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Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2

Page 17

by A. M. Hargrove

  “There’s something I don’t understand. Why did you say this would dirty me?”

  “Because I feel dirty. If you could’ve seen the way I lived. I was only a little boy, but I still remember like it was yesterday. He treated me like a dog. Feeding me in bowls on the floor, giving me water three times a day. I was skinny and hungry all the time. In the end, I probably would’ve done anything for food.”

  “Don’t ever feel dirty or ashamed. You should feel proud of the man you’ve become, in spite of what you’ve been through.”

  “I want to kill him, kea.”

  She laughs. And not a very pleasant one, either. “So do I. He doesn’t deserve to live. But we need to get evidence against him. We need to take him down the proper way this time.”

  “I don’t think that will work. He’s built a fortress of protection around him.”

  “Yes, but what if we can get inside?”

  “How do you mean?”


  “Don’t trust him.”

  “I don’t. But what if there’s a crack I can exploit?”

  “Oh, Gabriella, don’t hurt him. He’s been through even more than I have.”

  “It’s touch, isn’t it?”

  How does she know this?

  “Please don’t ask me to divulge any of that. Kestrel’s story is his own to tell.”

  “When I was with him the last two times, I touched his arm and it was like he was in heaven. I recognized this, Kolson. He was deprived of that too, wasn’t he?”

  “Yeah. The dragon was a little experimental. He decided that since I was so stubborn, apparently, he added something else to Kestrel. He didn’t allow anyone or anything to touch him for years. Even my mother couldn’t touch him. And Kade … no light, no touch, no sound.”

  “My God. That’s past cruel. And Sylvia … she just went along with it?”

  “I’m sure he told her some bullshit story. My dad can be very persuasive. I was so young and afraid. I was scared that he’d put me back down in that cell. I didn’t begin to grow a pair until I met Storm.” A piercing pain guts me.

  “Oh God. He never stops, does he?”

  “Never. And he knows precisely how to strike and where,” I say.

  “Kestrel also told me I’m being watched and followed everywhere.”

  “He was a source of all kinds of information, wasn’t he?”

  “Kiss me.”

  I want to smile at her random demand, but her lips are so close, I couldn’t resist if I tried. And why would I? When I lightly press my lips to hers, they are soft and salty from her tears. She opens for me and our tongues dance. I swallow her moans and stop for a second.

  “I want to kiss you for hours to make up for all the lost days we haven’t been able to do this.”

  “Is that even possible?”

  “We could try to find out.”

  We chuckle, lips pressed together.

  “Kolson, will you marry me?”

  “What did you say?”

  “Uh, yeah. I think you heard me.”

  “Gabriella, I think it bears repeating.”

  “I guess it was a bit impulsive. Forget I said it.”

  “What if I don’t want to forget? What if I want you to repeat it, a hundred times? Or better yet. How’s this? Gabriella, will you marry me? And before you answer, I want to tell you why I want this more than anything. The last couple of months have been shit without you. And I’ve wanted to ask you this dozens of times, but never did, because it wasn’t fair to you since you didn’t know my full truth. I’m madly in love with you. I think you know that. Living without you sucks. In the worst possible way. I need you for the big things. Kinda like what you did for me just now. But I also need you for all the little things. To share meals with, to wake up in the morning with. To fall asleep next to and have quiet time with. I miss watching you brush your teeth and put on your makeup. I miss the little noises you make when you sleep and when you hum a song you like. I can’t stand it when I bite into a piece of broccoli and you’re not there to see me make a face, because you know I don’t love it.

  “So will you allow me to become Mr. Martinelli?”

  She breaks into giggles when I finish and shakes her head. “Never ever. I’ll only do it if I can become Mrs. Hart.”

  She moves to kiss me and I stop her with my fingers. “Wait. What about Dr. Hart?”

  “Well, there is that. But it’s a pain to get all my credentials changed. You know my licenses, DEA stuff, and so on.”

  My face falls.

  “I’m only kidding, Kolson. Of course I’ll change my name to Hart. I have no allegiance to Martinelli. You know that.”

  “Hmm. I like the sound of that. Dr. Hart.”

  Then her smile disappears.

  “What is it?”

  “We have a lot of work to do before I can become Dr. Hart.”

  “Yeah. But we’ll figure it out. In the meantime, I have an idea.”

  “I’m sure you do, you sex-craved maniac.”

  “Like I see you complaining.”

  And my hand finds her wet and ready for me. I push inside and lose myself to her.


  Hours later we’re still talking. The sun will be up soon and neither one of us cares a thing about it.

  “I gave Jack a raise.”

  I laugh. Loud. “I’m sure he’s all but wrapped around your pinky.”

  “He’s a great guy. I was afraid if I didn’t do something, he’d walk. He’s doing your job plus his.”

  She’s damn savvy. That thought never crossed my mind.

  “Nice work. See, I knew you’d catch on quickly.”

  “Oh, right. I look through stacks of papers and have no idea what I’m reading. Those contracts are so damn wordy.”

  “Oh, and your medical journals aren’t? I’d like to see you in a room filled with a bunch of pricks negotiating a deal. I bet you’d hand them their asses.”

