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Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy)

Page 16

by Judy Hagemann

  “How did you capture him?”

  “Did he attack you?”

  “Can we get a statement?”

  Brock pushed Holly ahead of him ignoring the questions and upon reaching the front door, he turned around, “We will prepare a statement for the press and you will get that as soon as we are able to release it. Now, please let us do our job.”

  After Holly had given her report of the night’s events, she entered the side area of the interrogation room to find Captain Lewiston.

  “Great job tonight Detective Cavanaugh.”

  “Thank you sir, I was getting worried that he had moved on to another location. How is the interrogation going?”

  “He lawyered up right away. Detective McClellan is headed over to Judge Thorsten’s house to get a subpoena for a DNA sample and a body check to see if there is still evidence on his body of where vic number ten scratched him.”

  “I tried to get a confession out of him while he had the knife to my throat, but he wouldn’t talk.” Holly offered.

  “You went above and beyond on this case detective.”

  “I just don’t know how he got into the apartment. I had all the windows and doors locked and I re-checked them before I headed to bed and they were all still locked.”

  “Officer O’Malley found a lock pick kit on him when he frisked him before putting him in the cruiser.”

  “He must have relocked the door once he gained entry then.” Holly concluded.

  “No one would be any wiser or notice that their apartment had been compromised.”

  “I sure wasn’t. When I was in the bathroom, I thought I heard something, but when I paused to listen, I wasn’t able to hear anything out of the ordinary. Even with all of the training that I have, he took me by surprise. I can’t even begin to imagine what the other vics experienced and how frightened they must have been.”

  Brock arrived back at the precinct with the subpoenas in hand. “Time to nail his ass.” He said as he held the papers in the air to Captain Lewiston and Holly.

  “His attorney just arrived and asked to have some time alone with his client. We will give him fifteen minutes and then you go in there.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  Brock knocked once and entered the interrogation room with Wilson from the lab, “I have a subpoena to gather a DNA sample and do a body search of your client.” Brock said as he handed them to Todd’s attorney.

  The attorney read through the subpoenas and whispered into his client’s ear before nodding that they could take the DNA sample and that the client would cooperate for the body search.

  The DNA was collected and sent away for testing and Todd had removed his shirt and pants. Brock looked him over carefully before telling him he could put his clothes back on.

  “Arraignment will be Monday morning in front of Judge Walker.” The attorney informed his client. “I should be able to get you out on bail as breaking and entering and assault of a police officer are misdemeanors. The burden of proof will be on the shoulders of the prosecuting attorney.”

  “I wouldn’t count on getting out any time soon.” Brock said glaring at Todd.

  Officer O’Malley was standing outside the door as Brock exited, “Lock him up tight.”

  “Consider it done detective.”

  Brock headed to the side room to take Holly home only to find that she wasn’t there. “Captain—where did Detective Cavanaugh go?”

  “Officer Harris took her home. You need to go home too. I need you both on your game Monday morning.”

  Brock didn’t know whether to be pissed off or hurt that Holly had gone home without him. “She’s not getting away with it.” He said as he got in his car and headed to her house. When he arrived, he pounded on the front door. Holly opened the door mid knock wearing a hot pink bra and panties. Brock’s mouth dropped open and he immediately became hard. Holly grabbed him by the shirt pulling him into the house and kicking the door shut. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling his mouth down to meet hers as their tongues frantically intertwined trying to get closer.

  His anger melted away with every second he spent kissing Holly. In one swift movement, he had the clasp on the front of her bra undone and her breasts were bare for his feasting. Breaking the kiss, he ran his tongue down her neck across her collarbone. He backed her up against the wall as he picked her up. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  Holly quickly complied as Brock took her breast into his mouth and gently tugged at her nipple with his teeth. “These past two weeks have been awful without you. I have missed you so much. I need you Holly.”

  Holly looked down at Brock with desperation in her eyes, “Then what the hell are you waiting for?”

  “Are these your favorites?” He asked with his thumb on her panties.

  “No. W…”

  Before she could get the word ‘why’ out, Brock had ripped them off of her, freed his erection and sunk deep inside of her. Holly’s nerve endings were on fire and it wasn’t long before she was screaming through an orgasm. Her muscles quivered around him causing him to lose all control over his own release.

  “You are in so much trouble.” He panted.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about detective.”

  “I’m only getting started.” He said as he carried her into the bedroom.

  Holly snuggled into Brock’s body, resting her head on his arm. She closed her eyes and breathed in his scent before drifting off to sleep. Brock could tell the moment Holly drifted off; her breathing became shallow and her body relaxed into him. He kissed her on the forehead before drifting off to sleep himself.

  Brock woke to Holly running her tongue across his collarbone up his neck to nibble on his ear as her hand slowly moved from his chest down across his abs. “And I thought you would be tired and want to sleep all day.” He murmured.

