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Kiss This

Page 37

by Hadley Quinn

  “I love you,” he whispered a kiss against her lips.

  “I love you too,” she whispered back. He kissed her neck, down to her chest and stomach, his destination obvious. “No,” she grabbed his arms softly. “I might drown you down there.”

  “Holy fuck.”

  “I know. So get back up here.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “I can’t stop kissing you and I want you inside me. Now.”

  He gave her soft kisses as his cock finally massaged against her entrance. “Damn, you’re right baby. Hold your breath, big guy. You’ll make it out eventually.”

  She giggled at his humor until he slid entirely inside her, and then the feel of him produced a moan as she gripped his body tightly. She arched up and met his slow, steady rhythm as they made love, pure and simple. She wrapped her legs around him and relaxed. Teague pulled her arms over her head and held her wrists with one hand while his other hand cupped her face and continued to kiss her, from her mouth to her neck as his hand slid tenderly over her breast and down her side.

  He released her wrists so he could curve both hands under her shoulders again. She tightened her legs around him with determination, causing their synchronization to quicken and their kisses to turn breathless. With every grunt and groan, the perspiration built between them until it was pretty apparent that calories were being burned.

  Teague took her face in his hands when he could feel her approach release. When Camryn tightened around him, he pushed into her two solid times until she completely shattered, bringing him right over the edge with her. The collision of physical ecstasy and emotional unity carried them both for quite a while as they caught their breath and lingered on cloud nine.

  Teague leaned onto his elbows as he smoothed his hands over her dampened hair. She did the same to his, causing the longer lengths at the top to stick up in all directions.

  She smiled, bringing her hands down to the moist skin across his back and shoulders. “Is it warm in here or what?”

  “It’s your hot body,” he replied, kissing her damp forehead. He pulled out and lay beside her for a minute as they both came down from the high. When all was calm Teague said, “Let’s hit the shower and go for a walk on the beach.”

  Chapter Forty-Two

  “No, sorry, I’m not available that week,” Teague replied over the phone. He looked over at Camryn sitting on the couch and he winked. “No, it’s definitely not a week I’ll negotiate, Blake.”

  It had been a week since their crazy, eventful Valentine’s weekend and life was back to normal. Camryn had taught some classes at one of Sonja’s studios Tuesday and Wednesday and then signed on to choreograph a piece for a college dance team. Now Teague was finalizing a movie he’d been approached about earlier in the month.

  Camryn got up and joined him at the kitchen counter where he was sitting on a stool with a calendar in front of him. She draped her arms over his shoulders from behind and peeked at the month. She smiled at the week in April that Teague had written “WOOHOO!!” across the calendar in large, bold letters.

  It was the week they were getting married.

  “If that’s what you’re able to do, then that works great for me,” Teague spoke. He listened for a moment and nodded his head. “Sounds great. Yeah, okay, bye.”

  He hung up and wrote The Fatal Curl on the Wednesday after their honeymoon. “Okay, got a job to help make a dent in your million dollar wedding, babe.”

  “Ha-ha,” she laughed dryly. “I told you I was fine with the courthouse.”

  He turned on the stool and pulled her against his lap, her back to his chest. Wrapping his arms around her waist he kissed her cheek and whispered, “If you are determined to do that, I’ll do it, sweetheart. But I only want the best for you, and in my mind, you on the beach in a white dress already takes my breath away. And if I’m affected by just the thought of that, I can only imagine…how you’ll feel when you see me in a tux.”

  She turned around and swatted his arm. “Teague! You are such a shit!”

  Laughing, he said, “But I’m your shit, and you love me.”

  Camryn faced him as he pulled her between his legs. She slid her arms around his neck and set her forehead against his. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  They were barely two seconds into their kiss when Kellie and Jay entered the house.

  “God, can’t you guys just be in the same room without groping each other?” Kellie scoffed.

  “Hey Kell, remember when Benny kicked his sister out of his apartment because all she did was complain?” Teague cocked an eyebrow.

