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MARS: Baroque Revolution

Page 4

by Matthew Ellis

  Richter said, “No, it can’t. It needs a kitchen, bathrooms, offices and maybe more rooms.”

  The female corporal said, “It should have six rooms. It needs two bathrooms, a kitchen, a mess hall and storage.”

  Fortner said, “How about six, but in a different layout?”

  The discussion went on for a few more minutes. The crew decided on six rooms. The great room, along with the two rest rooms would be the barracks portion of the structure. The middle room was the mess hall and kitchen. The far side of the building would be home to an office and a storage area. The entrance to the building needed a vestibule so air could be held in the building.

  The crew built the first part of the building the fifth day, then returned the next day and finished the building. On the seventh day, the beds and other furniture arrived from Earth. The crew assembled the furniture. They added weights and magnets to keep it stable.

  The moon has no atmosphere, so any life support gases needed to stay in the building. The crew needed to let people know how important conservation of life support was. They placed a very large sign in the vestibule that read, “DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR UNTIL THE DOOR BEHIND YOU CLOSES.”

  The crew was excited to have completed the barracks, but they would have to wait a few more days to use it. The water had not yet arrived for the life support system.

  The eighth day was another day of rest, but the crew spent the day in the new barracks. They had to wear their space suits, but they enjoyed being off the ship.

  The ninth day brought the delivery of water. A very large ship brought 500,000 liters of water to the new base.

  Fortner ordered, “Let’s get this water put in place before it boils away in the low pressure.”

  Richter asked, “Why would it boil when it’s so cold?”

  Fortner answered, “In low pressure, water can’t maintain its liquid form. It either freezes into ice or boils into vapor. We have the containers set at a constant temperature, so it can’t freeze.”

  Richter interrupted, “We also have them pressurized.”

  Fortner said, “But the pressure isn’t as stable as the temperature. We need to work quickly.”

  A sergeant asked, “Won’t it just boil once it’s in place, though?”

  Fortner answered, “No, because the buildings are pressurized more permanently. It’ll be more stable in there.”

  Richter said, “We can’t afford to spill a drop. I want soldiers posted all along the lines. Make sure nothing is spilled, and if you see water or vapor, let someone know immediately.”

  The crew spent the day making sure the water reached its targets without spilling. A soldier was posted every 50 centimeters along the hoses to ensure that no water leaked out of the hoses and onto the ground. The process took the balance of the day.

  That night, the crew went into the barracks and activated the life support system. They removed their suits and enjoyed being free for a few hours. That night the men celebrated all night as Captain Fortner told them they would have the next day off.

  The next week was spent building the massive conference and meeting room. It was like a mall. The building was a kilometer long and two kilometers wide. It had a chapel, four rest rooms, a weapons storage area, five conference rooms, a ballroom, a backup life support system, a control room and a recreation room. It would need to be stocked after construction was completed.

  Seventeen days had gone by since the crew arrived on the moon. They could see the end in sight. Only one building remained to be built. Some of the men were eager to return to Earth, while some became melancholy about leaving.

  The supplies for the meeting rooms arrived on day eighteen, and the crew spent the next three days putting it together and in its proper place. Twenty days had passed. The crew was scheduled to return to Earth in one week. Some of the crew didn’t want to wait, but others didn’t want to leave.

  The crew spent the last week building the final building. It was a simple storage facility, but it was huge. It was twenty meters tall and fifty meters square. When the crew left on the final day, it was empty. The life support system was also turned off.

  Captain Fortner said, “Good work, people. This is going to be the base of operations for future NASA missions.”

  One private asked, “Then why’s it so well armed?”

  Captain Richter said, “It’s a precaution. If this place is attacked, it’s very vulnerable. There’s no one to help if it’s attacked.”

  Fortner added, “We wouldn’t want to lose any astronauts to an unfortunate incident. If they’re armed, it’s much less likely.”

  The female corporal asked, “What’s the real story behind this place?”

  Fortner said, “We’ve told you everything from the start.”

  She said, “Bullshit. I know this place is to get rid of undesirable people. The poor people of Earth, perhaps. You know, the one’s the corporations can’t use anymore.”

  Fortner said, “No, it’s a training base. We’ve already told you.”

  She said, “Why don’t you stop lying. If this place is going to be a death camp, just tell us.”

  Fortner said, “We’re not Nazis. No one’s going to die here.”

  The corporal said, “I’ve never seen a training base this well-armed. I know you’re lying to us, and now you’re going to have to get rid of me.”

  Fortner said, “I said we’re not Nazis and I meant it. You’re just paranoid.”

  She said, “That’s the other way to get rid of people. Make people think they’re off their nut.”

  Fortner said, “We don’t have time for this ridiculous argument. I’m ordering you to the ship.”

  The crew returned to the ship. They were on Earth later that day.

  Chapter Eight


  The Renaissance arrived at the Freedom Spaceport. The colonists were both nervous and excited about their new home on Mars. They were excited to begin a new society where everyone was the same as everyone else. They were nervous because they feared both failure and the looming threat of attack by the authorities on Earth, most specifically DeNoPE.

