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Return to Passion

Page 6

by Carla Buchanan

  The rhythm continued as he poured his soul into her. His head was buried in her neck and their bodies were melded together as if one being. He mumbled incoherently about how much he loved her and thought about her all these years they were apart.

  His words sparked something in her and she started to thrust her hips against his. She seemed to want this round of lovemaking to be rough and crude, but Remi was not complaining at all. He took the upward thrust of her hips as an invitation and began slamming into her vigorously.

  “I’m not hurting you, am I?” he panted between thrusts.

  “No. More. Please, Remington.”

  He gave Camille more of him. He flipped their positions with little effort. Their bodies never disconnected and before he knew it he had her straddling his hips, giving her more. The new position pushed him deeper into her wetness. His hands found her breasts and then trailed down her curvy sides until they settled on the flare of her hips. He held her there exulting in her tightness, her warmth, her scent, her beauty, her...everything.

  And then she started to move above him.

  This woman—this inexperienced woman—rode him like a lover possessed. Her hips swerved in figure-eight motions, her hands gripped his chest muscles, and her toes curled against his thighs. And the sounds... The sounds coming from her were like music to his ears. His eyes closed as he savored the feel of her on top of him, controlling him, loving him.

  His hips thrust up, nearly knocking her off him and making them both laugh through their lust. She held on and met each of his thrusts as if she was practiced at this. Finding the cheeks of her rear, Remi squeezed and separated them pushing him deeper until the tip of his erection grazed that soft, spongy part of her, igniting her excited release.

  Camille screamed out, throwing her head back as she chanted his name into the room around them. As she came, her walls milked him, until finally, he broke into a million tiny pieces, finding his own powerful release.

  It was so forceful that when it passed, he sat straight up and threw his arms around her to make sure this wasn’t some vivid dream.

  “Oh. My. Goodness!” Camille exclaimed. He could feel her sweat-slicked body and her rapid heart pounding in her chest. “That was... I don’t even know how to explain it since I haven’t had any experience, but this is one for the books...literally,” Camille declared and laughed at the double meaning of her words. He didn’t mind. It was flattering to know that she thought his performance worthy of her adoring fans.

  “You might have enough ideas for several books once I’m done with you,” Remi admitted, and then pulled her to him. He kissed her deeply and passionately until his semihard member grew inside her once again. “Turn over. I’m not done with you yet,” Remi whispered against her ear and she did as he requested.

  * * *

  Camille had no idea that real people could actually have that many orgasms in one night. She’d heard Anna mention her multiple orgasms, but always thought the woman was exaggerating.

  She wasn’t exaggerating.

  Camille was exhausted and muscles ached in her that she didn’t know existed. Her legs felt like jelly, her body was satiated and her smile was never-ending. She stretched and felt the hard body next to her stir from his slumber.

  “I thought you’d be long gone, but I’m happy you have no regrets.”

  “None at all.” Camille rose, taking the sheet with her. He protested the sudden departure of his covers as it left him naked. Camille padded across the room to the bathroom they’d christened sometime during the night. “I’m taking a bath if you’d like to join me,” Camille invited and Remi didn’t hesitate to join.

  Hours later, their bodies wrinkled from the tub, they both sat in Remi’s state-of-the-art chef’s kitchen. Camille tugged at the humongous lounge pants Remi had lent her and for the hundredth time, tried to keep her right breast from popping out the side of the men’s tank top undershirt she wore.

  “It’s time for breakfast,” Remi told her, nodding at the clock. “Scrambled eggs, no cheese...grits, bacon, hash browns and toast. Is that still your favorite breakfast?”

  “Not sure. I don’t think I’ve had grits since I lived here and I can’t remember the last time I had all those items on the same plate.”

  “Well then it will be my honor to make you a good old country breakfast. Oh, and your phone rang while you were drying your hair. Charlie, I think.”

  Camille had forgotten to call Charlie back last night. She was supposed to tell him how the meeting with her distributor had gone. At least he knew she’d been with Remi. She had not told him about the gift Remi had sent or the invitation to dinner, even though she’d intended to ask for her friend’s advice on all that. She guessed it was a little too late for that since...well, she’d already made her decision and where it all went from here was beyond her comprehension right now. She was enjoying a moment with a lost love and where that moment took them had yet to be discovered. She’d enjoy the ride until it was time to return to her real life back in New York because she had no delusions about this being anything more than sex, regardless of how many feelings and emotions were involved.

  After a meal that was even bigger than he’d promised, Camille was tired and ready to return to bed until she realized what day it was. It was Monday. People who didn’t write for a living had to actually arrive at an office, and she was holding up the man who ran the entire damn company.

  “Am I keeping you from work? I didn’t mean to. I can just— Oh, God...Daddy. I bet he’s worried sick!”

  “He’s not worried—at least not anymore. I called him this morning to let him know you were okay. He was worried a little since he hadn’t heard from you. I think Reese needs you more than he’s willing to admit.”

  Camille was so used to being on her own that she had a hard time remembering to check in with her father. “Dammit. I have to call him.”

