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Pharaoh of Fire

Page 7

by Chadwick Duncan

  Chapter 6: Encirclement Battle

  A large silk vessel set sail from Istapor towards the Gibraltari Empire. The ship was a façade, it was in the back pocket of one of the members of The Creed and served as a ruse for them to move between territories. The ship was fully manned with a captain to allow The Creed to blend within the ranks. The ocean was calm. The waves moved as if they were nearly asleep. The sun beamed from above, but the cool winds of the sea moderated the temperature.

  “Are we almost there!?” Ojo groaned. He leaned on the ship’s railing with Mojo sleeping upon his head.

  “Almost! Now shut up you swine!” Ymir yelled in frustration.

  “Don’t tell me what to do! I’ll have Mojo slit your throat in your sleep! Huh Mojo?” he got no response, the monkey was in deep slumber.

  Ymir laughed, “I guess your monkey won’t save you this time. Not like he could’ve in the first place.” Mojo awoke from his dreams and screeched at Ymir.

  “Oh shut up you damn primate,” Ymir replied. Suddenly, the door from the ships cabin swung open.

  “Are you two done bickering? You sound like a married couple.” An elderly man uttered as he exited the cabin. He donned a long white beard with a turban upon his head. His back was bare, allowing him to display a physique that could put men half his age to shame.

  He continued, “Well the three of you if I’m to be specific.”

  “Me marry that heathen? I have met much finer men to settle for than, that ‘thing’,” Ymir replied.

  Ojo twisted his face, “You disgust me.”

  “Well I have met many that seem to tell me otherwise,” Ymir replied as he peeped through his spyglass.

  “Sorry I was in the cabin for so long. Felt that a few hundred push-ups were in order since we have been on this boat for so long.”

  “Still trying to fight off father time Haroun? Eventually he will catch you. He always catches us,” Ymir replied, still peering out the spyglass.

  Haroun began to laugh, “I do not intend on getting caught anytime soon. I have probably lived your life three times over.”

  Ymir sighed, “Whatever old man.”

  “Are we nearly there?” Haroun asked as he placed his shirt back on.

  “Yeah. I can see the Angola clan sigil from here. I always thought the crocodile was an ugly animal,” Ymir replied as he vexed his face.

  “Ahhh good, good. Let us get ready men, it is time to work.”

  Ojo walked over to the edge of the ship with Mojo upon his shoulder, “Crocodile Bay, I heard that these waters really have crocodiles in them. So people can’t swim and sneak into the country.”

  “Do you see any crocodiles Ojo?” Ymir asked.

  “No, they could be under the water sleeping,” he replied as he examined the waters.

  “Crocodiles can’t breathe underwater you idiot,” Ymir rolled his eyes.

  Ojo fiercely charged towards Ymir with Mojo screeching uncontrollably, “You always have something slick to say! Bet your attitude would change if I took your tongue!” Ojo held a knife to Ymir’s throat.

  Ymir responded, “If you are going to be sticking me in my throat, I rather it go down it.” Ojo quickly retracted his knife in bewilderment.

  Haroun began pinching the bridge of his nose, “Gentlemen, gentlemen. Please control yourself. I don’t know why Mbemba thought it was a good idea to send you two on a mission together.”

  “Because if anyone is bringing Ida back it is me! Ymir already screwed up once!” Ojo exclaimed.

  “I am just annoyed Mbemba sent me to retrieve her with this fool,” Ymir sighed.

  Haroun walked towards Ymir and placed his arms around him, “You two were on that mission together ol’ boy, so you have to help retrieve her to face her faith. Honestly, I cannot believe Ida would just abandon the mission.”

  Ymir replied, “Yeah, I am just as surprised as you. After she left the Isradon home, I overheard her saying something about Prince Nairobi and his expedition to the Pyramid of Nebu. I tried to stop her but she was too quick,” he shrugged.

  Haroun sighed, “So unbecoming of her. To turn on The Creed. She will be punished severely.”

