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The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance

Page 9

by K. G. Fletcher

  The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island came into view as the plane crossed over the center of New York Harbor. The February winter day was sunny and bright, much like Lauren’s mood. She stared out the oval window and could see the southern tip of Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” she whispered to herself, quoting a line from her favorite Broadway musical, Funny Girl. Flying into New York was always exciting. Her theater-teacher parents made the trek from Valdosta, Georgia at least once a year with the graduating class of fine arts majors as far as she could remember. All those years while living at home, she was lucky enough to get to come along, the performing bug biting her when she was just a child. The sights and smells of the city never got old, and as an adult living on her own, she would still try to make it to the Big Apple every couple of years with her closest theater-loving girlfriends to catch the latest Broadway musicals and plays.

  The plane landed and she quickly exited, navigating her way through the narrow walkways of the old airport. A tall man dressed in a black suit and overcoat stood by baggage claim holding an iPad sideways with the name “Rose” on it in large, bold letters.

  “I’m Lauren Rose,” she said approaching him.

  “Miss Rose. My name is Joe. I’ll be delivering you to the Plaza Hotel.”

  She held out her hand and shook his. “It’s nice to meet you Joe.”

  The man efficiently took over her luggage, and she followed him outside to an area where several black Town cars were parked. The frosty air nipped at her cheeks, making her shrug into the scarf around her neck. Joe politely opened the back door, and she slid across the black leather seats into the warm interior.

  As they crossed the Queensboro Bridge into Manhattan, she couldn’t help but wonder what David was doing at that exact moment. She tried to imagine him posing in the cold elements of Central Park, pondering if he were uncomfortable or used to it. Surely his team had a heater or blankets for him in-between shots. A hint of a smile crossed her face when she realized she was concerned about him. Being worried about a man meant something—it meant, she cared.

  The Town car approached the Plaza Hotel on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Central Park South in a frenzy of noisy, mid-day traffic. Lauren craned her head to look up at the magnificent structure that resembled a skyscraping French Chateau. Knowing the rooms in the iconic hotel had spectacular views of Central Park, she trembled with childlike excitement. A white gloved butler led her through the palace-like lobby of crystal chandeliers and into an impressive elevator that took them up to the eleventh floor. She would be staying with David in the Carnegie Park Suite for the next few days. Walking into the elegant sitting room decorated with rich fabrics, she held her breath. The décor had a timeless, yet contemporary vibe about it. Fresh flowers were everywhere and the view… the view of the park was magnificent. Looking out the window across the expanse of naked trees tucked among the cityscape, she knew he was down there, somewhere. She couldn’t wait to see him.

  “Would you like some assistance unpacking madam? I would be happy to arrange your personal items in the closet and bathroom.”

  Lauren looked over her shoulder at the personal butler assigned to her. “No, thank you. I can take it from here.” She pulled a ten dollar bill out of her handbag and tried to give it to him.

  “Thank you, but I cannot accept your generous gift as I have already been compensated handsomely by Mr. Randle. He asked that I cater to your every whim.”

  Surprised, she blushed and put the money back into her purse. “How nice. I’ll keep that in mind. I just need a few minutes to freshen up before I meet up with the concierge. Thank you very much.” She reached her hand out to shake his.

  “Thank you, madam.” He turned and left her alone in the suite with the sun streaming through the windows in distorted rays.

  The wood paneled walk-in closet was spacious with built-in drawers. Lauren quickly unpacked, pausing to breathe in David’s scent from his clothes hanging next to hers. The bathroom was enormous with beautiful mosaic floors and walls in a gilded, floral motif. The vanity was made of a solid piece of white marble with gold-plated fixtures shining like the sun in the middle of summer. The entire suite could have come off as pretentious with some of the opulent features, but she found it to be charming. The space was a delightful home away from home for the next week.

  Very quickly, she refreshed her makeup and fussed with her hair, anticipating her reunion with David. It had only been a little over forty-eight hours since she’d seen him, but it felt like months. As she made her way through the bedroom to leave, she paused to admire the king-sized bed and noticed a note on Plaza Hotel stationary left on the pillow. She sat on the soft mattress to read it.

