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Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy)

Page 12

by Judy Hagemann

  “Sure. It would be great to get together with them again and the lake sounds relaxing. I am just headed home to grab a shower. I’ll be at your place in an hour.”

  By the time Holly had arrived at Brock’s house, Luke and Brooke were already there and the boat was hooked up and ready to go. Brooke met Holly at the car and gave her a hug. “I am so glad you are here. You and Brock must be doing okay I take it?”

  “We are working on it.” Holly responded.

  “I’m glad to hear that. I really like you and think you are great sister-in-law material!”

  “Sister-in-law? Things haven’t progressed that far!”

  “If he’s smart, he will keep you around. I can see that you are good for him. He is more relaxed and seems really happy.”

  Luke and Brock emerged from the house carrying a cooler and portable grill and loaded them into the back of Luke’s pickup. “If you ladies are ready, let’s head out!” Luke hollered.

  The afternoon was full of stories from Luke and Brock growing up, to Holly being brought up to speed on how Luke and Brooke met, and how their relationship overcame adversity. Holly felt so relaxed around them and even started to wonder what it would be like to a part of this family. Holly was so lost in that thought that she didn’t even hear Brooke ask her about the case.

  “Holly?” Brock said as he touched her on the shoulder. “Where were you just now?”

  “Huh? Sorry, guess I was just enjoying the day and was thinking that I don’t want it to end.”

  Brock leaned in to whisper in her ear, “Once we lose these two lovebirds, we don’t have to let it end, but Brooke just asked you a question.”

  “Sorry Brooke—what was the question?”

  “I asked you if you thought that the case that you are working on is easier or more difficult because you are a woman and you can relate to the victims on a more personal level.”

  “Honestly, I find it more difficult to deal with because of all of the emotions that these victims go through and even though the rape itself is difficult enough to deal with, they tend to be able to speak to a woman much easier than a man. I literally feel that connection in the words that they speak, tears that they shed, and I try to turn their fears into anger. They most always end up blaming themselves for the crime and until they can cast that blame on the perp and get angry, they just don’t seem to be able to move on. There are a lot of ‘if onlys’ that a victim goes through, if only I had locked the windows, if only I had fought harder, if only I had gone out, if only just goes on and on. I teach a self-defense class at the local gym every Saturday morning and that is where I get a lot of satisfaction. I am able to teach women how to avoid becoming a victim or if they become a victim, how they can find an opening and out maneuver their attacker.”

  “I wish I had taken your class!” Brooke said enthusiastically.

  “As soon as you have that baby, I expect to see you in my class!”

  “You can count on it! So, have you used any of those maneuvers on Brock?”

  “Brooke!” Luke shouted.

  “That’s okay—you can tell me later!” Brooke said as she winked at Holly.

  “You gals look a little red, we better head back to the boat dock.” Brock suggested.

  Back at the house Brock and Luke told the women to have a seat on the back deck, and they would grab some chips, dip, and beverages. Brooke took the opportunity of having Holly alone and asked, “So is the sex good?”

  “What?” Holly said in shock.

  “I just figured being brothers and all, and the fact that I am having really great sex, then you would be too!”

  Holly laughed, “I can’t complain.”

  “Luke was my first, so I don’t have anything to compare to, but I can certainly testify that it sure is pretty great!”

  “What’s great?” Luke asked as he was opening the screen door.

  “Today.” Holly quickly answered. “Being out on the boat and just being able to relax with good friends.”

  “I’m glad you had a great time.” Brock stated.

  Holly watched as Luke massaged Brooke’s shoulders and placed a kiss at the nape of her neck, and noticing the way she turned her head to look lovingly into his eyes. “You two are really cute together. I can tell you have a special relationship.”

  “You will have it too someday.” Brooke declared.

  Luke and Brooke said their goodbyes leaving Brock and Holly alone in the backyard. The moon was full and set high in the sky lighting up the backyard casting a romantic glow. Breaking the silence, “I suppose I should head home too.” Holly suggested as she stood up.

  Brock moved around behind her and pulled her hair aside as he kissed her on the neck which sent goose bumps racing across her flesh. “I was hoping that you would stay here.”

  “I—um—I can’t think when you are doing that.”

  “Then I should keep doing it.” He said as he ran his hands down her body and pulled her hips towards him so that she could feel his erection against her ass. “Do you want to stay?”

  “Yes.” She said barely audible.

  “Good answer.” He said as he turned her around and removed her shirt.


  “Shouldn’t we go inside?”

  “It’s dark enough out here and I don’t have any neighbors, so I think we’re good.” He said as he continued to strip her of her clothing and kiss her bare skin with each piece he removed.

