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Dragonblood: Book 2 of the Coiling Dragon Saga

Page 32

by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi

  “Yes, I am.” Linley nodded.

  Previously, when he had been kidnapped by those experts from the Cult of Shadows, it was the Deputy Arbiter of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal as well as an Ascetic and several Executors who had scared the opponents away. Only then had he been able to return to the City of Fenlai.

  “Within our Radiant Church, there have been many people obsessed with magic or fighting skills who have enlisted within the ranks of the Ascetics. Put another way, neither the Knights of the Radiant Temple, nor the Ecclesiastical Tribunal, have as many experts amongst their ranks as the Ascetics do.”

  Guillermo beamed as he patted Linley on the shoulders. “What I am about to tell you is that you have the chance to become the disciple of a legendary Ascetic.”

  “A legendary Ascetic?” Linley frowned.

  Guillermo smiled faintly. “This legendary Ascetic is considered to be at the highest levels, even amongst the Ascetics. He also possesses an extremely high status within our Radiant Church. As for his power, even if we look at the Yulan continent as a whole, there are perhaps only those three freaks of nature who can surpass him in power.”

  “Three freaks of nature?” Linley instantly grew curious. “Lord Guillermo, who are these three freaks of nature that you speak of?”

  While chatting, the two of them walked back to the main hall.

  Guillermo didn’t reply right away. He glanced at the Vicar next to him, and the Vicar instantly escorted everyone present away, then obediently stepped out himself, closing the door.

  In the entire main hall, only Linley, Guillermo, and Bebe were now present.

  “Linley, in the future, it’s possible that you will meet with these people, so it isn’t a big deal if I tell you about them now,” Guillermo said, putting on a mysterious air.

  Linley looked at Guillermo curiously.

  Guillermo sighed. “Here in the Yulan continent, there are three individuals who have surpassed the existence of the Saint-level combatants. The three ‘freaks of nature’ I talked about, are precisely those three freaks.”

  “Those who ascended past the level of Saints? That would make them Gods?” Linley was shocked.

  “Right. You can refer to them as Gods.” Guillermo nodded.

  Linley immediately perked up his ears to listen closely.

  Guillermo slowly said, “Across the entirety of the Yulan continent, there are only three such freaks. The first freak is the ‘High Priest of the Living Temple’ of the Yulan Empire. Many people simply refer to him as the ‘High Priest’. I, at least, have no idea how old the High Priest is. He has been alive for simply too long.”

  Linley nodded.

  “This second freak has been alive an extremely long time. He is the true ruler of the third most dangerous place in the Yulan continent, the Forest of Darkness. This freak is supposedly a magical beast in nature, but he has already reached the level of being able to transform into a human. Linley, you should already know that when a magical beast reaches the Saint level, he can transform his body enough to speak in human tongues, but is not able to transform into a human form. You can imagine for yourself how terrifying a magical beast who can transform into a human must be.”

  Linley nodded slightly.

  He had previously heard Doehring Cowart speak of these two individuals. Even back when Doehring Cowart was alive, these two had been invincible presences.

  “And the third person?” Linley asked.

  Guillermo sighed. “This third person is also someone who I revere greatly. He was the founding Emperor of the O’Brien Empire, the most militarily powerful empire in the Yulan continent. People call him the ‘War God O’Brien’.”

  “O’Brien?” Linley memorized this name.

  Given that the O’Brien Empire was named after this person, one could imagine how amazing he was.

  “Five thousand years ago, the War God quickly rose to prominence, defeating one Saint-level combatant after another. In that era, there were many super-combatants, such as the Four Supreme Warriors, who appeared during that time period.” Guillermo smiled at Linley.

  Linley thought back to his own ancestor, Baruch.

  The first leader of the Baruch clan had appeared almost exactly five thousand years ago as well.

