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Stolen Melody (Snow and Ash #2)

Page 10

by Heather Knight

  My face goes scarlet. “It’s none of your business!”

  “None of my—” He wipes a hand down his face. “You were always such a pretty, delicate little thing. That image they put out, it wasn’t you. I could see it.”


  “I used to watch you on the bus, playing your guitar. Baggy sweatshirt, no makeup, singing little country songs, and that smile on your face was so sweet. I was way too old for you, but it was an honor to keep you safe. I can’t let that guy hurt you like this.”

  I’m speechless. Actually, I’m touched. I always felt so alone then.

  He places both hands on the counter. “Please, let me help you.”

  I swallow. I’m trembling, and whether it’s from hope or dread, I’m not sure. It’s been years, centuries since I was that girl.

  “I want you to listen to me very carefully. Axel Diehl is an ex-felon and he’s big, like you. He’s also a thousand times meaner. Not to me,” I rush to say.

  “Goddamn that bastard!” he snarls.

  “If any man tries to take me away from him, he’ll kill him.”

  “I can take him, Imogen,” he boasts. I look him up and down. He might be able to. He might not.

  “You’re a nice guy. I don’t want you to die, especially not for me. Please, just leave it alone.”

  He’s shaking, and I think, what’s wrong with me? Here’s my chance. He was the ultimate bodyguard. His sole purpose was to keep me safe, and he did. Back then I was an innocent little girl. But now I’m…well, not. He doesn’t know me. Not like Axel does. I think about Axel, the things he did to me last night, and immediately my body hums to life. Randy cannot, can never give me what Axel does.

  “I’m leaving real soon,” he says. “I’m joining up with General Barry’s men, and I’m not coming back. All you have to do is leave him, Imogen. I’ll take you with me to the general’s territory, and he’ll never be able to touch you again. I’ll take care of you. I promise.”

  I wipe my hands down my face. The door jingles again, and I jump.

  He throws his hands up. “It’s okay. I’m leaving. No one will know we’ve talked. Just be ready to hear from me. It won’t be more than a few weeks.”

  I shake my head. “There’s no way.”

  “Promise me you’ll think about it.”

  I sigh.

  “Promise me,” he insists. He brushes my cheek, and it’s nice. Gentle.

  I close my eyes.

  I nod.

  “You won’t regret it,” he rushes to say. “I’ll—”

  “I didn’t say yes. I said I’ll think about it.”

  He backs away, nodding. “Just come with me. I’ll never let anyone hurt you.”

  I don’t breathe again until the door shuts behind him. I know he’s telling me the truth. The guy could sweep a whole pile of people back with just a thrust of his arm. I’d never, ever have to worry about anyone bothering me.

  I think back to this morning, to last night—the savagery, the bliss, and the absolute peace that followed. Can I live without what Axel does for me, especially now that I finally understand how badly I need it?

  I’m being stupid. Randy is handsome and sweet. I should leave with him.

  Shouldn’t I?


  Is it normal to want sex all the time? I’m hurrying toward the store, late as usual. I was tired and laid down in front of the fire, intending just to close my eyes for a few minutes, but it ended up being a full-on nap.

  I’ve been here over two months and it’s like Axel’s on testosterone overdrive, and me, well I’m practically dying for it. I can’t wait for him to touch me, to do the things he does to me. I had no idea I could ever feel such ecstasy. Last night I came so hard I screamed. Axel says I’m made for him.

  I’m scared. He talks all the time about how sexy I am, how beautiful, and how much he wants to fuck me. He hasn’t said one word about the consequences. You know. When, not if, I get pregnant. I’m not stupid. Birth control is nonexistent. Guys like him, they like their fun with a hot little thing, but moms are not sexy. I’m scared what will happen when he takes root inside me. When he unclaims me, what happens next? Will I have any place to go? Will some other guy claim me then? Just, no.

  I should have asked him this in the beginning. Several times I’ve geared myself up to talk to him, but each time I chicken out. I have to, though. It’s inevitable. We fuck constantly.

  When I reach the store, I find the steps freshly salted. I take them two at a time and hop inside where it’s warm.

