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Page 2

by Davis, Siobhan

  Faye and I share a grin. “Lana, no one could ever accuse you of being a bitch,” Faye loyally supplies.

  I listen to their conversation as I step into the walk-in closet to hang up both dresses.

  “Tons of people think I’m a bitch because of what I did to Kal.” Lana is quick to correct her. “But I’ve learned to live with it. Kal has forgiven me, and so has his family and mine, and that’s all I care about.”

  “I’m glad you’ve been able to put it behind you,” I supply, walking out of the closet. “I know it can’t have been easy. The media attention I garnered after all that stuff came out about my brother was intense, and it felt like I was living in a pressure cooker for a while, but at least it died down. I don’t know how you cope with it constantly being brought up.”

  She shrugs as she removes her underwear and pulls on her bikini. “I hate it, but it’s not ever going away, so I made a decision to just accept it. It only stresses me out if I let it, and I choose not to.”

  Faye pulls Lana into an unexpected hug. “I’m so proud you’re my friend and soon to be my sister-in-law. And not just for birthing the most amazing little human to grace the planet.” Tears twinkle in Faye’s eyes. “I’m proud of how you’ve dealt with all the media attention and so proud of your writing career. Having your first book hit the number one New York Times bestseller list is an amazing achievement.”

  “You’ve certainly set the bar high, Lana.” I smile at her as I adjust my bikini in the mirror.

  “You are snapping at my heels just as fast.” She slicks some eight-hour cream over her lips.

  “Have you started looking at properties in New York yet?” Faye asks as we leave the room and head to the beach to join Hewson and the guys.

  I shake my head, adjusting the hat on my head. It’s fucking roasting today, and the sun beats down on my pale Irish skin, heating it upon contact. “We’re going to start looking when we return from Ireland.” Brad and I are staying here for a week and a half after the wedding, with the rest of the gang, and then we’re spending two weeks at home. We’ll be staying with my dad, because I’m still not talking to Mum.

  “I can’t believe you guys are moving to New York after we graduate. We’ll miss you so much.” Faye’s tone matches her sad expression.

  We will miss them too. We spend so much time with Faye and Kyler, both individually and as couples, and I’d be lying if I claimed it wasn’t a wrench moving away. But the job offer from Miranda Fanning is too brilliant an opportunity to pass up.

  While my little side business is booming, and, to be honest, it’s getting too much to manage around college, the chance to learn from one of the best in the business is almost too good to be true. I’ve no doubt the glowing reference Alex Kennedy supplied helped enormously, but Miranda seemed genuinely impressed with my designs and the way my business is scaling fast, and I’d like to think it’s my talent that landed me one of the most sought-after jobs and not my connections to the ex-CEO of Kennedy Apparel.

  “We’ll miss you guys too, but New York isn’t that far away.” I try to reassure my best friend.

  “And you’ll be traveling the first year too,” Lana adds.

  “True, and I can’t wait to go to Australia,” Faye admits, opening the gate which leads down to the beach. “It’s exciting to be only a year away from graduating, and I’m really looking forward to traveling, but I don’t want any of us to lose touch. You all mean so much to me.”

  Her eyes tear up again, and I look at her funny. Faye is naturally emotional, but she seems even more emotional than usual.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asks, noticing my attention. “Do I have something on my face?” She rubs at her cheeks.

  “Are you pregnant?” I blurt.

  “What? No!” She shakes her head profusely. “Not that I’d be unhappy if it happened without planning, but I’m definitely not. I just finished my period yesterday.”

  “Ah, that’s it. I was wondering why you were so teary.”

  “It’s the wedding, and being here with everyone, and, yeah, probably a little to do with my hormones.” She links her arm through mine. “I just love spending time with family and friends. It reminds me how lucky I am that I’ve managed to find this much joy in my life after losing my parents.”

  “I know what you mean,” Lana agrees. “I loved growing up with the Kennedys, and when I was cut off, I felt so lonely even though my parents are fantastic. There’s just something special when we’re all together.”

