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Until the End of Time [Council Enforcers 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 9

by Keyonna Davis

  She found Ben in the kitchen at the stove cooking as Jacqueline sat at the table. She could see the love shining on the woman’s face as she rubbed her pregnant belly and watched Ben. Because he was a male shifter and it was somehow ingrained in their DNA, Talia knew he was cooking so that he could feed his mate even though, looking at the clock, it was a little after two in the morning. When Ben looked over at Jacqueline and winked, Talia backed out of the room to give them their privacy.

  Having already searched the rest of the house, Talia headed toward the only room she hadn’t checked. She shook her head as she made her way to the bedroom, wondering why it hadn’t been the first room she checked. Her only excuse was that she hadn’t been thinking. With so much on her mind, it hadn’t even crossed her mind that her mates had gone to bed, but when she got to the room, the light shining under the door and the voices coming from inside told her they weren’t asleep. Instead, she found them wrapped around each other in bed. They weren’t doing anything other than holding each other and talking, but Talia was instantly turned on by all the bare skin she could see.

  “I see you guys have started without me,” she teased as she closed the door behind her.

  Ryan wiggled both his eyebrows and gave her a wicked grin. “Looks like you’re right on time to me.”

  Even though he was teasing and kept his tone light, Talia knew it was an invitation to join them for much more than just cuddling and sleep. For the past few nights she had slept in between the both of them and neither had tried anything or pushed her into something she wasn’t ready for. Tonight she planned on taking them up on their offer. They would eventually sleep but not until after they were thoroughly exhausted.

  “Looks like I am.” Talia tried to sound sultry and sexy, but had a feeling she failed judging by the grin Ryan was trying to hold in. He wasn’t successful when the corner of his mouth twitched.

  “Are you sure?” Ken sat up in bed and watched her as she moved toward him.

  Talia could see his bear tracking her through Ken’s dark eyes and knew the animal was close to the surface. The bear had just as much riding on her answer as the man did. Instead of answering Ken, Talia lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it away before moving to the drawstring of her pajama pants. When both Ken’s and Ryan’s eyes widened, she knew she had their attention and they had their answer.

  When Talia was down to only her panties and bra, she knelt on the end of the bed and crawled until she was between the both of them. She was close enough to feel the body heat radiating off them but not touching. If she touched them, she knew there wouldn’t be any talking, so she held back.

  Taking a deep breath, Talia hoped she could organize all the thoughts swirling in her head and make them coherent enough so she could get them out. “With everything that has happened since I came here, I’ve had to do a lot of thinking. I know I’m not what you guys expected. It can’t be easy to know the woman who is supposed to be your mate is still pining for someone else, but you have been nothing but patient with me. Watching Tessa and Mitch tonight with their new baby made me realize that I need to move on with my life.” Talia took a breath, thankful her mates hadn’t interrupted her. “I want what they have. I want a family and tonight I realized everything I wanted was right there in front of me if I was willing to get over my own issues and take it.”

  Talia grabbed Ryan and Ken’s hands and laced them together with hers. “What I’m trying to say is that I want you guys. I’ve fallen in love with the both of you and I want to be your mate if you’ll have me.” She held her hand up to stop the questions she could see coming from both men. “Before you say anything, yes, I’m sure. I love you both and I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  Ryan let out a whoop, but Ken’s answer was to drag her onto his lap and seal his lips over hers. The man knew how to kiss, but this one was different. Ken’s lips on hers were forceful, almost desperate, as his tongue forced its way into her mouth. Talia happily opened for him and let him have control. She shivered when she felt Ryan’s lips on her back as he placed wet kisses down her spine.

  She could feel goose bumps prickling across her skin and shivered, but Talia was far from cold. In fact, she felt like she was burning up. Her skin was on fire and she felt like she was going to go up in flames the longer her mates touched her. Talia was happy with that as long as they didn’t stop what they were doing. Her legs were stretched as she straddled Ken’s wide thighs and she shifted, trying to get some friction to her aching cunt, but couldn’t quite make contact. Talia whimpered. “Please,” she begged when she broke away from Ken. She didn’t know what she was begging for. All she knew was that she needed more.