  She rolled her eyes but took the hint. “We should get going. Don’t want to be too fashionably late, right?”

  “Yeah, I suppose,” Teague sighed as he stood.

  Going to his grandfather’s birthday celebration was the last thing on his list but he would do it. Grandpa McCallan was the type that expected all of his grandkids to show for something like that because it was not only standard family conduct, but social propriety as well. Along with being the patriarch in the McCallan family, he was also a major Hollywood figure and would for sure be treated like one. You were required to be there for such an event. If his Grandpa hadn’t called to personally invite him, Teague wouldn’t have bothered with it.

  “Is Melanie still going?” he asked.

  “She said she would,” Camryn shrugged. “She got ready and then said she was going to lie down for a bit.”

  “Ooh, let me wake her,” Jay smiled eagerly. “She’s fucking hilarious when she’s out of it.”

  “Just don’t tell her she’s in labor again,” Camryn warned him sternly.

  Jay laughed and held his hands out. “Hey, if she’s already that gullible at two-and-a-half months along, she deserved it. And she changed my phone ring to a dude having an orgasm. She totally deserved it.”

  Everyone laughed at that as they headed for Teague’s truck. It really was funny. They’d all been out to eat with a few other friends and Jay’s phone went off in the middle of dinner, full volume. Half the restaurant was either horrified or laughing with them.

  Teague turned the key and the truck rumbled to life. His attention turned to the front porch where Jay was holding the door for Melanie. Those two were interesting, Teague mused. They were rotten to each other but it was plain as day they were friends. And right now, Mel was flashing a bright smile at him as they walked down the sidewalk until it was obvious he said something ornery to her. She smacked him across the chest and scowled. But when they got to the truck, Jay opened the door for her, helped her into the middle seat, and then he climbed in right after her.

  “That looks great on you,” Camryn told Melanie.

  “Thanks,” she answered. “I was just told I was already wearing maternity clothes,” she scowled at Jay next to her.

  “Hey, I only asked,” he shrugged.

  “It’s a babydoll dress,” Kellie explained from the other side of Melanie. “It’s supposed to be loose at the stomach.”

  “Yeah, hence the name ‘baby’?” he said. “Why do you confuse us with this shit?”

  Melanie leaned her head against Jay’s shoulder and patted his chest sweetly. “Aww, don’t worry. We don’t expect you to know anything but basic man wardrobe. Pull pants on; take dirty shirt off floor,” she spoke gruffly.

  Jay lightly laughed. “That your best caveman voice? I’m not buying it.”

  “Whatever,” she smiled, sitting up again.

  “Camryn can do a pretty sexy voice of God,” Teague shared. “She can also –Oof! Hey, what was that for?” he scowled at her.

  “I so know what you were about to say and you should be glad I stopped you.”

  “I was only going to mention the—Oof! Ow!”

  “I know what you were going to mention and it’s private!”

  He laughed and said, “Oh. Okay.” He looked into the rearview mirror and said, “Hear that, man? It’s private.”

  “Got it,” Jay replied. “Oof!
What was that for?” he glared at Melanie.

  The rest of the ride was about the same.


  “Wow, what a cool place,” Camryn practically whispered of the old theatre-turned-club they were in. She looked around at the details of old and new mixed together.

  “Yeah, my grandpa used to perform here when it was a live stage,” Teague answered. “That was, like, fifty years ago.”

  “Yeah, I’ve read some of his biography and some of the earlier acting he’s done. Definitely a legend.”

  Teague nodded as they grabbed a couple of drinks. Neil McCallan was a mysterious man and Teague could never tell how the old man regarded him. His grandfather was a tell-it-like-it-is kind of guy, but he hardly ever pushed his thoughts and opinions on him or the direction he thought his life was supposed to take. It could be for a lot of reasons, but maybe his grandpa was just wise enough to leave him alone.

  But Grandpa McCallan sure adored Max. He was proud of his success in the industry and treated him like the Hollywood icon that he was. As for the other grandchildren that weren’t high society along with Teague—Jay and Kellie—Grandpa was also indifferent to them as they were to him. It seemed like an acceptable agreement and nobody bothered to change it. There weren’t callous words or actions ever exchanged. They all just…co-existed.

