Hunters of the Gods 3: Pride of a Princess (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Hunters of the Gods 3: Pride of a Princess (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Bringing down the wraths of hell to them in a pint-size package of beauty, curves, and attitude, huh?”

  “If they choose to challenge me, then yes. It seems that more is going on across the world. There is much danger, self-destruction of packs that goes beyond the course of nature,” she said to him.

  “Ah, like another Costaldo Goshey could be out there running amok?”

  “Worse, I think. The damage this individual or individuals has caused could be detrimental to all were packs if not stopped. The idea that they can force mating, abduct children with Alpha blood to try and force a bonding, is insane. So many women are still imprisoned, and children abused, or both left for dead. As soon as this mission is finished here, I’m heading back to the United States.”

  “Heading back? You’ve only been home a matter of days.”

  “I’m sorry, Pices. I know we’ve lost time together and even with your brothers, too, but can’t you see it’s a bigger picture here than just us and our family? Others are suffering, too. Merker pack, which has family and pack here in Italy, is slowly being destroyed overseas. The pack here has had children and women taken, and they still haven’t been found. The destruction will eventually cross the oceans and mountains to get here, too. That evil must be stopped.”

  “Shit, looks like two more guys might be joining the others,” he said, interrupting and pointing to the corner as two men approached.

  “You recognize them?” she asked, keeping her eyes on them.

  “One of them is from Goshey pack. In fact, that’s Rucko’s brother,” Pices told her.

  “Rucko’s brother? I thought Rucko was a loner with no pack,” she asked.

  “No, from what we gathered investigating and watching the Goshey pack, a lot of the soldiers are loners with no allegiance to any pack but Costaldo’s.”

  “Perhaps, or maybe he made that assumption too and those men won’t be loyal when push comes to shove. Either way, if they get in your way, they get eliminated. Let’s go. Call the others. It’s time,” she said, and they prepared to enter the pub.

  * * * *

  “Are they ready to go?” Lurke asked Sloran, one of Costaldo’s cronies.

  “Several of them are making their way with security through the tunnels. They’ll be up here to the basement soon enough. Where’s the money?” he asked, and Lurke looked at Sparn, a fellow wolf with allegiance to Costaldo and his pack. They were to come here to ensure that the women and children abducted from Merker pack were moved and transferred through the tunnels and to another location before transport by train.

  Just as they handed over the money and started to head into the basement and to the entrance of the tunnel, alarms blared and gunfire erupted. “Sparn, cover that door. I’ll head inside with our transports,” Lurke said just as multiple men and a woman appeared in the entryway. Their gazes locked, and he would recognize her anywhere, even in her disguise. “Luna,” he whispered, but then the men shifted to wolves and the others around him did, as well. She lunged toward him just as he was about to close the door. She yanked it open and grabbed for him.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” she said, and he struck her. She countered with a punch back and they began to fight. For a woman she was strong. He knew of her and what she looked like. Costaldo would be thrilled to learn she was here in Italy and alive and well. The wolf was desperate for this one.

  He hit her hard and tackled her to the ground, her scent filled his nostrils. She was appealing and well-endowed, but then he heard the roar. She half shifted and swung at his shoulder, cutting his skin. The burning of the deep gash she caused angered his wolf. He yelled and shifted positions, and they battled some more until he was caught off guard at the strike to his back by another. She made her move and that was it. Their gazes locked right before she killed him by breaking his neck.

  * * * *

  “Luna, are you okay?” Pices asked her. She shifted back to human form and shoved Lurke to the side.

  “I’m fine,” she said, out of breath. She was shaking and had exerted a lot of energy in that fight. One look around her, and it seemed the Special Operations unit had captured who they came looking for. She glanced at the doorway as one of the other wolves whistled about the money.

  “But what was the exchange for?” Pices asked. She opened the door.

  “What’s down here?” she asked.

  “Hey, asshole, what’s down there?” Pices asked Sparn, Lurke’s buddy he walked into the bar with.

