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Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy)

Page 1

by Judy Hagemann


  Title Page

  Titles by Judy E. Hagemann



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  About the Author


  Copyright Page


  Judy E. Hagemann


  It Started With A Kiss


  The Heat of A Kiss

  I would like to thank Mary Kay, Jill, Mel, Jen, & Taylor. Your encouragement and support has ignited a ‘fire’ in me to continue my journey as an author.


  The week went faster than Brooke thought it would. Saturday morning had arrived—her wedding day had arrived. She heard a knock on the door as her mother peeked in.

  “Honey—are you awake?”

  “Yes mom, come on in.” She replied.

  She came into the room and sat on the bed next to Brooke.

  “I just wanted to have a talk with you this morning. There has been something I wanted to ask you.”

  “Sure mom, what is it?”

  I just wanted to know when you are due.”

  Brooke sat up, “What?”

  “Brooke—I am a mother, I have been watching you these last six days, and I see the signs. I’m certainly not judging you honey, I love you and want the best for you. I know you are pregnant. I have caught you with your hand on your stomach when you think no one is looking and you are thinking about Luke.”

  “I just found out myself when I was at the hospital. I am about twelve weeks along.” Brooke admitted.

  “Does Luke know?”

  “No, I wanted to surprise him.”

  “Surprise him? Do you think he will be okay with this? You don’t want to start a life together with a secret.”

  “Oh, I know Luke will be just thrilled with the news.”

  “Let’s get you ready for a wedding then. Go ahead and grab a shower and then I will have breakfast ready for you. Alexa will be here to pick you up for your hair and nail appointment around 10:00am.”

  Luke woke at 6:00am Saturday morning with a smile on his face. Today Brooke would be his wife and he was looking forward to it. He almost wished that the wedding was in the morning. He was learning that patience was not his strong suit as these past few days seemed like an eternity. Sam had picked up the tuxes and they were all meeting at Brock’s house at 11:00am for brunch. It was only 8:00am and Luke was bored and decided to head over to Brock’s a little early. When he knocked on the door, Brock immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong? Why would you ask that?”

  “Oh, nothing in particular, other than the fact that you are a few hours early.”

  “I guess I am a bit anxious.”

  Brock laughed, “Since you are here, I will put you to work making some of the food then—that ought to kill some time for you.”

  Alexa, punctual as ever, arrived to pick Brooke up for their appointments. Amanda was going to meet them at the salon. She hugged Brooke tight “I am so sorry for what happened to you. I should have gone to the bathroom with you and none of this would have ever happened.”

  “It’s not your fault—I don’t blame you or anyone for that matter. I’m just glad it’s over.”

  The stylist assessed Brooke’s hair and decided to add platinum highlights to her hair before styling it into a French twist updo. She added silver pins to compliment her headpiece. Next the girls received French tipped gel nails and a French pedicure to match.

  Two and a half hours later, they arrived at the church to find the makeup artist ready and waiting to begin. Brooke informed her that she wanted a subtle look and that she wanted to look natural. Brooke’s mom arrived with her dress and shoes just as she was finishing up with makeup.

  “I have your something old item,” She said handing Brooke a diamond and pearl necklace with matching earrings.

  “This was your grandmother’s wedding gift from grandpa. I want you to have it to pass down to future generations.”

  “Mom, you’re going to make me cry and my makeup will run. They are beautiful—I will treasure them. Can you put the necklace on me?”

  “Of course, I would be honored.” She said.

  “I have your something borrowed.” Chimed in Luke’s mom as she entered the room. “This is the handkerchief that I carried down the aisle when I got married. It was my “something old.”

  “Thank you Margaret, that was very thoughtful of you and means more than you can know.”

  Together, Alexa and Amanda said “And we have your something blue—as they waived a garter in the air. Brooke looked around the room. “This all feels so surreal. I feel as though I am in slow motion watching this happen to someone who looks like me. This is really happening—isn’t it?”

  “Yes, now let’s get you into that dress!” Her mom stated.

  Luke, his dad, and brothers arrived at the church at 1:00pm.

  “Only one more hour of freedom.” Brock announced.

  Luke laughed. “No, I more hour of pain—one more hour until I marry my soul mate. I have never looked forward to anything more in my life than this day.”

  “Bro, you really have it bad for that gal. She is lucky to have you.” Brock said slapping Luke on the shoulder.

  Luke began to pace back and forth looking at his watch every two minutes. At 1:45 Luke couldn’t stand it anymore and headed down the hallway to where Brooke was and knocked on the door. “Who’s there?”

  “It’s Luke.”

  “What are you doing here? You can’t see the bride before the wedding.” Brooke’s mom said as she opened the door a crack.

  “I don’t want to see her—I just need to talk to her—through the door.” He added.

  “Okay, we’ll leave and give you two a few minutes, but do NOT open this door. Do you understand?” She said.