  The ship docked and the captain met with the Ports men. Ojo hid Mojo within his garments as The Creed posed as the crew, gathering barrels of silk and placing them on the Port’s walkway. Silently, they slipped away into the sea of people that littered the port. Their destination was Selah Palace. With the news that Nairobi discovered the ancient Pyramid of Nebu and brought its contents back to the Palace circling the lands, it was the only logical place to commence their search. As the men advanced, the sun fell beyond the horizon and the Gbara was set to begin. Each Clan leader, with their successors, entered the Royal Council room which was grand and circular.

  Lining the room were five impressive wooden tables. Four of which had their clan sigil upon them, the fifth and also the largest table had two crossed golden scimitars as its sigil. The ground seemed as if it were on fire, having massive scarlet and gold striped carpets running along it. Each group sat at their respective tables, with the Mansa and Nairomi sitting at the largest one. The Angola clan’s sigil was a green crocodile attempting to bite its tail upon a yellow background. The Nguvu clan’s sigil was a black gorilla boasting in front of a golden pyramid. The Japreet clan sigil was a grey elephant head with its tusk erected as if it were charging. The Mali clan’s sigil was a black sun.

  The Mansa rose from his chair and gestured, “It seems we are all in attendance. Lord Assani Mali, please state the purpose of this Gbara.”

  A dark man rose from the Mali clan table. He donned a long wine colored robe consisting of golden accents and a turban upon his head, “Your Excellency, I called for this Gbara with regards to your son.” The Mansa’s face was perplexed and Nairomi’s eyes widened.

  Assani continued, “He has been linked with a chain of violent encounters in our territories countryside. With one incident resulting in a man losing his head.”

  “I do not understand, are you telling me Nairobi is on a killing spree?”

  “Yes, your Excellency. According to the reports, he incited these heinous acts.”

  Nairomi covered her mouth in apprehension. The Mansa began to grit, arching his eyebrows and riling his face. The room was silent as the Lord stared at the Mansa as he tried to subdue the fire raging within him.

  “What is that damn boy doing!?” he yelled throughout the room.

  “We were not sure what the meaning of these malicious acts were. Whether you sent him to spite us or if they were on his own accord.”

  “I assure you Assani, these were not acts of mine. I apologize for his actions. Have you apprehended him?”

  “No we have not. We have men searching for him as we speak, they will report when they have found something of importance.”

  “I see. Alert me when he is caught. I want to be there for the execution.”

  Nairomi exploded out of her seat, “What do you mean execution!?”

  “You know the law of the lands. A man who claims another’s life unlawfully shall be beheaded,” the Mansa replied emotionlessly.

  “You cannot just execute him! He is your son! My brother! We must be able to deliberate over an alternative punishment!”

  “Silence Nairomi! In the eyes of the law we are all equal. No special treatment.”

  “Then bring him forth to be tried first. Allow him to explain himself. That is also a part of the law.” Silence engulfed the room, the atmosphere was electric.

  Reluctantly Mansa Hatim began, “Very well then. He shall appear before the Royal Courtroom to explain his deeds.” Nairomi plummeted back to her seat, her sigh of relief was felt throughout the room.

  Assani added, “Understood. Upon his apprehension we shall deliver him to the Palace for trial.”

  “Is there any further questions?” the Mansa asked.

  The head of the Angola clan stood with his eyes closed. He too was a dark man but a slightly lighter comp
lexion and much older than Assani. He was the eldest in the room in fact. His arm quivered on his walking stick as he inhaled some smoke from his pipe. He exhaled the smoke, opened his eyes and began slowly.

  “Yes, your Excellency.”

  “Very well, speak Lord Mateus.”

  “It is in regards to the throne successor. Albeit you have a son, you refuse to groom him for it. Also, with him being possibly executed he is out of the question. So that leaves us with your daughter, has she decided which one of our sons she chooses to wed?”

  Hatim stared at Nairomi then slowly faced Mateus, “I have been meaning to tell you all this. Nairomi refuses to take a husband and I shall crown her the Mansa after I step down.” The whole room erupted into a frenzy. All the Lords stood up and began protesting the decision.

  “What do you mean she will not wed!? She has to or you relinquish the throne!” Assani objected.

  “This is unprecedented,” Mateus softly said amongst the commotion with his pipe to his lips.

