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Page 22

by K'Anne Meinel

  “Well what’s this Mr. Summers thing, you can call me Gus or daddy, you take your pick little lady” he said formally.

  She smiled at him and he was surprised how pretty she really was, “well Mr. Summers, er Gus, if you don’t mind me calling you that.”

  “Not at all girly, not at all, let’s get you set in the truck and be heading back to the ranch. We have a few miles to go but not as far as if you’d come into Wichita. ‘Preciate you arranging this” he said as he reached for her bag from the steward.

  Karin grabbed her own garment bag and Cassie reached for her hand to hold it as they walked out to the truck giving it a squeeze as she smiled over at her. Cassie watched her reaction to the truck and was pleased to note she didn’t turn a hair as she saw the condition of their transportation. Not even an eyelash was batted as she threw her own bag in the backseat and climbed up. Cassie climbed up next to her and squeezed her hand again delighted that she was finally there.

  Gus drove them away from the airport and Karin was in his rear view mirror. “How was yer flight?” he asked politely. He had seen his daughter take her hand and it no longer bothered him as it once would have.

  “Not too bad, Denver was a little shaky with turbulence” she answered as she looked at him through her designer sunglasses.

  “Well, you’ll have a relaxin’ time here on the ranch; we have plenty of fresh air here not like that New York there. How people can live penned up in so small an area I don’t understan” he emphasized his drawl.

  Karin smiled “I enjoy New York but I just live there. I work all over so I enjoy seeing different parts of the country. I wouldn’t want to raise a family in New York though.”

  “You plannin’ on raisin’ a family?” he asked wondering what his daughter’s plans were.

  Karin exchanged a grin with Cassie. “No, Mr. Summers, er Gus. I’ve done my raising. My sons are adults. I’m done.”

  “You have son’s?” he asked surprised. Cassie hadn’t mentioned it. He wondered how she had managed that with her being gay and all.

  “Yes sir, they are fine young men” she bragged proudly.

  “They know about you and my daughter?” he asked.

  “Yes they do. We tried to arrange a meeting the last time she went through Wisconsin but it didn’t work out. The last time they were in New York she was in the southwest so that didn’t work either.”

  Cassie squeezed her hand and frowned. She mouthed “when were they in New York?”

  Karin looked at her and frowned back “last month” as though she should have known.

  “Maybe we should have them down here to the ranch. City boys like things like that” he offered.

  “Oh, my boys aren’t city boys. I wouldn’t call them country boys either. They hunt, they fish, they are all around boys” she defended them.

  Gus thought any man who hunted or fished was all right by him. “Your husband teach them to hunt and fish?” he asked.

  Karin smiled into the mirror as she answered “No, I did” and nearly laughed at the expression on Gus’s face. She saw with her peripheral vision that Cassie was gaping at her. She squeezed Cassie’s hand to comfort her but she thought perhaps Cassie thought she was teasing her father instead.

  “Feller over there raises elk” Gus pointed to a place with high eight to ten foot fences as he tried to change the subject.

  “Have you ever eaten elk meat?” Karin asked politely.

  “Yep, it’s mighty tasty. He raises them on good Kansas prairie grass, the finest in the world.”

  “I think you may be biased” she teased. “I prefer buffalo myself, more flavor. I think it’s the fat. I’ve always wanted to try Beefalo though, do you know anyone who raises Beefalo?” she tilted her head slightly as he glanced back in the mirror in surprise.

  “I think there is a feller over near the state line near Colorado that raises ‘em” he said. “We could check it out while you’re here” he offered weakly.

  “That would be great. Cassie said you like to barbeque” she smiled.

  That woman was surprising the hell out of Gus Summers. He just couldn’t figure her out. Here she sat in his rusted out old Chevy in a designer suit with designer sunglasses yet and talked about Beefalo as though she knew what she was talking about. He couldn’t understand her. The rest of the trip he stuck to pointing out the sights of interest.