  When Holly reached his groin, he was ready for her. “I guess not.” He said as he pulled her on top of him and brought her lips down to meet his. Ending the kiss, Holly slowly moved down his body leaving a trail of kisses and running her tongue over the outline of his tattoo. She loved his body and enjoyed the reaction he had to her touch. She continued her downward decent stopping to nip at his hipbone as she gripped his erection, slowly moving her hand up and down on him. Her tongue followed her hand on his shaft before she took him into her mouth. Brock’s moan was encouragement to her to continue, and when Holly moaned with him in her mouth he thought he was going to explode. He pulled her up and got into a sitting position leaning against the headboard, “Ride me.”

  Holly was only too willing as she guided him into her and began moving up and down. Brock cupped her breasts in his hands and ran his tongue across each nipple before taking a nipple between his teeth and swirling his tongue around it. When he moved on to the other one, it was enough to send Holly over the edge pulling him right along with her.

  As they lay in each other’s arms, Brock broke the silence, “When can I meet your parents?”

  “You want to meet my parents?”

  “Sure—I want you to meet mine too.”

  “I guess we can check flights for next weekend, if that will work for you.”

  “Great—you can meet my parents tonight.”

  “Tonight? What’s the hurry?”

  “No hurry, I just haven’t had a chance to get over there since this case started and now that it’s over, I’d like to go and you can come with me.”

  “Will Luke and Brooke be there?”

  “I don’t think so, but I can call and invite them if you would like.”

  After they showered and ate breakfast, Holly and Brock headed over to his house to pick up Charlie and bring him back home. On the way over, he realized that he didn’t want Charlie going back to Holly’s—hell, he didn’t want Holly going back to her house either. “I want you to move in with me and Charlie.”

  “I’m sorry? What did you say?”

  “I want you to move in with me. Charlie is already s
ettled in—the only thing missing is you.”

  “So this is blackmail then—either I move in or you keep Charlie?”

  “I really don’t think you should look at it that way. You would make a couple of guys pretty darn happy though if you did.”

  “I couldn’t. What would I do with my house? I can’t just leave it empty and I’m not ready to sell it.”

  “Rent it out. I’ll help you screen candidates.”

  “You have all the answers—don’t you?”

  “The only answer I don’t have is the yes from you.” He pointed out.

  “Then I guess I have to say yes!”

  Walking into the house Charlie nearly attacked Holly. He jumped into her arms and when she set him down he kept weaving in and out of her legs. “You missed me didn’t you Charlie?”

  Brock came up behind Holly pulling her into a hug and spoke into her ear, “No more than I did.”

  Supper with Brock’s parents went well—they adored Holly, which is exactly what Brock thought would happen. On the drive home, Holly told Brock that she needed to stop by her house to pick up some clothes for the next day. “I packed a bag for you when you were in the shower this morning. It’s waiting for you in the bedroom.”

  With a shocked look on her face, “You were pretty confident that I would say yes—weren’t you?”

  “No, it’s only enough for tomorrow—it’s not like I packed your whole closet or anything.”


  Brock woke Monday morning to find that Holly had already showered and fixed breakfast. He wasn’t surprised, but he wished that she had woken him so that he could have held her for a while before getting up. This whole ‘living together’ experience was all new to him. First of all he never let anyone sleep over as he hated the awkwardness that the morning brought with it, and secondly he never wanted anyone to live with him before Holly came along. He felt a sense of completeness when it came to her. Like a kindred spirit of sorts. When he wasn’t with her, he was thinking about her and trying to hold onto the memory of her scent, how she felt in his arms, the way she was so passionate when they made love. She completed him—plain and simple.

  “Hey? Are you getting up today?”

  Brock didn’t realize that Holly had even entered the room, “Yeah, sorry guess I was daydreaming a bit.”

  “Really? About what?”

  “Not about what, about whom?”

  “All right, then whom were you daydreaming about?”

  “Come back to bed and I’ll show you.” He said as he pulled the covers back in an invitation.

  “Can’t—we need to get moving. The arraignment is at nine this morning and I want to be there.”

  Brock quickly showered, dressed, and grabbed what he could take along to eat on the ride into work. “I think we need to tell Captain Lewiston about us.” He suggested.

  “What do you think will happen?”

  “I don’t know. He may reassign us, but whatever the outcome, I think we need to tell him.”

  Brock stopped at the break room and grabbed a cup of coffee before he and Holly knocked on the captain’s door. “Enter.”

  Brock greeted him, “Good morning Cap.”

  “Detective Cavanaugh—Detective McClellan. Are you here to discuss the arraignment?”

  “No sir, it is more of a personal nature.”

  “Personal huh? Okay, what is it then?”

  “Captain, I wanted to let you know that Detective Cavanaugh—Holly and I, well, we are pursuing a personal relationship.”

  “Making it official then are you?”

  “Excuse me sir?”

  “Detective McClellan, I wasn’t born yesterday. I could see the sparks and all the tension that hung around you two like a thick fog since I paired you up. I didn’t say anything because I wanted to see if you both could work through it and to see how effective you would be on this case. I have to say that early on, I didn’t think it was going to work at all, but I am happy to see that you have not only captured the serial rapist, but you have all the makings of a great team.”

