Warlock: A Fae's Vengeance: A Shawn Moore Novel 03
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She moaned softly in surprise and pleasure, and then spread her legs further to give me better access. I reached up and put a finger through the ring of the anal plug with one hand, and started to turn it, and gyrate it slightly as I made love to her tasty sex with my tongue, lips, and the fingers of my other hand.
She obviously enjoyed it, and gasped in pleasure as she arched her back and pushed herself into my face. I found her clit with my thumb, and licked deeply inside her wet heat as I continued to play with the butt plug, twisting, turning, and even slightly moving it in and out of her rosebud.
I wanted nothing more than for her to cum on my tongue at that moment, and give her pleasure, and she knew it.
“Oh god Shawn! Fuck!” she screamed a moment before her legs locked and she pushed back into me and trembled, as her delicious liquid pleasure bathed my tongue, lips, and chin.
I claimed it hungrily, and continued to lick her until her muscles relaxed, and her trembling subsided. Then I gently pulled out the butt plug as I stood up.
It was only a few inches long, and about half my girth, so I knew I’d have to take this slow, even with the abundance of lubricating oils. I lined up with my rock hard cock, and pushed my large mushroomed head against her tight dark star. I slowly pushed harder, and harder, until her puckered hole gave way and I popped in, just the tip.
Korrina moaned, a mix of pain and pleasure.
She encouraged me with sultry dirty talk that made me groan, as if her tight puckered hole wasn’t enough pleasure as it tightened around the tip like a vice.
“Go ahead Shawn, slide it all the way in, I want you to fuck my ass. It’s yours, fuck your angel’s ass. Please,” she added at the end, with a hint of begging in her voice.
I don’t know I’d done to deserve this, but I must have been a saint in a previous life.
I started to push and pull just a little, letting it sink in a bit further with each painfully slow and short stroke as her sphincter started to accept my invasion. The intense friction of her tight ring was incredible, and she kept making these noises filled with both pain, pleasure, and acceptance. It felt so good, and wrong at the same time, as I slowly sunk my cock deep inside her bowels.
She started to gasp, and I could tell she’d reached down and started to play with her clit.
“How much more, I want it all, all of it in me. God, it burns, but it feels so good at the same time. Do you like how my ass feels around your cock? Is it tight, and pleasurable around that big cock of yours?”
I froze, and tried not to cum. I wanted this to last as long as possible, but the hot angel below me, giving her ass to me, wasn’t making that easy.
“Maybe two more inches,” I said a little breathlessly.
She sighed softly, put her hands on the table, and thrust backwards taking me completely off guard. She gasped in pain, and then mewled in pleasure.
I grunted in surprise and then moaned in pleasure, as my balls smacked into her sex. It was so hot, looking down at her ass, my cock spearing her dark star, stretching it out. I waited for a moment, for her to get used to me. I caressed her back, waist, hips, and ass with my fingertips, she was so damned sexy.
She begged, “Now, fuck my ass, please, make me cum while you take my ass.”
My cock twitched at her words, and I started to saw in and out of her, just a little at first. She started to moan in enjoyment, and I knew she was playing with her clit. I slapped her ass hard, and then moaned as her puckered star tightened around me further as she gasped in pleasure.
“Harder, stop making love to me and fuck my ass.”
That was all the invitation I needed, I started to saw in and out of her, almost fully pulling out except for the tip, and then ramming my way back in. Any remaining concern I might have felt about hurting her, disappeared when she started to rock back and impale herself against me as I plunged toward her.
She was tight beyond belief, and the pleasure was mind blowing. More than that though it was the taboo act, and her total submission and the gift of her ass that made it even more incredible. I wished it would last forever it felt so good, and so wrong, but nothing lasts forever.
She screamed out in pleasure and came, and her ass locked even tighter around my girth as I continued to take her hard and fast. I felt the familiar boiling in my balls as my legs started to go numb.
She moaned, “Do it, fill my ass, it’s all for you.”
I grunted, buried myself hard and started to pump my seed deep inside of her.
She started cumming again and cried out in pleasure, as the bliss took both of us at the same time. I caressed her body softly as we both came down, and then slowly pulled out in an effort not to hurt her.
She stood and turned, and then kissed me passionately.
When she pulled away, she pushed me back into the chair and then sighed.
“That worked even better than I’d thought it would, I’d wanted to give it to you, but I had no idea how much I’d actually enjoy it,” she flashed with light, and was suddenly in a black sundress with red shoes, and I was dressed again. I still felt like I’d just cum, but I was cleaned up and the smell of sex was gone. It was a bit jarring.
She smiled apologetically, “Sorry,” she straddled my lap and claimed a kiss, “But I wanted to sit in your lap, but didn’t want to leak on you…”
She giggled and then we kissed like teenagers for a while, teasing after sex kisses which were melting, and soft.
Then she said in a more serious tone, “I think I’m going to go look for Elissa, I should be able to find her and deal with this easily enough. It won’t stop the shifters, but it will put an end to her scheming so there’s no more problems.”
