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Tempted by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Carolyn Rosewood

  “Can’t have you getting sick,” he said, smiling down at her. “I usually use a condom for back door action, but you were just so fucking enticing with my cum drying on your tits and your ass all red, I couldn’t stop.”

  Condom. The word flashed like a warning signal in her mind. He hadn’t used a condom.

  “Shit.” She sat up and glared at him.

  “Don’t worry, Caleigh. I can’t knock you up.”

  “Why not? Are you sure?”

  “Not the time for explanations. But I swear to you there’s no need to worry about that.”

  She believed him. She didn’t know why, or how, but she knew he was telling the truth. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her again. All thoughts of condoms and everything else were gone as he pushed her onto her back and spread her thighs apart. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he pushed inside her pussy.

  How could he still be hard, after this long? Caleigh didn’t care. She only knew fucking him was the most intense and incredible feeling she’d ever had, and she never wanted it to end. Her pussy hurt, her ass hurt, and still she didn’t care. The pleasure radiating through her body overshadowed all that, and there was only Hugh, his dark eyes, and his strong thick cock.

  When another climax began to build, Caleigh didn’t try to analyze it this time. She just let go and allowed it to wash over her. Her arms and legs ached from holding onto him, and when he finally came again, his spasms went on for long luscious moments, prolonging her own.

  She drifted off to sleep, wondering if she’d be able to talk Hugh and Sterling into a threesome.

  * * * *

  Hugh woke while it was still dark. Caleigh was in the bathroom. His entire body ached, but it was a sweet pain. He hadn’t fucked a woman that hard or long in ages. And very few of them had let him handcuff and paddle them. Even now, the memory of it caused his cock to spring to attention again.

  When Caleigh came back into the room, he pretended to be asleep. She snuggled up next to him, and he had to dig his nails into his palm to keep from rolling over and plunging inside her again. He needed time to think. The emotions coursing through him weren’t supposed to be there.

  There was more to Caleigh Kensington than Hugh had ever imagined. But he hadn’t counted on caring about her comfort or whether she was enjoying herself. He was used to taking women, rough and hard, and not giving a shit about their feelings afterward.

  She planted a soft kiss on his shoulder, and he tried not to shiver. He didn’t like the way her kiss made him feel tender and protective toward her. He didn’t like it one little bit. Now that he’d had her, there was no going back. But how the hell was he supposed to deal with these unexpected feelings?

  And what would he do about Sterling? Hugh couldn’t forget the look in his eyes when he’d told him Caleigh was his tonight. Sterling had been crushed. He’d teased him about caring for Caleigh after one night with her, but now those taunts rang like accusations in his ears. The tables had turned on him, and Hugh didn’t know what to do about it.

  The soft sounds of her breathing changed. She was asleep. Hugh crept out of bed slowly and walked onto the balcony. He lit a cigarette and listened to the night sounds. He took large gulps full of night air, trying desperately to clear his thoughts. Nothing worked. Nothing erased the sound of her cries of pleasure or the feel of her hot pussy contracting around his dick. He’d never felt a woman come so damn much. He couldn’t get enough of it.

  The smell of her hair and her body was in his nose, and even the cigarette smoke couldn’t chase it away. The look in her eyes as he’d handcuffed her, so trusting and sure, had nearly taken his breath away. What the hell was he going to do now?

  This couldn’t happen. But there was no way he was going to give her up to Sterling, or anyone else. Fuck. He’d landed in some deep shit this time.

  Chapter Eight

  Caleigh had difficulty concentrating on rehearsals during the next two days. Sterling and Hugh showed up to each one, but Caleigh couldn’t hold eye contact with either one for very long. They didn’t try to speak to her, they just watched, sitting at opposite ends of the room. As far as she could tell, they didn’t even speak to each other.

