Hunters of the Gods 3: Pride of a Princess (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Hunters of the Gods 3: Pride of a Princess (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 1

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Hunters of the Gods 3: Pride of a Princess

  Luna is out for revenge against Costaldo, the wolf who killed her father and abducted her mother and brother. She's getting closer and closer to gathering evidence that will label her actions acceptable before the circle of the elders. But she needs to know if her mom and brother are still alive and how she can get them back before she kills him.

  The last thing she needs is to meet her Alphas, and lose the chance to seek revenge, as they immediately try to control her life, her actions, and not let her out of their sights. She learns quickly that the power of the mating bond is for life and something she can trust more than anything she has ever been exposed to.

  As she accepts her mates and reveals who she is and her need for revenge, she is abducted by Costaldo, who she wants to kill, and must make a promise to ensure that her mother and brother live. She makes the promise, but vows to break it and kill her enemy once and for all.

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Romantic Suspense, Shape-shifter, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 29,112 words



  Dixie Lynn Dwyer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2018 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-950-6

  First Publication: February 2018

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Dear readers,

  Thank you for purchasing this legal copy of Pride of a Princess, the third book in my new mini series. May you enjoy Luna’s journey as she fights for the rights of others, putting them first before anything she could want for herself, including her mates.

  Happy reading,




  People seem to be more interested in my name than where I get my ideas for my stories from. So I might as well share the story behind my name with all my readers.

  My momma was born and raised in New Orleans. At the age of twenty, she met and fell in love with an Irishman named Patrick Riley Dwyer. Needless to say, the family was a bit taken aback by this as they hoped she would marry a family friend. It was a modern day arranged marriage kind of thing and my momma downright refused.

  Being that my momma’s families were descendants of the original English speaking Southerners, they wanted the family blood line to stay pure. They were wealthy and my father’s family was poor.

  Despite attempts by my grandpapa to make Patrick leave and destroy the love between them, my parents married. They recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary.

  I am one of six children born to Patrick and Lynn Dwyer. I am a combination of both Irish and a true Southern belle. With a name like Dixie Lynn Dwyer it’s no wonder why people are curious about my name.

  Just as my parents had a love story of their own, I grew up intrigued by the lifestyles of others. My imagination as well as my need to stray from the straight and narrow made me into the woman I am today.

  Enjoy Pride of a Princess and allow your imagination to soar freely.

  For all titles by Dixie Lynn Dwyer, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  About the Author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine







  Copyright © 2018


  “She is somewhere in the city. She was spotted just three days ago, so find her,” Costaldo Goshey commanded.

  The Alpha wolf narrowed his eyes at his commanders, Rucko and Dunly.

  “She is very sneaky, sir. We thought we had her location and then missed her by mere minutes,” Rucko replied.

  “She’s back for a reason. She’ll seek out her uncle, and from there you can follow her.”

  “And get close to Limorte pack territory and, her uncle? That wouldn’t be wise at all.”

  “Rucko, I need her, and I want her. I’ve taken a taste, and no others have come close to replacing her. Besides desire and the attraction, there are the benefits of mating her and combining the bloodlines, never mind the fortune. The power I’d have would be enough to expand out of Europe and head into the United States. Find her,” Costaldo Goshey commanded, and both Rucko and Dunly bowed their heads before leaving the room.

  Costaldo squinted and tried calming his breathing. He longed for her. Had known her when she was a beautiful, young teenager. It was difficult not to make a move, and to wait. To play his cards right before requesting her hand. It was torture. The Circle of Elders acknowledged his desires. He had his ins with them. The wool over their eyes, as he examined better routes to power for himself and without their knowledge. Then suddenly as she came of age, twenty-one, there were changes. He remembered that night he cornered her at one of the gala events. She looked stunning, ripe for the taking, so innocent and virginal. His wolf was instantly possessive and protective of her because she was everything an Alpha wolf could desire, but also what he’d need to ensure success and power. That was even without knowing what would come soon after that evening. Her secret was safe for now, but soon it would be revealed publicly, and then what? He would lose his opportunity to possess her and take her for all she was worth. Hell, he’d hold on to her forever—she was that sexy and stunning. The long brown hair, big green eyes, sensual lips that drew a wolf in immediately. He could see men practically drooling around her, and he was no different. He longed for another taste. That night at the gala, all he got was a precious, innocent kiss. Perhaps her first kiss. Definitely her first kiss, and he was older, more experienced as a wolf and Alpha male. Her beauty, innocence, purity, and—he believed—vulnerability were a wolf’s fantasy come true. Costaldo would train her well if only he could get his hands on her once again.