  “Shh,” Ryan whispered in her ear, and then nipped her lobe. “We’ll take care of you.”

  Talia knew they would, but she was impatient. She needed something to take the edge off. The both of them touching her at the same time were sending her into sensation overload, but she wasn’t quite there. She needed one of them to touch her in the most intimate way. Her dripping cunt ached for it, but they weren’t giving her what she wanted. It seemed her mates were more interested in taking their time and tasting her skin.

  She tilted her head back to allow Ken room when he began trailing his lips down her neck. The tiny nip he placed on the straining muscles there had her screaming out at the move until Ryan reached the base of her spine. When his wet tongue continued further down the crease of her bottom, Talia was screaming out for a different reason. She could feel his wet tongue through her panties and never hated the tiny scrap of material so much in her life. She wanted to feel Ryan’s tongue against her bare skin. “Oh, God. You guys are going to kill me.” A deep rumbling chuckle was all she received from Ken as he continued his ministrations on her neck.

  Ryan lifted so he could whisper in Talia’s ear. “You have no idea what we have planned for you. As long as we’ve waited for you, Ken and I have had time to come up with all kinds of ways to pleasure you. We plan to keep you in this bed until we’ve tried them all.”

  Talia shivered at the promise she could hear in his voice. It took her several times to force any noise through her throat and when she did, the husky sound was nowhere near her own. “I’m looking forward to it.” Her statement was the truth. Talia was used to staying in bed for days at a time, only this time she would be there for pleasure and not wallowing in grief. The former was sounding better and better the more her mates touched her.

  Talia breathed a sigh of relief when the clasp of her bra was released from behind. Ryan slid the straps from her shoulders as Ken moved back enough to allow the material to fall between them. When Ryan’s warm, calloused hands finally circled her breast before he clasped her nipples between his forefingers and thumbs and gently squeezed, Talia gasped at the electric currents shooting straight between her thighs. She leaned her head back against Ryan’s chest and stared into Ken’s dark eyes as her hips shifted involuntarily, seeking more. The smirk on Ken’s face had her guessing what was coming next, but she didn’t have to wait long as she watched his head lower. Ryan held her breast out like an offering and when Ken’s hot mouth covered one of her stiff nipples, Talia could only whimper. She believed Ryan wholeheartedly when he said they had been planning her pleasure for a long time. The way the two moved in tandem with each other like they knew exactly what the other was thinking proved that.

  Ken’s mouth on her along with Ryan’s hands stole her thoughts. Talia was surrounded by the both of them. She could feel the shaft of Ryan’s hard cock against her back while her hands were threaded through Ken’s hair as she held him to her front. Sparks of white-hot pleasure shot all over her body, and Talia could feel herself on the verge of orgasm without any kind of vaginal stimulation. “Please, I’m so close.” She didn’t feel any shame for her desperate begging. “I’m going to go up in flames if one of you doesn’t touch me.” Talia shifted her hips again to emphasize exactly where she wanted their touch.

“Oh, baby, trust me. We’re getting to that,” Ryan whispered in her ear. “Be patient and trust us.”

  “I do trust you,” Talia wailed. “It’s been too long. I need to come. Please.” She hoped they heard the desperation in her voice because she was about to go crazy.

  Ken lifted his head from her nipple with an audible pop and Ryan took over the torture by pinching the slippery nubs between his fingers. Talia could only watch as Ken lifted one of his large hands in front of him. Her eyes widened when sharp black claws sprouted from the tips of his fingers, but she wasn’t scared. She trusted the two men with all her heart and knew that he would never hurt her. Instead, she forced herself to focus on what he was about to do. With Ryan still twisting and pulling at her nipples, that focus was hard won, but Talia didn’t have to wait long. She shivered when Ken trailed the tip of one of those wickedly sharp claws across her collarbone and down her chest between her breasts. The muscles of her stomach clenched when he circled the sensitive skin of her belly button, but Ken didn’t stop until he reached the waistband of her panties. He stared into her eyes as he trailed his finger along the waistband several times before slightly dipping his claw inside.

