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Cinder & the Prince of Midnight

Page 16

by Susan Ee

  The prince looked very handsome in his finery. Gold threads shone on his chest, and his silk collar looked clean and bright.

  Escape into a new life with her handsome prince? Why not? A new life and new adventures awaited them. They could face it together.

  Cinder nodded with a happy smile.

  “Yes, my prince. Yes!”

  She laughed as he lifted her up in his arms and swung her in a circle.

  When he put her down, she said, “But first, we need to find my friend Silver and take her with us.”

  “I must lead you through the forest and come back to Lalyn as soon as I can,” said the troll. “So do what you must but be quick about it.”

  Cinder left Dante with the troll so that she wouldn’t give away Silver’s hiding spot in the woods. Cinder raced through the trees, hoping she didn’t miss Silver. She preferred not to be out in town if she could help it. Who knew what might happen once she left the woods?

  Silver was gathering her cache of weapons to leave when Cinder found her.

  “You’re alive, then,” said Silver as she slung her bow over her shoulder.

  “Silver, we’re leaving. Me and…” Cinder had to smile because she couldn’t believe what she was saying. “And one of the princes.”

  Silver’s brows shot up. “Really? And where might you and your princeling go?”

  Cinder took a deep breath. “Everness.”

  Silver’s expression shifted just a touch—still stoic, but cautious, as if she knew something that others didn’t. Not belief, but not disbelief either.

  “It’s a long story,” said Cinder. “We have to go now. I’ll tell you all about it along the way.”

  “You’re sure this is what you want to do?”

  “If there’s a shot at freedom and happiness, we have to take it. Let’s go.”

  “My path lies a different way.”

  “What? You want to stay here? In this horrible place full of monsters? Selling flowers to people who hunt villagers and be ruled by a twisted maniac of a king?”

  Silver smiled a little. “Well, when you put it that way, it does sound foolish, doesn’t it?”

  She embraced Cinder in a big hug.

  “My life is committed to a cause, child. And that cause is greater than my desire for comforts.”

  Cinder held Silver’s hands. “You can’t rescue enough people to make a difference. The hunt will continue.”

  “I’m not talking about the hunt. I’m talking about the war.”

  “Silver, the Wild Wars are over. They’ve been over for most of my life.”

  “I’m not talking about the wars of the past. I’m talking about the war that’s going on right now. Not with armies and swords, but with the darkness that’s creeping in.” Silver looked around the woods. “It’s speeding up now, I think. The kingdom needs old soldiers like me now more than ever.”

  Silver squeezed Cinder’s hands before letting go.

  “Go child. Be free. And may you live happily ever after.”

  Cinder, stunned, watched Silver as she gathered her weapons and walked away.


  The silver-haired woman raised her hand in farewell and continued on her way.

  Chapter 43

  Cinder and the prince of Midnight followed the troll deep into the woods as the sun rose. And that was how Cinder and Dante finally became free of the dark kingdom.

  Some say the troll misled them and took them to the land of fairy. The story goes that after many trials and adventures, they became the rulers of that fantastic land.

  Others say the troll had told the truth and truly did lead the couple to Everness, the land of sunshine and happiness. The royal family of Everness welcomed them as permanent guests in their castle, and they became the best of friends.

  Regardless of which tale people believed, no one doubted that Cinder and her prince lived happily ever after. How could they not? Anything compared to the dark kingdom must be happily ever after. That was especially true once the black shadow crept over the kingdom after the fairy became the queen.

  They say that to this day, King Gallant searches for the true lady he was meant to marry. That he’s convinced she was stolen by his brother into the land of fairy. He can be seen wandering through the woods, far away from his frightful queen and even more frightening children.

  They say that every full moon, King Gallant can be heard in the forest, calling out for his beautiful girl with the glass slipper.


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  Midnight Tales novels - fairy tales, Susan EE style:

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  Cinder & the Prince of Midnight

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  Penryn & the End of Days series - world-wide bestselling series. Post-apocalyptic adventure with angels and fallen:

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  Angelfall (book 1)

  World After (book 2)

  End of Days (book 3)

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  Don’t miss a new story from Susan EE!

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