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Demon's Web

Page 20

by Laura Hawks

  He was rock hard beneath her as he watched Jaz remove her stockings. He was doing his best to be patient, but she wasn’t making it easy. Reaching behind her, she undid the bra, using her arms to block his view of her breasts as she removed it with one hand, dangling the garment to drop to the floor, along with everything else thus far. The only thing left were her panties, which were now a tad moist, and his jeans, showing an evident, tell-tale bulge. He continued to force himself to breathe evenly, despite his heart pounding in his chest. He was throbbing underneath her and Logan was going to soon become desperate. He reached up to work one breast, then the other, her moans causing him to react with more vigor in his attentions. Half lidded, her amber eyes were dark.

  Jasmine undid his jeans as he lifted his hips up so she could slide them down. He kicked them off the rest of the way to end up in a pile on the floor with the rest of their clothing. He didn’t bother to pull her panties down; he just tore them off, promising to buy her some new ones at a later date. At the moment, he only wanted to feel her soft skin against his.

  She needed him to fulfill the ache deep within her core. She let him use her sex to rub against his, lubricating him and knowing soon her greatest need would be fulfilled. He flipped her over to be above her and, without any preamble, he drove himself inside her. Her slow striptease had kept him from taking her when he wanted, but as soon as she gave him the opening, Logan took it, making love to her hard and fast. It didn’t take long with the pounding pace he had set upon before she was close and ready to succumb totally to him.

  She clawed at him as her need increased to the point where she was blinded to everything but the completion of their union. He didn’t slow down, thrusting into her relentlessly. He could feel her building underneath him and, when she finally gave herself over to him, they both came in a frenzied orgasm which left them both gasping for breath once it ran its course. It had been too long since they shared themselves as one, but this was the epitome of what he needed and desired most. Her. Being with her in every way imaginable. He knew, right then and there, she was his, but more importantly, he was hers. He would never want anyone else.

  For the first time, he understood how his father felt about his mother. Jasmine was Logan’s everything and he would protect her with his very life. Not that he wouldn’t have previously, but something between them seemed to click like never before. Maybe because there wasn’t the threat of his losing her over the gem inside of her. Maybe because she didn’t have that albatross hanging over her head. Maybe because she felt more freedom than ever before and didn’t feel as if she were a walking time bomb.

  Regardless, something changed and he felt it. They both did, and now they could live out their lives in peace, solidifying their commitment to each other. He curled around her, kissing her gently, and asked the question he had a hundred times before.

  “Will you be my wife?”

  This time, however, her answer changed. “Yes.”

  Logan couldn’t believe he heard right and asked her to repeat it. She smiled up at him. “I’m no longer a threat to myself or those I care for. So, my answer is yes.”

  “You have just made me the happiest man alive. I love you so much. Always and forever.” He kissed her again and spent the night showing her just how happy she made him.


  Five years later:

  Mel approached the door. He knew they were a bit late, but Clarissa hadn’t quite been willing to leave the infirmary just yet. She waited as long as she could before Mel barked at her to get her ass in gear.

  The door swung open before he had a chance to knock, so, tugging Clarissa, he entered the vast room of Nana’s office. It was the only neutral place for this type of meeting. Nana was already seated behind his desk.

  “You’re late. I don’t tolerate lateness,” Nana grumbled.

  “It’s my fault. Santanya’s water broke two hours ago and I just hated leaving her. I know it’s her second child already, but you know I’m just so excited to have young ones running around the house again. My sincerest apologies for making everyone wait.”

  “The birth of a first child, or the two-hundredth one, is always an exciting time,” Archanidou stated. “Your tardiness is forgiven.”

  Despite their lateness, Mel and Clarissa greeted the others quickly with hugs and handshakes before Mel took his official seat at the conference table. Jasmine and Logan moved over to his mother. Jasmine’s own belly just starting to show a slight bump. Clarissa and Mel had just learned they were about to be grandparents and they could not be happier. When they found out that Shara was also pregnant, Mel told Trinity to stay away from whatever those two were drinking. He was not ready to be a grandfather to his daughter’s child, although he had to admit she was becoming radiantly beautiful as she matured, and Tyler has taken exceptional care of her, thereby keeping his balls and his wings.

  Trinity was the reason they were at Nana’s chambers. Tyler stood by her side, grasping her hand firmly in his. Over the past five years, Tyler has stood by her side, helping Trinity through the nightmares and horrors she had endured at the hands of Coyote and all his scheming. He guided her into a society she hadn’t even been aware of and, though they lived very well together in the Human Realm, Tyler’s duties were calling him back to Faefardom. The meeting was to abolish the treaty between the residents of the Nether and Fae Realms. At least, in-so-far as Trinity, her family and her close friends like Shara, Mani, Santanya and Zen.

  King Metheun represented the Fae faction. Most of the details had already been worked out, it was just the formalization of the new treaty yet to be accomplished.

