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Ramona Scarlett’s Giant TOO TABOO Mega Bundle (Twenty Story Step Taboo Household Erotica Box Set)

Page 17

by Ramona Scarlett

  “Have you heard from mom?”

  “Yeah, she called when she got to her parents’. Everything’s okay.”

  “So, she’s coming back?”

  He smiled sadly. “It’s not okay like that.”

  I already knew this. I returned his smile. I floated over to him and wrapped my little arms around his big, strong neck.

  “It’s okay. We’ve got each other.”

  “That’s right, hun.”

  “Remember when I was little and I would hold onto you like this?” I asked. I wrapped my legs around his waist and floated there, just holding onto him. “And then you would bounce me up and down?”

  He laughed. “We haven’t done that in a while.”

  “Not since I was a little kid.” He held me by the waist and hoisted me up before plunging me back down into the cool water.

  I giggled but then I said: “No, silly. You held my butt. You kind of cupped your hands.”

  “I don’t remember that part. Like this?”

  The electricity shot up my spine as I felt his strong, round hands move over my butt. Involuntarily, I pressed my ass into them. Oh, god, what was I doing?


  He lifted me up and plunged me down again a few times. We bounced like that, my inner thighs running up along his sides. My crotch was less than an inch from his abs and if I had bigger boobs, they’d have been rubbing his chest and sticking out in his face.

  The most intoxicating thing was his scent, however—the combination of sweat, chlorine, and cheap beer that spoke of his hard labors in the sun, his silent acceptance of work and responsibility, the pains he wouldn’t mention. Was this the smell that first drew my mother in? And when it went away, maybe it was this that she was seeking in the arms of another…

  After his smell, it was the strength of his hands and his arms. This wasn’t Todd Adams awkwardly fumbling down the back of my pants. These palms, these fingers—they belonged to a real man. These were hands that had done work. Hands that had saved lives. Hands that had killed. And now they were holding my butt, just like when I was a kid. Only, it wasn’t just like back then.

  His fingers moved almost imperceptibly. They could have been trembling but I’ve never known my father to be the kind of man who trembles. No, he was very slowly, very gently beginning to massage my ass.

  I leaned into him and put my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent and pressing my boobs and crotch against him.

  “It’ll be okay, daddy,” I said softly. “Everything will be okay.”

  It was in that moment that I felt something in him change. I couldn’t place my finger on it but suddenly, I was certain that he was… different. It was strange. It was scary. It was exciting.

  His hands slid into my bikini bottom to grip my bare ass. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god… Here was my dad, feeling up my ass. I pressed into his hands. And here I was, going with it?

  “Daddy, what are you doing?” I whispered, lifting my head up.

  He looked me in the eye. A steely glint greeted me.

  “You’re a young lady now,” he whispered back.

  “I’ll always be your little girl,” I replied. His hands squeezed my ass cheeks firmly, spreading them apart and crushing them together.

  “That you will be.”

  I leaned forward to kiss his forehead but he intercepted my lips with his own. He tasted of beer and sweat and it was all I wanted in that moment, as my tongue feasted on his own. He crushed his lips to mine frantically.

  And then my phone began to buzz. He dropped me and I flew out of the pool, throwing a towel around myself in one swift motion and grabbing my phone.

  “Daddy, Jenny and Melissa are going to get ice cream. I’m gonna go meet them.”

  He seemed to be in a daze. He leaned back, floating along in the still, pale blue waters.

  “That’s fine. Just don’t stay out too late.”

  And so I went into the house to change, still really not sure what had happened.


  Of course, I knew exactly what had happened. I made out with my dad and he felt up my ass. Inside, as I stripped off my bathing suit, I discovered that I was sopping wet and not just from the pool water.

  In truth, I kept reminding myself, nothing bad had really happened. He wasn’t my father. Not my biological father. No crimes had been committed. We were just too consensual adults, minding our own business… together.

  I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of old jeans and dashed downstairs to my bike, hoping I wouldn’t encounter him on my way and, simultaneously, fantasizing about what would happen if I did.

  As I rode through idyllic suburban streets to the local Baskin-Robbins, I replayed the incident over in my head: the feeling of his hands, the smell of his lips, the sharpness of his stubble, and the warmth of his breath. The events collapsed in my mind into a series of sensations, each of which drawing a warm nervousness from my belly that spread through my entire body.

  Jenny and Melissa were already at the ice-cream shop when I arrived. It was full of people, mostly seniors who didn’t have any homework and college freshman, just home from school and done with finals. I smiled at several people I knew as I picked my way over to Jenny and Melissa.

  “Are you okay?” they both said, almost in unison.

  I looked down at myself. I was still more or less soaking wet. I guess I hadn’t really done a very good job of drying off.

  “Yeah, of course. I was just going for a swim when I got your text.”

  “And you just jumped straight out of the pool?” Melissa asked with a playful smirk.