  “You’re dead, bitch. When they find out you killed Lurke, they will hunt you down and kill you.” Sparn stared at her, his eyes half-glowing, but then Pices punched him in the gut.

  “Don’t think so, asshole. Get him out of here. Make sure they’re all secured for transport,” he said, then looked at Luna.

  “We need to check this out.”

  “Not alone,” he replied and then whistled and pointed to several men. They walked into the tunnel, the smell horrible and then they heard the echo of crying.

  “By the gods, no,” she said and went to move faster, but Pices grabbed her arm and covered his mouth with his finger, indicating for her to be quiet.

  Then he whispered, “There could be men, guards of Costaldo’s. Go cautiously.” She nodded. She was concerned as to what she could be hearing and what was down the tunnel. Her experiences back in Texas and Louisiana were grim and haunted her nightmares. The dead bodies, the abused, raped women and children were a horrific sight that made her blood boil. She didn’t want to see that. She wanted to help all those who were imprisoned and free them. As they got closer and closer, they saw the men with guns, heard the crying and moaning of women and children. Her heart pounded. Her wolf neared the surface, and she felt her eyes begin to glow.

  “They die for doing this,” she said. Pices and their men intervened, infiltrating the gathering and taking out the guards one by one. The sight of the physical condition of the women and children was horrific. Chained together, some hovering on the ground, crying and shaking in fear with clothing ripped, bodies battered from obvious abuse. About a dozen each, and as she picked up on their packs and the scents, her eyes widened and she grabbed onto the little girl and the woman closest to her. Both from Merker pack. “Are you the only ones from Merker?” she asked the woman. She knew that most of the pack had been killed off.

  “The others have been shipped to the United States already,” she said between sobs.

  “You’ll be okay. Everything is going to be okay,” Luna told them.

  “Who are you?” the woman asked.

  “Luna, and I’m here to help you. We’ll get you to safety. They won’t succeed.”

  “What about the others? The ones already shipped off?”

  “We’ll find them, and when we do, those who took them will die.” They helped the women and children out of the tunnel to freedom and to a swarm of operatives, including two wolves from Keuric pack who were hunters of the gods. She knew immediately who they were, and they knew her as a warrior of the Elders. A fighter and soldier similar to them, but with more pull and power. Seeing them made her think of Lodge, Corporal, and Toby Keuric. Of all the soldiers to be here, why them, and why did Merker pack women and children being here make her think that fate was stepping in, and avoiding the Keuric men would be impossible? Shit.

  Chapter One

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Preston asked Alexandra. He knew that look. That expression and distant gaze elsewhere. He glanced at Heracio, Saunder, and then Cab, who just got out of the shower.

  Preston’s phone rang. “Shit,” Heracio whispered.

  Preston grabbed his phone. “Hello?”

  “One of the Alpha’s mates from Merker pack has been found along with three children—a girl and two boys, heirs to the pack,” his cousin Lodge told him.

  “By the gods, it’s a miracle. Everyone thought they were all dead, or sold off and shipped elsewhere.”

  “I know, but it seems these members w
ere in Italy.”

  “Italy? There were still Merker pack members there?”

  “The pack was destroyed there first before the ones here in the states began to destruct. We believe there is a connection. Some of our men were there on a mission from the Hunters of the Gods. They were investigating a lead, then heard of a situation in a pub. End result, a woman warrior, and a team of five men are bringing them here to Texas, to our territory. Apparently, they have information that more of Merker pack were taken prisoner and shipped off somewhere in the United States,” Lodge said to him.

  “By the gods, we’ll need to form a team to assist. What about the ones coming here from Italy then? Are you sure that’s wise, with everything that’s going on? We’re still weeding through our people and building the new homes for the families displaced.”

  “Preston,” Alexandra interrupted. He looked at her, the phone on speaker so Lodge could hear.

  “They belong with them on the shared land between Saint pack and Keuric pack. Lodge, Corporal, and Toby need to oversee the transport. There will be danger on their travels here.”