  “Could you be any lazier?” Mia hasn’t even changed into her coat. She must be getting used to me.

  “Sorry, Mia.” I’m not so scared of her these days. She’s sour enough, but she never actually does anything.

  “How many times do I have to tell you to be on time?”

  “Oh, so you’re the boss now?” I hang my coat on the hook and reach for the apron.

  “It’s a courtesy,” she says, following me. “Something your mother should have taught you.”

  An unexpected lump hits me right in the throat. God, I miss my mother.

  Her voice softens, but only a fraction. “Look. I’m not trying to hurt your feelings, but you’re late almost every single day.”

  I bite my lip and blush. She’s right. It’s not always my fault, but today it is.

  “You tell that boyfriend of yours to show some respect. If not for you, then for me.” She yanks off her apron and stuffs it in the closet.

  I’m donning mine when the door jingles. Six men shuffle in, and they bring a gust of icy wind with them.

  Mia eyes the guys and smirks. “Have fun.” She stuffs her arms into the sleeves of her coat.

  The door jingles again, and four more grim-faced men sweep in.

  “Melody.” Axel’s friend, red-bearded Bill, nods at me.

  “Why does he call you that?” Mia asks.

  “It’s just a nickname.” I straighten the pencils into a neat row.

  “No one called you that back in Sadie’s Bend.”

  She’s like a bulldog. A wave of nausea sweeps over me, and I wish she would just leave.

  A half second later, two more men come through the door.

  “What’s going on, guys?” Mia asks. “There a turkey shoot and no one told me?”

  “Getting ready for a war,” says a dark-bearded guy. “What kind of bullets you got in stock?”

  A chill settles between my shoulder blades. “What size do you need? Are we being attacked?”

  “It’s General Barry. Gang from over Asheville way. They’re headed for Johnson City.”

  Bill the Red steps up to the counter with enough arrows to fuel his crossbow for a month. “That’s one of our towns. Bunch of us are headed out in an hour to make sure they don’t get there.”

  “We just pressed a bunch of bullets last week. They’re behind that wall of archery equipment,” I tell the guy with the dark beard.

  “Is it safe?” I ask Bill.

  He lifts a shoulder. “It’s what we do. They pay us tax. We promise to keep out the other gangs. Barry’s group isn’t respecting the territories. Things could get nasty.”

  Mia shakes her head and zips her coat. She ambles toward the door.

  I bite my nail. “Axel won’t he going, will he?”

  He raises his brow. “Oh, he’ll definitely go. You want to say good-bye to him, now’s the time.”

  I feel sick, like I-might-throw-up sick. “I can’t leave. All these men…” I gesture toward the cluster swarming the back of the store.

  “Don’t even ask,” Mia calls over her shoulder.

  I scowl at her. “Ask what?”

  “I’m not hanging out for another couple hours so you can go home and give your boyfriend a blow job.”

  My jaw drops, and I blush hard. “I didn’t ask you to!”

  “Good.” The door jingles again.

  I’m shaking. Red rests a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t you
worry, Mel. I’ll have Zack Tomasello keep a watch on the house.”

  “Who’s he?” Axel’s not going to like this.

  “Worker from over in Boone. Nice fella. Gay.” His eyes twinkle.

  Ah. Completely safe from Axel’s wrath. I smile. “You’ll be back soon, though, right?”

  “I ain’t gonna sugarcoat it. It’s a good-size party, and these guys are organized. Things could get ugly.”

  Axel could die. He could die. I get that feeling I get where I’m either going to faint or throw up. This used to happen to me a lot right before big concerts. My stomach lurches, and I bolt for the door.

  Mia’s just outside smoking a joint. Yeah, the world ended, but they still grow weed. The stink makes me feel worse, and I lean over the railing and puke.

  “Of course,” she mutters.

  I rest my head against the wood as another wave gathers, then let loose again. I’ve got to pull it together. I can’t stop Axel from going any more than I can stop that other gang from coming.

  “Jesus.” Mia put on a pretty good Christian-lady act back in Sadie’s Bend, but then I guess we all did. Here at the fort, I get to see the real deal.