  “Sweet Lauren. Counting the minutes until I see you again. If you need anything at all, please let the concierge know. I am beyond thrilled you are here to be with me. Love, David.”

  Palming the note to her chest, she sighed contentedly. She knew in her heart this time with him was going to be a something she would never forget.


  The photo shoot for David Randle was set up in an area known as The Mall in Central Park. The famous quarter-mile path under a cathedral-like canopy of American elm trees ran through the middle of the park—an unexpected sanctuary in a city of 8.4 million people. An area had been roped off for the crew and team surrounding a 1963 C-Type Jaguar convertible. The Scotland-blue metallic collector’s item with chrome wheels and navy bucket seats looked right at home under the arch of naked trees. Unfortunately, New York hadn’t received any snow since the holidays and a light dusting of fake snow had to be added to make the scene look more winter-like. Part of David’s marketing campaign included him posing in situations representing the four seasons in which a man could wear his cologne, Drive. Today was his last install, posing for the winter season. His make-up artist, hairstylist, wardrobe stylist, assistant and photo team all looked on as the famous lead photographer coached him in subtle moves. A downward chin here, a raised eyebrow there. His tailored suit, overcoat and Burberry scarf added to the vintage shots they were capturing against the backdrop of naked trees. In between poses, a mechanic assigned to the car buffed and polished the exterior keeping it gleaming in the natural light.

  Over one hundred curious bystanders and fans dressed in parkas and winter clothes stood by the roped off area patrolled by a private security team. Word seemed to get out if there was a live shoot with a celebrity happening in the city, bringing a drove of fans into the elements. The moment David came out of a small dressing room trailer near the street, several female fans screamed and stretched across the ropes shoving pens and photos into his hands to autograph. He quickly scribbled his name on a few before being escorted into the safe zone.

  Lauren stood at the edge of the area and waited patiently to be allowed to enter, amazed by the circus-like atmosphere the photo shoot seemed to cause.

  “Lauren Rose?” A skinny blonde with a lanyard of credentials around her neck spoke to her with a distinct British accent.

  “Yes! That’s me.”

  “I’m David’s assistant, Sabrina Watson. It’s a pleasure.” She shoved her hand out to Lauren who winced at the iciness of her fingers. “Come with me and walk quickly.”

  The security officer unlatched the rope to allow her through. She quickly jogged behind the woman, trying to keep up.

  “David is right in the middle of the shoot, so please, don’t distract him. We’re getting some remarkable shots,” she yelled over her shoulder.

  Lauren was relieved to be out of the mass of people. As the approached a much smaller group surrounding a well-lighted area, she could make out some sort of vintage car and several camera flashes going off.

  “Here we are,” Sabrina whispered. “Move up to the front if you like.”

  She smiled shyly at the assistant and politely edged her way in between the people on the set until she was right up front and center looking on with the others.
The moment she saw David in his element, it was as if the clouds in the sky parted to reveal the glorious orb of the shining sun in all its splendor. She inhaled sharply, her eyes fixated on her gorgeous man commanding everyone’s attention. He was fluid in his subtle movements—like water gliding over river rocks. Wide-eyed and in awe, she was transfixed watching him, totally unaware of the cold weather, the throngs of people and the flashing of lights. It was just her and David.

  “That’s it, lift your chin slightly to the left and look off in the distance,” the photographer instructed. “Lean your body against the door and fold your arms across your chest. Yes, that’s it!”

  David glanced her way and did a double-take, his eyes locking in on hers. His chest rose as he took in a deep breath, a slight grin burgeoning across his famous face. It was obvious he was happy to see her.

  “Oh, nice! A slight smile today, eh? You never smile for me, David. I like it!” The photographer was getting excited by his facial expressions and started to move closer to capture the moment. The supermodel looked away from Lauren before quickly turning back, unexpectedly chuckling and pursing his lips in an effort not to smile. He was absolutely adorable and she couldn’t help but blush and smile back at him wanting desperately to run into his arms.

