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Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2

Page 21

by A. M. Hargrove

  I hit the garage and walk with confidence, like I’m on a mission, which I am. When I hit the metal door that separates me from the outside world, I see the security guard. Instead of exiting through the large door, I exit out the other one, the one that requires the numbers on a keypad. He watches me and I nod at him before I walk through. I’m out.

  In front of me sits a black Vespa. Fancier and bigger than I’d imagined. There’s no time to worry about it. I climb aboard, turn the ignition, and drive away. There are men all around who look but don’t really pay attention. Maybe it’s because the hair hanging down to my waist is blond and they don’t think it’s possible for me to have blond hair. Dumb-asses.

  I head straight for the Holland Tunnel. I go down to 59th Street and take it across town. Traffic is heavy, as always, but it’s much faster to navigate it on this contraption. I find that I enjoy weaving in and out of the lines of cars. It makes me forget what I’m about to do. Oddly enough, I even begin to notice that Manhattan is decorated for Christmas. And it hits me that I haven’t realized the holidays are around the corner. Although Drex hasn’t shared a thing about the plans for tonight, I know I’m taking a huge risk. The sweat from my earlier case of nerves is now drying, chilling me.

  Horns honk, but I wave back at them and laugh. Perhaps I’m going a tad crazy. I reach the Henry Hudson Parkway and head downtown. I open this thing up and it picks up speed. My blond wig flies out behind me, but my head still sweats. This helmet is pretty warm. Up ahead I see the exit for the Holland Tunnel and I sigh in relief. I can’t believe I’ve pulled this off.

  When I enter the tunnel, it gives me the creeps. It smells like exhaust and makes me claustrophobic. Traffic is bumper to bumper and all I see are long lines of red taillights from the cars ahead. I don’t have time for this so I again weave to try to get ahead. The other cars don’t like it—drivers curse and honk at me. Someone actually throws an empty bottle. Asshole. I keep going. I can see the end ahead. Thank God. A few more maneuvers and I’m out.

  I make the curves to exit and follow the directions Drex gave me. There are two black SUVs waiting for me when I arrive. Drex rolls down the passenger window.

  “Nice ride,” he comments.

  “Yeah. It’ll do.”

  “Leave it over there and get in.”

  I park the Vespa behind a dumpster and remove the tags, like Case asked me to do. I then climb in the back seat and remove my helmet and wig.

  “You’re not so bad as a blond,” Drex says.

  “It’s hot.” I run my fingers through my sweaty hair to unknot it.

  “Hi, Gabby.” I look over and see Gemini in the back next to me. “Meet your group. You’ve already met Huff.” He’s driving. “This is Riley.” He’s sitting by the window and I reach across Gemini to shake his hand. “The other half is in the other vehicle. Say hello to Mick, Jim, Juan, Brax, and Houston.” Drex has a phone on speaker as he makes the introductions.

  “Hi, guys.”

  “Hi, Gabby,” they say in unison.

  “Good. Here’s the plan.” Drex begins.

  He maps out what they’ve established. The SUV behind us trailers two ATVs that Brax, Houston, Mick, and Jim will ride in. They’ll disable any guards they find on the perimeter of the property. What they’ve noticed is that two guys patrol at night. They’ve set up a night duty that walks the back of the property, right behind the terrace. Two other guards are stationed on the roof. While the ground guards are being handled by Brax and Houston, Mick and Jim will scale up to the roof and take out the guys there.

  “Won’t the roof guys notice that the guys on the ground are missing?” I ask.

  “Yeah. But we’ll be up there so fast, they won’t have time to think much,” Drex answers.

  “They won’t raise an alarm?”

  “They won’t have time,” Gemini says.

  I shrug, only because it’s hard for me to imagine all of this.

  Riley says, “Don’t worry. This is a piece of cake for us. What you need to worry about is your role.”


  “Take your coat off, Gabby.” Gemini digs through a duffel bag on her lap. I finally notice they’re all wearing black.

  I struggle to remove the tight leather. Under it my sweater is still damp.

  “Ugh, I’m so sweaty.”

