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A Nurse for the Wolfman (Chimera Secrets Book 1)

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by Eve Langlais

  “You’re awake,” she repeated, still staring at him with the biggest brownest eyes.

  “Your power of observation is astounding,” was his sarcastic reply.

  “How long have you been awake?”


  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Didn’t want to miss the show. Don’t mind me. Go ahead and finish the job.” He jerked his hips—the only thing he could move—this time being intentionally crude in the hopes she’d leave and his body could calm down. Because his erection wasn’t getting any smaller. On the contrary, the more he inhaled her scent, the more he looked upon her, the hornier he got.

  Rather than stomp off, railing about sexual harassment, she slapped him with the washcloth.

  A wet cloth snapped onto his dick and balls.

  He might have let out an unmanly yodel. “Jeezus, lady, what the fuck?”

  “I thought you wanted me touching you,” she said a tad too sweetly. “Too rough? So sorry. Now that I’m done cleaning your ball sac, let me finish by wiping your face.” She brought the cloth close to his mouth, and he yelled.

  “Don’t you fucking dare.”

  “Or what? According to my epic powers of observation you’re in no position to do a damned thing.”

  He glared. “You’re mean.” And adorable at the same time given she didn’t cower. If she only knew who she teased. What he was capable of. She’d run screaming from the room.

  “I’m mean?” she choked the query out. “You’re the one asking for a hand job. I’m a nurse, not a prostitute.”

  “Sexual healing is as important as the rest.” He just couldn’t seem to stop.

  “Abstinence strengthens the body for healing. Obviously, you need to regain your strength, or you wouldn’t be here.”

  “I’m here because of some sick fuck—"

  “Nurse Henley,” a speaker crackled. “Your duties are done for the day. Please exit the room.”

  “What the heck?” She stared at the ceiling. “Is someone watching?”

  “They’re always watching,” Luke muttered.

  “I wasn’t quite done with the patient.” Spoken aloud even as she walked over to the sink to rinse her hands.

  The disembodied voice replied, “Someone else will see to the patient. Please exit the room and proceed to the first level. You are to see Doctor Chimera in his office.”

  “How’s it going, Sphincter?” Luke deliberately mispronounced the name. One of his many ways to needle the doctor who spied yet again.

  “Ready for your next nap already? That can be arranged,” was the ominous threat.

  The nurse caught the exchange and frowned as she dried her hands. “Are you sure—”

  Sphinx cut her off. “Now, Miss Henley.” The microphone cut out, and yet Luke knew someone still listened. They always listened.

  He wanted to tell her, Don’t go. Having her near was a pleasure he didn’t understand. It also posed a danger. “Listen, you seem like a nice lady. So I’m going to give you a friendly piece of advice. You need to go. Run. As far and fast away from this place as you can.”


  He sealed his lips. Was it fair to burden this woman with the secrets he knew? Secrets that might kill her?

  “Just trust me when I say you need to get out of here.” Before it was too late.

  The door opened, and the guard stepped inside. “Ma’am, I have orders to ensure you vacate the room.” The guard’s hand sat on the grip of his weapon. So afraid, even though Luke was all tied up. It brought a smile to his lips.

  Nice to know my reputation lingers.

  She noticed the wariness in the guard and yet didn’t run from the room. Brave and foolish all at once.

  “A second, please, while I toss this out.” She turned and took the paper towel she’d used to dry her hands to the waste receptacle, the stiff silence in the room fraught with restrained violence. And not just from the guard.

  He didn’t like the way the fellow eyed her then smirked at Luke. His lip curled into a snarl that practically dared the guy.

  The nurse didn’t glance at him, not once as she scurried from the room.

  Good riddance.

  He didn’t need the complication.

  Problem was he forgot nothing he ever did was unseen. Every move he made. Every word he spoke…Every erection. Catalogued.

  Sphinx returned to chat the moment the door slammed shut. “I see you’ve been fooling us with your extended naps. It must be time to increase your dose again.”

  “Suck my dick.” The mature thing to say when a prisoner of mad scientists.

  “Me? Wouldn’t you rather Nurse Henley put her lips on you? You showed quite the interest in her.”

  He inadvertently had and now pretended it meant nothing. “She’s a woman. I’m a man. It happens.”

  “It’s never happened before.”

  True, and Luke still didn’t understand why it happened now. “I got a boner. Big fucking deal.”

  “It is as a matter of fact.”

  “Won’t happen again. I can promise you that.” The nurse took him by surprise. He’d be better prepared next time. If there was a next time. He found it interesting the way they yanked her so quickly. And sending her to Chimera? Had she done something she shouldn’t have?

  Like wake the sleeping beast…

  “You still haven’t learned, have you?” The doctor’s voice dropped low. “We are giving you a chance here, a chance to become something bigger and better.”

  “I’m your guinea pig and prisoner. What does being agreeable get me? More needles? Gee, sign me the fuck up.”

  “Those who toe the line get privileges.”

  “You mean those who shove their nose up your ass get to go outside on a leash.” He sneered. “Been there. Done that.” And those small tastes of freedom proved even more cruel than the restraints.