  “Back then, the Four Supreme Warriors were extremely powerful, but their brilliance was totally eclipsed by the War God. The War God defeated one powerful Saint-level combatant after another, and in the end, even engaged in a great battle with the High Priest, in the air above the Yulan River. During the course of their battle, the shockwaves alone killed over ten thousand people. In the end, both the O’Brien Empire and the Yulan Empire gave up a large amount of territory, allowing it to form into three independent kingdoms which served as buffer zones between these two great Empires.” Guillermo sighed emotionally.

  “Linley, in the minds of many, the High Priest is the most powerful human alive. But the War God was actually able to fight to a stalemate with the High Priest. But how few years had the War God been alive for? This is why so many people are in awe of him. Who knows what level of power the War God is now at, after five thousand years of training.” Guillermo sighed with praise.

  Linley secretly nodded as well.

  “This War God. He fought the High Priest to a stalemate?” Doehring Cowart’s voice rang out in Linley’s mind. “How is that possible?”

  Back in Doehring Cowart’s era, the High Priest’s brilliance eclipsed everyone in the world.

  In Doehring Cowart’s heart, the High Priest was invincible and undefeatable.

  “Grandpa Doehring, every era will see super-combatants emerge. If you, Grandpa Doehring, hadn’t died back then and had continued to train, perhaps one day you would’ve also broken past the Saint level and become an expert on the same level as the High Priest,” Linley mentally said.

  Doehring Cowart let out a low sigh and no longer spoke.

  “Enough talk about those three freaks. The person I am about to have you meet is only inferior to those three. If you can become his disciple, it will be of great benefit to you as you attempt to increase your power in magic,” Guillermo said.

  Linley laughed inside.

  As far as someone who was only inferior to those three freaks… wasn’t his own Grandpa Doehring someone who was at the peak of the Saint level?

  “What is the name of this Ascetic?” Linley asked.

  “His name is… Fallen Leaf.”

  Within one of the slums of Fenlai City.

  Only now did Linley realize that within Fenlai City, one of the largest, most prosperous cities in the Yulan continent, there was such an impoverished, desolate place. It was far worse off than even his own hometown of Wushan.

  At this moment, Linley and Guillermo were walking shoulder-to-shoulder within a foul, dirty alley.

  “Lord Guillermo, the Lord Fallen Leaf that you spoke of lives here?” Linley couldn’t believe it.

  “Right.” Guillermo nodded. “Linley, remember, this Lord Fallen Leaf detests those nobles who think themselves better than others. Thus, you must be modest and courteous, even towards these poor people.”

  Linley glanced at the poor people lining the streets.

  Not too far away, he saw a seven- or eight-year-old child, malnourished to the point of being skin and bones, who wore a foul, oily black rag as his clothes. This child was staring at Linley with fear in his eyes.

  Due to his skinniness, his sunken eyes seemed particularly large.

  Those innocent eyes made Linley’s heart tremble.

  Linley didn’t do anything, just continued to walk forward alongside Guillermo. On the road, Linley saw one poor child after another. None of them wore any proper clothes, and all of them were extremely poor.

  “Here we are,” Guillermo suddenly said.

  Linley couldn’t help but turn his head to look.

  They were standing in front of a casually erected metal frame-like dwelling. An old man who looked like a beggar sat in the midd
le of the building. The old man was so skinny that it made one’s heart quiver, and all the skin on his body was sagging down. His hands were like the claws of a chicken, only skin and bone.

  This old fellow was looking at Linley with curiosity.

  “Lord Fallen Leaf,” Guillermo said respectfully.

  “He really is Lord Fallen Leaf?” Linley wasn’t sure in his heart, but seeing Guillermo behave in such a manner, he was forced to believe it.

  But could this old man in front of him, who looked like a beggar that could be blown down by a good gust of wind, really be the high Saint-level combatant, Lord ‘Fallen Leaf’?

  “Guillermo, this is the one you mentioned to me, the so-called kid with talent?” The old beggar asked.

  “Yes, Lord Fallen Leaf,” Guillermo said respectfully.