  Clarissa had a chance to look over the final document as well. Since she was Mel’s wife and listed as one of those allowed to visit Faefardom, she would be required to sign. As she looked it over, she frowned. “I can’t sign this as is.”

  Mel, Nana and Metheun frowned. “May I ask why not?” Mel cautioned.

  Clarissa pointed to a clause. “It states here, her parents, her brother, her friends listed and her soon-to-be niece or nephew, with an addendum to future nieces or nephews.”

  Mel nodded. “And the problem?” He was becoming slightly impatient. The men had worked very hard on this treaty to have it stopped at this late date. He also didn’t relish not being able to visit Trinity in her new home.

  “The problem is, it only lists her brother. Nothing about any future sisters or brothers she might have.”

  Mel snorted. “I don’t think we need to worry about that now.”

  Clarissa placed her hand on her own stomach and shook her head no. “I’m afraid she does.”

  Everyone in the room just stared at her. Mel was aghast and speechless. Metheun barked out a laugh, startling them all. “Fair enough and easy to change.” He pounded Mel hard on the back. “You sly dog.”

  Mel finally found his voice. “Why didn’t you say something sooner?”

  “I just found out,” she replied. “Plus, you were so worried about Trinity drinking whatever Jaz, Tanya and Shara were, you didn’t say anything about me, and I guess I found their magical elixir by mistake.” She frowned, worried he would not be happy about her pregnancy. This was certainly not how she wanted to tell him.

  Metheun laughed louder, as did the others in the room. Congratulations were bantered about as the two of them continued to stare at each other. Mel stood. “Make the changes. We will be right back.”

  He grabbed Clarissa’s hand and pulled her back out of the room to where he could talk privately to her.

  “Mel. I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I wanted to do it right. It’s been a long time since we were parents.” She was nervous as he pulled her to an alcove and pushed her up against the wall.

  “You’re sure?”

  Clarissa nodded. “It was confirmed yesterday.”

  “How far along are you?”

  “Five weeks.”

  He didn’t say anything, just stared at her and she was becoming sick
to her stomach. Not in the morning sickness way, but the ‘Oh my god, he hates me’ kind of way.

  “I’m going to be a father again?”

  “Um. Yeah. It is yours. Do you think I was with someone else?” she asked, confused.

  “No. I am just trying to comprehend. I’m going to be a father again.” He smiled as he leaned down, his lips inches from hers, his warm breath against her skin. “I couldn’t be happier.”

  He pressed his lips softly against hers. His second kiss was more demanding, sensual and full of promised desire of what was to come: the untold pleasure yet to be fulfilled in order to show her how happy he really was.

  He pulled back before things got too out of control. “We will finish this later and I will show you how excited I am when this is done.”

  “What about Tanya’s baby?”

  “I will wait to show you how excited I am you are growing another life that is a combination of you and me for as long as I need to, but not a moment more. Let’s get back inside and finish this up.”

  Smiling, they reentered the conference room and finished signing the treaty before returning back to their home to start planning for the arrival of so many bundles of joy.



  Name: Nickname: Realm:

  Nanaboojoo Nana High God:

  Protector of Humanity: Forests

  Geezhigo-Quae Gee Sky Mother

  Chipiapoos Chip God of the Dead

  Beloitah Goddess of Evil

  Malsumis Mal God of Evil

  Azamel Mel Demon Bashing/Demon Judge/Executioner

  Coyote Trickster

  Archanidou Spiderwoman Goddess of

  Dreams/Dream Catchers

  Michabochel Micha God of Water

  Dahdahwat Dah God of Animals

  Ictinike God of War

  Deganiwada Degan God of Peace

  Hino God of the Sun

  Apisirahts Apis Moon Goddess

  Hamedicus Ham God of Time

  Nokomis Goddess of

  Crops/Mother Earth

  Crow God of Childbirth

  Ockebewis Ocke Messenger God

  Manitumis God of Sleep

  Jes’Sakkid Jes God of Malignant Man

  Genetaska Gene God of Justice

  Janis Jan Goddess of Justice

  Wabasso Bass God of Fire/Wolf

  Lord of Spirit Realm

  Chakekenapok Chake God of Winter/Ice

  Gaoh God of the Winds

  Heng God of Thunder

  Gawaunduk Gawa God of Love

  Halinois Hali Goddess of Love

  Hastseoltoi Hasti Goddess of the Hunt

  Dzhihibai’Manido Mani Demon Spirit



  Ms. Hawks has always been interested in writing in some form or other. A few years back, she was involved with and then ran a Star Trek Interactive Writing Group which was successful for a number of years. Yes, she is a trekker and proud of it.

  She has directed tours around the country and continues to do so to pay the bills. Maybe one day, she can travel for fun and let the books she writes pay the bills instead. She can only hope.

  A few years back, she received her Master's Degree in Ancient Civilizations, Native American History and United States History.

  It was at this time she got involved in role playing on Facebook, which gave her ample opportunities to grow and hone her writing ability.

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