  They pulled up a long driveway with a huge wrought iron gate that was open to let them in with a large horse statue rearing up on hind legs on one side and a beautiful flower garden on the other. They drove up the asphalt driveway with manicured lawns on both sides and pulled into the yard where a windmill was going around gently and pumping water into a huge trough that had pipes coming out of it to siphon off the excess. The house was a long country house and reminded Karin of Cassie’s in Nashville which was probably why she had purchased it. The barns were impressive and had recently been painted a bright red with white trim. Long low stables were beyond the house down a little hill. On the hills behind them contained in a combination of white fences and barbed wire were horses and cattle.

  “Wow, how nice” Karin admired as she got out and looked around.

  “Yep, we have over fifteen hundred head near the home paddock alone” Gus bragged.

  “Impressive. Cassie mentioned horses?” Karin inquired solicitously.

  “Yeah, I raise Appaloosa’s, you ever hear of ‘em?” he asked with a slightly condescending note to his question.

  “You mean the ones originally bred by the Nez Pierce tribes in the Northwest, those horses?” she asked sweetly as she hid a grin and pulled her bag out of the truck.

  “Yep, those would be them” he said lamely looking at Cassie who didn’t hold back her own grin as she grabbed Karin’s other suitcase.

  They showed her into the pretty house. Everything was Western, from the cowhide chairs to the stuffed heads in their living room. Spokes lined the stairway leading to the downstairs where they had a TV room. Cassie showed her back to her old bedroom that had a double bed that had Karin raising her well-manicured eyebrow at. Cassie smiled “we’ll be cozy” she knew Karin was comparing it to her own king sized bed in New York. She placed the suitcase at the end of the bed and took Karin into her arms “I’m so glad you’re here!” she said excitedly.

  Karin smiled at her as she leaned in to kiss her properly on the lips and dropped the other suitcase she had been carrying. A gentle pressure with her mouth slightly ajar she couldn’t resist probing with her tongue and gasped slightly when Cassie did the same. It always affected her so and she deepened the kiss immediately holding Cassie closer.

  “Whoops, don’t mind me” Gus said as he closed their door.

  Karin pulled back and Cassie started laughing. “God I’m sorry, I didn’t realize...” Karin began.

  “Don’t worry about it. Daddy knows you’re my girlfriend” she grinned.

  Karin shrugged it off. “I need to change” she indicated her suit and Cassie had to agree with her. She sat in a chair in the corner as Karin hoisted her bag on the bed and unzipped. Cassie was pleased to see her pull jeans and a blouse out of the bag.

  “Don’t you own a T-shirt?” she asked watching her as she started unbuttoning her blouse.

  Karin shook her head as she grinned “I don’t look good in T-Shirts, you won’t ever see me in one.”

  Cassie grinned back. It was so good to have her here; she didn’t care what she wore. She’d prefer her naked but then that wouldn’t go over well with her daddy. “So your boys were in New York?” she asked, referring to the conversation in the truck.

  Karin nodded as she removed her blouse and gently laid it on the bed. “Alex had to do something financial or something and I offered him a spare bed, Caleb didn’t come.”

  “How come you never mentioned it?” she watched as Karin stood there in her Victoria’s Secret brassiere. She looked very nice.

  Karin changed her mind about the blouse she had decided to wear and
exchanged it for a camisole with lace across the top. She stripped off her bra and treated Cassie to a view of her naked from the waist up. “I guess it never came up” she said as she gave Cassie a further treat stretching her arms up to pull the camisole over her head. She adjusted the built in shelf to accommodate her breasts and hold them up.

  “You have to volunteer those things” Cassie advised as she looked at her girlfriend.

  “You know I’m not like that” Karin informed her as she began to take off her skirt. She hopped out of shoes and picked them up she grabbed a plastic bag from her suitcase and placed them inside and wrapped them up to shove them in the bottom of her bag.

  “I thought you were going to work on that?”

  Karin smiled “are we going to fight about me not talking or about you not asking?”