  “Grandpa Fallen Leaf, Grandpa Fallen Leaf, quick, help save my mother. She was beaten and injured by someone!” A youthful voice rang out, then a girl came running in, carrying her skinny mother on her back.

  The old beggar immediately turned around and stretched his right hand out.

  Surrounded by a holy light, that heavily wounded woman began to heal at an astonishing speed.

  The old beggar turned back to look at Linley. “I will only teach those with kind hearts and pure souls. But you… your heart is filled with an excessive desire to kill. I will not teach you.”

  Guillermo couldn’t help but be astonished by these words.

  “An excessive desire to kill?” A hint of a smile appeared on Linley’s face.

  The need to seek vengeance on behalf of his parents had caused unspeakable pain and torment to Linley. Every minute, he desired to kill Patterson, but he continued to force himself to be calm and to not be rash. But this sort of constant self-repression did indeed cause Linley’s killing urge to only grow greater and greater.

  “Then, Lord Fallen Leaf, I take my leave.” Linley bowed slightly, then turned and left.

  The old beggar had originally wanted to say a few extra words. Upon seeing Linley turn and leave so cleanly and bluntly, he couldn’t help but be startled. But then, a hint of a smile appeared on his face.


  The Engagement

  “Lord Fallen Leaf.” Seeing how impolite Linley had been, Guillermo hurriedly apologized, “Lord Fallen Leaf, this Linley is only seventeen years old this year. Lord Fallen Leaf, please forgive his discourtesy.”

  Guillermo knew very well what a great amount of influence this Fallen Leaf had within the Radiant Church. This Lord Fallen Leaf could be considered the spiritual leader of the entire Ascetic branch. Even the Holy Emperor himself didn’t have the ability to force him to go against his own will.

  Using his skinny, chicken-claw like right hand, Fallen Leaf stroked his straggly beard. With curiosity, he watched Linley’s departing back. “Discourtesy? No, no. He wasn’t exactly discourteous. It can only be said that this kid acts very firmly and unwaveringly.”

  Guillermo was startled.

  He didn’t expect that this Lord Fallen Leaf, who initially had a poor impression of Linley, would now praise him.

  “Guillermo.” Fallen Leaf looked at Guillermo.

  “Lord Fallen Leaf, I await your instructions,” Guillermo said respectfully.

  Smiling, Fallen Leaf said, “This Linley’s heart is filled with murderous intent, and he is firm and unwavering. I think a person like him will never hesitate in his actions, whether it be in killing or in anything else. A person like this is very much suited to be the sharp sword of the Radiant Church.”

  Guillermo understood what Fallen Leaf meant.

  Although the Radiant Church urged people to follow their better natures, towards the followers of other religions, the Radiant Church was ruthless and merciless. Naturally, this would require ruthless and merciless people. This was why the Ecclesiastical Tribunal of the Church was originally formed.

  “Perhaps in the future, this kid, Linley, will become the new Praetor of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal,” Fallen Leaf said softly.

  Guillermo couldn’t help but turn to look at Linley’s departing back.

  Become the Praetor of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal?

  Guillermo knew very well that the Praetor of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal could be considered the second highest ranking person within the Radiant Church. In fact, from some standpoints, it could be considered that the position of the Praetor of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal was on par with that of the Holy Emperor.

  The Holy Emperor was, on the surface, the leader of the Radiant Church who wielded the most power.

  But the Praetor of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal was the dark underside of the Radiant Church, the leader of the most powerful military force within the Church!

  “Lord Fallen Leaf, are you willing to guide him?” Guillermo suddenly asked.

  But Fallen Leaf still shook his head.

  “Why?” Guillermo was confused. Since Fallen Leaf appreciated Linley, why wasn’t he willing to train him?

  Fallen Leaf shook his head. “My training methods are not suited for him. My way requires a pure heart, and is suited for someone whose heart faces the light. But as for him… the path he walks is the path of slaughter.”

  Guillermo nodded.

  “Guillermo, there’s no need for you to find another master for him. A truly powerful person will rely on himself to find a path most suitable for himself. The teachings of others are, after all, based on their own ways.”