  She’d been protected since that birthday, and his demands to mate her were denied. His decisions from there on out were a bit reckless, but effective. Damn, he was des
perate for her. Had felt as if he’d connived his way into her heart, into her trusting him. He pushed too quickly, letting his desire to fuck and claim her outweigh a strategic plan of “attack and conquer.” He promised her father, Corta, safety, security, and care for Luna. He made sure he purposely caused little dangers to happen. Little attempts on her life or situations where she would need protection. He hadn’t counted on the woman’s capabilities as a fighter, a warrior in some aspect. She was an Alpha female, and that knowledge made him realize a new plan needed to be arranged and then initiated.

  Women learning to fight was something he disagreed with, and he thought her father, Corta, was a fool to allow his one daughter to engage in such activities. It added to her reckless behavior as she got older. Although he knew she was just a woman, she had abilities, and men who challenged her did receive punishment by her. Yet still, he knew she was weak, a woman to be manipulated and overpowered by him, an Alpha male.

  He hadn’t been the only Alpha seeking her out, and little did he know that when Queen Capella died, Luna became the woman to take her place. A princess and eventually a queen when Luna found a mate. That had to be him. Royalty in were packs was rare, and even though Luna’s pack, Limorte, was small, with ten thousand wolves loyal to it, its fortune was immeasurable, and yes indeed, money and power could buy a wolf anything. Luna didn’t know that he knew she was a princess and had the new title. She fought it tooth and nail, and for some reason the Circle of Elders accepted her decision to wait before being appointed as princess and he wondered why. He tried forcing it, and maybe he pushed too hard.

  Costaldo got desperate when he abducted her mother and brother and killed her father. Well, she really didn’t know the truth to it all, yet she hated him, simply because he hadn’t been there to protect her family. He could have used her trust in him to his advantage, but he got cocky. Plus, he’d been trying to work out a deal with Merker pack, which was denied in the end. Costaldo was annoyed at that, but in the last two years things had changed. If he played his cards right, he could rule over all packs here in Europe and overseas in the United States. His deal with the one wolf planning to be ruler, and king of all packs in the United States, promised him some power beneath him. All Costaldo needed to do was eliminate Merker pack. He didn’t trust the wolf, though, and surely didn’t want another wolf coming along and trying to take what was his—Luna.

  He needed Luna. He needed her to accept him as her mate, and he needed her power, her fortune, and her authority as princess. The pack members loved her. She was perfect.

  That was another reason she kept her distance from him and began to see him for what he was—commanding, powerful, a true Alpha who demanded respect and disciplined anyone who failed to give him that. Luna caught the way his men treated subordinates and the lower class of wolves. She would need to not be so caring. Especially as mate to an Alpha like him. With time his powers grew stronger. He had Vipis to assist if needed. After all, he had done what the sorcerer asked of him and killed Luna’s father. The sorcerer owed him.

  His mind went back to Luna. He couldn’t help it. He wanted her so badly. He was becoming desperate to mate her. Vipis had informed him that he needed to wait. How could he wait? She didn’t dare come anywhere near him, and he was angry at that. She was stubborn, allowed too much freedom as a woman. That would all change when she was his.

  He looked out the window and wondered why she was resistant. She should have fallen for his older, more experienced Alpha charms. He had money, power, people who obeyed his commands, and of course the approval of the Circle of Elders as far as his leadership and control of businesses. Instead she sought adventure, a change, and the next thing he knew she was gone, searching for her mother and brother, who hadn’t been taken far. Two years passed. She was twenty-three and back here in Italy. He needed to see her. To talk to her, manipulate her mind. He’d already won over her uncle, Morse. Now he needed to grab Luna and mark her as his mate. Everything was falling into place, including his deal with Roovio Gaines. Now, that wolf had done something similar to what Costaldo wanted to do. He eliminated an Alpha, then took over his pack and mated his wife. Gazella Knoll hadn’t known what hit her, and neither would Luna.

  * * * *

  “This is too damn risky. Are you sure this is the right place? I’m two blocks from that piece of shit’s territory,” Luna said as she prepared her weapon and looked at Pices, one of her cousins here in Italy.