  The colonists arrived to great fanfare. The terraforming team was looking forward to this day for the past few years. Their hard work to make Mars a habitable planet was nearly complete. The colony could begin to test Scout’s theory that everyone working together could make a better society.

  After the colonists got off the ship, they found a party set up for them at the spaceport. Scout and Jordan set up tables and chairs with a podium at the front of the party. Shai prepared a feast to receive the new people into the colony. The party took the newcomers by surprise.

  Rebecca asked, “What’s going on here?”

  Jordan said, “We’re celebrating your arrival. Enjoy the party.”

  Rebecca asked, “What about unloading the ship?”

  Scout said, “We’ll do that tomorrow. Heath doesn’t need to return the ship to Earth for a few days. The planets will be in a better alignment if we wait a few days.”

  Rebecca said, “I’ll let the crew know that. They’ll be happy to get a chance to relax for a bit.”

  The colonists disembarked from the ship and joined the party. Scout gave a speech welcoming everyone to Mars.

  He said, “I’d like to welcome you all to your new home. You’ve taken a great risk to come here. I know you’re tired; Mars is far from Earth. Everyone here is free to pursue their dreams without restriction, so please come to one of the leaders to be assigned to your guaranteed jobs. You’ll be given your first month’s supplies tomorrow, but for today we all celebrate with you.”

  Jordan followed, “I’m sorry to put a serious tone on your celebration, but I need to remind you all about our enemies. This colony has enemies that will stop at nothing to see us fail. You all need to bear that in mind as you use the internet and phone lines. Please try not to give away our secrets to anyone back on Earth. It could mean an end to our way of life before it even

  Scout reminded the colonists that nothing worth doing comes easy, and with a great struggle comes a greater reward.

  Bob and Cindy Fink asked Scout for some space to present the new arrivals with some orientation documents. Scout agreed, and Bob walked toward the podium.

  Bob said, “We have some maps of Freedom for all of you, along with a copy of the official constitution of Mars. My wife will send each of you those files on your devices.”

  Cindy added, “We do have a very limited number of paper copies for those of you who still haven’t moved into the 21st century yet.”

  Bob interjected, “She’s kidding, of course. For those who need or prefer a paper copy, we have a few dozen printed.”

  Cindy said, “Feel free to come see me to either download the files or pick up your copies.”

  Bob said, “Thank you for your time. Enjoy the party.”

  Shai’s feast had two freshly slaughtered hogs, two dozen fried chickens (in pieces), and bushels of fresh vegetables from the biodome. Everyone ate their fill, and took food to their new homes after the party.

  Rebecca found Scout at the spaceport. She was looking for him to find out what she was supposed to do now that she was on Mars.

  Rebecca asked, “So what happens now?”

  Scout answered, “Now we start to build our new society.”

  Rebecca asked, “But how do we know what we’re supposed to do? I barely knew what I was doing on the ship, and it was driving me crazy.”

  Scout said, “It’s a good thing you came to me. I have answers to these questions.”

  Rebecca said, “Please give them to me.”

  Scout said, “I’ve taken the liberty of assigning jobs to people who requested them before they got here. If someone was an engineer and wants to continue engineering, they’ll continue. If they want to try something new, they can.”

  Rebecca said, “I don’t see how that’s an answer for me. I didn’t request any particular job. I was assigned to be the ship’s captain in space, but no plans were made for me once I got here.”

  Scout said, “Then tell me what you want to do with your life.”

  Rebecca said, “I know I don’t want to do what I did on Earth. Managing people isn’t much fun, so I don’t want to be an office manager again. I want to do something that makes a difference and helps people.”

  Scout said, “You’re doing that just by being here. What do you want to do with your time? What kind of difference do you want to make?”

  Rebecca said, “I think that I want to dedicate my life to my faith and help people who struggle with theirs.”

  Scout said, “So you want to be clergy.”

  Rebecca said, “I think I do. Is that a valid way to help this society?”

  Scout said, “Of course it is. But you do realize being clergy isn’t just studying scripture and praying all day. You’ll be doing a lot of physical labor helping people, and there’s an element of management.”

  Rebecca said, “A little hard work never scared me, and I can probably delegate the management stuff to someone else who likes to do it.”

  Scout said, “Then we’ll get you trained to join the clergy. Actually, you’ll be the first clergy person ordained here on Mars. We have a few ministers and priests already, but faith is too important not to expand the clergy. What is your faith?”

  Rebecca answered, “I’m a Lutheran.”

  Scout said, “Then you’ll be the pastor of the first Lutheran congregation. You might need to find your own congregation, though. Most people who followed me are Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, or non-denominational.”

  Rebecca said, “Like I said before, a little hard work never bothered me.”

  Scout took out his writing device and sent Rebecca a message containing the names and pictures of all the clergy members in the colony. It also included their office addresses.

  Rebecca asked, “So what do I tell the other people who ask me what they’re supposed to do? They still look to me for guidance, even though I can’t give them any.”