  Fallen Leaf looked at Guillermo. “You are an Arch Magus of the ninth rank. Why, then, have I never instructed you? It’s precisely because of this reason. Even if I tell you about what I have comprehended and my insights, you still will not succeed, because only after countless personal experiences will your soul transform, allowing you to comprehend deeper levels of mysteries. Only then will you succeed.”

  “Remember. Rely on yourself.” Fallen Leaf smiled.

  Guillermo nodded.

  He hadn’t yet entered the Saint level, so there was no way for him to comprehend what the difference between the Saint level and the ninth rank was. Although at times, he wondered if Fallen Leaf was intentionally withholding valuable guidance from him, upon seeing Fallen Leaf’s sincere gaze and hearing his sincere voice, he believed him.

  “Perhaps I really do have to rely on myself.”

  Guillermo had been held at the ninth rank as a magus for a long time, now. He deeply desired to make a breakthrough.

  After all, between the ninth rank and the Saint level, the difference between the two was like that of the heavens and the earth.

  Within Linley’s manor. The Hot Springs Garden.

  Next to the hot springs pool, Linley was quietly seated in the meditative trance.

  “Shudder, shudder.” Linley’s entire body was constantly emitting strange noises, as his bones and muscles continuously shuddered. Beads of sweat constantly flowed down his body.

  Training in accordance with the Secret Dragonblood Manual was ten times more effective than using ordinary battle-qi training methods.

  But this was only natural. After all, the requirements for one to be able to use the Secret Dragonblood Manual were also extremely intense.

  “Why is training for humans so difficult? You even require all sorts of secret manuals that require different body types.” Lying next to Linley, Bebe’s little head turned to look at Linley, his mind full of questions.

  He was a magical beast, and his training was very simple. He would directly absorb darkness-style elemental essence from the outside world, drawing it into his body and into his magicite core.

  There weren’t any secrets. It was just a very natural absorption process.

  Linley continued to live this sort of quiet life, spending most of his time each day in training.

  Using several high-quality training methods at the same time, he pushed his body’s capacity for punishment to the maximum.

  In the blink of an eye, over ten days passed.

r />   Wielding the Bloodviolet Godsword in his hands, Linley tested out one attack after another.

  Which angle allowed the sword to strike out the fastest?

  How to control the vibrations of Bloodviolet to reduce the hindrance of the natural air friction, and to make his sword move faster?

  Time and time again, he painstakingly trained in striking with his sword.

  Each time Linley made his move, a brilliant violet flash would appear.

  The speed of these blows was enough to make one’s heart quail.

  But Linley was still not satisfied. He constantly pursued improvement, perfection. Using his understanding of wind elemental essence which was granted to him by his wind magic, he trained hard to make Bloodviolet move even quicker and more fluidly.

  “Milord!” A voice called out from outside the Hot Springs Garden.

  Linley paused. With a movement of his hand, the Bloodviolet Godsword in his hand disappeared. Nobody could notice that this Bloodviolet sword had wrapped around Linley’s waist now.

  Even if a normal person paid attention to his belt, they would only think it to be a purple belt.

  “Enter.” Only now did Linley speak.

  Instantly, a beautiful maid came running in at high speed. A look of worship on her face, she looked at Linley, and then immediately lowered her head and said respectfully, “Milord, the Debs clan has sent someone over with an invitation card.” As she spoke, she offered the invitation card to Linley.

  Linley looked at the invitation card.

  The invitation card was red in color, while the trimmings were golden. The words ‘invitation card’ were written on top in bright, bold characters.

  “Invitation card?”

  Linley accepted the invitation card, and then opened it. Indeed, the contents of the card were exactly what he had thought it would be.

  “On June 18th, Kalan, Rowling, and Alice will carry out their engagement ceremony. Who is this Rowling?” Staring at the invitation card, Linley frowned.

  “You can leave now,” Linley said calmly.


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