  “Nerves?” she asks.


  “Take it off.”

  I look around and think about this. She wants me to strip in front of Riley.

  “You have to shed your modesty right now. We have to get you dried off so we can wire you up. This adhesive will stick after you sweat, but not before. I don’t want it falling off when you’re in there.”


  I pull my sweater off and the air hits my skin. It feels good. Then she passes me a towel. Riley looks straight ahead.

  “This is a little awkward.”

  Riley clears his throat. “If it’s any consolation, it’s awkward for me too. But not nearly as bad as when my boss’s wife strips in front of me.”

  I laugh because Drex doesn’t appear to be the type who would appreciate Gemini being half naked in front of anyone. Gemini cracks up too.

  “You two are not the least bit humorous.” Drex’s voice coming from the front seat has a touch of humor in it, though he’s trying to hide it.

  “The bad thing is I’m nervous and I keep sweating.”

  Gemini hands me some baby powder. I sprinkle it all over.

  “Be careful. We don’t want to look like white powder puffs. We’re supposed to be camouflaged by our black.”

  “And we don’t want them to smell us a fucking mile away, either,” Drex says dryly.

  “Huff, turn on the AC.”

  That finally does the trick. When I stop sweating, Gemini sticks tiny pads attached to wires on my chest. Then she hands me a black, long-sleeved tight-fitting T-shirt.

  “This will help keep the wires in place.”

  I pull it on and then finger-brush my hair again.

  “You look like shit,” she says.

  “Thanks. I feel like it too. I think I could puke right now.”

  “Understandably. When we get closer, I’ll give you your Kevlar.”

  “A vest?”

  “Yeah. We’re not taking chances. He’s escalated.”

  Drex turns in his seat to look at me. “Gabby, we want you to understand something. We’re not in the business of killing people and we don’t intend to kill anyone tonight. Are we clear on this?”

  “Yes. But you have to know I’d like to see Langston Hart dead. There wouldn’t be an ounce of regret in me if he were to die tonight.”

  “Understood. But if he does, it won’t be at our hands. We’re here to collect evidence and to get him to admit and incriminate himself. We’re confident we can do that. And one thing you need to understand about our operations: we don’t fail.”

  “That’s exactly what I expect.”

  Drex turns back around and says to everyone, “So let’s do a run-through. Brax, Houston, Mick, and Jim, we drop you off at the designated point. You run in on the ATVs. Once the outside guards are taken out, you enter through the roof access. There you’ll go to the security room and take care of the camera feeds. The guys in there will need a bit of trussing too, I imagine. Once you have the front door cleared for entry, you let the rest of us know.”

  I interrupt him. “The drive into the house is at least …”

  “A mile long. We know, Gabby. We’ve done our homework.” Gemini continues, “You’ll stay in the car here with me and the rest of the team will be in the other car.”

  Drex adds, “We’ll drive, using our night vision, until we’re about a quarter mile out. Then we’ll hoof it. We go in the front window, taking out the guys at the front along the way. Once we’re inside, we’re pretty damn sure the big guy will be in his office. At least that’s what we’re hoping. If he’s not, we’ll put him there and wait on you. The re
st of the goons we’ve disabled will be locked up in those nice little cages you’ve told us about in the basement.”

  I nod but then a thought pops in my head. “What about Sylvia?”

  “Unfortunately, the poor thing will be a victim of a sort,” Drex says.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We have to keep her silent and under lock and key. She won’t be hurt, but she’ll be scared shitless. We’ll tranq her and lock her in her room. When we’re done, she’ll wake up thinking she slept through it all. She’ll remember bits, but nothing can be done about it. She can’t interfere. Maybe if we’re lucky, she won’t even be there.”

  “That’d be nice, but I doubt it. He controls her every move. One other thing. There’s a stable guy named Grady.”

  “Shit! Why didn’t you tell us?” Drex is pissed.

  “I forgot. He’s close with Kolson. If you run into him, tell him you’re here to help Kolson. Tell him to stay inside and keep his mouth shut.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Just do it. Tell him this is in retaliation for Storm. Tell him to stay inside,” I insist.