  “Yes, I promise.” The women left Brooke alone in the room.

  “You have five minutes and we will be back.” She said walking away.

  “Brooke? Baby, can you hear me?” Luke asked.

  “Yes Luke, I can hear you.”

  “I needed to hear your voice. I need to tell you how much I love you and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “Aw Luke, I love you too and we have so much to look forward to together. I am so happy and it feels like I am dreaming, but very soon we will be married.”

  “Okay, you will have to leave now Luke. You will see your bride in just a few minutes.” Margaret announced.

  Luke headed to the front of the altar to take his place next to the minister. Ushers brought in Luke’s grandma and then his parents—Brooke’s mom was next. Music started and Sam and Amanda made their way down the aisle together and took their positions at the altar. Brock and

  Alexa stood at the door and waited until Sam and Amanda were in place before they walked down the aisle with the doors closing behind them. Once they were in place, the wedding march began to play and the doors opened to r
eveal Brooke and her father arm in arm. Everyone in attendance stood and faced the back of the church. Luke felt weak in the knees and prayed that he wouldn’t fall or even worse faint. She was stunning and he felt the air being sucked out of his lungs as he watched her step by step make her way to him. Stopping at the front of the first row of pews, the minister asked “Who gives this woman to be this man’s wife.”

  Her father replied. “Her mother and I do.”

  Luke descended the stairs to take Brooke’s arm in his, but he couldn’t resist leaning in and whispering in her ear,

  “You take my breath away.” before kissing her on the neck and saying, “Let’s do this!”

  During the exchange of vows Brooke felt the conviction in the words that Luke spoke and it brought a tear to her eye. Luke reached up tenderly and wiped it away with his thumb before the minister addressed her to repeat after him.

  Holding both of Luke’s hands, she began her vows. After they lit the unity candle, they exchanged rings and finally the minister announced, “I am proud to present to you, Mr. & Mrs. Luke McClellan—you may kiss your bride.”

  Thunderous applause consumed the church as Luke leaned down to kiss Brooke.

  Brock cleared his throat and tapped Luke on the shoulder, “Save some of that for later—you do have quite an audience here ya know.”

  Brooke giggled as they ended their kiss.

  Once the processional music started, the newly married couple began walking down the aisle out of the church. At the back of the church, a man stood and pulled a gun out of his suit coat and pulled the trigger. As if everything was in slow motion, Brooke screamed as Luke grabbed at his chest and slumped to the floor. She then heard another shot fired as she cradled Luke in her arms screaming for help.

  “Luke, hang in there. We need you. Your baby needs you.”


  The ambulance was racing to the hospital with Luke inside. Brooke was numb as time stood still for her. There was a flurry of activity around her and she could hear someone speaking to her as though she was in a tunnel.

  “She’s in shock.” She heard someone say.

  “Back up and give her some room.” From yet another voice.

  Brooke looked down at her blood stained dress and hands before slowly rising to her feet. “I need a ride to the hospital.” She said in monotone.

  Looking up, she stared into her parents eyes and repeated, “I need a ride to the hospital.”

  “Brooke, we need to get you cleaned up—get you out of your dress.” Her mother stated.

  “I need to go to the fucking hospital! Now is anyone going to drive me or do I have to drive myself?” She screamed as a tear trickled down her cheek.

  Brock made his way over to Brooke and cupped her face between his hands. “Look at me Brooke. I will personally take you to the hospital with lights and sirens and everything, but your mom is right—you can’t go until you let them help you out of that dress and get you cleaned up. I am going to hand this over to the deputies that have arrived and then we will leave as soon as you are ready. Do you hear me? Do you understand?”

  Brooke silently nodded her head and started walking towards the bathroom with her mom, Alexa, and Amanda following close behind.

  How could the happiest day of her life also be the most horrific day of her life? Brooke felt as though she was watching someone else’s life unfold in front of her. Someone needed to wake her from this nightmare—surely she had to be dreaming—this couldn’t be real. “Brooke, honey I need you to step out of the dress.” She heard her mother say.

  As if on autopilot, she lifted one leg and then the other stepping out of her dress. Alexa had a warm soapy cloth and began to wash the blood from her hands and arms, while Amanda began to take down her hair.

  Moments later, she was dressed and Brock was helping her into his car and then they were off to the hospital. As promised, Brock turned on his lights and sirens as he was weaving in and out of traffic. The police radio was the only sound in the car as Brock was focused on driving while Brooke silently stared out the window.

  At the hospital, they were met by Luke’s parents and his brother Sam who informed them that Luke was in the OR and as soon as they knew anything, the doctor would be out to speak with them. “Brooke, would you like a cup of coffee or anything?” John McClellan asked her.

  “No—I just need to sit down.” She heard herself say.