  “He knew you’d say that and he said to tell you not to bother. He said he was going to have one of the church members take him over to the rec center to walk the track like the doctor prescribed. He told me not to let you come running home.”

  “Oh...well, I guess I’m all yours today.”

  Remi smiled at her words and came closer. He leaned in, planting the sweetest of kisses on her lips. “I like the sound of that. And I run the company so I can go in to work when I want,” Remi said responding to her earlier inquiry.

  She’d been so busy completing writing obligations yesterday that she’d forgotten her father had fired the nurse and no one was at home with him. She had to do better. She had not come back to Fairdell for Remington Krane and that would be obvious when she returned to her real life—in New York.

  “I need to go. I need to check on my father. I— Where’s my car?”

  “I had it taken back to the rental place here in town. You can go sign the paperwork later. And like I said, your father is fine.” The look on Remi’s face suggested there was something more to what he said, but she let it go. But she’d still call her father and check on him for her own peace of mind. “Granddad had a blockage and was back on his feet in a week,” Remi reassured her. “I’m sure your dad will rebound quickly.”

  “Well, at least I don’t have to do the walk of shame. I think it would’ve been ten times worse with my father home.”

  “Can you write from anywhere? I mean any city in the world?” he asked and she was surprised at the sudden change in subject matter.

  His question caught her off guard. She didn’t know what he was getting at and she didn’t ask. She gave the most precise answer she could muster. “Yes.”

  He nodded and then continued to clear the dishes from the small kitchen table. Her second offer to help was denied and so she sat at the table waiting for him to finish his task as a pensive expression overtook his features. He seemed to tuck away the t
hought for a later date. She looked at him for a moment to see if he might elaborate and when he didn’t, she got up and made her way to his room to retrieve her dress, shoes and bag.

  “I should head out,” she said when she returned to the kitchen, the clothes in her hand. “I—I have to call my agent and follow up with her about the dinner meeting last night. I don’t want to rock the boat before I get the deal and... I’m not good at this, Remington.” She took a deep breath. “Actually, I have no experience at this at all. I don’t know how this day-after thing goes so...” She pointed over her shoulder. “Can you, uh... I need a ride home.”

  Chapter 8

  She was practically flapping around like a fish out of water as she tried to figure out how to deal with the infamous “morning after.” He stood there staring because her floundering was adorable. So adorable that his pants started to tighten as his manhood swelled at the sight of her in his oversize clothing.

  He decided to put her out of her misery, but not in the way she thought. She continued to talk and then he grabbed her around her waist and pulled her to him. The noise she emitted was a mix between a squeal and a moan.

  “There is nothing...I mean nothing about this moment that should be awkward.” The back of his knuckles grazed the side of her face and she leaned into his hand. “There will be no walk of shame, Ladybug. I wasn’t just caught up in the moment when I said I love you. I have always loved you. You are mine. I meant that too when I said it.”

  He hoped the look he gave her echoed his words. He hoped the question he asked her about her work location had her thinking. He hoped...he hoped a lot of things. But most of all he hoped that Camille was back in Fairdell to stay...with him. He hoped that when she learned about his plans to pursue a political career, she’d remember the night they spent together and the words he just said.

  He lowered his head and captured her lips, demanding she part hers and offer herself up to him for a little morning exploration. He caressed more than he kissed, lightly devouring her but holding her tightly in his arms. Their tongues tangled and only when they needed to breathe did Remi pull away, leaving one lingering kiss on her forehead.

  “Come on, let’s go,” Remi said and she stood there staring at him, clutching her clothes. He was trying not to take it personally that Camille had not said anything in response to his declaration of love. He understood she needed time to catch up to him. “You have a driver now so you don’t need your rental anymore.” Remi smiled triumphantly at his plan to spend as much time with Camille as possible.

  She laughed and shook her head as she followed him out. He loved the sound of her throaty giggle. It reminded him of some of the little sounds she emitted when they made love.

  Remi found himself with an overwhelming need to touch her. He placed a hand on her hip as they crossed the driveway of his home that sat on a few acres on the outskirts of town. She giggled again when he squeezed her backside and fell into his chest playfully. They were just about to kiss again when his grandfather’s driver pulled up.

  “Do you know who that is, Rem?”

  “You calling me ‘Rem’ now, huh?” She used to call him that all the time so this meant her comfort level was returning. She was about to speak but he said, “Hold that thought...”

  * * *

  Camille couldn’t believe how much her demeanor had changed in twenty-four hours. She was actually giggling with a man, flirting and having sex...multiple times. For the moment she didn’t have a worry; she was simply trying to enjoy Remington Krane and not think about the future or what his longing gazes or odd questions were about.

  She was on cloud nine with Remington. She was so wrapped up in him that she had not even realized she was still in his clothes and that her hair was probably standing up all over her head from being without her satin pillowcase. Nor did she hear the car until it had stopped in front of them. She hoped the person in the vehicle was no one too important, though she was sure it was since it looked to her like a hired car.

  Hopes are just that...hopes. Because the window to the limo lowered and she saw who it was. Frederick Krane. He was the only man who’d have a driver shuffle him around town. He was an impossible snob and he hated her with a passion. She thought it ironic how he treated her as if she was beneath him even though he called himself a man of faith.