  The photographer was going nuts. “Yes! I love the smiling! Keep doing that! Whatever you’re thinking about, keep it up!” he encouraged, flashing away. It seemed as though everyone was oblivious to the chemistry happening between them, transfixed by David’s smile.

  Suddenly, a hand grabbed her by the arm and firmly pulled her back behind the team of people.

  “Hey!” Lauren squeaked, not sure what was happening.

  “Sorry, but I’m not going to have you spoil the entire shoot with your presence,” Sabrina chastised, clearly miffed.

  Lauren stumbled pulling her arm out of the woman’s grasp. “I beg your pardon?”

  Sabrina’s brow creased as she spoke quickly through gritted teeth. “David Randle is one of the most sought after male supermodels on the planet. He has a trademark look. Have you ever seen him smiling in a photograph? No! He smirks, he smolders, he sizzles. He does not, however, smile!”

  His assistant’s disturbing tone took her aback. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to distract him….”

  “Your presence diverted his attention him from his job. All of those shots cost money, and I’m sure we won’t be able to use a single one of them, especially the ones where he’s smiling.” The woman made it sound like smiling was the worst possible thing that could have happened. Quickly, she glanced at her buzzing cell phone in her hand. “I have to take this call. Stay here and don’t cause any more trouble. I’ll be right back.”

  Lauren watched her hastily walk off toward the trailer while she answered her phone. Standing frigid on the cement, she was confounded by what happened. She’d never been scolded by another woman before—another woman who wasn’t her sister or mother. Unsure of what to do or where to go, she spotted a nearby park bench and decided to stand on the wooden seat so she could continue to watch David over the heads of the team, safely from afar.

  The famous supermodel continued to pose and pause, pose and pause. During each pause, a makeup artist would powder his famous forehead while someone from wardrobe would adjust his clothes. A few times, a hair stylist stood in front of him and meticulously fussed with his hair. Lauren took it all in, aware that her toes were starting to go numb from the cold, shifting uncomfortably from side to side trying to generate some heat with her movement. She’d never been to an actual fashion shoot before and the process fascinated her. The attention to precise detail was amazing and David seemed to thrive in the spotlight, even with hundreds of eyes fixated on him. With all the fancy lighting, the cold weather didn’t seem to hamper his efforts in the least.

  Lauren watched him hand the designer coat to someone on the team while Sabrina approached him. They chatted for a moment before she pointed toward the area Lauren was waiting in. He nodded and started walking through the people milling about as the lights went off and the photographer reloaded. When he spotted her standing on the park bench, his entire face illuminated with a million-dollar smile. She didn’t understand what Sabrina told her about his “trademark” of not smiling. With a smile like that, he could sell billions of underwear and cologne. The world was missing out, for sure.

  “You made it!” he exclaimed, holding his arms out to help her off the bench. “God, I missed you.” They embraced, and he kissed her on both cheeks.

  “I missed you too,” she admitted breathlessly.

  “What are you doing all the way over here? I liked you up front where I could see you.” He cupped her cheek tenderly in his hand.

  Leaned into his warmth, she tried to explain. “I was told I was being ‘disruptive’.”

  A look of concern crossed his face. “By whom?” he asked, pensively.

  She sighed. “It doesn’t matter. I’m here and I’m so happy to see you!” Wrapping her arms around his middle, she hugged him again. He picked her up and swung her around, making her squeal with delight. They walked back to the photo shoot hand in hand, several staff eyeing them curiously.

  “We’re breaking for fifteen minutes. Let me show you around.”

  As they walked around the perimeter of the shoot, a random woman approached, and handed David a Styrofoam cup of tea. “Would you care for some tea or coffee?” she politely asked Lauren, nosily looking at their hands clutched together.

  “Thank you, but no. I appreciate it.”

  “Are you sure?” David asked, acting the caring host. “There are all kinds of refreshments in the trailer.”