  Margaret put her arm around Brooke and led her to the waiting room. After an hour had passed, Brooke stood and began to pace up and down the hallway. She just couldn’t stand to sit and wait anymore. She noticed Brock talking on the telephone near the elevator and headed towards him.

  Brock looked up from his conversation on the phone to see that Brooke was heading towards him, so he wrapped up the call and hung up. “Did you hear something?” He asked.

  “No, I just needed to get out of that tiny room. I felt like I was suffocating in there.”

  Brock pulled Brooke into a hug and felt her tremble, so he began to rub his hand up and down her back in a soothing motion. “He’s going to be just fine Brooke—he’s a fighter.”

  Brooke closed her eyes squeezing them tightly as another tear fell while she clung to Brock as though her life depended on it. She was determined not to cry—she needed to hold it together for Luke, but as each minute ticked away she was finding it harder and harder to do. “Brock—I can’t do this alone.”

  “You don’t have to…‌We’re here with you—we aren’t going anywhere. Good or bad we will get the news together.” He said as he stepped back grabbing a hold of her arms and looking her in the eye.

  “No, if Luke doesn’t make it—I can’t do this alone.”

  “Brooke, we can’t think like that—he is strong, he is a fighter, and he will make it.”

  “But if he doesn’t, I can’t be a single parent.”

  “What? What did you say?”

  “I’m pregnant Brock—I don’t want to raise this baby alone, I just can’t.”

  “Does Luke know? He didn’t say anything to me.”

  “No, I was going to surprise him. Brock, he just has to pull through.”

  Brock pulled Brooke into another hug “He is strong and he has so much to live for. He was so happy to be marrying you today. He will pull through for you—you have to believe that.”

  “What happened today Brock? Who shot him? Is that why you were on the phone when I came out here?”

  “Yes—I was on the phone with Officer O’Malley. We have a positive ID on the shooter. He was Randy’s brother.”

  “Who shot him? I heard the second shot and I thought for sure I would be on the floor with Luke fighting for my life.”

  “I shot him. As soon as I hear word on Luke, I need to go to the station for a briefing—it is standard protocol when an officer shoots a civilian.”

  “You won’t lose your badge will you?”

  “I will be placed on administrative leave until everything is cleared from Internal Affairs. I had already handed over my weapon to the officers on the scene—again, that is standard protocol. The shooting was justified—I just need to make sure that I get everything on record before too much time passes—I really can’t discuss this any further with you as I don’t want any conversation to influence my memory of what happened. We just need to focus on Luke and how he is doing. Let’s go back to the waiting room and see if they have any updates.”

  After two and a half more hours passed, a doctor walked into the waiting room. “McClellan family?”

  At the same time everyone looked up and said, “Yes.”

  “I am Doctor Preston and I was the surgeon today when they brought Luke in.”

  Brooke stepped forward “Is he? Will he? Did he pull through?”


  With just that one little word, Brooke felt her knees go weak and Brock and Sam caught her as she was about to collapse. “Here, have a seat Brooke.” Sam suggested.

  “The bullet
missed his heart by mere millimeters and his left lung had collapsed. He is in recovery right now and we will be moving him to ICU for a minimum of 48 hours since we have him in an induced coma to help his body recover. I want to warn you though—we have him hooked up to a machine to help him breathe, but this is only temporary.”

  “When can we see him?” Margaret asked.

  “As soon as he is moved to ICU, he will be limited to immediate family only and one visitor at a time.”

  Margaret looked at Brooke and said, “You will go to him first—you’re his wife.”

  Brooke nodded as happy tears streaked her cheeks while Brock squeezed her shoulders. “I need to head to the station—I will be back as soon as I can.”

  An hour later Brooke walked into the ICU and made her way to Luke’s bedside. Her initial reaction was shock even though the doctor had warned her about what to expect. She picked up his hand and noticed that his wedding ring was missing. “Luke—it’s Brooke. I don’t know if you can hear me, but from what I have been told, it is possible. You sure had me scared today—I don’t even want to think about everything that was going through my mind when you were in surgery and we didn’t know what your condition was. I just knew that I couldn’t lose you. Our life together has just begun. I was going to save this for our wedding night—well, I guess it is our wedding night, so it really doesn’t matter does it? You’re going to be a father Luke—I am pregnant. So you see, you have to pull through not just for me, but for your son or daughter. We both depend on you. I love you so much—I knew that this type of love existed because I saw it with both my parents and yours, but I just figured it took years to develop not the short time that we have spent together.” Brooke leaned over Luke and kissed him. “I am going to let your parents come in to see you now—they are very worried about you, but I will be just outside in the waiting area. I am not leaving this hospital without you. You are stuck with me buster!”

  On her way out of ICU, Brooke stopped a nurse and asked about Luke’s ring. “I will check for you—I am sure that they have a bag of personal effects from when they brought him into the ER.”


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