  “The leash is for those who still have an urge to run. If you would prove yourself loyal—”

  “Won’t happen, asshole. Chimera lied to me. You used me. Abused me. And now you want me to agree to more of your bullshit? I’d rather die.” Luke thought about it. A lot. What was the point of living?

  A pair of glinting eyes and sassy lips suddenly came to mind.

  He closed his mind against them. There was no hope for him. No chance even if he broke these chains. Sphinx and his doctor pals had made sure of that. He could never have a normal life.

  Never be with a woman. Would never dare.

  Which was why he wanted to die. Why he’d willed his body to reject everything they tried to inject him with. Drugs. Food. Water. His body said no to them all.

  Despite his intrigue with the nurse, he wouldn’t be swayed from his course. He took charge of the only thing he could control.

  His demise.

  Sphinx uttered a disdainful chuckle. “Die? Such melodrama. You won’t die. We won’t let you.”

  “Let?” Luke snorted. “You don’t control me.”

  “Yet. We’ve just got to find the right combination. Now say good night, Luke. I’m tripling your dose.”

  For once, he didn’t want to sleep. Didn’t want to succumb. He needed to stay awake to stop them from doing things that kept him alive.

  Closing his eyes, he drew from deep within and struggled. Roared. Bucked. Rampaged like a beast, to no avail. The hiss of gas filled the room, and sweet oblivion took him.

  Chapter Five

  The guard didn’t leave Margaret’s side until he’d seen her to the elevator. Even then, he told the computer which floor and waited for the doors to close.

  Such caution in escorting her away from the man in 602. Who was he? Certainly not a coma patient. Nor did she see any sign of injury. So why did the clinic have him? The restraints obviously meant they thought him dangerous. To himself or others?

  With his sarcastic manner, she tended to think the latter. He had too much arrogance to harm himself.

  Which again begged the
question, what were they treating him for? While she’d bathed him, she’d not paid close attention to his body, but the parts she’d seen appeared unblemished. Perfect.


  Such an inappropriate thought to have about a patient. Especially one with problems.

  What was wrong with him? Doubtful she’d find out. Getting called into Doctor Chimera’s office—the man who’d founded the Chimaeram clinic—couldn’t bode well. Given she’d never met him, she wondered if she was about to get fired, which was totally unfair. She’d not done anything wrong. Mostly.

  I did intentionally snap him with the damp cloth.

  Then again, the patient started it with his rudeness. Asking her to take care of his erection. He totally deserved what he got.

  However, her actions might have crossed a line. She should have walked away rather than let her temper get the best of her. What did it say about her that she abused a man who couldn’t protect himself?

  She’d soon find out. Obviously, someone watching reported her actions, and now she’d probably be told to leave. The very idea made her stomach sink. She’d never been reprimanded before, let alone fired.

  The elevator stopped at the first floor above ground, spilling her into the long hallway that Margaret used to think went nowhere. Wrong.

  The doors to the offices of those highly positioned in the clinic were simply well hidden, blending seamlessly into the wall. She wouldn’t have even known where to go if the opening hadn’t suddenly appeared, a section of the wall sliding into a recess, startling her.

  She peeked inside and noticed an antechamber with polished wood floors, pale blue walls, a small window showing the slanting late afternoon daylight, and a desk behind which sat an older woman.

  “Um, hello. I’m looking for Dr. Chimera’s office?”

  The woman raised her gaze, stern behind glasses perched low on her nose. “Sit. He’ll be with you in a moment.” The head then ducked again and continued to peruse a computer screen while fingers tapped at a keyboard.

  Feeling like a rebuked child, she dropped into a chair. Hands tucked in her lap, Margaret glanced around the sterile space, which lacked wall décor of any kind. It could use a splash of color. Even elevator music would have done something to improve the ambiance of the place.

  Then again, when being called in, probably for a dress-down, one shouldn’t get too comfortable.

  After what seemed an interminable moment, the secretary lifted her head and said, “You may go in.”

  Having never met the elusive Dr. Chimera—because the doctors had their living quarters on the second floor of the above-ground structure—Margaret had nonetheless formed an image in her mind. An older gent, probably short and balding, a real scientific type, who preferred books to the outdoors.

  She couldn’t have been more wrong.

  First off, Dr. Chimera was young, thirties, maybe forties at the most. Tall too, well over six feet, with dark hair swept back from his brow and piercing blue eyes. He filled out his casual polo shirt well, his tanned arms muscled, his hands large.

  His smile stretched wide and welcoming. “Nurse Henley, sorry to keep you waiting. I was dealing with a patient issue. Please, have a seat.”

  She perched on the edge of the club chair facing his desk and was treated to a panorama of the mountains at his back. The perks of being in charge.

  “You wished to speak with me, sir.”

  “I did. I hear you’ve been doing excellent work.”

  She almost blurted out, “You have?” but managed instead to reply, “Thank you, sir.”

  “I trust you’re enjoying your employment with us.”

  “Yes.” She stuck to simple answers.

  “Excellent. We value those who work for us, which is why I wanted to personally apologize for the crassness of your last patient.”

  “You do?” Her surprise appeared in her query.