  “Yeah, I mean… You know how much I love ice-cream.” And that’s totally true. One of the nice things about running track is that I can eat as many sundaes as I want. I needed something to keep my mind off what had just happened, so I ordered a brownie sundae loaded down with hot fudge and butterscotch sauce. It dwarfed Melissa and Jenny’s tiny cones.

  Once we had our ice cream, conversation turned to prom. Melissa had gotten asked yesterday: Jorge, on the soccer team, had led her around the back of the school with a blindfold on. When he removed it, she saw that he had spray painted “PROM?” in giant letters on the wall with check boxes for yes and no. He had given her the spray paint and she checked yes.

  “He’ll get in so much trouble if they ever catch him but he says he doesn’t care,” Melissa said. Jenny rolled her eyes.

  “He knows this will get him into your pants. All he has to do is remind you that he risked getting expelled to ask you to prom and you’ll spread your legs as wide as he wants them…”

  Melissa kicked Jenny under the table and she yelped, her ice-cream scoop rolling off her cone.

  “What about Robert? Has he said anything to you?” Melissa asked, eyeing me.

  “What? Robert? No.”

  Robert’s in my Calculus class. He sits next to me. We’re the top two students in the class and we study together a lot before tests but that’s it.

  “That’s weird. I heard he was going to ask you.”

  Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Someone was actually going to ask me? I even forgot about what happened with my dad at the thought of this.

  “He’s totally crushing on you,” Jenny confirmed. “That’s what everyone’s saying.”

  “Who’s everyone? I haven’t heard anything about this.” And I hadn’t. I had just seen Robert earlier today and though we had made the same dumb jokes we usually did, he sure didn’t seem like he was about to ask me to prom…

  And what if he did? Would it be as friends or as something more? Robert was definitely cute, with curly black hair and a tall, skinny-boy hipster look to him. Friends would be fine. Something more would be… interesting.

  But what about my dad? Would he be jealous? No, that’s ridiculous. What happened that night was a weird fluke, I assured myself. It would never happen again. My dad would be happy if I had a date to prom.

  “Well,” Melissa concluded. “Just
don’t be surprised if Robert asks you.”


  I rode my bike back home an hour later, my belly pleasantly swollen with ice cream. The closer I got to home, the more nervous I became. What would my dad say? He had to say something… He had to admit that we weren’t biologically related. And would it continue? Did I want it to continue?

  Honestly, the thought of him between my legs still brought a warm flush to my cheeks. That was still about as far as I had ever gotten with a boy (or, rather, a man). My dad had… experience. He would know so much more about sex, about how to love and touch a woman…

  I arrived home and stashed my bike in the garage. I found reasons to busy myself in the garage, checking the pressure on my tires before going into the kitchen. My father wasn’t there. I went into the living room. He wasn’t there either. I looked out into the back yard.

  In the dim light coming from the house, I could see him sitting on a poolside chair, beer in hand. I stepped outside and the screen door swung shut with a snap. My dad jumped and glanced back at me.

  “Oh. Nora.”

  I walked over to him and took a seat on the chair next to him. I could see he was still shirtless, still in his damp shorts. Had he been out here the entire time since I left?

  “Hi, daddy. How long have you been out here?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” His voice was cloudy, distant. I leaned over to look him in the eye.

  “You look so much like your mother did at your age,” he whispered, gazing into my eyes. He was smiling sadly. I heard the gentle click of his belt coming undone and the zipper on his shorts. Could this be real? I glanced down. His shorts were indeed unbuckled, I saw with a thrill. He reached a hand behind my head, burying it in my hair. He pulled me in close and I didn’t resist: I wanted to taste his lips again, to feel his passion bursting into my mouth.

  We kissed slowly. I felt as if I were exploring this man, getting to know him for the first time. The taste of beer was stronger now but I didn’t mind. He pulled me onto his lap and I straddled him, feeling like I was a child all over.

  “Daddy, we shouldn’t be doing this,” I gasped in between kisses.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked, his face showing no emotion. Even as he waited for my answer, he was sliding my shirt up over my head. Obediently, I lifted my arms. He tossed the shirt into the pool and my bra soon followed. I covered my chest with my arms, suddenly very shy. His strong hands pulled my arms away, revealing my soft, small breasts, each topped with a hard nipple, almost like a tiny raspberry.

  “Nora, sweetheart, you’re so beautiful.”

  “Don’t stop, daddy,” I said finally, moaning. “I’m all yours.”

  He slid his hands through my hair and gently began to pull my head down towards his crotch. In an instant, I knew what he wanted. I got down on my knees and with trembling fingers, pulled down his boxers. His cock sprung to attention and I was suddenly afraid: he was huge. What had I been expecting? Certainly not the massive, throbbing pink organ in front of me…

  I leaned forward and gave the tip of his cock a tentative kiss. The kiss was followed by another. And another. And another longer one, a wetter one, which saw my lips open up and suckle at the angry purple flesh of his cock. Here I was, tasting my father’s dick—what was wrong with me? What would people say if they knew what I was doing?