  She was very uncomfortable with the situation but didn’t know what do to about it. It’s not like she could simply pull them both aside and suggest they talk about it. She’d die of embarrassment. Did they each know she’d slept with the other? Had they talked about it? How the hell had she let this happen?

  She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about either of them. The memory of their touch on her skin, their voices in her ears, and their cocks inside her invaded her daydreams and filled her dreams at night. Would either of them make love to her again, or had it been a one-time thing? She wasn’t even sure which situation would be best. She only knew she missed them both, and wanted them inside her again.

  At the end of rehearsal on the second day, Niko followed her off the stage. “Caleigh, hang on a second.”

  She turned to face him, hoping he wasn’t going to ask her about Hugh or Sterling. “Your first performance went well. We’ve had a lot of positive feedback.”

  Caleigh smiled, grateful for the momentary distraction. “That’s great to hear. Thank you.”

  Niko’s gaze scrutinized her face. “Are you all right? You’ve been distracted the past couple of days.”

  “I’m just tired.”

  He glanced around and lowered his voice. “If Hugh is giving you any trouble, just let us know.”

  Caleigh’s pulse increased and her palms grew damp. Hugh’s commanding voice rang in her ears, and she averted her gaze. She didn’t want Niko to see her reaction to Hugh’s name. “No, he’s not giving me trouble.”

  Niko was still frowning, and he didn’t look convinced. “Caleigh, forgive me for being blunt, but we have an unwritten rule around here. Staff members are…how do I put this delicately? The owners have all agreed not to…bother the staff.”

  Caleigh knew exactly what he meant, but she put on her best “I’m confused” face and tilted her head. She was going to make him say it.

  Niko sighed, looking very much like he wished he’d never said anything. Caleigh seethed with anger. How dare he? What she did on her own time, and with whom, was her business. Her contract didn’t say anything about not fucking the owners.

  “What I mean to say is, we aren’t supposed to date them.”

  “Date them? Is that what you call it, Niko?”

  He stared at her as if he wasn’t sure he’d heard her correctly. “This is none of my business, but have you slept with one of them?”

  “You’re right. It’s none of your business.” Caleigh turned on her heel and forced herself to put one foot in front of the other. Tears stung her eyes but she kept walking. What she wouldn’t give right now for a private elevator to the staff wing like the one Hugh had used to take her to his suite.

  She could feel Niko’s eyes boring into her back as she reached the end of the room. Praying no one was in the hallway, she swiped at the wetness on her cheeks and sprinted for the stairs. A few guests milled about in the lobby, and she heard Gregory’s loud laugh in the corner where a couple of women hung on his every word, but no one seemed to be paying attention to her.

  She’d almost made it to the elevators when the scent of honeysuckle filled her head. She reached for the gate, but a hand shot out in front of her and opened it instead. Caleigh turned and looked into Sterling’s concerned face.

  “Why are you crying? What did he say to you?”

  She hadn’t heard such anger in his voice before, and all it did was make her feel worse than ever.

  “Caleigh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. Please let me escort you to your room, and tell me why you’re so upset.”

  “I’m not sure I can explain it, Sterling.”

  “Please? I hate to see you like this.”

  His concern was touching, but why, then, had he avoided her since the night they�
��d made love? She nodded, walked into the elevator car, and stood against the far wall as he closed the gate and pushed the button for her floor. He didn’t speak. Caleigh took deep breaths to try to control her urge to cry. What the hell was wrong with her?

  When they reached the staff floor Sterling let her out first then followed. He took her key and opened the door then again allowed her to step inside first. He was a perfect gentleman.

  Her room wasn’t tiny, but it certainly wasn’t the size of his or Hugh’s suite. There was only the bed, a dresser, an armchair, and a small table with two chairs. Caleigh opened the window, letting in much-needed fresh air. She sat in the armchair, hoping he’d take the hint and not sit on her bed. She couldn’t handle it right now if he tried to seduce her. Her thoughts were all confused, and nothing made sense.