  The head of the Japreet clan, Lord Vishal Japreet, joined in, “Your Excellency! What is the meaning of this!? I too have a daughter whom is to take the head of our clan but to make her Mansa!? That is absurd!”

  The head of the Nguvu clan, Lord Commander Rashid Nguvu, finally spoke, “Brother! What is this madness!?”

  “Please, please, everyone! Settle down! One at a time!” The Mansa frantically waved as he tried to defuse the situation.

  Lord Rashid yelled, “Hatim! Look at me! What games are you playing!?”

  He continued, “I brought my son with me, Habib. He is the perfect husband for your daughter. The Nguvu blood will still reign over the land.”

  “Ridiculous!” Assani shouted.

  “To wed another member of your own clan is against the rule!” he added.

  Rashid turned towards Assani, “I rather that than this treason my brother is plotting.”

  Assani replied, “Well she can marry my boy instead, Chukwuku. He sits here beside me. Take a look Princess,” he gestured for Chukwuku to stand.

  He continued, “Look at him. Tall, dark, strong abled bodied young man. The perfect husband. More of a man than anyone else you shall meet.”

  Lord Mateus puffed his pipe and began, “Preposterous! The Nguvu clan already married a Mali last time with his Excellency Mansa Hatim marrying the late Empress Ijemma Mali. Another clan should sit alongside them in the throne. Take my son instead, Yannick Angola.”

  He continued, “Albeit he is smaller than Chukwuku, he is an expert swordsman. His swordsmanship only second to Nairobi! He would be a much better suitor.”

  Assani scoffed, “Chukwuku would break him and his little sword in half!”

  Mateus replied, “A wildebeest is a mighty animal, but all it takes is one swift bite of the mamba to take it down.”

  Angrily, Assani rebutted, “What does that mean!? You think your boy can land a scratch on my boy. Do not make me laugh. That opium must be getting to you, you old fool.”

  Vishal interrupted them, “Your Excellency, I brought my daughter Lali Vishal in the hopes Nairobi would be present. If he is to be deemed innocent, please stop this madness and just have the boy marry my daughter.”

  He continued, “But if Nairobi is guilty, the very least you could do is give me your daughter’s hand. I will find a suitable man to wed her. The Japreet people have diligently protected the Empire from the south for centuries, and not once have we had a member sit in the Palace.”

  Hatim patiently waited and listened to them bicker amongst themselves but before he could reply, Nairomi stood and began to speak, “You all bring fine men before me, but I am sorry to say that I am uninterested in all of your sons. I want to be the Mansa. I want to rule.”

  Mateus nearly choked on his pipe hearing her response, “Princess! What is the meaning of this!? A man should be the Mansa, a woman’s place is by his side as he rules.”

  “A woman’s place is wherever the hell I want it to be!” Nairomi barked.

  Lali rose from her seat, her long, dark silken hair flowed as she stood. He cocoa skin shimmered as her hazel eyes gazed upon Nairomi, “Princess, I am Lady Lali Japreet, the soon-to-be head of my clan. I admire your ambition as I will be the first woman ruling over my clan. But the rules are the rules, you must wed someone.”

  Chukwuku stated, “Lali is correct, my lady. A marriage must be in order for you to claim the throne. Please allow me to take your hand. I am the strongest of my clan, possibly the strongest in the Empire.”

  “Strength without beauty is a sin,” Yannick added. His long black hair flowing as he spoke.

  He continued, “Princess, I alone possess the beauty to wed you. That heathen’s monstrous size would not be a compliment to your elegance.”

  “You talk a big talk, but can you put your blade where your mouth is?” Chukwuku replied.

  “Anytime you need it big fellow, my blade is always on me,” Yannick wisped back his robes, revealing a sword on his hip.”

  “Enough you two,” Habib Nguvu finally joined into the conversation among the heirs.

  “Nairomi, I knew you since we were children. I watched you become this beautiful young woman here before us. I alone know how you truly are. I alone can marry you.”

  Assani responded, “No members of the current ruling clan can wed her!”