  Brock and Holly glanced at one another in shock. “Thank you Captain.”

  “Don’t go thanking me yet. If I see that it starts to become a problem, I will split you two up, and if I have to send one of you to another precinct, I will. Now if there isn’t anything further, I expect you two to attend that arraignment. The prosecuting attorney is Jared Holt. He is fairly new in the DA’s office, but from what I hear he is ruthless. Now get out of here.”

  “Yes sir.” They said in unison.

  “Oh, one more thing.”

  “Yes sir?” Brock said.

  “Keep this relationship on your own time. Let me be clearer—I don’t want to see any PDAs here at the office. Do you understand me?”

  “Absolutely Captain.” They said in unison.

  When Brock and Holly entered the courtroom, the defendant was already seated with his attorney at the front of the courtroom. They made their way to the second row and sat down. The judge listened to the charges against the defendant and Attorney Holt’s recommendation to remand him into custody until DNA results came back with no bail. The defense attorney stood and pleaded his client’s case, stating that the subpoena to discover scratch marks on his client’s body was unfounded, and that he had no priors up to these current charges. He requested that the judge grant bail stating that his client was not a flight risk as he had family locally.

  After consideration, the judge sided with the defense attorney and set bail at $50,000.00 and ordered the defendant to not leave town. The defendant rose, stared directly at Holly and grinned, mouthing the words, “See you soon peaches.”

  Brock jumped off the bench with the intent of attacking him when Holly grabbed his arm and held him back with all her strength. “I’ll kill him—let me go.” He growled.

  “No, he is provoking you. This is the reaction he wants. Don’t let him win.” Holly said putting her hand on his chest.

  “That son of a bitch touches you, and I swear to God—he’s dead.”

  “I handled myself just fine once already and I will do it again if I need to.”

  “He’ll be ready for you next time—being prepared won’t be enough. He knows what he is up against now, and since you took him down, he’s going to make this personal.”

  He followed the prosecutor out of the courtroom and grabbed his arm. “How the fuck did that just happen? I thought you were supposed to be tough—I sure as hell didn’t see that today.”

  “Calm down detective—as soon as the DNA results can confirm he is our man, he will be behind bars the rest of his life.”

  “Don’t fucking tell me to calm down, he didn’t attack anyone close to you. Did you see what he did when he stood up just now? He is coming after Detective Cavanaugh—I can guarantee it.”

  “I can talk to the judge and get a restraining order if you would like.”

  “You might as well wipe your ass with a restraining order. I know how those damn things work.”

  “It’s only going to be a day or two at the most. As soon as the results come back, you’ll be the first to know.” Attorney Holt pointed out.

  “I’ll be fine detective. I told you—I can defend myself.” Holly interjected.

  Brock looked at Attorney Holt with rage in his eyes, “If he comes near her or touches just one hair on her, he will never have his day in court because he will be a dead man.”

  “I wouldn’t be making those declarations in public if I was you Detective.”

  “Do you think I really care?” Brock looked towards Holly, “I will be your second skin until we get those results back and that son of a bitch back where he belongs—behind bars. You won’t go anywhere without me. Do you understand?”

  “I don’t appreciate this possessive caveman attitude you’re displaying.” Holly said as she stomped off down the hallway and got into the elevator.

  Brock ran after her just missing the door as it closed s
o he hit the stairs at a run. When the elevator door opened, he was standing there waiting for her. “Don’t do that again.”

  “What I said didn’t sink in I see.” Holly said angrily.

  “Damn it Holly—this isn’t a joke.”

  “No, it’s not. I understand that. I also understand that you feel a need to protect me, but I can and will defend myself, if and when I need to.”

  Brock reached for Holly’s hand and pulled her aside for privacy. “I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to come across like that, but I just don’t want anything to happen to you—I can’t let anything happen to you. I wouldn’t be able to handle losing another partner.”

  “Partner? That’s all I am to you?”

  “NO! You know what I meant. Holly, you are more than my partner—I am in love with you. I want to marry you.”

  Holly stared at him not knowing if her ears were working properly or not. “Did you hear me Holly?”

  “I don’t know. Was there a question somewhere in there?” She asked.

  “Shit Holly—this isn’t at all how I rehearsed this in my head. I wanted to get your dad’s approval this weekend and then surprise you next week.”

  “You were? That’s why you wanted to meet my parents?”

  “Yes, that and the fact that I really wanted to meet them to thank them for raising such a strong, amazing, beautiful, woman.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes. So what do you say?”

  “Oh, no you don’t. First of all, I didn’t hear a proper question and secondly my dad would be extremely hurt if you didn’t get his approval first.”

  “Does that mean you will say yes then when the time comes?”

  “I guess you will have to wait and see.”

  “Damn it Holly.”

  She grinned at him as she placed her hand in his, “I think we had better get back to the precinct and see what our next case is.”

  Captain Lewiston met them outside of his office and motioned them in. “I hear court didn’t go the way we had hoped it would.”

  “That’s an understatement sir.” Brock responded.


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