  He took a seat in one of the chairs, turning it to face her. “Caleigh, I’m sorry if I’ve upset you.”

  “What? You haven’t upset me.”

  “Then who did?”

  How could she tell him this? They hadn’t spoken at all since she’d left his suite three days earlier. “Niko just informed me that there’s an unwritten rule the owners don’t date the staff. He actually used that word—date.” She glanced at the floor. “Then he asked me if I’d slept with you or Hugh.”

  “What did you tell him?” She snapped her gaze to his eyes. His voice had been too sharp, his response too quick.

  “I told him it was none of his business. Sterling, are you ashamed of having made love to me?”

  “No, not at all. Caleigh…of course not. But Niko is right. It’s an unwritten rule. He’s only concerned for…for you, of course.”

  “Then why did you do it? Why did you seduce me?”

  He ran his hand through his hair. The gesture reminded Caleigh of when she’d tangled her fingers in his hair as he thrust in and out of her, and she bit back a moan. “I had no choice. I mean, we were standing under the stars, outside, and you’re so pretty and so easy to talk to. It seemed so natural to kiss you. I’m sorry.”

  “Well, I’m not sorry. I had a wonderful time. What I can’t reconcile is why you haven’t spoken to me since I left your bed the next afternoon.”

  * * * *

  The quietness of her question was more than Sterling could bear. It would have been better if she were angry right now. That, at least, he could handle. But her gentle question tore at his heart. How could he tell her why he’d purposefully avoided her? He’d been seething with jealousy at the thought of her in Hugh’s bed. But it wasn’t fair to put her in the middle of their power struggle. She hadn’t asked for this.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Sterling, forgive me, but that’s bullshit. I heard you and Hugh arguing in the hallway outside my dressing room the night I performed. I’ve watched you two during rehearsals for two days, sitting as far apart as possible, not speaking to each other. And now you’re avoiding me as well. I’d like to know why.”

  She was far too intelligent to pull one over on. He’d have to tell her the truth or risk losing her.

  “I mean, if that was just a one-night stand, then tell me so.”

  He pulled his chair closer so their knees were touching. Her scent filled his head. He hadn’t been able to sleep for three days thinking about the softness of her skin or the look in her eyes as he made her come. He wanted her back in his arms and in his bed.

  “A one-night stand? No, Caleigh. It wasn’t that at all.”

  She didn’t look convinced. “But you were right about what you heard. Hugh and I were arguing. You don’t have to tell me, but I’m fairly certain you spent that night with Hugh. I’m not upset with you. I have no claim on you, and you’re free to do what you please, but I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  The minute the words were out of his mouth he wished he could take them back. They sounded false and pretentious.

  Her face flushed, and she wiped her palms on her skirt. “Hurt? Do you mean to say you think Hugh would physically harm me?”

  “No, I don’t mean he’d hit you or anything, I meant that he’d…use you for sex. Without caring about you.”

  She frowned, blinked a few times, then held his gaze firmly. “And why did you seduce me, Sterling, if not because you wanted sex?”

  She whispered the question, but he heard the words clearly. He leaned back as if she’d struck him. Could she really be so unaffected that she didn’t care if both men had seduced her for their own pleasure? It was one thing to expect the guests to take that attitude—they came here knowing what to expect. But Caleigh didn’t know that. Had someone told her what they were, what this resort actually was?

  “Caleigh, I told you it wasn’t like that. I don’t use women only for my own pleasure.”

  “But Hugh does?”


  “So what should I do about it, Sterling? Should I refuse to sleep with either of you again? I wouldn’t want to violate any unwritten rules, after all.”

  “No, it’s not like that.” He couldn’t fault her for sounding sarcastic right now. He was making a total mess of this.

  She leaned forward, her eyes dark and intense. “Then stop beating around the bush and be straight with me, Sterling.”