  “Sorry.” I sweep the hair back from my face with shaking fingers and turn to go inside. Surprisingly Mia pinches out her joint, stuffs it in her pocket, and follows me like a gnat.

  Three men stand in front of the counter, waiting to make their exchange.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t feeling well,” I mumble as I pull out the ledger.

  “Yeah, right.” Mia shrugs out of her coat. “Go home to your boyfriend.”

  I stare at her. So do the others. Has she been invaded by a friendly poltergeist?

  “Will you just git?” She slaps my coat down on the counter and shoves me out of the way. “You owe me big.”

  She doesn’t like me, and she’s definitely not my best friend either, but she’s right about that. I owe her big. “I’ll pull a double tomorrow,” I mumble as I shove my fists into my sleeves. I’m still shaking, but I feel a little better.


  He turns from the array of dried meat and blinks at me.

  “Be careful, ’kay? And, um, Axel…” I don’t want to say look out for him. Axel is huge. Mean. Strong enough to tear a man in half if he wants to.

  Bill nods. “No worries. He’ll be fine.”

  I push the front door open, sending a blast of tiny ice particles inside.

  Axel turns. “Hey, what are you doing home?”

  He’s packing his bag. He’s even got his guns out. He’s really going off to war. Emptiness stabs me in the chest, and he hasn’t even left yet.

  “Aw, Mel.” He pulls me to him, and the structure of his Kevlar vest feels unnatural against my chest. “It’s okay.”

  “What if you don’t come home?”

  He rubs his hands over my arms and up to my shoulders. “I’ll be back. I always come back.”

  My stomach tilts again, and I retreat a step. “Bill told me these guys are really sharp.”

  His eyes harden, and he turns and zips his pack shut. “Shit like this happens. It’s just a part of life.”

  Not the life I know. Not the life any of us should ever get used to. “Then you need to leave soldiers in all those towns, or else bring everyone here!”

  He looks over his shoulder, his eyebrows raised. “And put them where?”

  I think of Pastor North, of old Mrs. Glaros. They’d be such easy prey. Axel is stuffing packets of bullets, some of them probably hand pressed by me, into the side pocket of his pack. Bullets. God, what will I do if he gets hurt? Or worse? Go back to Pastor North? Run away with Randy Foster? I don’t want to. I want Axel’s calloused hands, warm lips, and merciless cock. I’ve seen the boy in the man, and I want so badly to draw him out and hold him.

  Axel grinds his teeth. “I got someone coming to look after you while I’m gone.”

  I nod. “Bill said something about that.”

  “Anything happens to me, you stick close to him. If he offers to claim you, let him.”

  I will not be claimed by another man!

  Axel reveals a trace smile. “You got nothing to worry about from Zack Tomasello. He’s big, black, and gay, and he ain’t interested. But he’ll keep the rabble from going after you.”

  I shake my head. He shouldn’t be talking this way. “Just how big is this army?”

  He shrugs as if it’s nothing, but he doesn’t meet my eyes. I don’t like this at all.

  Axel looks up as though he’s suddenly remembered something. “I want that Mia woman here with you while I’m gone.”

  He’s got to be kidding.

  He raises a brow and cocks his head. “Don’t question me on this.”

  “Okay, fine. But don’t you freakin’ stick me with Mia for more than a couple days. The second you’re done out there, get your butt back here.” I draw in a shuddering breath as my throat goes tight. “I need you here, at home.”

  He smiles, a little sadly I think. He teases me with a flash of tenderness, but only for a moment.

  I can’t handle all this sadness. My body thrums with anxiety, and unfortunately only Axel can ease that for me. God, I need him. If only he could…well, it’s useless to even think about it.

  “When you get home,” I tell him, “I’ll let you do whatever you want to me.”

  He brightens, and the front of his pants tent. “Anything?”

  I nod, imagining all the nasty, filthy things he could do to me, and my panties go damp. My Axel has a hard-on, and he’s about to leave, and I might never see him again. I shouldn’t want to cry, but it’s there, just behind my eyes, in my chest one breath away. I am not sending him off without letting him know I care.

