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THE SEX SHOP (Two-book bundle: Humiliation, exhibitionism, BDSM group play, rough play, anonymous strangers, coworker, MF MFM MMMF MMMFF)

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by Anya Aurelie

  The Sex Shop

  Two-book bundle set!

  Jessie knew a new boss would bring changes at the sex shop…but she never could’ve expected what all she’d be asked to do.

  Open for Business (Rough play with anonymous men in a porn shop viewing room)

  The Sex Toy Demo (Humiliation, exhibitionism, and BDSM group play with a crowd of anonymous strangers)


  Anya Aurelie

  Copyright © 2014 by Anya Aurelie

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


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  Open for Business

  It was no wonder the porn shop was failing: who bought porn from a porn shop anymore, anyway? With the Internet providing all the free porn anyone could ever want — and more — it just didn’t make sense to ask people to go to a store, where they could be seen, rather than staying in the privacy of their own home to watch “young slut takes monster cock” or buy a five-speed vibrator.

  So when the already-failing porn shop’s owner announced he was retiring, Jessie expected to lose her job and have the place shut down. She was shocked when instead, an eccentric youngish woman named Laurie bought the shop and offered to keep Jessie on as an employee.

  It was an easy choice. She’d only been working there for a few months, but the job was not stressful, she liked her coworkers — especially Ethan, whom she fantasized about on a regular basis — and she got a great discount on all the sex toys she could want.

  “I’m going to be making some changes to the business,” the new owner had warned her. But Jessie wasn’t worried. Changes were to be expected when a store got bought out. And it wasn’t like jobs were easy to come by in this economy.

  On the day that the management officially changed hands, Jessie was working the register. Laurie hadn’t kept on all the old employees, and had hired a few new ones who seemed to know something she didn’t but weren’t talking. Jessie couldn’t help but notice that the old employees Laurie kept on were the most attractive of the bunch, and that the new ones almost looked like porn stars. She felt torn between being flattered to be among this group, and offended that Laurie would choose her employees based on looks.

  Laurie called a meeting of her new employees that afternoon, after she’d spent a couple of hours looking through the DVDs.

  “As I told you all, we’re going to have some changes now that I am the owner here,” she said. Jessie and her coworkers all nodded, bored. Enough with telling us there will be changes, she thought, just tell us what they are.

  “I’m planning on bringing new life to the DVD rentals,” Laurie continued. Jessie glanced at Ethan. They exchanged a look that clearly said, this woman has no idea what she’s getting into. If she thought she could make money renting porn DVDs, she was way, way behind the times.

  “We’re also going to be reopening the viewing rooms,” Laurie said. The viewing rooms in the shop had been closed for several years, since long before Jessie had started working there. Rumor had it that the only people who still wanted to rent a viewing room got off on leaving huge messes for the staff; the good ones all beat off at home on their own computers. Jessie and her coworkers stared at Laurie like she was a moron. Seriously, what was this woman thinking?

  “We’re lucky to have larger than normal viewing rooms here. And we’re going to use that to our advantage. This shop is going to be known for its hands-on approach,” Laurie said. Jessie and Ethan exchanged glances again.

  “Hands-on?” Ethan asked. “What exactly does that mean?”

  “It means whatever the customer wants it to mean,” Laurie clarified, unhelpfully.

  But it wasn’t long before Jessie, Ethan, and all the others learned exactly what Laurie meant.

  Jessie came in for her shift at 5 o’clock, and Ethan was already there, behind the counter.

  “This lady is crazy, but she just might turn the shop around,” Ethan told her quietly. “Hope you’re willing to do what it takes.”

  “How’s that?” Jessie asked.

  He opened his mouth to answer, then quickly turned away when a customer approached the register.

  Just a few minutes later, a man walked in. He was in his early 40s, Jessie guessed, almost twice her age. “I hear you all are reopening the viewing rooms,” he said, approaching Jessie.

  “We are,” she told him, ushering him toward the back of the shop.

  “Great,” he said. “Well, I’d like to use one for a while, and I’d like you to assist me.” He raised his eyebrows and looked at her as though he was expecting to be run out of the shop.

  “Sure,” she said. “Just choose the DVD you’d like to watch, and then you can buy time by putting your money into the machine in the booth. You can buy in increments of 10 minutes.”

  “No,” he said, and the firm tone of his voice stopped her short. “I’d like you to assist me…in the booth.”