  “What was that?” Lodge asked, obviously hearing her.

  “Alexandra said there will be danger, and you and your brothers need to be there to assist.”

  “Great. Okay. We’ll prepare now. I’ll contact you when we’re closer. We’ll need support in bringing in about two dozen women and children.”

  “You got it. We’ll be waiting for your arrival,” Preston said, and then Alexandra looked at Cab.


  He nodded at her and then walked to the bed, knelt on it, and cupped her cheek, tilting her chin up toward him.

  “Anything for you, my pet.” He pressed his lips to hers. Preston heard their thoughts. He saw what Alexandra wanted them to see. A battle on the open road, seven miles of darkness. People were going to die.

  * * * *

  “Is she the one Lodge was looking for and asking about? The one who disappeared?” Bider asked Viper as Bider’s other brother, Scor, was talking to Luna, the woman they were discussing. Bider couldn’t take his eyes off of her, and she definitely got the full attention of all the wolves, both male and female. She wore her long brown hair pulled back in a braid, her eyes were a stunning green, and her body was curvy and sexy. Her scent was appealing, as well, and she had an air of leadership and compassion about her as Bider watched her take charge of the situation and prepare for transportation of two dozen displaced wolves. They were going to be brought to Keuric and Saint land. She was in charge on that end, but Bider and his brothers were the ones who led a small pack of Hunters of gods to assist. To find her and her team of five male wolves had it covered was a shock.

  “Who is she talking to on the phone?” he asked Viper.

  “I heard the other guy, Pices, say their uncle,” he replied, and Bider listened as she walked to the side. He could hear what she was saying.

  “I understand you’re upset that I didn’t even visit, but there are greater concerns here at the moment. Yes, it is my responsibility to ensure these women and children get to where they need to go. No, I am not returning to Italy immediately following the transport, and no, no one else can handle this. I can’t talk now, Uncle. I’ll have Pices inform you when I return.” She ended the call and handed Pices her phone. Pices looked serious as he crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared down at the brunette.

  “Don’t look at me like that. You know we need to handle things and figure out his agenda. I hate to say it, Pices, but I don’t trust our uncle or where his allegiance lies. I’ve handled things alone this far—it will work out. I will not rest, fall into my “place” as Uncle likes to call it, until all these women and children are reunited with members of their packs and these disgusting acts of violence and torture are stopped.”

  “It isn’t right for you to continuously engage in these physical confrontations and battles. You don’t belong out there. I’m worried about your safety, Luna. If anything were to happen to you, the entire pack would self-destruct, and there is way too much at stake. Your dangerous missions must come to an end. I don’t think you should go back. Leave it to them.” He looked right at Bider and Viper, but then Scor interrupted them.

  “Pices, Luna, we have everything set. Are you ready?” he asked, eyeing Luna over.

  “I’m ready,” she said, Pices covered her shoulder with his hand.

  “Luna?” he asked, and she turned and smiled at Pices.

  “I must do this. It’s what the gods want me to do. It’s my job as the elders have informed me. I’ll be back, and I get the feeling it will be sooner rather than later.”

  * * * *

  Luna was tired, but she did get some rest on the private plane. She spoke with Bider, Viper, and Scor and went over the plan of action to deliver the women and children to safety. They were very forceful in their demeanors, and had an air of arrogance about them, yet didn’t talk down to her and rather showed respect. Perhaps her abrupt attitude earlier and how she basically led this transport had impressed them. She really didn’t care. She never allowed anyone to talk down to her. Not since her younger years when she was naïve and felt that everyone was out to make the world a safe and better place. Costaldo popped into her head and she felt the burning anger in her core. Her hatred for the wolf grew stronger. Especially seeing the results of his actions here with these poor families. They lost their husbands, some lost their children or mothers. It was despicable and this had to stop. She swore to do her part no matter what and nothing would stand in her way.