  I unhook his belt and slide his zipper down.

  “We don’t have time for this,” he tells me gently. He thinks I want him to fuck me, but that’s not it.

  Ignoring him, I slide his pants down until his cock springs free, and I kneel and breathe in his scent. So warm, so musky. So Axel.

  He sucks in a breath. “You don’t have to.”

  He knows I hate this.

  I fist his cock and give it a gentle squeeze, and I look straight into his eyes. “I want to.”

  And I do. I run my tongue up his length, then lick my lips and take the head into my mouth. I’m rewarded by the salty taste of him, and for some reason this time I don’t feel the need to gag.

  Axel sucks in a breath and throws his head back.

  I lick the length of his cock again, making sure to moisten all of him. Remembering how much he likes it, I take one of his balls in my mouth and give it a gentle suck.

  Axel groans and buries his hands in my hair. His breaths are coming hard and fast, and so are mine.

  I’m still cupping his nuts when I wrap my lips around him again. I slide him back my tongue.. He’s always wanted me to deep throat him, but every time he tries, he chokes me and I cry. I use my lips and my hand together, stroking him up and down, in and out of my mouth. Axel takes my head in a fierce grasp and begins pumping. He glowers down at me, owning me, begging me, and I can’t look away. The slurping, sucking sounds we make drench my panties to the point where he could probably fit two of him inside me. He grows even harder. He pushes too far back, and just like previous times, I gag and pull back.

  His chest heaves. “Sorry.”

  I refuse to give up. I lick his length till he’s good and wet, and I take him into my mouth again.

  “Yeah,” he murmurs. “Suck it.”

  I keep my eyes on him as I ease his dick back, stopping when I feel the urge to gag, then continuing. I withdraw once, twice, three times, taking in desperately needed air. The fourth time, I close my eyes, swirl my tongue around him, and take him deep.

  “Aw, yeah, Jesus, fuck, yeah!”

  And deeper.

  He’s not even forming words by the time his dick hits something at the back of my throat. He jerks his hips and pushes past. For a moment I panic. The
re’s no way for me to draw in air. I am completely at his mercy.

  His gaze burns into mine. I can’t breathe, his cock is in my throat, my nose is buried in his pubic hair, and it’s the most intimate moment we’ve ever shared. He jerks back and begins fucking my mouth with furious thrusts. I use my hand to squeeze his balls, and he shoves his cock in past the gag. This time I’m not ready, and I whimper.

  “God! Motherfucker yeah! Baby!” He grips my head and shoves his penis all the way back, as far as it will go. He gives an inarticulate cry and shoots wad after wad straight down my throat. I have no choice but to accept it all.

  He’s still shuddering when he releases my head and eases his member out of my throat. His whole body shakes as he draws me to my feet. He cups my face and kisses me deeply, and doesn’t seem to mind the taste of his own cum.

  I want to meld myself into him, to become one. Carefully I fix his clothes, zip his pants up for him, and buckle his belt. He blinks hard. Then he envelops me in his arms. I think that’s when I know I’m in trouble. I think that’s when I know that I will never, ever leave him.

  “Axel.” I don’t have anything to say, but he seems not to mind. He cups my face again and kisses me ever so softly. The way he gazes at me makes my heart stop.

  “I wouldn’t leave if I didn’t have to,” he says as he shoulders his pack.

  “I’ll be waiting for you.” For goodness’ sake, I just had his dick in my mouth, but now I’m shy. I smile at the thought. “Start thinking about what you want to do to me when you get home.”

  He opens the door, but he looks back at that and grins. “Anything?”

  He seems so eager I can’t help returning his smile. “Anything.”


  “Crackers? Where’d you get motherfucking crackers?” Back before the ash fall, Zack Tomasello would have been pulled over and questioned by the police a good six times a month. Tall, black, built like a boxer and with a face that would make the queen of England flutter, he was now the object of desire for half the women at the fort. It really was too bad he was gay.

  “They aren’t hard to make,” I tell him as I set the pot of chili in the middle of the table.


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