  “Good morning, Mr. Krane,” Camille said very sweetly. “Nice to see you again.”

  “Ms. Ryan. I had no idea you were in town. Remi never mentioned you. Wonder why that is?” The old man then turned his attention to Remi. “I came by to take you to lunch. The Brandts will be meeting us there.”

  It was hard for Camille to stifle a groan at the man’s antics. Is he still on this? She couldn’t remember a time when Frederick Krane had not endorsed Sonya Brandt as a potential life mate for Remington. The Brandts were another one of the wealthy families in town, but where Mr. Krane was a hard, evil man, Sonya’s father and her grandfather were virtual teddy bears in comparison. The Brandts to watch out for were the women, because they could control the men with one simple upset moment. They were the female counterparts to Frederick Krane and were just as determined as he to get what they wanted.

  Mr. Krane cleared his throat. “But I can see that you are otherwise...occupied.” At that word, the old man’s gaze landed on Camille and she tried to wrap her arms even tighter around her body. She felt not only as if she needed to shield herself from being seen in the literal sense being that she was braless, but also dirty and cheap because of that one word. It was amazing that Frederick Krane could do that to her so easily.

  Remi stepped forward. “Yes, Granddad, I am occupied so I won’t be going with you to lunch. Please give the Brandts my regards and my apologies. I already have plans for the day with Camille.” Remi was standing close to the window. Camille suspected he was trying to block her from the old man’s view and she was grateful for that. She had no idea what plans he spoke of but she didn’t care at the moment if it would get the old man to leave.

  “Yes, I see,” said the elder Krane. “I guess a man needs to sow his oats before he finds someone suitable. I’ll be on my way, then.” He didn’t give Remi a chance to defend Camille. His automatic window rolled up and the car pulled away from a fuming Remi.

  Camille walked the few steps to close the distance between her and Remi. “It’s okay. I’m older and a lot less sensitive than I was in the old days. I know that some people are set in their ways. Which is why I kept Reese Elaine a secret.” She said the last part under her breath. She had a feeling that people in town would see her as Remi’s grandfather did if and when they found out who she really was.

  This would be a disaster. She had to tell her father before he was blindsided because in Fairdell nothing ever remained a secret. Once one person found out a secret, someone else was bound to find out. It was inevitable. She should’ve stayed away, but there was no way she wouldn’t have come home to see her sick father.

  “I’d never tell anyone about Reese Elaine.” Remi wrapped her in his arms and she looked up at him. “But I’d love it if one day soon you were ready to reveal your secret.”

  That was definitely a hint to something more. However, thoughts of what he could possibly mean made her stomach quiver with unease.

  * * *

  Remington brought the car to a stop at the red light, and let his mind wander back over the morning. He’d had some time to think before Camille woke. After Remi had talked to her father and her father had mentioned that Charlie was worried about Camille, he’d had an idea.

  Of course he’d realized he needed to be friends with Charlie, which was why he’d gone to see him. Not only had he wanted to find out about Camille and why she’d left, he’d also wanted the blessing of her best friend.

  Remington could admit that he and Charlie had never got along well. He was never enthusiastic about
Camille’s best friend being a guy. And it didn’t help that Remi and Charlie had hung out with the same set of boys from being on high school teams together. Remington’s friends had often questioned him about how he put up with Camille being so close to another guy. He could rarely answer because he didn’t know how to tell his peers that he tolerated their friendship because he loved Camille and trusted her. He doubted a group of teenage boys would have understood the depth of his feelings.

  However, Remi thought Camille should be aware that he was trying with Charlie. He wanted her to know so she could prepare herself. He planned to work his way into every aspect of her life so it would be hard for her to give him up again. If it meant striking up a friendship with Charlie, then so be it. The man would have to get used to Remington because he planned to be in Camille’s life, one way or another, even if it meant chasing her to New York if she tried to run from him again.

  But would he be able to convince her to stay? Remington’s confidence level had been shockingly high since he woke that morning. He knew Camille and knew she wouldn’t have slept with him just for sex. She wasn’t that type. He was sure there was more to their lovemaking even if she had not realized it yet.

  His grandfather stopping by showed he may have a harder time getting through to her than he’d thought that morning. He saw the way she shied away from his grandfather and didn’t defend herself when he made some negative insinuations. She may be more confident as the writer Reese Elaine, current resident of New York, but back home she was still the daughter of a single father. She was still the girl who’d broken a boy’s heart. And if these people—the people he loved so dearly—found out about what she did for a living, they may be the ones to make her flee, not him and the secret he was keeping from her.

  “I told you I went to see Charlie and that’s how I found you.” As the light changed, Remington glanced over at Camille to see if she was listening since she didn’t answer. He figured she was waiting to see where he was going with this since she already knew how he’d found her last night. “I not only went to see him to find out why you left—which he didn’t tell me—but I also wanted him to know how I feel about you.” Remington could see Camille shift in her seat out of the corner of his eye. She might not be prepared to hear this yet, but she’d better get ready because she wasn’t leaving him again.


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