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His Willful Bride (Victorian Brides Book 1)

Page 11

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Lord Pemberly, Lady Charlotte, how happy we are to see you,” the host exclaimed, moving forward to greet them. “Congratulations on your nuptials. We have a very special table for you and we are delighted to have you celebrate with us.”

  “Thank you,” Edward replied.

  “A bottle of our finest French champagne is already chilled and waiting, and Mr. Spiers would like you to be his guest this evening. It is such a special occasion, and he wanted to share your joy.”

  “That’s very thoughtful of him. Is he here? We must say thank you.”

  “He’s busy in the theatre at the moment, but I’m sure he’ll be up shortly to extend his congratulations personally,” the host said as they reached the table.

  The effusive man pulled out the chair for Charlotte as Edward sat down, and with a great flourish, presented them both with menus.

  “If there is anything you want or need, anything at all, please let me know.”

  “Thank you. You’re most kind,” Edward replied.

  “Yes, thank you,” Charlotte repeated.

  “May I say,” the host said with a slight nod of his head, “you look stunning, Lady Charlotte. Marriage must agree with you.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” she beamed.

  As the host hurried away, Edward grinned across at her.

  “I think our friend is right,” he remarked. “Marriage does agree with you,” then lowering his voice, he added, “and being made to behave agrees with you too, doesn’t it, Charlotte?”

  “It does, Edward,” she said coyly, then lowering her voice, she added, “and being here with nothing under my dress does too.”

  “Excellent,” he grinned. “Are you sitting comfortably?”

  “No, I most certainly am not,” she quipped, raising her eyebrows, “and why that makes me so happy I have no idea.”

  “Because you are a naughty girl who got her just deserts,” he chuckled. “Ah, good, here comes our waiter. Some champagne is most definitely in order.”

  As the evening progressed, several people stopped by the table to offer their best wishes, including Felix Spiers, the developer and owner of the notable venue. Charlotte had never felt so important.

  “I feel like a princess,” she beamed.

  “You look like a princess, and you are a princess,” Edward said fondly. “You’re my princess.”

  He noticed a slightly glazed look in her eye, and he leaned across the table, lowering his voice.

  “Charlotte, are you becoming tipsy?”

  “No, not really.”

  “What am I seeing? You have an intriguing expression.”

  “It shows? Oh, my goodness,” she tittered.

  “What is it?”

  “Sitting here, surrounded by all these people, meeting Mr. Spiers…”

  “Yes? What of it?”

  “I am naked,” she whispered, “and I, uh, am feeling, um, well, I’m worried that there may be a stain on the back of my dress.”

  “Ah,” Edward said with a wicked grin. “I’m tempted to sit next to you and check for myself.”

  “No!” she gasped. “That would be too much. I would die.”

  “Well, I can’t have you dying on me,” he chuckled, “but I’m very pleased being dressed as I wish is having the desired effect.”

  “Oh, Edward, it is, it truly is,” she mewled.

  It came time to order their sweet, but just as Edward was about to make his suggestion, a deep frown crossed his brow.

  “Edward, whatever is the matter? Have I done something wrong?” Charlotte asked, worried that she must have made a slip of the tongue.

  “I’m so sorry, Charlotte. No, it has nothing to do with you,” he said gravely. “I’ve just spotted Miranda Witherspoon, and she’s making her way over here. Expect her to be rude. Don’t react. I’ll handle things if she’s unpleasant.”

  “I’m looking forward to this,” Charlotte replied with a naughty grin.

  “I really wish you hadn’t said that,” Edward muttered under his breath. “Now I’m doubly worried.”

  “Oh, it’s her,” Charlotte suddenly exclaimed. “I didn’t know Miranda Witherspoon was her name. She’s a wretched girl. Always sniping at people. You kept company with her? I’m surprised.”

  “Yes, well, I haven’t always made the best choices,” Edward admitted, “until I married you, of course,” he added with a whisper.

  “Hello, you two,” the redheaded beauty said effusively as she approached the table. “Lady Charlotte. We’ve never been officially introduced, I’m Miranda Witherspoon.”