  Habib replied, “My apologies my Lord, but this a special circumstance now. It is beyond the rules. We need to sustain order within the Empire. Having a single female Mansa in the Palace might make us look weak. The South might mobilize and prey on us.”

  Lord Mateus replied, “The South is too busy fighting amongst themselves over land and water to ever venture this far and attack. “

  He took a puff of his pipe and continued, “Even if they somehow call an armistice, the likelihood of them all banning together and coherently striking us is next to none.”

  Vishal interjected, “This is true. However, with the North being such a haven compared to the South, it might be enough incentive for them to ban together. Their fight for water and land would be over if they could conquer us.”

  Assani shaken but still persistent, “I will not stand for her marrying an Nguvu! His Excellency promised he would wed Nairomi to my son after he wed my sister!”

  Rashid replied, “Well circumstances changed after she was kidnapped from the Palace. Many questions were raised and former agreements had to be broken.”

  Assani snarling replied, “It is not my fault one of your own people kidnapped her! You and Mansa Hatim’s brother at that!”

  Rashid slammed his hand on the table, “Kidnapping the Empress was something we were not accounting for! How were we supposed to know Aslam would have went to such great lengths when our father chose Hatim over him to be his successor!?”

  Mansa Hatim rose his arms and when the men silenced themselves, he began “It is okay Rashid. What Aslam did, not just to our family, but to our Empire, is unforgivable. I do not know how many were in on that heinous incident. So I refuse to wed another Mali. For all I know, you were trying to expedite the process of me leaving the throne so you could have Nairomi to yourself.”

  “So you think I was a part of that!? Your Excellency, forgive me but these are some bold accusations! You are my Emperor but I mind you, watch your tongue before you soon say something you shall regret! Ijemma was my sister! I would never conspire against her!”

  He continued, “If anything, I should be condemning you! You all retrieved her but your people’s inability to properly deliver a child was the reason she died! She died from those injuries a few years later. My sister is dead because of your people!”

  Rashid replied, “You sister will not be the only dead Mali if you do not lower your voice when you speak of the Nguvu clan.”

  “You dare threaten me!? I will have your head Rashid,” Assani snarled.

  “With what men? Everyone here knows the Mali clan is all bark and no bite. The Nguvu is the real force to fear. Besides,
I am the Lord Commander of the Royal Army, and I do not think you wish to be on the wrong side of my blade,” Rashid replied.

  “True, but most of the food within the Empire comes from us. Watch your tone or watch your men starve,” Assani replied.

  Hatim slammed both his hands on his table, “Be quiet you two! No one is warring!”

  “My apologies, your Excellency,” the two men uttered in unison and bowed.

  Lord Mateus took a breath of his pipe and exhaled. He looked at Mansa Hatim and began, “So where does this leave us? We still have not agreed upon whom Nairomi is to wed.”

  The room fell deathly silent. Mansa Hatim gazed at the Lords. His face was wet and his hands began to tremble. You could hear each man’s breath increase and decrease as they thought. Lord Assani’s fingernails clattered on the wooden table. Lord Mateus continued to puff his pipe and assess Mansa Hatim until he responded. Lord Rashid crossed his arms and began to ponder the possibilities. Finally, Lord Vishal broke the silence.

  “If the Princess refuses to choose a husband then we have to hold an Ukulwa.”

  “An Ukulwa? We have not done such a thing for decades. The last Ukulwa was Mansa Hatim’s grandfather, Kagiso the Great,” Lord Assani stated.

  “Ahhh Kagiso, the man who destroyed the Blood Snakes of the Moto,” Lord Mateus uttered.

  Confused, Nairomi began, “What is an Ukulwa?”

  Mateus replied “A fight to the death between representatives from each clan, man or woman. The victor claims the throne.”

  He inhaled smoke from his pipe and continued, “You may stay in Selah Palace if you wish my lady, but only if the victor claims you as their wife….or you claim their lives in the arena.”

  Nairomi looked towards her father, “What is the meaning of this? I never read anything about an Ukulwa in my studies!”

  Dejectedly, Hatim replied, “Because we have not had one in so many decades. It brought conflict within the Empire. Men were furious about the death of their sons. We removed it from our law.”


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