  Talia whimpered, but not from pain. It was the anticipation. The waiting to see what Ken was about to do that had the noise slipping from her throat before she could catch it. She was glad when Ken placed his other hand on her hip to hold her still because she couldn’t stop the movement if she tried. Her clit throbbed to be touched. Talia could feel the moisture seeping from her pussy as it readied itself for her mates and knew her panties were soaked.

  “I can smell that sweet pussy of yours,” Ken said, confirming her thoughts. “I can’t wait to taste that cream seeping from between your thighs. I’m going to feast on you all night long.”

  Talia was all for that. She shook her head rapidly up and down, giving Ken permission to do exactly that, but all she got was a wicked grin from him just before she heard the material of her panties tearing. Ken knew exactly what to do and say to distract her as he shredded her panties with one of his sharp claws. By the time she looked down, her panties lay in two on the bed and Ken’s hands were back to normal.

  “There, that’s better. Nothing left to distract us from this beautiful body.” Ken’s normal fingers traced the same path down her body that his claws had done until he got to her cunt. He cupped it with his large hand. “Mine.”

  Talia wanted to tell him that it was all his. She would give him whatever he wanted if he only moved that hand and slid one of his large fingers inside her, but the only thing that got past the lump in her throat was a whimper. She thought she would shatter when she felt another hand snake between her thighs.

  “Ours,” Ryan whispered in her ear as he twined his fingers with Ken’s and ground their joined hands against her clit.

  That was all it took for Talia to explode as she rocked her hips against their hands. She lost all sense of time as the sharp waves of pleasure tormented her body over and over again. By the time she came back to reality, she had no idea how much time had passed. It could have been ten minutes or ten hours, but Talia didn’t care. “You guys are going to make me greedy.” Her voice was hoarse from yelling, and she had a feeling everyone in the house had heard her, but she wasn’t embarrassed. “I’m still shivering from coming, but all I can think about is that I want more. I want you guys to make me come over and over again until I pass out.”

  The growl coming from the front and the feline purr from her back told her that her guys agreed with her idea wholeheartedly. Talia felt the steel band of Ryan’s arm around her waist before she was lifted from Ken’s lap and laid on her back on the bed. She lay there looking up as both her men rose from the bed to remove the sleep pants they had started sleeping in to make her more comfortable. Now, she watched as they each slid them down until they dropped to the floor and instantly her mouth went dry at the sight while her clit twitched with anticipation. The men were the complete opposite from each other in all appearances but one. They were both well endowed with long, thick cocks that she couldn’t wait to have inside her.

  Talia held out her hands for her mates to join her on the bed and they wasted no time complying. Kneeling on either side of her, Ryan and Ken began running their hands all over her body. They made sure not to miss a single inch of her skin, leaving burning heat and need in their wake. Talia’s back arched off the bed as she moaned as one of those hands parted her legs. She had no idea her eyes had closed until she snapped them open when the bed shifted. She was about to beg them not to leave her, but Talia wisely kept her mouth shut. Instead, she watched wide eyed as both her men moved between her legs and each placed one over their shoulders. With her legs spread so wide, Talia was completely exposed, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. All she could do was pant while trying to anticipate what her mates were going to do next. She wasn’t forced to wait long as both of her men leaned toward her center with wicked grins on their faces.

  “Enjoy,” was all Ryan said before he stuck his tongue out and lapped at her clit.

  When Ken’s tongue joined in, Talia couldn’t hold back the hiss that slipped through her clenched teeth. Never in her life had she felt anything close to the pleasure of having both of their mouths on her at the same time. Talia didn’t think she would survive much longer. All she could do was close her eyes, lay back on the bed, and feel. She could feel both of their tongues twine with each other’s as they circled her clit and Talia thought she was going to explode from that alone. She could feel the detonation of her orgasm coming and knew that it was going to be spectacular. Talia didn’t know if she would survive it, but she was damn well going to try. Her mates hadn’t been lying when they’d said they had spent a lot of time planning what they wanted to do to her. If she hadn’t believed it then, then she definitely believed it now.