  “Assist you with…” It was starting to dawn on Jessie what was going on here. Was she really being asked to help this man jerk off? Surely this wasn’t what Laurie had meant — was it?

  Still, though, a tiny part of her looked over the man’s body, considered how long it had been since she’d been with anyone other than her own fingers and the amazing assortment of vibrators she’d brought home from work with her, and wondered what it would be like to “assist” this man. To touch a real cock again.

  “Why don’t you choose the DVD you’d like to watch, and then let me know if you need help,” she said. The man drifted toward the back of the store to start looking at DVDs.

  “Ethan,” Jessie hissed. “That guy asked me to assist him in the viewing room. I think he wants me to touch him.”

  Ethan smiled a wry smile and lifted an eyebrow at her. “Welcome to Laurie’s porn shop,” he said.

  “Really?” she asked. “Have you been…?” Her voice trailed off.

  “I’ve been doing what I need to do to keep my job,” he said firmly. She stared at him, shocked.

  He looked up at her then and smiled. “Besides, it’s kind of fun.”

  Jessie imagined herself in the booth with the man. She imagined him pulling his pants down, his cock erect. She imagined him beginning to stroke himself. She imagined reaching over his taut body and touching his firm member.

  To her surprise, she found that her clit throbbed in her pants. Was she starting to get wet at this thought? It was so unlike her to do anything like this — despite where she worked, she was fairly reserved when it came to sex. But she didn’t want to lose her job. And she had to admit she was curious.

  A moment later, the man popped his head out of the back room where the DVDs were stored. “Miss, I’m ready for you now,” he said.

  Jessie glanced at Ethan, who shrugged. “Only do it if you want to,” he said. “But you should also know that Laurie is giving big raises to anyone who doesn’t qu
it by the end of the day.”

  “Really?” she asked again. What a strange way of doing business. But the thought of extra money was tempting. “Why didn’t she just tell us this up front?”

  “Guess she thought we’d all quit on the spot.”

  He had a point. In the abstract, Jessie never would’ve agreed to this. But now, faced with the real prospect of jerking off a sexy stranger, it didn’t seem so out of the question.

  From across the room, the man was staring at her expectantly. Jessie plastered a big smile on her face and strode toward him.

  “Okay, what did you choose?” she asked, feeling awkward but trying to disguise it as cheeriness.

  “Cocksucking,” he said simply, holding up the DVD cover for her to examine. It was a compilation DVD of blowjobs, the kind that showed the last 30 seconds or so of each scene, so the entire video was just cock after cock, woman after woman, a steady stream of cum shooting from one onto the other.

  There was something very sexy about that, Jessie thought, and for a moment she considered that perhaps she was very lucky — getting paid to watch porn that she found sexy. And perhaps even to touch a man she found sexy as well.

  They went into the booth, and she showed him how to work the machine. Part of her was surprised the machines even still worked after several years of nonuse, but she guessed that Laurie had already tried them out and verified they worked. It seemed like Laurie had more of a plan than anyone had thought. Although Jessie acted like she knew what she was doing, it was her first time using one of these machines too.

  Once the DVD was in and the opening credits started rolling, though, she felt strange. What was expected of her here? The man had sat down, but there was only one chair in the booth. Jessie leaned awkwardly against the wall, wondering if she should go. Had she she misunderstood him after all about what he wanted? She was surprised to discover this prospect disappointed her.

  The man was unbuttoning his pants and starting to pull them down. She could see the outline of a bulging erection through his underwear. She felt another pulse between her legs, her clit telling her to let it out. She would masturbate to this later, she knew. For now, though, she turned questioningly toward the door.

  “Looks like you have it all under control now…” she said.

  “Please stay,” the man said immediately.

  Instead of opening the door, Jessie flicked the lock shut.

  The first blowjob appeared on the screen, a huge cock being sucked by a beautiful young blonde. The man pulled his own cock out of his underwear, and she saw that it too was large and well-shaped. He began stroking it lightly with the tips of his fingers, up and down the length of it. She watched his movements, her eye darting back and forth between the blowjob on the screen and the live action in front of her. She had to admit that she was enjoying the show. She could tell she was getting wetter by the minute.

  The man turned to her then, looking expectant. “Care to help out?”