  As Brock was kissing and caressing Holly, her hands ran across the bulge in his pants and she began pulling his shirt out of his pants frantically before unbuttoning his jeans and taking him in her hand. Brock took a step back to remove his jeans and sat in the chaise lounge pulling Holly down with him. Holly straddled Brock and lightly touched her lips to his in a soft caress. Pulling back ever so slightly, she slowly licked his lips as her hands traced his jaw line. Brock couldn’t stand it—he had to taste her sweetness. He sucked her tongue into his mouth as their tongues danced a tango—giving and taking from each other. He cupped her breasts in his hands flicking her nipples with his thumbs—they hardened as if on command for him. He then moved a hand down her body to between her legs and groaned when he found her ready for him. Brock inserted a finger as he rubbed his thumb across her clit eliciting a deep moan from Holly as she began to ride his hand. “I want you inside me—I need you inside of me.”

  “Not yet baby. Come for me first—you can do it.” He said as he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked on it. Before he could move to the second one, Holly’s body began to quake and she screamed his name as she slumped forward wrapping her arms around him. When the waves subsided, she reached down wrapping her hand around his erection and guided him into her.

  Brock allowed Holly to set the pace as she began moving up and down slowly and moaning at the sensations of him moving in and out of her. After a few minutes, he tapped her on the hip, “Reverse cowgirl.”

  Holly looked up, “What?”

  “Reverse cowgirl—I want you to turn around. You will still be on top.”

  Moments later, she again lowered herself over Brock—this time with her back to him. Brock held onto her breasts as she moved up and down on his shaft. Her moans getting louder and louder until her body shook from another orgasm. Brock pumped a few more times before his body quaked right along with hers.

  After some time had passed, Brock asked, “Are you ready to go inside yet?”

  “Mmmhmm—you may have to help me though—my legs are like rubber.”

  By the time they got into bed, Holly could barely feel her limbs and her eyelids were extremely heavy. “That was definitely a first for me.”

  “What was?”

  “Sex outdoors, reverse cowgirl, and shower sex.”

  “Really? You are kidding me—aren’t you?” He asked.

  “Let’s just say that my sex life was pretty vanilla until you. My ex only liked a couple of positions—it was either him on top or me on top.”

sp; “Honey, we are just scratching the surface. I can tell you that sex between you and me will be anything but vanilla.”

  “I had already come to that conclusion.”

  “You’re a smart woman Holly.” He said spooning her tight to his body.

  The next morning Holly woke to Brock entering her from behind as they lay on their sides. He kept a slow and steady rhythm while stimulating her clit until it sent shockwaves throughout her body causing his own orgasm as her muscles squeezed him. “Good morning.” He whispered in her ear.

  Holly rolled over until she was facing him, “It is now.” She said as she kissed his chin.

  “It’s Sunday—what would you like to do today?”

  “I need to get groceries, do laundry, and probably spend some time with Charlie.”

  “How about you spend the morning with me and I make you breakfast?”

  “I would love that—but then I’ll need to get going.”

  Holly arrived home, unloaded her groceries and threw in a load of laundry before grabbing a pad of paper and pen and sitting down to work out a plan to catch the rapist. After spending the better part of the afternoon writing down scenarios for her plan, she finally made her decision as to which one she was going to present to Captain Lewiston.

  Holly arrived at work bright and early and knocked on Captain Lewiston’s door. “Come in.”

  “Good morning Captain.”

  “I take it you haven’t changed your mind on your plan to catch the rapist.” He asked.

  “No sir, I haven’t.”

  “Then let’s hear it.”

  “There are several things that need to happen…‌first, the department will need to set me up in an apartment within a five mile radius of one of the bars. Number two and three need to happen simultaneously—I will need to get into contact with one of the vics roommates and if Officer Harris is willing, she will need to start hanging out with this woman and her friends. She will be my point for this undercover op. It will be up to Officer Harris to lay the groundwork at the bar and drop hints that her roommate, which will be me, would rather stay home and study than go to a bar with them. Officer Harris will also need to move into this apartment with me. The perp has to be following the roommates home at some point to know where to strike. I think Detective Harris would be a perfect point for me as she looks young enough to be in college, and she has the training to know if she is being followed. Once she senses that she has been followed, my guess is that the perp will strike in the next week to ten days. I also think that the perp stakes the place out to some degree—maybe he checks windows and doors, or maybe he even watches them for a while to see what the habits are, as no one has ever been able to catch him in the act.”

  “It may take me a day or two to requisition renting this apartment, and another day or two to furnish it.”

  “So that means you approve of my plan?”

  “So far, it’s the best suggestion we have at this time. I just don’t know how you will keep Detective McClellan from finding out.”

  “I have thought about that too. My family isn’t from around here, so I could tell him that there has been an emergency at home and I need some time off. This of course wouldn’t happen until everything was set up on this end and we were ready to implement the plan.”

  “You have thought of everything, haven’t you?”

  “I just know he would get suspicious if he couldn’t find me at home.”

  “I will get the ball rolling with the apartment as soon as you contact one of the vics roommates and Officer Harris and make the necessary introductions and fill them in on your plan.”

  “Thank you Captain. I will get on that right now.”

  “If anything goes wrong, and I mean anything—I want you to pull the plug on this.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Oh, Detective Cavanaugh?”

  “Yes, Captain?”

  “You have two weeks, that’s it. If we don’t have anything in two weeks, I am pulling the plug.”