  “Speaking of the old man…” Teague murmured. Neil McCallan was headed their way, his newest wife on his arm, fifteen years his junior.

  “Well this must be where all the cool grandkids are hiding out,” he announced.

  “Hello, Grandpa,” Teague greeted him. “Happy Birthday.”

  “Thank you, Teague. Kellie. Jay.” He nodded to each one but gave Kellie a gentle pat on the arm, and then looked at Camryn and Melanie. “And who might these two new beauties be?” he inquired with a classic McCallan smile.

  Teague put his arm around Camryn and said, “This is my fiancée, Camryn Jacobs.”

  Neil tilted his head as he subtly looked her over. “Fiancée, huh?” He seemed to think about that for a moment, and Teague was pretty sure he knew why. Grandpa should have been informed of stuff like that.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. McCallan,” Camryn smiled politely, holding out her hand.

  “Yes, you too,” he replied, shaking it softly. “I think we’ve found the second most beautiful women in the room,” he nodded to Camryn and Melanie. “Meet the first, this is my wife Blaire.”

  “Hello, nice to meet you,” Camryn said. Blaire smiled and returned the greeting as they shook hands. “This is my sister Melanie,” she introduced to them.

  “Hi,” Melanie smiled shyly. “Happy Birthday, sir.”

  “Sir?” he snorted. “You can call me Neil or Grandpa, whichever suits you. But thank you for the birthday wish. Hopefully you still look as gorgeous as I do when you’re seventy.”

  Everyone laughed and Camryn said, “Oh my, I see where these boys get their ‘self-confidence’.”

  “That’s a kind way of putting it,” Neil said. “You can say it. Arrogance.”

  “Hey, we’re just thankful for our charm and good looks,” Jay shrugged.

  “Wait, who’s charming?” Melanie asked, scowling at Jay.

  Neil laughed earnestly as he looked at both boys and said, “I’m liking this. Strong women to put you two jackasses in your place.”

  “He’s the jackass,” Jay and Teague replied in unison.

  “Whatever,” Jay shook his head. “At least the lady doesn’t dispute my good looks,” he winked at Melanie.

  She narrowed her eyes at him but relented. “No, you McCallan men aren’t lacking in that aspect.”

  “Just everywhere else,” Kellie teased.

  “You shut it,” Jay said. “Sister opinions definitely don’t count.”

  Teague was going to add something more, but Max was approaching their group and he changed his mind. Max was looking over the gathering cautiously, but gave his grandpa a hug. “Happy Birthday, Gramps. You look good, young man.”

  Teague didn’t hear the rest of the exchange because he turned away, kissing Camryn on the head at the same time. “You hungry? Wanna go test some appetizers?”

  “Sure,” she smiled, sliding her arm around his waist. “Wow, is this all standard McCallan chow?” she asked, eyeing the five long tables of food.

  “Pretty much. This is what I grew up with.”

  “It doesn’t seem like it. I mean the specialty caviar dishes, all the wines here, the fancy desserts… It doesn’t seem like you, but you also fit in here pretty easily.”

  “I’ll take that as an insult?”

  “No,” she laughed softly. “It’s a compliment. You’re well rounded. I’m proud of you for being your own man.” She kissed him on the cheek.

  He glanced around the main ballroom and murmured, “I’m sure one of these hallways leads to a closet or vacant dressing room. Or un-dressing room,” he smiled against her neck.

  “Hmm, sounds like the kind of dessert that I—”

  She stopped short and Teague followed her gaze until he spotted Kate and Chase across the room. He looked away just at quickly and chose to be silent.

  “Do you want to leave?” Camryn asked quietly.

  “Kind of.”

  “Then let’s leave. I’m only here for you, honey.”

  “Okay. But Melanie looks like she’s having fun,” he motioned.