I frowned in thought, I didn’t like the idea, but Korrina was from helpless. She wouldn’t thank me for trying to talk her out of going alone.
“Just… be careful. I’m not done with that sweet ass yet.”
She laughed and actually blushed a little bit. She kissed me lingeringly, and a bit teasingly, before she got up off my lap.
Then she winked and disappeared in a flash of light.
I sighed. I felt stupid for worrying, a fae had no chance against an angel. Except… neither had a warlock, and last I checked I was still breathing...
Chapter 12
Karen had done all she could do to prepare. She knew the shifters were on their way, it was only a matter of time. She wished she could have fought with Shawn at her side, but they both had responsibilities, and hers were here with her people, no matter how much she wanted her husband.
It wasn’t that she wasn’t confident she could handle it without him, because she could. She just missed him, and knew they made a great team.
Her and the rest of the council were in the chambers, with a handful of guards and that’s it. They were connected to the outer building wards, and most of the security mages were on hand and ready. They’d also gathered quite a bit of iron, and would see just how useful it was soon. They’d already sent all the support and unnecessary personnel home, as well as any supplicants or bystanders.
If the werewolves did manage to break through the wards, which was likely if they came in force, there would be no collateral damage, just security, agents, and the council itself were left in the building. She didn’t have to wait much longer, security called up and said there were a number of cars entering the parking lot.
Then she felt the wards warn her. They’d concentrated most of their magic on the physical wards. The shifters all changed, most of them, right there in the parking lot. She expected them to charge the door, but one of the ones that stayed human got back into his wrecker, and hit the gas.
The large tow truck rammed into the front doors. The wards held… barely.
But then he pulled back about fifty feet, and did it again. The second time the truck crashed through the glass and steel of the double doors, and skidded to a halt in the center of their lobby.
Then close to forty shi
fters, all with magical shields, ran into the building unopposed. They surrounded the truck and sat down on their haunches. The man got out of the truck and walked over to the security desk and grabbed the phone. She was pissed, because she’d hoped they’d lose some of their shielding before they got inside.
She cursed and dialed down to the lobby, “What?” she demanded when he answered.
He chuckled, “You must be a fire mage. To answer your question darling, you will surrender to the shifter nation, and agree to work under us, or we will kill you all. What’s your answer?”
She looked at the video, and saw four balls roll out into the lobby from the back hallway, and chuckled, “There’s your answer, asshole,” she said viciously and she hung up the phone.
The balls exploded, and the room filled with sharp shavings of pure iron, and got on everything, including all the shifters. She knew what was coming next, and used the wards on the building to make sure the walls and ceiling wouldn’t catch on fire.
Then the lobby went up in flames, as several fire mages attacked at once from the elevator bank. She wished she could hear sound, but she couldn’t. Then she saw several wolves and one large bear charge out of the flames without a scratch and toward the elevators.
An earth mage casted a barrier, which stopped them long enough to close the elevator doors, and go up to the second floor. When the fire died in the lobby, just about a quarter of the shifters were dead. A few others were singed, and the rest looked fine. They howled in anger at their dead companions and charged down the hallway.
The man followed, and opened the stairwell door, which the wolves then ran up quickly to the second floor. The stairwell was all cement and metal, so she didn’t even bother to check the fire that quickly filled the stairwell from the second floor door. Five more wolves died, leaving about twenty-five left. The mage slammed the door shut, and an earth mage warped it so it would have to be beaten down, and then they got back on the elevator, and came up to the fourth floor.
The wolves beat them there this time though, and attacked the mages as they opened up with fire again. The earth and air mages tried to help keep the wolves back, but a lot of mages went down. So far none had died, but their protections against physical harm wouldn’t last long against a werewolf’s assault.
Several of the fire mages exploded in fire, and a few wolves died, but the ones that lived broke through, and she shut her eyes as they were torn apart.
Her trap ideas had worked well, up until that point.
“Have the rest of the mages retreat to the council chamber, and for god sakes, remind them they can levitate themselves, even if they can’t levitate the enemy,” she ordered into the intercom.
The head agent Jerrold must have shared her orders immediately, because three mages immediately levitated and laid flat on the ceiling, and started to barrage the wolves with spells of fire, earth, and air. They covered the other mages, which were now just under thirty, as they retreated and entered the council room.
She regretfully allowed them to close and lock the doors.
“Circle, now.”
Just a few seconds later, she controlled the power of thirty-nine mages including herself, and started to charge the council room wards, she hadn’t believed they’d get this far. Stupid really, she’d never considered them just ramming the doors with a damned two-and-a-half-ton wrecker.
The three mages still out there retreated toward the door, crawling backwards on the ceiling as they rained magic down on the shifters. Five more died under their assault, leaving sixteen wolves left. She put the intercom on the speakers.
“Surrender now, or we’ll finish the rest of you off.”
They didn’t have a wrecker this time, and the inner wards were very solid, and now fully charged. She was also pretty sure the iron dust was still eating into the magic the fae put around them. She wouldn’t give them another chance. It was now or never.
The fuckers charged the council doors.