  He had to look away from her eyes for a few seconds. His thoughts were all jumbled. What had this mere mortal woman done to him? He’d never admitted a weakness like jealousy to any woman, and he wasn’t about to do so now. But what other explanation could he offer for not speaking to her that she would accept? Would she think him weak and pathetic, or would she understand?

  “The thought of you in his bed made me jealous.” There. He’d said it. It was out. To hell with the consequences. All she could do now was laugh or be sympathetic. Neither reaction would change a thing. This woman was so far under his skin he’d never get her out.

  “Really?” The look on her face nearly made him come in his pants. She was both surprised and delighted. He hadn’t considered how not speaking to her might have affected her, not until he’d seen her crying in the lobby as she headed for the elevators. He was an insensitive asshole. He never should have avoided her. His beef was with Hugh, not this perfect creature sitting in front of him.

  “Really. I was torn apart by it. Caleigh, will you have dinner with me? Not in the staff dining room. I have a more romantic spot in mind.”

  She grinned. “Your bed, perhaps?”

  Oh Lord. He was so close to losing what little self-control he still possessed. “No, not that it’s a terrible idea, but I was thinking more along the lines of a picnic across the lake, where we’d have complete privacy.”

  “Will you speak to me afterward?”

  “Yes, of course I will. I’m sorry, Caleigh. Avoiding you was the wrong thing to do. Please forgive me.”

  She shook her head, as if embarrassed by his words. “I understand now. And a picnic across the lake is a wonderful idea, Sterling. I’d love to.”

  Chapter Nine

  Hugh knew he was being a complete dick following Sterling and Caleigh to the other side of Deer Lake, but he didn’t care. Two days of not speaking to her had made him surly and hornier than hell. Niko stopping him in the lobby an hour ago had been the icing on the cake. That fuck Niko had the nerve to lecture him on the rules!

  It was no one’s fucking business if he and Sterling were both banging Caleigh. But he’d be damned if he’d spend an evening in his suite, imagining what Sterling was doing with her. Before the punishment that had forced them to live out their days on this forsaken rock, and even afterward, they’d shared women among two of them. He wasn’t going to stop doing that now. Sterling couldn’t steal her away and keep her for himself. That was most definitely against the rules.

  He walked around the lake to the boathouse they’d built several years ago. There were plans to expand the resort into this area of the woods, but they’d run into snags with building permits because of the war. Right now, only the boathouse existed, but there was no running
water or heat, so they didn’t use it for anything except storage.

  “And a secret rendezvous away from prying eyes,” mused Hugh, under his breath. He smoked a cigarette as he watched them. They sat on a blanket next to the boathouse, eating sandwiches from a picnic basket. Sterling was so engrossed in what Caleigh was saying he didn’t know Hugh was there. He should know, but Hugh doubted he was paying attention to his powers right now.

  Not that he blamed him. Caleigh wore a red-striped dress, and her hair was tied back with a ribbon that matched it. He’d never seen her look so fetching. He fantasized about unbuttoning that dress and following it down her body with his tongue. Her legs were bare, too, which would mean no annoying stockings to have to take off. Had she followed his advice and not worn a girdle today?

  By the time he’d extinguished his fourth cigarette, they’d moved the blanket inside the boathouse. Hugh debated for five minutes. Would she be pissed off, or did she harbor a secret fantasy to fuck them both? Sterling might be pissed. Then again, he might not care. It was not like he and Sterling had never shared a woman before.

  He crept to the boathouse, straining to hear Caleigh’s moans. His dick was rock hard, and the pain was almost unbearable. There was no door, so he simply stood in the doorway and watched. They were so wrapped up in each other, they didn’t notice his presence.

  Sterling had already unbuttoned her dress and removed her bra. Fast work. He sucked her left tit, and Hugh couldn’t stand it anymore. He hadn’t tasted her nipples the night she was in his suite, but he remembered coming on them. His mouth watered now at the sight of them, dusky and taut. She had two, after all. Why should only one of them have all the attention?


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