  Brock arrived as Holly was hanging up with Jen Schaefer who was vic number four’s roommate. She had chosen Jen as she had interviewed her last week and thought that Officer Harris and she would get along really well.

  “Cavanaugh—how are things going this morning?”

  “Nothing new to report.”

  “I missed you last night.”

  “It looks like you survived just fine to me!”

  “You’re like a drug—I can’t seem to get enough of you.” He said as he slowly walked towards her.

  “Sounds like you have an addiction issue Detective McClellan!” Holly said as Officer Harris knocked on the door.

  “Excuse me—Detective Cavanaugh, I was told you wanted to see me.”

  “Yes, I was wondering what you were doing for lunch today—I though perhaps we could get acquainted.”

  Officer Harris got a puzzled look on her face and responded, “Sure, I guess we can do that.”

  “Good, meet me downstairs around 12:30. Will that work for you?”

  “Yes, I just have to finish a report. I’ll see you then.”

  After she had left, Holly turned her back to Brock and stared at the whiteboard hoping that he didn’t think that their conversation was strange. “What was that all about?”

  Oh crap, Holly said to herself as she chewed on her bottom lip. “Nothing—I just wanted to get to know another female officer on the force. I was thrown into this case my first day here and it’s always good to get to know the officers that you work with.”

  “Mind if I tag along?”

  “I think it would be best if I got to know Officer Harris on my own if you don’t mind.”

  Brock felt something was strange with the exchange between Officer Harris and Holly, but he just couldn’t put his finger on it, so he pushed it aside in his mind and tried to focus on the case at hand. “I think we need to head to The Doo Dive and see what we can shake loose tonight. We really need to catch a break on this case.”

  “Sure, that’s the only bar we haven’t been to yet.”

  Holly headed downstairs to meet with Officer Harris and noticed her waiting for her. “Thanks for agreeing to have lunch with me.”

  “No problem—where do you want to go?”

  “A street vendor is fine with me, let’s walk.”

  They headed south out of the station to where the majority of the street vendors set up and stopped at a taco stand. “Officer Harris?”

  “You can call me Julie.”

  “Great, and you can call me Holly. Julie, I would prefer if the conversation that we are about to have never gets back to Detective McClellan.”

  “Oh no, did I mess things up when I stopped by earlier to talk with you.”

  “I don’t think so, but please be very careful in the future.”

  Holly proceeded to explain her plan in detail and again stressed that under no circumstance was she to tell anyone else, especially Detective McClellan about what they planned to do. “So can I count you in on this?” Holly asked.

  “I want that bastard just as much as you do. I was first on the scene with the latest vic, and it broke my heart. I definitely want in.”

  “Great, I will introduce you to Jen tomorrow. Captain Lewiston will approve your cover and replace you for the next two weeks. My cover will be that I am returning home to deal with a family emergency.”

  Holly headed back to Brock’s office feeling confident now that her plan was in motion. The next few days were going to be a bit tricky around Brock and she really wasn’t looking forward to hiding it from him, but she also knew he wouldn’t approve of her being the bait either.

  “I’ll pick you up around seven tonight.” Brock said as they were walking out to their cars.

  They arrived at The Doo Dive to find hardly anyone there. “I think this is a bust tonight, how about we have one drink and head back to my place and order a carry out pizza?”

  “Sounds like a plan. If things don’t liven up afte
r we have one drink, then we are out of here.”

  Holly called in the pizza order while they were driving back to her place and it arrived shortly after they did. When they were through eating, Holly proceeded to put away the leftovers when Brock came up behind her and kissed her on the neck. “You know I could get used to that.” Holly said as she leaned into him.

  “I like the way your thinking.”

  “Would you mind if I didn’t ask you to spend the night? I’m exhausted and I know I wouldn’t get much sleep if you stayed.”

  “I hope that you know me well enough to know, that while I am disappointed I won’t be spending the night in your bed, I certainly won’t be mad at you for it either. As long as we keep communication open between us, I don’t have an issue. I’ll let myself out, lock up and get some sleep—I will see you tomorrow.” He said kissing her on the forehead.

  “See you tomorrow.”

  The next morning Holly arrived bright and early, and as she was walking past Captain Lewiston’s office, he hollered at her to come in, “Holly, I need to speak with you.”

  “Yes Captain, What can I do for you?”

  “I have the address of the apartment, things moved quicker than I had anticipated, so you will begin your undercover operation immediately.”

  “Immediately? As in right now?”

  “Yes, is that a problem Detective?

  “No, it’s just—I thought I had more time to…”

  “Are you having second thoughts Cavanaugh?”

  “No! Will you tell Detective McClellan for me? I think if I had to face him today, he might see right through me.”

  “I suppose I can. What would you like me to tell him?”

  “Tell him that I had to leave suddenly for a family emergency and I will call him later.”

  “You had better get out of here before he arrives. Oh, Detective Cavanaugh?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “I want you to report in to me daily—here is the address of your apartment for the next two weeks.”

  With that, Holly headed out the door and to the address on the paper Captain Lewiston had given her.


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