  She had Cassie there. If Cassie was interested she should ask but she also felt Karin should volunteer things. She did about work; she just didn’t about her personal life. “Did you really teach your sons to hunt and fish?”

  Karin smiled further as she shimmied out of her skirt and pulled down her nylons. “You will never know” she teased.

  “I’d like to” Cassie responded enjoying the sight of her girlfriend standing there in a lacy camisole top with only high cut French panties on.

  Karin sat on the edge of the bed ruining the view for Cassie and put on thicker gym style ankle socks. She pulled on her jeans and stood up to zip them up on her slender figure. She pulled out a belt and put that through the loops on her jeans and buckled it tight. She reached into her suitcase and pulled out another bag and much to Cassie’s surprise she pulled out a set of well-worn cowboy boots in burgundy color.

  “Those yours?” Cassie asked surprised.

  Karin smiled. “You don’t know everything about me” she answered as she stomped into them.

  “I’m trying, I’m trying” Cassie answered as she got up off the bed and walked over to her girlfriend and took her in her arms. “You almost look countrified” she drawled as she leaned in for a kiss. They had both been apart too long and the kiss deepened. “mmmm, you taste good” Cassie breathed.

  Karin smiled as she kept kissing Cassie her eyes closing as she enjoyed the sensation. “I love you” she said when her lips were free enough to get it out. The sensation of talking lips to lips was incredible after their time apart.

  Cassie squeezed her in response “I love you too.” She just held her which felt so very nice. “Well, what other surprises are you going to pull out of that bag of yours?” she asked.

  Karin chuckled “I hope to go on surprising you for a long long time yet.”

  Cassie grinned in anticipation “I hope so too.” She released her long enough that Karin put on a loose fitting blouse over her bare shoulders and camisole. It matched but then that didn’t surprise Cassie. Karin loosened the pins holding up her long hair and finger combed it out. She looked totally different from the executive she had been when she got off the private jet.

  “Well is this better?” she asked her girlfriend.

  Cassie gave her a full smile “I don’t know if it’s better, but it sure is lovely” she admired.

  Karin gathered up her clothes neatly and left the bag on the end of the bed, she clipped her phone to her belt. Together they walked out of the bedroom and entered the kitchen where Gus waited for them. He looked in astonished surprise at the transformation of Cassies girlfriend. “Well, well, well lookee here. Don’t you look nice” he drawled.

  Karin looked down at herself and said “well thank you sir.”

  “You got a hat?” he asked.

  She shook her mane of brunette locks that were floating free. She had gotten a trim a week ago and the layers bounced delightedly. Cassie longed to plunge her hands in them. “That’s something we need to get while I’m here” she answered.

  “That’s easily fixed; we can go into town tonight for dinner and stop at the general store.” Gus informed her.

  “Come on, let’s show her around the home paddock” Cassie encouraged.

  They showed her the barns with their huge doors which allowed farm equipment in and the masses of beef that helped sustain this ranch. Gus proudly explained about his prize winning horse breeding program and showed her the apple of his eye his first stallion, Buttercup. He’d had him for over twenty years and Cassie had named him when she was fairly young yet. She had thought that by naming a stallion Buttercup that he would be gentle and docile. He had been gentle but not docile. All their subsequent stallions out of him were spirited and his offspring beautiful. He had died a number of years ago but Gus explained with a tear in his eye, his legacy lived on. He showed them a new stallion he was bringing along that just might be as good as Buttercup had been. They’d named him Royal Charger or Spot for short. Karin laughed a good laugh over that and Cassie explained to her daddy about her own names for her pets. After seeing pictures of Karin’s ‘little’ cat on her phone as others would carry pictures of their children he looked at her in a new light.

  That night they went into town for dinner as Gus had promised. Karin bought a soft brown suede hat that went well with her hair and tugged at Cassies heart when she saw it on her. They introduced her to all of Gus’s friends and as everyone knew Cassie they didn’t hesitate to introduce her as Cassie’s girlfriend. Very few people reacted visibly to it. She made a favorable impression on them all. She was well mannered, amusing, and she made a good companion to their local girl made good. Cassie was a pretty girl, she deserved a pretty partner. The general consensus was they made a good couple and while some found two girls together odd they accepted it because Cassie was one of their own.