  Camryn looked at her sister, who was now talking to a trio of young celebrities. She recognized the one in the middle and asked, “Is that who I think it is?”

  “Uh huh,” Teague replied vacantly.

  “Well Melanie is only here with us. If we leave, she’ll leave too.”

  “Did you wish your grandfather a happy birthday?” a voice asked as Teague’s dad suddenly appeared from behind them.

  Teague slid his arm around Camryn. It was either protective instinct or for his own security, he wasn’t sure. “Yes, of course,” he answered simply.

  Craig nodded before taking a tiny sip of alcohol. “And what about your son? Seems I’ve hugged and kissed him hello and you’ve not so much as glanced his way.”

  “It’s not your business, Dad.”

  “Not my business?” he hissed, his eyebrows so angry they were almost touching. “That is my grandson. Look at him, Teague. Look. At. Him,” he growled, grabbing Teague’s shoulder and forcing him to face Kate across the room. Kate was now holding Chase against her hip and Grandpa McCallan was speaking with the two of them.

  Teague took a slow, deep breath in an attempt to rein in his bitterness. It hurt too much to look but he knew he needed to get used to it at some point. It was Camryn that stepped between the two men and looped her arm through Teague’s. Without words she led him away, and Teague walked with her willingly, feeling a bit of strength because of her ability to stand up for him in a silent manner. But he definitely was not expecting his father to make a scene.

  “You going to knock her up too, Teague?” his voice called after him. “Raise a kid until you get bored and just walk away?”

  Teague stopped dead in his tracks, even though Camryn was telling him that Craig wasn’t worth the argument right now. She was right, but what the hell. He turned around and walked back to his dad.

  “That’s my goal in life,” he said quietly, so he didn’t add to the drama. “To make as many kids as I can feel as unwanted as I did.” He scoffed and shook his head. “Do you honestly think that little of me? Do you really think that I could go from worshiping the ground my kid walks on to…nothing? To just leaving him behind? You think that was my choice?”

  “Well actions speak a thousand words, Teague. I don’t know what the hell happened between you and Kate, but making an innocent little boy suffer the consequences too is pretty damn low.”

  “I’m not going to talk to you about this here,” Teague said. “You’ll figure it out soon enough anyways.”

  “Figure what out?” Craig asked. “What are you saying?”

��He’s saying that Chase is my son,” Max said from behind them.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  It took about eight seconds for Craig to process the information as he looked from one son to the other. “What did you say?” he finally whispered.

  “I said…that Chase is my son,” Max repeated quietly. “Teague is the victim in all of this, so stop shitting on him with things he has no control over. This is my fault, and I know I’ve made some stupid mistakes, but I’m tired of trying to live up to your career expectations.”

  Camryn studied Craig’s reaction first. To say he was stunned was an understatement. But she looked at Teague next and didn’t like the way his eyebrows knitted into a worried stupor. “A victim,” she heard him scoff as he stared at the floor. He shook his head, and as Camryn heard him take in a breath of air, she tightened her hold on his arm.

  “Teague, let’s go,” she said.

  He finally looked at her and nodded his head. He glanced at his dad and brother before he turned to leave.

  “Is this true?” Craig suddenly asked. “Teague? Is this true?”

  Teague stopped and answered, “Yes, it’s true.”

  Craig slowly shook his head. “Why in the hell…? What would even—? Jesus Christ,” he whispered. “What the hell am I missing here? You both know this but— What the hell is going on?”

  “It’s not my problem anymore,” Teague told him. “You guys have a fun chat.”

  “Teague!” Craig growled angrily.

  “It’s simple, Dad,” Max said somberly. “I hooked up with Kate one night. It was an accident, I was drunk, and it was stupid of me. We conceived a child, and Teague didn’t find out until Chase was a couple months old. We kept it from him.”

  Craig stared at Max and blinked with confusion. “Are you kidding me?”

  “No,” Max replied, just as Grandpa McCallan joined the group.

  “It’s about damn time this all came out,” Neil spoke gruffly, but he was corralling them towards a hallway.


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