  “Stop it, you guys.” I nudge both of them. “You’ll have me tearing up too, and I’ve a rep to maintain.”

  “Mommy!” Hewson’s cute little voice rings out, bringing us out of our nostalgic moment. The little guy is barreling toward us as fast as his chubby legs will carry him, and it’s a total cuteness overload.

  Lana bends down, opening her arms, and he throws himself at her, instantly wrapping his legs around her waist. “Up,” he demands, and Faye and I grin.

  That little dude has every single adult wrapped around his finger. I can only imagine the women falling at his feet when he’s older. He’s definitely inherited the legendary Kennedy charm.

  “C’mere, Red,” Brad says, patting his lap. “I missed you.”

  I drop my bag on the sand and settle into his lap on the lounger. Kal runs off to join Lana and Hewson as they head a bit farther down the beach, sinking onto the sand to finish building a sandcastle. Faye naturally curls up in Ky’s arms, and I share a knowing smile with my bestie. I thought they said sex gets boring after marriage, but if the sounds we heard from outside last night are any indication, that’s bullshit. Those two are the most touchy-feely couple I’ve ever met, and they seriously can’t get enough of one another. It’s lovely to see, and I’m so happy for my best friend.

  “Did you miss me?” Brad murmurs, nuzzling his nose into my neck.

  “Honey, I was inside for an hour.”

  “I still missed you.” He pouts, and I shake my head.

  “What am I going to do with you?”

  “I can think of plenty of things.” His eyes darken, and he licks his delectable lips while grabbing hold of my ass and squeezing.

  “Ahem.” Ky clears his throat. “Do you mind not groping your girl in public. It’s turning my stomach.”

  Brad flips Ky the bird. “Listening to you fuck your wife right outside our bedroom window last night turned my stomach, so suck it up.”

  I punch Brad in the gut as Faye’s mouth hangs open. “Dickhead! We agreed we weren’t going to mention that!”

  Faye glares at Ky. “I told you we shouldn’t have done that outside.”

  Ky wraps his arms around his wife, kissing her temple. “Don’t mind McConaughey. Him and Rach are well acquainted with fucking outdoors in Nantucket.” His tone is smug in the extreme.

  “Asshole.” Brad flips him the bird again. “I told you that in confidence.”

  I punch Brad in the stomach again, and he reaches up, grabbing hold of my wrists. “How many times do I have to tell you. No hitting, Red. It’s not very ladylike.”

  I lean down and lick his mouth. “And how many times do I have to tell you I’m no lady.”

  Brad groans as I reposition myself on his lap so I’m straddling his hips. I feel him harden underneath me, and a surge of pride fills my chest. I love the power I have over him. How easily he gets aroused by me. And I’m the exact same. Sometimes, just one look from Brad is enough to drench my knickers.

  “Eh, guys. Hewson’s on his way over,” Faye warns, and I swing my legs around and stand.

  “Thanks for the heads-up.” Brad stands, taking my hand as a naughty look washes over his face. “We’re going for a swim.”

  “Wait!” I shout, trying to stop him as he hauls me across the hot sand. “I only just applied sun cream!”


  “So, I don’t want to get wet yet.”

  Brad hauls me against his hot body. “Are you telling me if I slide my hand into your bikini bottoms that I won’t find you fucking soaked for me?”

  A rush of heat floods my core, and I narrow my eyes at him. “I am now. Dickhead.”

  He laughs. “Less of the dickhead, please.”

  I coined the nickname for him when I first met him because, well, he was a raging dickhead. But he’s the sweetest man ever now even if he still pushes my buttons to no end. But that man would literally walk over hot coals for me, and I can’t believe I got so lucky with him.

  “Brad.” I tug on his arm at the water’s edge, halting his forward trajectory.

  He hears the change in my tone, and his brow instantly creases. He pulls me into his arms. “What’s wrong?”