  “Hello, Miranda, it’s nice to finally meet you.”

  “Edward, aren’t you lucky, landing a beauty like this,” Miranda said with an abundant smile. “You know, Charlotte, I’m one of Edward’s former girls. Tell me, how did you manage to get a ring out of him? He was always so aloof with me.”

  “Miranda, who is escorting you tonight?” Edward asked, trying to change the subject.

  “Some baron from somewhere,” she sighed. “You know how it is, the constant, hopeful, matrimonial mating dance. What am I saying, of course you do, you both do, especially you, Charlotte. Your aunt and uncle had a devil of time, but look, you landed the most eligible man in the city, even if he is a cad.”

  “Perhaps you should return to your baron before he becomes worried,” Edward suggested tersely.

  “You mean you want to be alone with your new bride,” Miranda huffed. “I can’t imagine why. The girl doesn’t speak. How can you carry on an interesting conversation with a girl who doesn’t speak?”

  “Edward, do you know what I think?” Charlotte said softly.

  Edward was frowning up at the ill-mannered Miranda, but surprised and intrigued by Charlotte’s question, his expression relaxed as he shifted his gaze and looked across the table at her.

  “Charlotte, my dear, I would very much like to know what you think.”

  “I would too,” Miranda said brazenly, leaning in between them as if the three were sharing a conspiracy.

  “I think,” Charlotte began, staring directly at Edward and ignoring Miranda, “you should take this incredibly insolent, impertinent, and argumentative Miss Witherspoon into a back room somewhere, and spank her bare bottom until it is glowing red.”

  “Whaaat?” Miranda exclaimed, bolting upright. “How dare you say such a thing?”

  “I think that’s an excellent suggestion, Charlotte. Will you hold her hands still so she cannot cover herself as I spank her?”

  “I’d be happy to.”

  “Oh, you are both insufferable, you deserve each other,” Miranda spat, and turning on her heel, she hurried away.

  “Charlotte, that was brilliant,” Edward declared with a raucous chuckle. “You almost sounded serious.”

  “I think,” she said thoughtfully, with a half-smile, “I sort of was.”

  “And I think,” he grinned, “that we should have some pudding, perhaps some rhubarb pie and ice cream, and then go home so I can have my way with you.”

  “Sounds marvelous on both counts,” she said eagerly.

  As Edward signaled for the waiter, Charlotte glanced across the room and watched Miranda return to her table. In a very animated way, the rude redhead began to talk to her escort, an attractive, fashionable man who appeared to be considerably older than Miranda. Not so as to be unseemly, but the man was obviously an accomplished gentleman, much like Edward.

  “Perhaps we could have some chocolate cake instead. There are so many choices,” Edward remarked.

  Charlotte’s eyes were fixated on Miranda and her escort, and when she saw the girl abruptly rise from the table and flounce towards the hallway, presumably to visit the powder room, an idea flashed into her head.

  “Would you excuse me, Edward?” Charlotte said sweetly. “I must visit the ladies’ room. I’ll leave you to surprise me with the pudding.”

  “Yes, of course. Hurry back.”

  As Edward returned his attention
to the menu, Charlotte walked briskly to Miranda’s table. With a quick look back to make sure Edward wasn’t watching, she stopped and introduced herself to the baron. She found him to be charming and extremely warm, with bright blue eyes and an engaging smile. She finished her discreet and quick conversation with him, then moved on to the powder room. Walking inside, she wasn’t surprised to see Miranda at the elegant dressing table smoothing her hair.

  “If it isn’t the odd little duck in all her expensive finery,” Miranda chirped. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Charlotte was wearing a beatific smile as she stared at Miranda’s reflection in the mirror.

  “I’m happy, I’m in love, and I’m married to the most wonderful man in the world,” Charlotte airily replied. “Life is full of surprises. You never know what’s going to happen from one day to the next, or one evening to the next for that matter.”

  “Edward is nothing but a man-about-town, but then, you probably didn’t have anyone else interested. Your aunt and uncle must have been desperate, trying to get you out of their house.”