  That night as they got ready for bed Cassie commented “everyone loved you, you know?”

  Karin grinned as they pulled the bedspread down. She had placed her suitcase on the dresser. She was wearing a satin nightshirt that covered to her knees and looked very sexy. “What can I say, I’m just charming.”

  Cassie smiled “I think so” as they met in the middle of the bed and started kissing.

  “That’s never happened to me before” Karin said a while later as she lay there looking up at the ceiling.

  “It’s okay, it’s probably jet leg or the strange house” Cassie said trying to soothe her ruffled feathers and not laugh at her disgruntled tone.

  “I have never not been able to cum” she said incredulously.

  “Baby, it’s okay” she tried to console her but Karin was decidedly annoyed and turned away.

  Cassie had tried her best but Karin had been unable to cum despite several positions and repeated attempts. They had had to be quiet in their attempts out of consideration for Cassie’s father in the house but they tried, repeatedly, and failed. Karin had finally told her to just stop in self-disgust and had given up. Cassie put her arm around Karin and held her close.

  The next day they decided to get Karin up on a horse.

  “Have you ever rode before lil lady?” Gus asked in his slow drawl at breakfast.

  Karin decided to be cute with him and answered “you mean besides the ponies that go around in circles at the fair?”

  Cassie giggled but Gus took her seriously. “Well, these are a little larger” he began to caution.

  Gus had one of the prettiest horses Karin had ever seen geared up with a rich leather saddle and its bridle even had silver fittings holding it together. Karin admired the horse and spoke to it petting its long muzzle and gazing into its beautifully long lashed eyes. She wrinkled her nose at the smell in the paddock but with horses and cows around you had to expect that. “Do you need help gettin’ up on him?” Gus asked as he and Cassie walked up leading their own beautiful Appaloosa’s.

  “Him?” Karin asked as she watched Gus mount his horse effortlessly.

  “Yep, gelded him myself” Gus bragged.

  Karin wrinkled her nose in distaste at the thought and Gus laughed.

  “I’ll help you if you need it” Cassie asked with a tw
inkle in her eye.

  “You just want to get a hand on my ass” Karin whispered as she put her foot in the stirrup and rose up over the saddle easily. “It’s a good thing I ride my bike all the time or those muscles wouldn’t get used” she said louder and Cassie laughed as she got on her own horse.

  “We’ll go on up to that rise over thar” Gus pointed “it’ll give us a good view of the ranch and you can see what we’ve been talkin’ about.”

  They headed out single file with Gus in the lead and Karin between them with Cassie bringing up the rear. Cassie didn’t mind. Karin looked fine in her tight fitting jeans and watching her ass in the saddle did something to her stomach. It made her think of inappropriate things that were better left for the bedroom but she consoled herself with the thought that Karin had started it with her comment about her hands on her ass. As she watched her ride though she realized Karin knew what she was doing. She rode with one hand holding both reins and the other free; she wasn’t grabbing the pommel like newcomers always did. They had purchased gloves to go with the hat yesterday and she was wearing them today. She looked like she belonged there except for the make-up. They took a well-worn trail made first by wildlife and then later by stock as they made their way through several paddocks and then along a field until they began climbing a long low hill. The view made it all worthwhile as they sat on their mounts who reached down to take advantage of the break and munch on the prairie grass. Gently rolling hills abounded all around them and generations of settlers had made it home but for all the settlement the only thing around for a long way was the ranch house they were now sitting above. It was beautiful, it was wild, it was free. Karin saw pheasants on their trek through the grasses and pointed them out when she did. Cassie was amazed she could even see them. She narrowed her eyes, something here wasn’t adding up about her classy and sophisticated girlfriend.


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