  “Okay, but I don’t like it. I don’t operate like this, Gabby. All loose ends are tied, and this isn’t.”

  “It will work. And you may not see him. If you stay clear of the stables, you won’t.”

  I glance at Gemini. “Where will you be?”

  “In here, monitoring your recording. I’ve got to make sure we can hear you and Langston. You’ll wear a tiny earpiece. If I can’t hear what he’s saying, I’ll tell you so you can get closer.”

  “When I’m with Langston, where will you all be?” I ask Drex.

  “Right outside the door, making sure nothing goes wrong.”

  “He’s crazy. It’s likely everything will go wrong.”

  “You don’t have any faith, do you?” he asks.

  I release a breath, one that I feel like I’ve been holding for a month. “Not anymore. I used to but every time I do, someone strips it away.”

  Drex turns in his seat again and looks me square in the eye. “Well, Gabby, we’re going to give it back to you tonight. Faith, and the rest of your life.”

  He stretches out his hand toward mine and I grasp it. I almost feel the faith flowing from him to me. I hope so, because I need a big damn dose of it.



  We drop off the four men and I watch as they unload the two ATVs. They mount up, check their radio links with the other team members, give a thumbs up, and hit it. My heart thrums in anticipation. Please, God, keep them safe.

  The rest of us return to the cars and carry on. When we’re about a mile away from the Hart driveway, we stop and pull off the road. We’re silent as we wait.

  Every so often we hear the radio crackle as they speak, but it’s insignificant. They arrive at the designated points and leave the vehicles, continuing on foot to the first guards. They decide to bypass the stables altogether. Unless Grady is out and about for some reason, he should have no idea about what’s going down, since the stables are quite a ways off from the house.

  “Team Alpha, we’re ready to strike. Looks good from our position.”

  “Roger. That’s a go, Team Wheels.”

  All we can hear is movement, then the sound of muffled grunts and groans.

  “Team Alpha, two subs are disabled.”

  “Roger that. Team Wheels, make sure they’re out of commission until we can move them to the cages.”

  “Yeah, they won’t be going anywhere for a while.”


  “Drex, we have headlights in the rear.” Juan’s voice comes to us over the speakerphone.

  “Let’s move, Huff,” Drex says.

  Huff drives, with Juan following.

  “Team Wheels, stand down for a minute. We’re on the move. We have road company.”

  “Copy Team Alpha.”

  “Juan, keep eyes on.”

  “Got it, boss.”

  We pass the turn in to the Hart mansion and keep going. After a little bit, Juan says, “Boss, that car. I think it turned into the Hart driveway.”

  “Could be him,” Gemini says.

  “Gabby, is there another entrance in?”

  “Not that I know of. But there is a road that runs around the property.”

  “Yeah, we know about that. But that doesn’t do us any good because it only takes you to the helo pad out back. Let’s sit tight for a minute and then turn around.”

  We wait for ten minutes, and then we’re on the move again. It’s painful, sitting here.

  We go back to the quarter-mile point.

  “Team Wheels. The lights we saw turned in here. Did you notice any activity?”

  “No. But we need to move before they notice the lack of it. Feel us?”

  “Copy. It’s a go.”

  We hear movement again, feet lightly running across pavement and grass and then rustling sounds, perhaps feet shuffling through dry leaves or mulch. Then something creaking. A door? A window perhaps? Then more muffled grunts and groans. It’s obvious they’re knocking these guys out.

  “Team Alpha, security room taken. All hands disabled and secured.”

  “Copy. Now go get Mom and be gentle, Houston. Do not, I repeat, do not let her scream. You know which room she’s in and watch out for Daddy.”

  “Copy that, Wolfe.”

  It’s sit and wait again, maybe for five minutes. We drive to the main gate and it swings open for us. The two cars, sans lights, drive in. Huff puts on his night-vision goggles—they’re a lot bigger in person than they are in the movies. Drex puts his on as well.

  I ask Riley, “Why aren’t you putting any on?”

  “I’m escorting you so I won’t need any. The coast will be clear.”