  “Do you believe in fate, Miranda?” Charlotte asked sweetly.

  “Fate? What kind of a question is that?” Miranda snapped, turning around to face Charlotte directly.

  “I do,” Charlotte smiled, completely unfazed by Miranda’s stinging attack, “and I think it’s fate that had us meet here tonight.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Miranda brusquely retorted.

  “No, you don’t, but you might,” Charlotte twinkled. “I hope the rest of your evening is most enjoyable.”

  Shooting her a perplexed look, and greatly disturbed that Charlotte had not risen to take her bait, Miranda strode swiftly from the room.

  Moving to the vanity and studying her reflection, Charlotte sighed as she smoothed some untamed loose hairs back into place.

  I will tell Edward what I’ve done. He may not be happy, but I will confess my crime. I must. He is my husband and he should know, besides, I want to see his expression when I do.

  Happy with her work, she finished up and headed back to the table.

  Chapter Twelve

  When Charlotte and Edward returned from dinner, they made their way directly to their bedchamber. Charlotte didn’t want Helen to help her undress, not just because she was worried Helen would discover she was minus a petticoat and drawers, but because she would much rather Edward do the honors.

  “Will Helen and Reese be waiting up for us?” Charlotte asked as they made their way up the stairs.

  “You don’t have to concern yourself. I mentioned to Harding that we may slip in unnoticed, and we wouldn’t need any help this evening.”

  “How clever you are,” she smiled as they entered the bedroom.

  “I wanted to unveil you tonight,” he whispered, softly kissing her neck, “and that was the only thing on my mind.”

  She sighed heavily as he slowly peeled off her dress, then unlaced her corset, all the while planting soft kisses across her shoulders and feathering her skin with his fingertips. When she was finally completely naked, he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed.

  “I shall only be a moment,” he promised, and disappeared through a door that led to his dressing room.

  Charlotte had peered into his inner sanctum a couple of times, and viewed a room filled with clothes in neat and pristine order. For a man who was only in town for brief visits, it seemed to Charlotte he had an excess of clothing, but he always looked dapper and smart. In comparison she had very little, but the enthusiasm with which he’d encouraged her as she’d shopped suggested that would change. It was becoming apparent that attire was of great concern to Lord Pemberly III.

  He soon returned wearing a silk robe she’d not yet seen. It was dark purple with a wide waist sash, and as he settled on the bed next to her, trailing his fingers over her breasts, she smiled up at him with a twinkle in her eye.

  “Edward, I have a confession to make.”

  “A confession? That does sound serious.”

  “It’s about Miranda.”

  “You didn’t feel any jealousy, did you?”

  “Oh, no, not at all,” she said quickly. “My confession is about something I did, not something I felt.”

  “Were you two in the ladies’ room together?”

  “Yes, Edward, but that’s not where the incident occurred.”

  “I’m very curious, and suddenly feeling a bit concerned. I think you’d best start talking.”

  “Yes, Edward, I will, right now,” she said with a slight smile. “I saw her walk away from her table, leaving the baron by himself, and that’s where I went when I left you, to speak to him.”

  “I thought you just said you were in the ladies’ room together.”

  “We were, but that was after I had my quiet word with the baron.”

  “And that quiet word was what, exactly?”

  “Um, the thing is,” she said slowly, a bevy of nerves bouncing through her. “I told the baron that I knew Miranda very well, and she was very attracted to take-charge men. He asked me what I meant, which was what I was hoping for.”

  “You’re a clever girl, Charlotte, too clever by half. Carry on.”

  “This is the naughty bit,” she admitted, lowering her voice. “I told him, very discreetly of course, that she especially enjoyed being spanked, and she would be rude and discourteous to provoke a response. I said it was how she would test a man’s mettle.”

  “You did not say that to him!” Edward said, completely aghast. “You did not say such a thing to a complete stranger!”

  “I did. I also told him that she would protest like mad, but that was all part of her game.”

  “You, Charlotte, are a very, naughty, cheeky, mischievous girl.”

