’t know.”

  “So. The efficient Shara doesn’t know everything after all. The world just might come to an end.” He teased her lightly then proceeded with more aplomb. “Mel protected my mother. He kept his word and kept her safe all these years. He managed to get my soul back. I owe him everything. I couldn’t stand by and not try to find his daughter.”

  Mani pulled her close, tighter to his body after he spun her out again. He had always been aware of Shara whenever he visited. He thought about her often, and if he was honest with himself, he would sometimes fall asleep imagining her with him. Who would have thought that he would have her in his arms, even if it was just for a dance or two? He never believed she would allow him near her, much less holding her for a dance. Yet, she didn’t seem afraid of him or find him grotesque. Hell, she even called him debonair, much to his amazement.


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