  Gemini hands me a Kevlar vest and Riley helps me put it on. He adjusts the straps to the proper tightness. It’s uncomfortable.

  “Sorry, but it has to stay put.”

  “Boobs fuck us on these things, Gabby,” Gemini says. “They’re heavy and our boobs get in the way. Men have it easier.”

  I want to laugh, but I’m too edgy. It comes out more like a stutter.

  “Yeah, it’s uncomfortable.”

  “Put this jacket on,” she says.

  She hands me a bulky parka.

  “Will the wire work under all this?”

  “Oh, yeah. The thing that picks up the recording is right here by your neck. It won’t be under the vest.” And she points to the tiny wire outside the vest area. “You’re good.”

  “Team Alpha, you’re all clear. Mom’s sound asleep. Not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse. Front door is yours for the taking.”

  “Nice work, Team Wheels. Once we’re in, you go to work downstairs. Eyes open for anything that might be a data vault.”

  “Copy, Wolfe.”

  I’m puzzled. “What does that mean?”

  Drex answers, “Don’t worry about it.”

  We’re about a quarter mile from the house now. Drex turns to us and says, “Riley, you have your orders. Gem, you have yours. Gabby, as soon as you’re cleared, you head to his office and he’s all yours. Once there, take as long as you like. Riley here will be with you the whole time. One thing—the motherfucker is unbalanced. Do not underestimate him. Got that? We’ll all be inside. You need us, you call.”

  “Got it. Do you think he knows your men are inside?”

  Drex chuckles. “I doubt it. My guys are all ex-military. They could rob a bank if they wanted to, during broad daylight, and the bank employees wouldn’t notice.”

  My nerves are shot and my laugh reflects it.

  “We’ve got this, Gabby. And Gem. Stay put. Your ass is not to leave this vehicle.”

  “Aye, aye, cap’n.” She gives him a little salute.

  He looks like he could devour her. This is one serious couple. I thought Kolson and I were bad.

  Drex, Huff, and Juan get out and jog toward t
he house, disappearing into the darkness.

  Gemini asks, “Team Alpha, you see anything yet?”


  Then, a bit of breathing along with, “Eyes on unit at front. Two subs. Takedown time.”

  “Copy,” Gemini answers.

  Then it’s a waiting game. We hear scuffling, more muffled grunts, and silence. Then Drex’s voice says, “We have control. Team Alpha going in.”

  We wait it out again until we hear Drex say, “Okay, Gabby, give us about ten minutes. We’re moving bodies to the basement and then he’s all yours.”

  Gemini says, “Copy.”

  “How can Langston not hear them?”

  Gemini laughs. “All Drex’s men are former Special Forces. They were trained to do this type of thing.”

  “What are they? Silent ninjas?”

  “Yeah. Something like that.”

  I’m so tense, every muscle wants to snap. I could never do this for a living.

  “How do you do this?” I ask.

  “After a while, you become more accustomed to it.”

  “I wouldn’t. I’m a wreck.”

  “That’s because of what you’re getting ready to do.”

  “Maybe. But I’m not made of steel, so …” I rub and rotate my neck. The muscles shriek.

  “After this is over, you need to book a spa vacay.”

  I rest my elbow on my knees and drop my forehead onto the heel of my palm. “You know, I really only want to go out to dinner with Kolson. Have a nice meal. And not worry about his dad killing either of us.”

  The radio comes to life with Drex’s voice. “Unit is secured. Repeat: all is secure. Showtime, Gabby.”

  Riley looks at me and asks, “You ready?”

  “Guess so.”

  We drive up to the front door. I turn to Gemini before I get out. “You sure you can hear?”

  She hands me a tiny earbud. “Put this in your ear.”

  When I do, she talks into a microphone. “Test.”

  “I got it.”

  “It’s not supposed to be loud at all. If I need you to do anything different, I’ll give you direction through this, but I think we’re good.”

  I nod and get out. We walk inside and I go straight to Langston’s office. I don’t bother to knock, I simply open the door and let myself in. Riley stays right outside the door where Langston can’t see him.


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