  “You’re joking. I wouldn’t know what to do.”

  “Yeah, you would. Could you present a paper to a group at a medical conference?”

  “As long as I was comfortable with the topic.”

  “Then you could do this. After you learn everything there is to know about HTS, you’ll be very confident in our services.”

  “Our services?”

  “Uh-huh. After all this is over, I plan on keeping you.”

  “Nope. I’m going back to doctoring again. I miss my patients.”

  I’m being very selfish about all of this and hadn’t given that a thought.

  “When this is over, we’re going to set you up in a nice practice that allows you to have a place where you can help your abuse victims and where Case can help his addicts. Maybe we can even build a new center downtown and dedicate it to him.”

  “That would be something, wouldn’t it? He deserves it too. Oh, and Kade is going out to Colorado. I’ve set it all up and as soon as he’s detoxed and can make the trip safely, we’ll send him.”

  “Can you book a private charter so he doesn’t have to fly through the regular channels? If my dad is watching the airports for me, his name will trigger the search parameters they have set up.”

  Gabby hadn’t thought of this so I’m glad I brought it up. She’s going to have Case make the arrangements and she’ll transfer the money to him through the private account.

  “One other thing—I want Case to purchase a gun for you and to teach you how to use it. You need to be armed at all times.”

  She surprises me by stating me he’s already done it and she’s been taking self-defense classes too.

  “Thank you for telling me about your past, Kolson. I know there’s a lot more you didn’t share. Things you may not want to yet, but when you’re ready, we can talk more. I love you no matter what you tell me. You have to know that.”

  And I do. My fears of losing her are gone. There are a lot of things, but I don’t have to tell her. His cruelty to that little boy who was
Jason is burned into my heart. And I’m pretty damn sure it’s burning into Gabriella’s too.



  When it’s time for Kolson to leave, all the strength I’ve held on to evaporates, like a wisp of steam, and I crumple, unable to hold up my façade of power any longer. Tormenting sobs take over my body and I’m a woman possessed, worried about his safety.

  “Don’t leave. Please don’t walk out that door. Every time you go, I fear I’ll never see you again. I can’t deal with it.”

  “I won’t go forever. I’ll be back.” I’m nestled in his arms and I want to absorb every single thing about him, take his whole being inside of me.

  He carries me back to bed where he lies with me.

  “I’m not leaving you. I swear it.”

  “You can’t swear things like that. You don’t know.”

  “Okay, you’re right. But you’ll never be alone. I’m right here with you.” He takes my hand and places it over the locket he gave me where it rests on top of my chest. “I’m here, kea, right next to your heart, hearing it beat, every minute of every day. So please just wait for me to come home. Please, because some way I’ll be here one day for good. And when I’m away, I’ll remember what your lips tasted like, how you kissed me, and how you held me right here. And I’ll know that you’re waiting for me. You see, it’s the thing that gives me strength to go on every day. Promise me. And promise me you’ll spread your beautiful wings and soar while I’m away. Say it for me, kea.”

  With a soaked face and a throat so tight I’m nearly choking, I tell him I will. But I don’t know how.

  And then he kisses the tip of my nose, gets up, and walks out the door.


  A driver I’m not very familiar with sits behind the wheel and navigates us to RIS. I need to check on things at my old office, or that’s the impression I give. As I sit in the back of the car, a burning hatred grows within me. Kolson may have a plan for his father, but I’m developing one of my own—one that doesn’t include him. Langston Hart has done more than his share of ruining lives and it’s past time for it to end.

  The car stops and I get out before said driver even has time to open my door. My bodyguard du jour runs behind me and I turn and tell him to wait in the reception area. He’s not needed where I’m going. He shrugs and takes a seat. Gloria greets us and I say a brief hello to her but resume my walk to my office. I quickly check my computer for any outstanding messages or bills that need to be handled and then I head directly to Case’s office. I walk in and shut the door behind me.

  He looks surprised to see me.

  “You once mentioned a friend of yours who’s a PI with better connections than you have.”

  “Oh yeah. Drex Wolfe. What about him?”

  “Can you arrange a teleconference?”

  “Now?” he asks.

  “If possible.”

  “He’s in Denver so he’s two hours behind. I’ll check to see if he’s in.”

  Case makes the call. Upon finishing, he looks at me and says, “Thirty minutes. We’ll talk in here.”


  “You gonna tell me what this is all about?”

  “I’m going after Langston.”

  Case leans back in his chair and steeples his fingers. “You think that’s smart?”

  “Yep. And I don’t want your opinion. I’ve made up my mind.”


  “One other thing. I don’t want you involved.”

  He’s shocked. And hurt. And he doesn’t have to say a word for me to know this. It’s written all over his face.

  “Case, I can’t tell you everything, but only because I don’t want you to get caught in the crossfire. Please let it go at that. The less you know, the better.”

  His lips form a hard, thin line, but he doesn’t protest. He only nods, once. An awkward silence forms between us and I hate it because we’ve always been open with each other. But I can’t take any chances.

  It’s a long thirty minutes, but his phone rings at last.