  If it was wrong, I didn’t care in that moment, though. I began to lick him from the bottom of his shaft to the top and I was rewarded with his soft moans. His cock quickly became slick with my saliva and I opened my mouth wide before impaling my face on his shaft. I pushed as far as I could, feeling his length invade my mouth and then my throat. I began to gag and I tried to pull off but I felt my dad’s hand, firm, on top of my head. I forced myself to relax and breathe and my throat accepted even more of my daddy’s dick, almost choking me but not quite.

  I began to bob my head. This was my first blowjob and I had no idea if I was doing it right but daddy seemed happy. He moaned and stroked my head as his dick slid in and out of my lips. I curled my lips over my teeth so I wouldn’t scratch him and held his rod firmly, massaging the skin on his cock with each stroke.

  I worked in silence and besides his moans, I heard only silence and the soft noises of the suburban night: crickets, cars in the distance, shouting children. If any of our neighbors peeked over the fence, they’d see me on my knees in front of the man they would naturally assume was my biological father, his dick going in and out of my mouth… I felt so dirty, so naughty! And I didn’t want to stop. I couldn’t let myself stop.

  “Oh, baby girl,” dad said finally, gasping. Was he going to cum? Could I swallow? I had seen what happened in porn once or twice and I had heard other girls on the track team complain about having to swallow their boyfriends’ cum. They hated it but the boys loved it, so they did it anyway. Well, I decided, I would do it for daddy.

  And I got my chance a moment later. I felt his cock begin to tremble and suddenly grow, getting even stiffer. With each spasm, a spurt of hot, salty cum spilled into my mouth. I buried his cock as deep as I could so I wouldn’t have to taste the cum, so it would just go straight down my throat. I whimpered onto his dick. My jaw was sore by this point and even though I was gagging on the cum, I was relieved that this was almost over…

  As his cock went limp in my mouth, I swirled his flesh around with my tongue and let it slip through my lips with a pop. There were tears teasing at the edges of my eyes but I wouldn’t let him see them. With a final gulp, I swallowed whatever cum was left in my mouth.

  “That’s a good girl, Nora,” my father whispered. He sounded sad. I climbed back up into his lap.

  “I liked that,” I whispered. “That’s the first time I’ve ever done that. I’m glad it was for you.”

  “It should have been with a boy your own age. Not your father.”

  “But I love you more than any of the boys my own age.”

  “But I’m your father.”

  “I’m 18. Mom’s gone. Who’s going to stop us?”

  I wanted him to say it. I wanted to hear from him that I wasn’t really his daughter, at least as far as science was concerned. Instead, he leaned in and captured one of my nipples in his warm mouth. God, but it was delicious, the way he licked and teased my puckered flesh. His other hand flicked my other nipple and I found myself grinding against his belly, hoping for any of that delicious friction…

  Suddenly, he stood and picked me up. He threw me over his shoulder and before I knew what was happening, we were on our way inside. I hung there limp as we went upstairs and into my room. He tossed me down on the bed and unzipped my jeans. He hooked his fingers through the waist loops and slid them down. I couldn’t help but grin up at him as he stripped me. I spread my legs for him, showing off my panty-clad mound.

  “Feel how wet I am, daddy,” I whispered. He did, pressing his palm against my hot spot. He pressed hard, grinding my wet slit and clit. I arched my back, pushing back up into him. Silently, he did this, working my pussy through my panties. I ached for more but this was so good…

  Finally, he slid off my panties. I gasped as cool air brushed over my burning slit. My daddy ran his finger up and down over my wetness before sliding a single, huge digit inside of me. I yelped—even his fingers were big. I was no stranger to masturbating and I could fit two or even three of my own fingers inside of myself but his fingers were huge! And then, he pressed in a second and I shut my eyes tight, content to let my daddy finger-fuck me.

  As if that weren’t enough, I suddenly felt something hot, wet, and slippery on my clit. I realized he was licking me! My daddy was licking my clit! The man who had held me, who had helped me with my homework and spanked me when I broke a vase playing ball in the house… His mouth was on my pussy, doing what only a boyfriend should be doing…

  “Daddy!” I moaned, gripping his hair, gripping his hair harder than anything I had ever done before. . “It’s so good! I want you!”

  “What do you
want?” came his voice, low and dangerous, vaguely sinister.

  “I want you to fuck me,” I groaned, pathetic and needy.

  “Say it again. Louder,” he ordered, his voice little more than an animalistic grunt.

  “Fuck me, daddy!” I cried, whining for it, begging for it.

  This was enough for him, I guess. He spread my legs and put them on his shoulders. I felt his huge mass at my entrance. A thrill of terror ran through me suddenly. There was no way that cock was going to fit in me!

  But it did, somehow. He slid it in slowly and I felt like he was splitting me apart. I whimpered and dug my nails into his skin while he claimed me. His cock was so big and going deeper and deeper into my core. Before I realized it, he was fully embedded inside of me.


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