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Dirty Laundry 2

Page 6

by Cherie Briggins

  Rosco sat down in his rocking chair in front of his bedroom window and watched his neighbor’s kids play. Rosco took a pull from his blunt and then took the liquor to the head. He ignored the burning sensation from the liquor as he finished off the bottle and then threw it onto the floor. Rosco balled his hands up into fist as he pounded on each side of his head.

  “I’m not a monster I’m a good person. Really, I am,” Rosco whimpered. “I just made a couple of bad decisions along the way. I’m a fuckin’ child molester. I’m so sorry, Kyree. I’m so sorry.” Rosco mumbled.

  There was a knock on Rosco’s door. It was his mother, Dottie.

  “Yeah Ma?” Rosco said as he wiped away his tears and his snotty nose with the back of his hand.

  “Hey baby, dinner is ready,” she said as she walked into his room. “Honey, have you been crying? What’s the matter?” Dottie asked as she studied her son’s face. He shook his head as he wiped away the remainder of snot from his nose.

  “Talk to me. Are you upset about your sister and father?” Dottie asked as she took a seat on his bed.

  Rosco nodded his head yes.

  “Come here. Come sit next to me,” Dottie said with a warm smile as she patted on the spot next to her on his bed. Rosco sat down next to her. Dottie rested her hand on his knee as she spoke.

  “Son, please, you’re never going to have any peace.”

  “You’ll forever be in hell as long as you live if you don’t forgive. You’re full of hate.”

  “You gotta forgive your father, Eddie. I have if I can forgive him and Karen then you also can forgive your father.”

  “Karen?” Rosco asked. “Choice and Kyree’s mom?”

  Dottie looked at her only child. “I’m going tell you a story,” she said as she got comfortable.

  Dottie began speaking of her days as a nurse at South Miami’s Children’s Clinic where she met Karen. They formed a close friendship after Karen told her of the abuse she experienced at the hands of her mother. Eddie was fresh in the game and was making money like crazy. She invited Karen over to party and introduced her to Eddie.

  “It was a good night Dottie said with a smile. “ When the party was over, we all sat around talking about the previous events and then there was a knock at the door. It was a couple of fiends. Eddie had gotten up off the couch to serve them while Karen and I continued talking. When your father was done, he came back into the living room, took the crack out of his pocket, and put it on top of the coffee table before sitting down between me and Karen. That’s when I picked up the crack.”

  It was Eddie who suggested that she and Karen try it so they did. That was all it took. Karen and Dottie both became hooked on crack. Dottie explained that she was able to kick her habit, but Karen spiraled out of control. Eventually, Eddie left Dottie to be with Karen.

  “All I could do was accept it because I truly believe in my heart that if I would’ve never talked Karen into smoking crack that night then we would’ve still been friends. Both of our lives would’ve turned out completely different. It’s always better to forgive then to hate.”

  Rosco automatically felt sick to his stomach but he had to ask his mother that one question that was lingering in his head.

  “Ma, you’re not on drugs anymore, are you?” Rosco asked as he started to see his mother through different eyes.

  “No baby, I’m not. I did it a couple of times back then. I was one of the lucky ones. I was able to kick my habit. Karen and Eddie weren’t so lucky. Now hurry up and get your butt downstairs before the food gets cold,” Dottie said to Rosco with a light smile on her face as she got up to exit his room.

  Rosco sat there looking at the empty spot his mother was just sitting in. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the story his mother had just told him. It was hard for him to believe that his mom and Karen used to be great friends. Karen had known all along that he and Kyree were siblings and she never once said anything. Right then and there, Rosco knew just how sick Karen actually was.

  “I’m a devil and Karen is too,” Rosco said as tears slid down his face.

  He got up off of his bed to slam his bedroom door shut. Rosco walked over to the empty Wild Irish rose bottle and picked it up. Then he lay down in his bed while he curled up with his empty bottle. Dottie would be eating dinner all by herself because he wasn’t hungry nor was he in the mood to hang out. Rosco wanted to be left alone.


  Choice was the first one to arrive at the nicely decorated salon/spa. She had called Ashley and Blue and they all planned to meet up at Doperdoll for a little long overdue pampering. She was going to enjoy the hand and foot massage the manicurist provided at Doperdoll.

  “Of course they would be late,” Choice said out loud as she surveyed the parking lot carefully before grabbing her clutch and stepping out of the car. A couple of employees greeted her at the door before she took a seat in the waiting area to wait for Ashley and Blue. Choice decided to text Supreme while she waited.

  Hey, baby! I’m at Doperdoll waiting on Ashley and Blue.

  Where are you? I miss you.

  Supreme texted her back

  Hey ma! I’m at KOD.

  I’m about to leave though I had to meet up with Mark and Pete.

  I miss you too.

  The King of Diamonds, huh?

  Welp, have fun.

  Supreme texted back

  You not mad are you?

  Because you know I only have eyes for you.

  Choice texted back

  Baby, of course not and you better only have eyes for me.