  “No, I’m good. Thank you.”

  He sipped from his cup as they ambled slowly around the car. “Isn’t she a beauty?”

  The car was immaculate, the blue exterior reminding her of the sky before an impending storm. He explained that vintage automobiles were a big part of the ad campaign for Drive, this particular car being his favorite in the series. Walking around the impressive vehicle, she admired its classic beauty and started to reach out to touch the shiny metal.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Sabrina warned, her voice coming out of nowhere, startling her. She pulled her hand back quickly. David approached his assistant, leaving Lauren to eavesdrop on their conversation from the opposite side of the car.

  “Thanks again for bringing Lauren safely to the shoot.” He slung his arm across her shoulders and squeezed. “Was it terribly unbearable for you?”

  Sabrina rolled her eyes, shrugging him off. “Not so much. But you do have work to finish, David.” She peered at her watch. “I’d say we have another half hour or so before we wrap up. Would you like me to have security walk her back to the hotel?” She grinned a little too brightly looking up at him. He didn’t take the bait.

  “No.” He lowered his voice, his tone becoming serious and demanding. “I would like for her to be here while I finish. She’s my guest for several days and it would be very ungentlemanly of me to have a random security guard escort her back.”

  Lauren could feel the tension between the two and realized they weren’t on the same page with her visit. Clearing her throat, she moved toward them.

  “Excuse me. I’m standing right here. If you have something to say to me, please, say it to my face. I would like to stay, but it’s obviously a problem for you, Sabrina. I don’t want to cause any disruptions, especially during an expensive photo shoot. Maybe we can compromise and I wait for David nearby?”

  The look on Sabrina’s face was priceless, as if no one had ever called her out before. Tilting her chin upward with resolution, the woman sighed heavily with narrowed eyes. David looked on, suppressing a huge grin as he took another sip from his cup.

  “I believe there are some refreshments in the heated trailer. Perhaps you could wait there and warm up—away from the shoot.” Sabrina turned on her heeled boots and swiftly walked away.

  David burst
out laughing extending his hand for her to take. “Good for you. She needed a swift kick in the ass! She acts like the Queen of England at these shoots.”

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to come off as rude, but she hasn’t been the least bit friendly since I showed up. I just couldn’t handle it anymore.”

  He scowled, putting his arm around her waist. They walked away from the car toward the trailer. “I apologize she comes across that way. She’s harmless, I promise. Although, I must admit, your gumption is a bit of a turn on.”

  “Oh, really?” She smiled, looking up into his handsome face. She interlaced her fingers with his around her middle.

  “Oh, yes.”

  There were several screams from the crowd as they approached the trailer, the mob a good twenty-five yards away behind a secured line roped off for the shoot. One woman shouted, “I love you!” Before they went up the steps out of the crowd sight line, he turned and pulled Lauren forward by the scarf into his chest. His eyes glistened before he pressed his lips against hers, his mouth tasting faintly of green tea. Suddenly, a flash went off startling them.

  David pulled back from her, and squinted as he looked around quickly.

  “What is it?” she asked, aware of the panic starting to rise in her being.

  With a heavy sigh, he pulled her by the hand up the steps and into the trailer, the scowl on his face marring his gorgeous features. “The goddamn paparazzi.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Let me make a quick call to Sabrina so she can alert one of the guards that one of them slipped through security.”

  Lauren nodded and watched David fumble through a duffle bag for his phone while he mumbled, “Total scumbags.” She’d never heard him curse before and was taken aback by his outburst. She felt sorry for him and his obvious lack of privacy, even while working.

  The trailer was small, but cozy with a long table loaded with fruit, healthy snacks, bottled water, coffee, and tea. One entire side of the structure was a wall of mirrors lighted with impressive bulbs. Two makeup chairs sat side by side in front of the mirrors, and there was a small door leading to a unisex bathroom. Not entirely glitz and glam for a world-renowned male supermodel, but efficient just the same. Thankful for the delicious heat blowing out of a small vent in the wall, she cupped her hands near it.


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