  Scout said, “You’ll have to be able to give guidance when you’ve got your own house of worship. But for now, send them to see me, Jordan or Kathy.”

  Rebecca asked, “Who are Jordan and Kathy?”

  Scout said, “Jordan’s the tall black man with the military haircut. Kathy’s my wife. She’ll be the prettiest woman on Mars.”

  Rebecca said, “That might be debatable to people who aren’t married to her.”

  Scout said, “Probably, but she’s gorgeous.”

  Rebecca went home for the day. She looked forward to her training to become a minister. She called a few minsters the next day.

  Jack and Jane accompanied Becky and John at the homecoming festival. Jane and John, the siblings, were still having trouble separating from each other. Even their new relationships couldn’t tear them apart. Fortunately, their partners understood their anxiety.

  John asked his sister, “So how are you and Jack getting along?”

  Jane replied, “We’re doing really well. Jack’s the greatest.”

  Jack said, “You’re just saying that because I’m sitting right here next to you.”

  Jane said, “No, baby, I’m serious. You make me feel like the most beautiful woman on Mars.”

  Jack said, “That’s because you are.”

  Becky snapped, “So I’m a dog, huh?”

  John said, “Becky, you’re the most beautiful woman in the galaxy. Jack’s just kissing my sister’s ass.”

  Jane said, “He’d better kiss it.”

  Jack said, “I’ll do a lot more than that if you’ll let me.”

  Jane said, “Don’t be crass. Your sister and her boyfriend don’t need to know about our life in the bedroom.”

  John said, “I really don’t want to think of my sister like that.”

  Jack said, “Why not, you still sleep with her three times a week.”

  John said, “We just sleep. We don’t do what you’re describing.”

  Jane said, “Can we just drop this?”

  Becky asked, “Doesn’t anyone want to know about me and John?”

  Jane said, “Sure. How are the two of you doing?”

  Becky said, “Your brother’s wonderful. He makes me feel like I have a real value. He’s the first man to make me feel like that.”

  Jane said, “You can’t be talking about my brother. He’s a jerk. He’s always abandoning me.”

  John said, “I only leave you to be with Becky, and only when you can let me go for two seconds. It’s really unhealthy.”

  Jack asked, “Are the two of you still seeing Leona about that?”

  John said, “Yeah, and she recommends that we continue dating. It makes the separation anxiety easier to handle.”

  Becky snapped, “So that’s the only reason you’re with me?

  John replied, “Of course not. You know I love you.”

  Becky said, “You’d better.”

  Jack and Jane stood up and dusted themselves. Even with all the work that the terraforming team did, Mars was still a very dusty place.

  John asked, “Where are you two going?”

  Jane replied, “We’re going to be alone and do the things you don’t want to think about me doing.”

  John said, “Stop talking now. I have to get that image out of my head.”

  Jack and Jane went off by themselves while John was shuddering. Becky held him.

  She said, “I can make you forget all about your sister. Come with me and I’ll do the thing that she doesn’t want to think about you doing.”

  John got excited and followed his girlfriend. He didn’t think about his sister for the rest of the day.

  The next day, the colonists unloaded the Renaissance and took their personal belongings to their new homes. The homes were all the same as every other home, but the homeowners were allowed to personalize their home in any way they chose. Most people either left their house exactly as it was or only painted it
a different color. Some people added windows or other fixtures to their home to set it apart from the throng of uniformity.

  Once the ship was unloaded, Heath left to go back to Earth. He would bring the support crew to Mars. They would be the final group to leave Earth en masse.

  Chapter Nine


  The Operative bolted into General Rich’s office. He was holding a reading device in his right hand.

  Rich demanded, “What the hell’s going on? Why the hell are you barging in here like a maniac?”

  The Operative replied, “We’ve got another shot at them. The ship’s returning to Earth. We have confirmation. We might not need to start a full scale war.”

  The Operative showed General Rich the device. The screen clearly showed the Renaissance’s control number and location. It was returning to Earth, although it was still close to Mars.

  Rich said, “I thought they had all their colonists there already. Why are they sending the ship back?”

  The Operative replied, “Apparently not. Maybe there were too many of them for one trip, and they sent the ship back for the rest.”

  Rich said, “Perhaps, but what do you intend to do about it? You’ve already failed trying to stop them leaving on several occasions.”

  General Rich started scrolling through his device, looking for the reports that The Operative filed after his previous missions. The Operative saw what he was doing and got upset.

  The Operative snarled, “I intend to accomplish my primary mission this time. I intend to destroy the ship. It can’t be impossible.”

  Rich said, “We’ve already tried that on multiple occasions in the past. I’m looking at your reports. Every time was a grand failure.”

  Rich handed the device to The Operative. He looked at the reports on the screen. His ire was raised because he didn’t like his failures being pointed out.

  The Operative said, “This time will be different,” and returned the device to General Rich. He took a deep breath and thought for a moment.

  Rich asked, “What makes you say that?”

  Rich put the device on the desk and listened to his subordinate. He wanted to hear something new, but he didn’t really expect it.


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