  I circle my arms around his neck. “Nothing, hon.” I press my lips to his in a tender kiss. “I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life. I love you.”

  “Sweetheart.” He winds his hands in my hair, kissing me more deeply. “I’m the lucky one. There’s no doubt about it. And I love you to the fucking moon and back despite what I’m about to do to you.”

  “What?” I splutter.

  “Don’t be mad!” he yells, grabbing my legs and flinging me over his shoulder.

  He races into the water like a madman, as if he’s participating in a triathlon and he’s got a time to beat. Water sprays up around us, sprinkling my legs, and I shriek as I pound my fists into his back in mock fury. Even though the water is warm this time of year, it’s still a shock to the system, but that doesn’t stop Brad McConaughey.

  I gasp as he fully submerges both of us in the water in one fast dunking, clinging to him as he slides me down his body. I wrap my legs around his waist, and my arms go around his neck, as I mentally conjure up ways to get him back. He jumps up, breaching the surface, and I slap his shoulders, shrieking and cursing him out.

  “You know your potty mouth turns me the fuck on,” he says, in between bouts of laughter. He flexes his hips, drilling his hard-on into my pussy, and my core throbs with need. “You’re so sexy when you’re angry.”

  “Is that why you annoy the crap out of me so much?” I ask, pushing wet strands of hair out of my face and my eyes.

  “It’s called foreplay, Red.” His hands slip into the back of my bikini bottoms as he walks us out farther into the sea.

  “Only if you’re sick and twisted,” I joke.

  “We’re not sick and twisted.” His expression turns more serious. “We’re in love, and hot for one another, and I hope it never ends.”

  I wrap my legs more tightly around his waist, panting as he trails his fingers across my bare ass.

  “Me too,” I whisper. “I can’t ever see myself with anyone else. I don’t want to ever be with anyone else.”

  “Rach.” He peers into my eyes, and I almost drown in the hypnotic depths of his gorgeous blue eyes.

  “Yeah?” I drag my fingers through his blond hair, staring deep into his eyes, thrilled to find so much love shining back at me.

  “You know I want to marry you one day, right?”

  I shrug, a little shyly, which is most uncharacteristic of me, but this isn’t something we’ve ever discussed so bluntly before. I used to think I’d never get married, but all that changed when I met Brad, and now that my friends are starting to get engaged and married, it’s been on my mind, on rare occasions.

  “Baby.” He sets my feet on the seabed, holding me at the waist. He tilts my face up so he’s staring right at me. “I love you, and I want to marry you and start a family, and the only reason I haven’t proposed yet is because I want to be worthy of you when I do. I want to have a career and the means to take care of you and our kids.”

  I open my mouth to protest, but he quiets me with a carefully placed finger to my lips. “Don’t, baby. Please, don’t say it. I know you have enough money, and I understand you don’t care about who owns the cash once we can provide for ourselves, but this is important to me. I was brought up believing the man was the provider, and I want to be that for you.”

  “Brad.” I can hardly speak over the lump in my throat. “You provide for me in all the ways that count, but if this is important to you, then I won’t argue.” I cup his handsome face. “I want you to know I would love to marry you someday, but I’m in no rush. I love the life we share, and I’m going nowhere. I’m with you, every step of the way, no matter where life takes us.”

  His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat, and his hands tighten on my hips. “Red.” He presses his forehead to mine. “This is why you’re the one.”

  “You’re the one for me, too. The only one.” I kiss him softly. “I also want you to know that I don’t need a big flashy engagement ring or a big wedding. I’m not one of those girls who planned out her wedding as a little kid, and I’d abso-fucking-lutely hate a big wedding like Eva and Faye had. Don’t get me wrong, I loved both their weddings, but it’s not for me. What Kal and Lana are doing here is more my bag.”

  I kiss him again. “And I’m only telling you this so you don’t go putting massive pressure on yourself.” I gaze into his eyes, startled to find my eyes welling up. “I only need you to be there. Anyone else is a bonus but not necessary. You feel me?”