  “He is quite vulgar. But you handled yourself very well.”

  She blinked and like an idiot said, “I slapped him in his man parts with a washcloth.”

  “Which he deserved.” She was treated to a Colgate-white smile. “You are obviously a woman who knows how to handle someone difficult like Luke.”

  Luke? The man had a name. She had begun to wonder if any of the patients did. “What’s wrong with him?”

  “War wounds. A bullet shattered his hip. Another pierced his spleen. He almost lost his arm. He spilled a lot of blood before the medics got to him and went into cardiac arrest during transport a few times. He’s technically died twice.”

  “He seemed rather alive to me.”

  “The miracle of medicine,” Chimera said with a smile. “However, I’m afraid his injuries left him a tad damaged up here.” He tapped at his temple.

  “Is that why he’s in restraints?”

  “He’s proven unfortunately violent since his recovery. But here at Chimaeram, we specialize in difficult cases. We are working on a solution for his violent outbursts.”

  “How?” she couldn’t help asking.

  “I’m afraid that part of it is confidential. Can’t be giving away our trade secrets.” Dr. Chimera winked. “However, rest assured we are working on some cutting-edge treatments. Things that will revolutionize medical care for everyone.”

  “That sounds great.”

  “It is, but I didn’t call you here to give you a sales pitch. Given how well you acquitted yourself, I’d like you to take on Luke as your primary patient.”

  “I don’t understand.” She truly didn’t. She’d come here expecting a dressing-down or even firing.

  “I mean I’d like you to care for him exclusively. I’m afraid he’s intimidated the others on staff. But I think you’re made of sterner stuff.”

  “Sure. I mean I’m here to do whatever the company needs.” So long as those checks kept coming. “What would I have to do?”

  “On top of the things you’ve done today, we’d also like you to take care of his feeding, since he doesn’t thrive on intravenous. Bathing, of course. We’ll let you know what samples we require and when.”

  “Will he be restrained at all times?”

  “Yes. He really shouldn’t be let loose. For your safety. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.” Said with another smile and yet she sensed a strange undercurrent.

  “It could be some of his outbursts are because of the fact he’s tied down.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, and I wish we didn’t have to use them. Perhaps you can help us get him to a place where he realizes we’re here to help. Not harm.”

  “I’m not a psychiatrist.”

  “No, but you have compassion tempered with steel.” Chimera leaned forward. “He spoke to you, which is more than he’s done with previous nurses.”

  Which would be flattering if… “I hardly think asking for sexual favors is a conversation.”

  “He also told you to flee, did he not?” Chimera remarked, proving he had listened or someone had informed him.

  “Yeah. He said to run as far and fast as I could. He didn’t say why.”

  The doctor waved a hand. “The why is obvious. He thinks he can protect you.”

  “From who?”

  “The big bad doctors.” He winked. “He’s yet to realize we’re not the enemy. But given he’s shown an interest in you, perhaps he’ll listen.”

  “I’m a stranger.”

  “For now. As his full-time nurse, you’ll be able to develop a bond with him. Form some trust. Make him realize that by working with us, he is working for himself.”

  The fact that his man hadn’t given up on his patient fired something in her, reminded her of the reason she’d gotten into nursing in the first place. “When do I start?”

  “First thing in the morning. Say eight a.m. until eleven. Then resuming at one until three. Then a quick evening shift at six until eight to give him his supper and prepare him for bed.”

  Seven hours split. Not bad. “Sounds good, sir.”
br />   “No need to be so formal. We’re colleagues. Call me Adrian.”

  He already probably knew but she said, “Margaret.”

  “Lovely name for a lovely lady. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

  “And you, sir.”

  “Good luck with your new duties, and if you have any concerns about Luke, don’t hesitate to come see me.”

  She left his office somewhat bemused. To have gone in expecting a scolding and come out with what almost felt like a promotion. Odd.

  She made her way to her quarters, wondering about her new patient. Curious about Dr. Chimera—because how did a man that young get put in charge of what was obviously a big and expensive project?

  The cafeteria was serving dinner, and she grabbed a tray of food, choosing one of the single tables despite the invitation by some guards to join them. She wasn’t quite at the point yet where she wanted to get involved with anyone. It proved a quiet dinner given Becky didn’t join her.

  Speaking of whom, she noted Becky’s door was closed as she made her way to her room. Usually the talkative nurse kept it open when she was off shift, blasting music or chatting anyone up on their way through the hall. Not that she had many people to accost for conversation. The wing was for females only, and not only were many of the rooms lacking occupants, a good number of the women were rather standoffish, like Adrian’s secretary. Margaret had only rarely seen her in the halls and never at the cafeteria.

  With the hour still being early, she spent a moment on the computer in her room using the internet. She knew everything she did online was monitored; however, she didn’t see anything wrong with checking out her boss.

  She’d just met him, making her curiosity normal. Typing in “Doctor Chimera“ didn’t get her any hits, not real ones at any rate. Lots of listings about mythical monsters and science involving the hybrid splicing of genes.

  Crazy stuff that was thankfully only a theory. Science fiction novels made it seem feasible. The mix of man and animal. Good thing humanity knew better than to play God.


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