  They were now exiting the plane at a private airport owned by someone with allegiance to Saint pack. She glanced at Malacay, the mother of Alice, Lilly, and Bently—she was the Alpha’s wife, and Bently was the future leader of his pack. By bringing them home to Texas safely and providing protection to them, Luna was ensuring the strength of the pack and their future as main leaders loyal to Keuric and Saint packs. If what Alexandra messaged her was correct, then more danger was to come, and it was necessary and important that this woman and her children survived and were protected.

  “We’re going to have additional backup meet us along the way. You, your children, and the other women and children of your pack will be united once again with some members who survived. You’ll live on Saint and Keuric pack land, and they will ensure you rebuild your pack and join them in the fight against the ones responsible for the destruction,” Luna told the woman. Luna’s fellow soldiers were surrounding her.

  “Thank you so much, Luna, for finding us and rescuing us. I feared for my children’s lives. Especially for Bently’s, as he is the heir to the pack,” Malacay said to her. Luna smiled as the door opened and they prepared to exit.

  She took Malacay’s hand and squeezed it. “I will protect you, Bently, Alice, and Lilly for as long as the gods ask me to.” She winked, and then they got up, helped the children, and exited the plane.

  Her eyes locked on to Bider’s, and he nodded. “Backup is ten minutes out.” She looked to the five men who accompanied her—they were part of the Special Operations unit the Circle assigned this mission to. They all gathered around the SUVs and began to gather the people and assign them vehicles.

  “Split up. I want two of you with me,” she said to the men.

  “One. The three of us will be in the same vehicle with the Alpha’s mate and the children, the last heir,” Viper said to her.

  “Luna, let Bider and his team protect them, and you come with us,” Gathin said, as one of the main leaders of her army of five. The other soldiers—her friends, the men she had served with, Loot, Puna, Gaxey, and Ronan—gave Viper, Bider, and Scor the stare-down.

  “It will be fine, Gathin. Loot will come with us. The rest of you split up and take positions on the front and back end of the convoy. We’ll protect them together.”

  “As you wish.” He eyed over Bider with annoyance.

  She nodded, then gave the others the orders. Moments later they were all in
the vehicle on their way.

  “Your men are protective of you. Who is the commander for the unit?” Bider asked her.

  “We run things together and are protective of one another for good reason.”

  “Seen a lot of battles?” Viper asked, eyeing her with interest.

  “Engaged in many, I’m afraid,” she said and then glanced at Malacay. She changed her annoyed expression to a soft smile as she patted the woman’s hand to comfort her fears. Malacay held her daughters close against her, and her son stared up at Scor, in awe of the man’s size.

  Bider placed a finger against his ear and the ear mic.

  “They’re five minutes out. Then we’ll have full-coverage security all the way to the Saint and Keuric property,” Viper told her.

  “Great.” She looked at Malacay just as the SUV screeched to a halt and chaos erupted.

  “Ambush!” Bider yelled back to Viper and her.

  “Stay down!” he yelled at Malacay and the children. The girls cried, and the son grabbed his mother and covered her like a good future Alpha would.

  “Malacay, take this. If anyone other than us tries to get into this SUV, you kill them,” Luna said and handed her a gun Luna had as an extra. Malacay took it with unsteady hands as Scor stepped on the gas and began to zig and zag between the vehicles. Suddenly, they were struck in the side. Luna went flying and hit the window, which cut her head and stunned her. Glass shattered and her shoulder burned, but she raised her weapon as a wolf jumped at the opening. She fired her weapon, the silver bullets stopping him in his tracks. Then others surrounded the vehicle. She, Viper, Bider, and Scor all fired their weapons, and then Viper and Scor shifted to their wolves. There was chaos outside of the SUV. The one side had them all trapped against the truck that had struck them. They had only one way, and she could hear screaming and the roar of wolves fighting. In the distance she could have sworn she saw Cable’t the vampire appear and started tossing wolves, aiding in the fight. If he’d been called in, then Alexandra knew she was here, too. When the door opened, she nearly shot her weapon, but it was Viper in half shift.


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