  “Our intel said that the guys responsible for the slaughter are here in this building and pub. Something is brewing. There’s some activity by the pier, as well. We have two men on the inside, and it’s been confirmed that something is going on in the back room and men working with Goshey pack. We want these men caught and brought before the Circle for punishment and banishment from this realm. Costaldo’s main men have been sighted. We get them and that’s a plus for the good guys. No one else has been able to find them. It’s been over two years, Luna. Two since they stormed into the territory, took your mother and baby brother, killed your father, and then killed all the men trying to protect them.”

  “You don’t need to tell me. I was there when they began to slaughter the innocent. I should have died there, or at minimum been caught by those enforcers. Costaldo doesn’t know we know it was him who gave that order. He tried hiding behind those rogue wolves and the men hired from Sulta pack.”

  “Well, look where it got them. Dead, every last one of Sulta pack,” Pices said to her.

  “Thanks to you and the teams.”

  “You, too. As I recall, those few that were in America had disappeared.”

  “Yeah, well, they were the ones who tried to abduct me, so they died trying. In regards to my father, I’ve sought revenge on that, to bring justice to the packs by finding these scumbags. What I don’t like is how close they are to Costaldo’s territory. It makes me uneasy. I haven’t been here in a long time.”

  “Luna, Costaldo works with the government and the rulers of weres. They don’t believe he was responsible. Until we get more concrete evidence and can prove he was behind it all, our hands are tied. We hadn’t been able to get any confirmed documentation or witnesses, and those who tried pursuing a claim of treason wound up dead. He fooled the Circle, but evidence left behind points to him and to his men, three of which are in that pub. He’s not considered one of the bad guys just because he wants you in his bed.”

  “What makes you think he wants me in his bed?” she asked Pices.

  “Cousin, what single wolf you’ve come in contact with doesn’t want you in his bed?”

  “You,” she replied.

  “Obviously, cousin,” he said and exhaled.

  “Well, the team. None of them hit on me,” she replied, referring to the five men she fought battles with and had as an army.

  “I wouldn’t let your guard down. I’ve heard them talk about you on their downtime.”

  Her eyes widened, and then she squinted. Wolves were sexual creatures, and she supposed these guys weren’t any different, even knowing who she was.

  “If Costaldo didn’t seem to be involved in this mess, you and he would make a good match for the packs.”

  “No, we wouldn’t. He isn’t who he portrays himself to be. He’s evil.”

  “Still a good match. You’d make good-looking cubs,” Pices teased. Costaldo was an attractive man and a superior wolf, but he was untrustworthy, and she was pretty damn sure he killed her father and took her brother and mother.

  “Easy for you to say. You wouldn’t be forced to be mate to someone who just wants to gain superior power. No thank you. Dad didn’t want that either.”

  “No, but Uncle Corta has been hell to deal with lately. Something is going on, and it’s almost like he needs Costaldo’s help. There was a time you were attracted to Costaldo. Uncle wanted nothing to do with an arranged marriage then, but now, as pack members are dying and disappearing and the Limorte pack is losing power and presence, he could change his mind. Ma
ybe that was what their meeting yesterday was about.”

  “Wonderful. Now you tell me that our uncle is weakening under Costaldo’s tactics, may try to persuade me to marry the monster, and here I am so close to his territory, ready to destroy anyone responsible for these crimes. And by the way, I was a teenager when I found him to be powerful and attractive. Then all those little accidents started happening, and attempts at assaulting me by strangers. I still feel he had a hand in those. He would show up to comfort me, and he tried making some moves.”

  “You kissed him back.”

  “I was young and didn’t know how to handle men, or wolves.”

  “And you know now?”

  “What do you think? When I was younger, I didn’t know so much. Then, if I was scared, he could have forced Uncle’s hand to match us up. That just pissed me off like you wouldn’t believe, and now if he tried that, he would suffer. Believe me, he would.”

  Pices chuckled. She was quiet a moment as she thought about what her cousin revealed about her uncle. “So I shouldn’t be surprised if your father decides that I should entertain some offer from Costaldo and be forced to be his bitch.”

  “Damn, being away fighting has changed you,” Pices said to her. She glanced at him, looking over her cousin. He was attractive, had brown hair similar to hers, and was a good warrior but a little complacent.

  “Not really. It was more the risks and dangers I faced trying to stop the takeover going on with our friends in the United States. It’s crazy and it’s like someone is trying to force control and power into one direction. Women and children are considered weak and easy prey. I just portray a different side to the enemy,” she said with confidence.


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