  Lol I’m not mad have fun.

  Love you talk to you later.

  Choice put her phone back in her clutch just in time when Ashley and Blue walked in.

  “Hey boo! I missed you Ashley said as she looked Choice up and down. “I’m loving the jumpsuit.

  Being the fashionista that Ashley was she didn’t have to look at the tag to know the designer. “Donna Karen?”

  Choice nodded her head with a smile. Ashley was vogue in every sense of the word.

  “I knew your ass would know,” Choice said with a giggle.

  “Hey what can I say?” Ashley said with a smile. “I am fashion and fashion is me,”

  “Oh Lord, anyway,” Blue said as she looked over at Ashley and playfully rolled her eyes.

  “We’re ready for you,” the manicurist said and escorted them to the back.

  Choice got comfortable in the pedicure chair as she enjoyed the back massage the chair provided.

  “You’re glowin’. It looks good on you,” Ashley said as she took a drink from the bottle of Fiji water that Doperdoll provided.

  “Thanks boo. I went to the doctor today. My due date is set for December thirty-first.”

  “I knew it! I knew your ass looked slightly plump in the midsection,” Blue said as she eyed Choice’s belly. “Y’all don’t love me. I feel like a stepchild. Neither of you ever tell me anything,” Blue said with a giggle. “Please fill me in. How did you react when you found out you were pregnant?”

  The manicurist worked on the ladies’ feet while Choice filled Blue in on everything that she had missed out on until her phone started to ring.

  “Hold up,” Choice said as she took her phone out of her clutch to see who the caller was.”

  “Who is it? Is it Supreme?” Ashley asked.

  “Nah, it’s Wise,” Choice said as she pressed the green button to accept his call. Wise and Choice made plans to meet up at the Jose Marti Park when she was done.


  When Choice pulled up to the park, she looked around for Wise’s black Tahoe but she didn’t see it anywhere. The only cars that occupied the parking lot were a rusted out Chevy Cavalier, a Jeep Liberty, and a silver Yukon Denali.

  Maybe he’s running a little late, Choice thought as she picked up her phone to check the time.

  She sat in her car tapping her fingernail against her steering wheel as she waited on Wise’s arrival.
Ten minutes passed and Choice was still waiting. She was getting frustrated and tired of waiting.

  She took a deep breath and got out of her car. The gravel from the parking lot made crunching noises beneath her feet every time she took a step in her red pumps. Choice looked over at the basketball court but there was still no Wise. She walked over towards the swings. Wise was sitting on top of a picnic table with his elbows resting on his knees.

  “Hey Wise!” Choice said with a hand wave and smile on her face as she approached him.

  “There you go,” Wise said as he returned the smile.

  “I didn’t think you were going to make it,” Wise said as he eyed Choice from head to toe.

  “Really? I’ve been sitting in my car waiting on you.”

  Wise stood up. He and Choice embraced each other. Wise took a step back and smiled.

  “You mean to tell me you’ve been here all this time?”

  “Yeah. I’ve just been sitting in my car,” Choice said. “I didn’t see your Tahoe in the parking lot”

  “I just bought that silver Denali.”

  Choice smiled. “I saw it. It’s real nice. New car, fresh line up, I see you,” Choice giggled.

  “You don’t see me like I would like you to though.”

  She shook her head with a faint smile on her face. Choice sat on top of the picnic table. So did Wise.

  “I’m dead ass serious.”

  “I know you are. So what time did you get here?”

  “I’ve been here since seven just thinking about you and life. I got a lot of shit on my mind,” Wise said as he eyed Choice’s face then her body.

  Things were different now. She was in a relationship with Supreme so all of the flirting he was doing was making her feel uncomfortable.

  “How are you holdin’ up?” Wise asked with a concerned expression on his face. Choice quickly looked away.

  “I finally understand that the people we love aren’t always going to be here and that we can’t always have what we want.” Choice said.

  “But besides that I’m doin’ okay, better than I was a couple of days ago.”

  Wise nodded his head. “I wish I could have you but you won’t let me so I’m gonna back off.”

  Choice knew it was the right thing to do for her and Supreme’s relationship. “So what did you wanna to talk about?”

  Wise looked up towards the sky and chuckled. “Damn, I did want to tell you something. The shit must’ve slipped my mind,” he said as he coolly rubbed his hands together.

  Choice smiled at Wise and nudged him. “You just wanted to see me.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. I knew your nosy ass would come if I told you that I had to tell you something,” Wise said with a chuckle. “But on a serious note, I’m gonna really let you have a life with this nigga. Just know that I’m never too far away from you. We’re going to always be friends.”

  “Shut up,” Choice said with a chuckle, “and get out of my damn head reading my damn thoughts. I was thinking the same thing, mainly about the friend part.” Choice said with a smile.

  “But we are going to be friends, just long distance ones. If you ever need me you know I’m there.” Wise said. “I’ll only be a phone call away. And if you wanna give us a shot, we can make that happen too,” Wise said with a smile and raised eyebrow.