  “I feel you, Red.” His hands move to the front of my bikini bottoms this time. “I always feel you.” He nips at my ear as he eases two fingers inside me. “And now my cock wants to feel your pussy hugging him. You game?” His eyes glint with dark, hidden promise.

  “I like your devious mind,” I admit, jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist again, grateful we’re far enough out not to be seen.

  “I like your devious pussy,” he retorts, pumping his fingers in and out of me faster.

  “My pussy is not devious!” I protest, grinding my hips against his hand.

  “Your pussy holds an inordinate amount of power over me, and that makes it devious in my book!” He waggles his brows suggestively.

  “You’re crazy,” I say, laughing.

  Brad shoves my panties aside and pushes his swim shorts down a little, freeing his bobbing cock. “Crazy about you,” he whispers as he slams into me in one fast thrust. And those are the last words spoken in a while.

  Chapter Three


  “Do you know what this trip is really about?” I ask Kev as we’re seated across from one another on Dad’s plane. My wife and his fiancée are in the bathroom changing my daughter Milly’s diaper.

  “What do you mean?” Kev asks, with a frown.

  I roll my eyes. “You’re so fucking pussy-whipped you’ve turned soft.”

  “Says the pot to the kettle.” He arches a brow, challenging me to disagree.

  “If your boss discovers you’re losing your sharp instincts, he may rethink your promotion.”

  Kev, predictably, flips me the bird. “Don’t be an ass. I’m starting my field agent training a couple weeks after we return from Nantucket.” He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “And what the fuck are you talking about? It’s a family vacation. Like the countless other ones we’ve had.”

  “See.” I prod my finger in his rock-hard chest. “Soft.”

  “Excuse me, Kaden.” Cheryl pretends to pout as she drops into the seat beside her intended. “My Kev is a wall of solid, hard muscle. And I’m not just talking about the one in his pants.”

  Eva throws back her head laughing. “You won’t be able to get away with saying stuff like that once Milly grows vulnerable little ears.”

  I hold my arms out. “Hand the precious cargo over,” I demand, swooning when my daughter shoots me the biggest toothless smile.

  “Now, who’s soft,” Kev mumbles under his breath, and Cheryl nudges him in the ribs.

  “Do not criti
cize any man for staring adoringly at his daughter. I think it’s sweet.”

  Kent makes a gagging sound behind us. “I think you’re all soft in the head.” His gaze bounces between all of us. “I am never getting married.”

  “Because you’ll never find any girl brave enough to marry you,” Keaton jokes, earning him a filthy look from Kent.

  “I suppose I could just settle for the first girl who came along.” He drills a smug look at Keaton, and no one misses his pointed dig. Melissa’s cheeks turn red.

  “Kent,” I snap, jerking my head toward the back of the plane. “A word, please.”

  “Just drop it, Kade,” Keaton says, pulling his girlfriend into his side.

  “Kent.” I eyeball him, and he climbs out of his seat with a shit-eating grin on his face. Eva takes Milly from me, and I follow Kent into the bedroom, closing the door behind me.

  “What is your problem with Keaton and Melissa?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest.

  “Who says I have a problem with them other than the fact both of them are settling.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  He rolls his eyes. “I know more than you.”

  “So, enlighten me.” I send him a challenging stare, prepared to wait him out. It takes all of ten seconds for him to explode.

  “He barely touches her! What’s with that? And she’s only with him because I turned her down first.”

  That’s news to me. “When?”

  “At a party a couple weeks before she started dating Keaton.”

  “What happened?”

  “She was all over me, begging me to ‘make love’ to her.” He makes little air quotes with his fingers, and his tone is extremely scathing. “Said she’d been crushing on me since eighth grade.”

  “And you turned her down?” Because that’s virtually unknown from the stories I’ve heard.

  “Yeah, because inexperienced Mary Sue types have never interested me. And, I was semi-exclusive with this other chick at the time.”


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