  Jessie approached him cautiously. She reached out a hand and gingerly touched the head of his cock with two fingertips. Slowly, she ran her fingers down the smooth skin toward the base. His skin was pulled tight around the erection, and he was so hard she could feel the blood pulsing under her fingers, trying to pump him tighter and tighter, fuller and fuller, but with no room left to fill. It was definitely one of the bigger cocks she’d seen, and she traced her fingers back up to his head, swirling one finger around the tiny hole at the tip. Pre-cum moistened her fingertip, and her finger glided around in it on his head.

  The man let out a tiny moan at the moisture, and she found herself enjoying watching his pleasure. On the screen, a cock was erupting all over the face of a busty brunette, who then licked up every drop, wiping her face with her fingers and shoving them into her mouth as though she were eating a sweet dessert. A sweet, messy dessert.

  “Keep going,” the man groaned, and Jessie swept her fingers down the sides of his cock and back up, still touching him lightly. His skin was so soft.

  “More,” he said, his eyes on the screen.

  She started to move her fingers faster on him, but he quickly cut her off. “You know that’s not what I mean,” he said.

  Coming into the booth, she had had some doubts about touching him at all. But now, here with him, stroking this anonymous cock and seeing how much it turned the man on, her limits were stretched. Suddenly, she wanted more too.

  Slowly, she got down onto her knees in the booth. He turned his chair to face her, and she knelt between his legs. Gingerly, she leaned her head down toward him. Am I really going to do this? she wondered. And then she did: her tongue touched the tip of his cock. Her lips closed around him. She tasted the stranger’s pre-cum, took it into her mouth. His breathing got shallower as he felt her mouth on him.

  “You’re so warm. Your mouth feels so good and warm and wet,” he said softly, as though to himself.

  Another cock was starting to shoot its cum on the screen. It exploded all over the face of the woman, black this time, and then onto her tits, stark white against the dark skin.

  The image changed. Now they were watching another blonde. She was deep-throating thick, veiny cock, and when he started to come he held her head in place. His cum shot into her mouth and then dripped out from between her lips back onto his cock. She looked like she was loving it.

  The next image was even rougher. The man was holding a woman’s head, fucking her face roughly while mascara streamed down her cheeks. Still, though, she smiled up at him, taking his cock as though it were a gift.

  Seeing this, the man in the booth grabbed the back of Jessie’s head roughly as well. Pulling her by the hair, he bounced her head up and down on him. From a sitting position, he couldn’t hold her still and fuck her the way the guy in the porn was doing, so she guessed this was the next best thing.

  She loved it. She loved the feeling of giving over total control to the stranger in this darkened booth, letting him do to her whatever he wanted, whatever he saw on screen. There was something intensely sexy about it, and again she felt her cunt pulse. She wanted to shove her fingers down into her panties and feel her wetness, rub her sopping clit, but knew that she shouldn’t. This was all about him. He was the customer, and she would do whatever he wanted. It was her job.

  He continued to fuck her mouth roughly, but when gentler images appeared on the screen, his touch got lighter as well. After a few minutes, he stood up, imitating what he was watching, and manipulated her into the position of the women on screen. This woman was bent at the waist with her ass in the air as she sucked the man, and he was slapping her ass. The customer instructed Jessie to do the same, moving her body into position without words. She eagerly followed his lead, mimicking the women’s positions as they changed over and over and the women themselves changed over and over with every erupting orgasm.

  Jessie felt like a porn star herself, performing for him as though for a camera. She wanted to make him come, suddenly, as hard as the cocks she was watching. She wondered if he had a big load, if it would drip from her face like the women they were watching.

  “Get naked for me,” he demanded, and Jessie hesitated for only for a split second before stripping out of her shirt, unbuttoning her pants and pushing them down, and standing before him in bra and panties.

  He reached out to her, unfastened her bra and then pulled it off. Her breasts bounced free. Swiftly, he pulled down her underwear as well, and she shivered at the feeling of his thumbs running down her body, at the thought of being totally exposed to this man whose name she didn’t even know.

  He looked up and down her body, examining her, and she felt his eyes on her as though they were fingers, could almost feel his touch when he looked her up and down.

  On the screen, cock after cock exploded over face after face.

  The man grabbed her tits suddenly when the man on screen did the same. Using her breasts as a handle, he pulled Jessie down onto her knees and shoved her mouth back onto his c
ock. She eagerly complied, taking it into her mouth and licking it up and down. She could feel him throbbing, and he felt as though he were ready to burst. They both stared at the screen, waiting to see what would happen next.


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