  “Case. Wolfe here. What you need, man?”

  “Drex, I have a friend. My best friend, in fact, who needs your services. I have us on speaker.”


  “Hi, I’m Gabby Martinelli and I need to hire you to help me take down Langston Hart. But I need to do this via a private meeting.”

  “Okay. When do you want to meet?”

  “The sooner the better.”

  “I can be there tomorrow.”

  “Mr. Wolfe, we can’t meet here. It’s too dangerous. Langston Hart is following my every move.”

  “Ms. Martinelli, you’re talking about the mobster, Langston Hart?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Can you come to Denver?”


  “Then give me your flight arrival time and I’ll have someone meet you.”

  “Okay, good.”

  “Ms. Martinelli …”

  “Um, Drex, it’s Dr. Martinelli,” Case interrupts.

  “Oh, sorry. Dr. Martinelli, I’m not cheap. I’m only telling you up front to save you the sticker shock tomorrow.”

  “That’s fine.”

  “Case can give you my contact information. See you tomorrow. And we’ll take care of paying for your flight.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “Yes, it is. Just give us the details when you have them and we’ll arrange payment.”

  “Okay. And thank you.”

  They hang up and I ask Case, “Why did he not hesitate one bit when I told him who I want to go after?”

  Case laughs. “You’ll find out when you meet him.”

  “Somehow that seems a little shady.”

  “No, he’s not shady. Just tough.”

  Since I trust Case, I know he won’t send me to some kook who’s some kind of mercenary for hire.

  “I’m coming with you,” Case announces.

  “Nope. You can’t. It’ll look too suspicious with both of us gone. If I take the helo to Philly and then hop a flight to Denver from there, they won’t figure out where I went. I’ll leave early in the morning and fly back early the next day.”

  “You’ve thought this all out, haven’t you?”

  “As much as possible. There are things I can’t do on my own. But there is something else I need from you. Your solemn promise not to breathe a word of this to Kolson. He cannot know, under any circumstances, what I’m doing. Swear to me, Case.”

  “Damn it, Gabby, this is insane!”

  “No, it isn’t. It’s the only way to stop Langston, and I’m pretty sure I can do it. One other thing. Is Kade ready to be moved to Denver? I was thinking maybe this would be a good time to do it. You know… two birds, one stone?”

  “Yeah. Good idea. I think he’s through and I have him all set up. All you need to do is make the calls.”

  “On it.”

  Once Kade’s arrangements are made, I’m sitting at Kolson’s desk hoping he’ll be pleased when my phone rings. It’s Stan Harrison telling me that my father has agreed to my demands.


  “I guess he’s finally come to his senses. He’s sending everything over and holding a press conference tomorrow.”

  “Stan, stop the press conference. In light of Kolson’s disappearance, I don’t really care to have any more attention. The formal written acknowledgement is enough for me now.”

  “Dr. Martinelli, are you sure?”

  “Positive. I don’t want to bring any more attention to myself.”

  “Okay. I’ll let him know.”

  “Thanks, Stan.”

  This is one less thing I need to worry about. I’m sure my dad will choke as he writes that formal acknowledgement. Fuck it. He’s getting off easy. But the last thing I need is for Langston to see this crap in the media. The less attention, the better.


  The next morning at 7 a.
m., the helicopter takes me to the Philadelphia International Airport. I arrange with Steven, the pilot, for a return trip the next day.

  A waiting car takes me to the main terminal. On the way, I receive a text that everything went well with Kade’s flight and check-in at the rehab facility the day before. That’s one less thing I have to worry about. I check in and board for the four-hour flight to Denver. When I get to baggage claim, a tall man with medium-brown hair smiles and asks if I’m Dr. Martinelli. He identifies himself as Troy Huffington, and lets me know he will be escorting me to DWI in downtown Denver.

  “I’m guessing Case sent a photo of me?” I ask.

  Huff smiles and says, “No, Drex ran a Google search on you. He likes to find out everything he can about his clients.”

  “I see.”

  It’s late November so the air is brisk and I’m shocked there isn’t snow on the ground. Huff, as he prefers to be called, laughs and points in the direction we’re traveling. In the distance, I see snow-capped mountains.

  “That’s where you’ll find the snow. The high country. Drive less than an hour and you’ll find some if you want.”

  Soon we pull into an underground parking facility at Drexel Wolfe Investigations, or DWI. The security is crazy, off the charts here. Huff places his hand on a screen and his entire handprint lights up before the garage door raises. That’s before we get to the guards.

  “Paranoid much?” I ask.

  “Not paranoid. Just extremely cautious. We take our jobs, our clients, and our safety seriously around here.”

  “I can see that.” It’s very comforting, though.

  We hit the security gate and they acknowledge Huff. He turns to me. “They need your ID so they can create a badge for you.”

  I hand Huff my driver’s license and within a few minutes, security hands him back my license and a DWI ID badge for me.

  “You’ll need to wear this whenever you’re inside the building.”

  “Okay.” I clip it to my jacket.

  He parks and we walk to another elevator, which requires his handprint. A security camera and a video feed track our every movement.


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