  Talia’s body shivered when one of her mate’s lips clamped around her clit before he sucked it into his mouth. When she felt another tongue circling her entrance before being shoved deep inside her, that was all it took for Talia to explode. She threw her head back and screamed as waves of pleasure washed over her body. If it wasn’t for one of her mate’s strong hands holding her hips down, Talia was pretty sure she would have writhed right off the bed. As it was, she hadn’t even realized she was trying to clamp her legs shut until she felt hands on her thighs pushing them apart.

  “How was that?”

  All Talia could do was stare at Ryan. There was no way she could gather enough thought to answer the man, but judging by the arrogant smirk on his face, he knew exactly what he had done to her. She was glad to see that she wasn’t the only one affected, though. Even if his rock-hard cock wasn’t a dead giveaway, the fangs and golden eyes would have instantly given Ryan away. Talia shivered in anticipation at what was to come. With their animals riding close to the surface, there was no way her men would be able to hold back and she planned on enjoying every last second of it.

  “You have no idea how sexy you look right now.” Ken growled as he moved from between her legs and lay beside her. “Are you ready?” he asked, rolling her on her side to face him.

  Talia was beyond ready. She couldn’t think of anything she wanted more. She nodded. “I’m ready to tie myself to you and Ryan. I want to start living again.” The relief on Ken’s face told her that her answer was exactly what he needed to hear. She felt bad for keeping them waiting, but Talia had to get over her own issues. Now that her mind was made up, she cursed herself for even hesitating in the first place.

  She didn’t wait for Ken to kiss her. Instead, Talia dove at his lips and hungrily tangled her tongue with his. She draped her leg over his thigh and shifted her hips, silently begging Ken for what they both desperately wanted. Talia felt Ken’s large hand grip her thigh and shift it higher on his waist, opening her wider. She felt the bed shift as Ryan moved behind her, but was too lost to do anything when she felt one of Ken’s large fingers probe her opening.

“We’re going to mark you tonight,” Ryan whispered in her ear before nipping her lobe with his teeth.

  The sensations were almost too much for Talia. She was completely surrounded by her men and didn’t know how she was going to survive what they were doing to her. All she could do was lay there and whimper as each touch sent shards of pleasure zipping through her whole body.

  Talia threw her head back and moaned when she felt the tip of Ken’s cock at her entrance. He shifted his hips slightly, barely entering her, before withdrawing. Talia wanted to slam herself against him and take him all at once, but the iron grip he had on her thigh held her completely immobile.

  “Easy, baby. Just feel.”

  Over and over again, Ken repeated the process of barely thrusting inside her until it was all Talia could do to keep from ranting and raving. She didn’t know how much more teasing she could take before she went completely mad. Add in the fact that Ryan was torturing her neck and back with his mouth and teeth, and it was a wonder she hadn’t already gone insane.

  As if reading her mind, Ken suddenly slammed into her. He caused the breath to whoosh out of Talia’s lungs when he struck, biting deeply into her neck. She couldn’t find the power to draw in a breath, but Talia didn’t care as she was instantly coming on Ken’s cock. He moaned and Talia could feel her muscles gripping and releasing him, but that didn’t stop Ken from ramming into her over and over again as he covered her mouth with his to muffle her screams. Finally, Ken threw his head back and roared as he came deep inside her.

  “My turn.”

  Before Talia even had a chance to catch her breath, she felt her leg being lifted off Ken’s hip and pulled behind her to rest on Ryan’s. The movement caused Ken’s softening cock to slip out of her, but before Talia could protest the loss, Ryan was right there. Unlike Ken, Talia moaned as Ryan thrust inside her with no hesitation. There was no teasing for Ryan. All Talia could hear was skin slapping together as Ryan panted against her neck and desperately surged into her. She was already climbing toward another orgasm, but Talia needed something to push her over the edge. Tilting her head to the side and exposing her neck, she made it quite clear what she wanted. She opened her eyes and stared directly into Ken’s as she reached behind her to grip the back of Ryan’s head. She didn’t have to pull as Ryan eagerly latched on to the skin between her neck and shoulder. When she felt his teeth graze her skin, Talia shivered.


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