  “When I did go to the ladies’ room she was there, and of course, I was feeling very bright and clever, and my happy state didn’t please her one bit. I told her that fate had brought us together, and she might understand my meaning later. She got really huffy and left. I can’t help wondering if she’s getting her just deserts right now.”

  “I am astounded. Yes, I will admit there’s a part of me that is a bit tickled by your prank, but Charlotte, I must tell you, Miranda is not a young woman with whom you should tangle. She has a vindictive side, and that aside, what you did was wrong, very wrong for many reasons.”

  “I don’t think it was wrong,” she argued. “I think she deserved it.”

  “You misled the baron. Was that fair to him?” Edward asked pointedly.

  “I think the baron is going to have the best late night he’s had in a while,” she laughed.

  “Or he’ll have a dreadful time of it. This may come back to haunt you,” Edward said, shaking his head. “If it goes badly, which it very well might, the baron could well track me down and formally complain. You will be punished for this recklessness,” he declared, “but not tonight. Tonight I have other things in mind for you.”

  “So you don’t want to talk about my confession anymore?” she teased, reaching out her hand and pulling lightly on his chest hairs.

  “Not at the moment,” he sighed. “There are many surprises in store for you, Charlotte,” he continued, pulling the sash from his robe, “and tonight I’m going to blindfold you.”

  “Blindfold me?”

  “Yes. You do trust me, don’t you?”

  “Of course, but the thought is making me all twittery.”

  “Sit up, I’m going to tie this sash around your eyes.”

  As he placed the soft silk satin across her eyelids and knotted it securely at the back of her head, she felt a twinge of apprehension, but when he hugged her warmly and moved his hands over her breasts, the apprehension transformed into quivering anticipation.

  “Turn over and place yourself on your hands and knees,” he whispered.

  Charlotte flashed back to a drawing she had seen in one of the forbidden books in her uncle’s study. He kept the
m in a locked cabinet, but she had witnessed him drop the key into a nearby urn. The very next time her aunt and uncle had left the house, she had sneaked in to uncover what was in the mysterious cupboard. The books had shocked her, but also captivated her imagination, and though the opportunity to feast her eyes on the salacious images and read the hedonistic words didn’t happen often, she always took advantage when it did. There were some startlingly graphic illustrations, and one of them had depicted a man taking a woman from behind.

  “That’s right, just like that,” Edward said as she positioned herself on all fours. “Ah, yes, lovely and wet, just for me,” he muttered as his thumbs parted her glistening lips.

  Kneeling behind her, he gazed lustily at the ribald sight. Her full cheeks clearly showed the red marks of his strap. It would have hurt, but not nearly as keenly as the rod. He would introduce her to that particular instrument at some point in the coming days, perhaps even as punishment for her foolish stunt with the baron and Miranda. She certainly deserved strong discipline for such a caper. Her cunnie lips, pink and bare, glistened up at him, and her milky-white inner thighs begged for his touch. Smoothing his hand across them, he heard her gasp, and lifting his eyes, he enjoyed the exquisite sight of her narrow waist and strong upper back. She was a slight girl, but he guessed she was stronger than she appeared.

  “You like the feel of my hands against your thighs?” he softly asked.

  “Yes, sir, I like your touch everywhere.”

  “They are very white, beautifully white, but I am going to bring a slight pink blush to the skin. This will sting at first, but the sting will change into a deliciously warm tingle.”

  “You’re going to spank me there?” she asked fearfully.

  “Lightly, very lightly,” he assured her. “As I said, just enough to bring a spirited tingle to your skin. Spread your knees wider.”

  Shuffling her legs apart, Charlotte waited, holding her breath. She was already craving his member, but as he began to lightly smack the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, the aching need began to swell.

  “Sir, please, will you enter me?”

  His thumbs parted her nether lips a second time, and she thrust back, wanting to show her yearning. Not needing a second invitation, Edward placed his engorged cock against her glorious, slick entrance and pushed forward. She was still tight, and he thought he heard a wince, but as he moved, slowly and carefully, dropping his hand underneath to rub at her nub, she was soon bucking back to meet his strokes.


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