The three mages on the ceiling knew the plan, and blasted an air spell behind them, and flew along the ceiling. She hoped they got far enough away, and she set off the fire and air wards on the doors, and filled the hallway with a firestorm.
Whatever power they’d had left in their shields wasn’t enough, and their charge ended rather abruptly when they hit the doors. The physical wards took a big hit, but not nearly big enough for the wolves to break through. They all died in fire. She clenched her jaw firmly, what a waste. All those shifters were dead because one fell to the lies and magic of a fae.
She wished Elissa were here, so she could kill the bitch herself…
Christabel smiled at Mia as they headed outside. They’d been a little busy when security had called to say the shifters were arriving. Mia had been her lover for many years now, and she’d always been grateful to her sire for not requiring sex from her. Not that she thought he was ugly, or even that she didn’t truly love him, she just didn’t play for that team, and Dion was more like a father to her.
Not many outside the coven knew that about her, not that she cared what other’s thought, it just wasn’t anyone’s business what her sexual orientation was. This new society where everyone shared everything was ridiculous, and she didn’t get the concept at all.
Regardless, they’d gotten dressed rather quickly, and her body still vibrated with need. She’d been so close… No matter, Mia would make it up to her later. She’d take out her frustration on the damned shifters.
Her plan of defense was simple, offense. She had no intention of even letting one of these mangy shifter assholes step foot in her coven’s home. When she’d heard about the iron thing she knew exactly what to do, and had sent vampires out to every hardware store within sixty miles.
There were only about thirty wolf shifters, a few bears, and a handful of snakes.
Idiots, as if vampires weren’t immune to poison? They should have used the snakes somewhere else.
She smiled, and held the large two handed handle of the mallet, which had a four-pound iron head on the end of it. It was meant for use in minor demolition of course, knocking out walls and such, but it would work just as well to cave in the skulls of dumb ass shifters.
And she had forty vampires with her, all holding a similar mallet with a heavy iron head.
The shifters charged at her, and a feral smile lit her face, as she swung as hard and fast as she could.
She grunted, the mallet hadn’t broken through the shield, but physics was physics, a four-pound object moving at the speed and strength that an ancient vampire could bring, meant the shifter went flying about thirty feet, before falling, rolling, and sliding another ten or fifteen.
Christabel looked around, and saw only about a third died on the first shot. She imagined some fae were stronger than others, and only the weakest ones had their shields broken so quickly. That was okay, she wasn’t even winded, and they outnumbered them two to one now. Just one vampire had been hurt, he was a bit young, but he would recover.
As for shifter lives, there would be no offers to take their surrender either… An attack against her coven would be answered with death, always.
Forty vampires attacked in concert, faster than a blink, and the outraged and threatening howls of the surviving shifters cut off as they were pulverized.
Fucking shifters, they shouldn’t have stopped to pose like that and howl in outrage in the middle of a fight. Dumb asses.
Christabel looked around at the carnage, and then made a face at the carnage, “Alright, let’s clean this mess up…”
She supposed she’d have to wait on Mia’s pleasure a bit longer. She held up the mallet and smiled, she was definitely keeping it.
Elissa frowned as her spies reported in. The mage battle had gone about how she expected, although she’d have thought they’d have managed to kill more of them and create more havoc. The reason they hadn’t was obvious though, the mages had known the shifters were coming, and they’d been prepa
The attack on the vampires was a total joke, the vampires had kicked their asses. Somehow they’d known to use iron, and that annoyed her a lot. She briefly considered sending a storm to destroy the buildings, but that would drain her. Only the strongest fae could control storms like that, and she hated to waste the power.
That’s why she was spending shifter lives instead.
She knew the attack on Shawn’s mansion was going to happen any second, and she’d need to be ready to move if an opportunity presented itself. She felt a death pass over her, and her eyes widened, she knew that feeling.
She wasn’t sure why, but she ducked, and a white blur passed over her head, and then she heard mirthless laughter as she looked back up.
Korrina said threateningly, “Nice dodge, but don’t count on it happening twice bitch.”
Or, she thought, opportunity might come knocking. She pulled the soul trap out of her pocket, and as the angel charged her again, she activated it.
White light flashed, and when her retinas recovered, the angel was gone, and the trap felt warm in her hands. She put her head back and laughed. One down, one to go. Shawn still had to die for her to reclaim her honor.
After that, she would consider allowing the others to live. The mages and vampires really hadn’t offended her. Neither had the shifters for that matter, they’d just been weak enough to be used. Or their head alpha had been anyway…
She laughed again, and slipped the trapped angel into her pocket. She considered destroying it right then, but it might come in handy. She knew the Moore line could be foolishly heroic, having a little leverage seemed prudent, the Nephilim would die soon enough.
Still, she was in a much better mood, even if the dogs failed to provide her with an opportunity at Shawn, they’d already served their purpose by drawing out the angel…
Chapter 13
I heard arguing upstairs, as I checked my ward connections for the tenth time. I believed we were ready. I’d even added one more element to the plan, summoned one more demon. It was kind of evil of me, but I rather liked the contingency plan, and there was no doubt in my mind Darren deserved it because of what he’d done to Sharon.