  Supreme and Petey were driving down South West 4th street in Supreme’s Camaro. Petey was sitting in the passenger seat on the phone with Ashley. While Supreme bobbed his head to the music, he thought of Choice. He wondered what she was doing. Then he thought of Bear. Wherever he was, Supreme hoped he was enjoying his final days. Supreme looked over at the Marti Park. He did a double take when he saw Choice’s Benz in the parking lot.

  “Wassup, fam? What you lookin’ at?” Petey asked.

  “That was Choice’s Benz back there in Marti Park.”

  “Man, that could’ve been anybody’s Benz.”

  Supreme shook his head. “Nah, that’s Choice’s car. I bought it. I know that car,” Supreme said as he made a U-turn in the middle of the street. Supreme pulled up beside the car to get a better look at it he saw a picture of him that she had hanging around the rearview mirror.

  Supreme turned off the car and picked up his phone to call Choice but she wasn’t answering her phone. He called her back to back two more times but there was still no answer.

  “She ain’t answering her phone. Something is up,” Supreme said as all kinds of negative thoughts ran through his head. Supreme and Petey got out the car. He looked over at the basketball court and then over at the park.

  He was enraged as he watched Choice sit on top of the picnic table talking to some dude. Petey was curious to see how the scene would unfold. He just hoped that Supreme wouldn’t do anything stupid.

  “Choice!” Supreme barked as he walked towards her and the guy. She got off of the table to approach him.

  “Hey baby,” she said when she finally reached him.

  Supreme’s nostrils flared in anger as he took his eyes off of Choice to look at the guy sitting on top of the table like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “This is my friend, Wise. He’s Blue’s brother.”

  Supreme scowled at Choice as he stepped around her and walked over to dude. ‘

  “Supreme!” Choice yelled out.

  Supreme stopped walking and turned around to look at Choice. “Whatever you’re about to say, save it. You shouldn’t be in no muthafuckin’ park with no nigga.” Supreme spoke calmly. “And ain’t this the same dude that been callin’ your phone since I’ve met you? Fuck outta here! Friend my ass,” Supreme said as he looked back over at Wise and started walking back in his direction leaving Choice standing there.

  “Yo homie,” Supreme said as he approached Wise. Wise stood up and tilted his head with a smirk on his face. “Fuck you smirking at?”

  “Supreme, no! Please baby, it ain’t what you’re thinkin’.”

  “Fuck you mean it ain’t what I’m thinking.” Supreme asked. “What am I thinking Choice, huh? Does this shit look bad to you? What the fuck would you fuckin’ think if you were to walk up on me and see some shit like this?” Supreme asked.

  “Yo, my nigga, chill out,” Wise said as he tried to come to Choice’s defense.

  “Nigga, shut the fuck up,” Supreme said as he touched his waist. Petey shook his head. Shit was about to go all wrong and he couldn’t have his cousin going to jail for killing some punk ass nigga in the park.

  Wise chuckled. “Nigga, I ain’t one of your flunkies, my dude. Nigga, you got shit misconstrued. I was here way before you came in the picture.” Wise stated.

  “Fuck you say, bitch?” Supreme asked as he pulled out his .9mm from his waist and pointed it at Wise. Supreme was in tunnel vision as he ignored the crowd that started to form.

  “Supreme, yo chill, nigga! Petey said as he walked in front of his cousin.

  Petey spoke in a hushed tone. “Fam, you got a crowd around you. If you kill dude, them pigs will be here in no time. Move smart.”

  Supreme looked at Petey and nodded his head before looking back at Wise. Supreme knew he’d recognized that name when Dylan had mentioned the names in the meeting.

  “What happened to Spliff and Juicy was fucked up.”

  “You ain’t gotta speak in code nigga,” Wise said as hatred seeped through his eyes. He matched Supreme’s intense stare.

  Supreme rubbed on his chin and nodded his head. “We gon’ see each other again.”

  “I can’t wait. I’ll be here. I ain’t goin’ nowhere. Born and raised, I am Miami,” Wise said as he looked over at Choice once more before putting his hands in his pockets and slowly walking away.

  Pete sighed deeply before turning his attention on the crowd. “Ain’t shit to see here, nosy muthafuckas, so mind ya business.”

  There were a few mumbles in the crowd as they started to depart. Choice stood a few feet away with her arms tucked under her breasts. />
  Supreme looked over at Choice. “You about to go home? I’m just trying to make sure you ain’t goin to meet up with no other niggas.”

  Choice instantly caught an attitude. “Fuck you, Supreme. Kiss my ass,” she said as she stormed off.

  Once Choice was in her car, she hit the steering wheel over and over. Supreme had pissed her off. How dare he speak to her that way? Choice felt like he was questioning her loyalty. That angered her even more to think that he was even doubtful.


  Wise got in his truck and pulled off. Supreme was mad disrespectful but he would see him again. He couldn’t wait until those hollow tips entered his body. Wise would be a fool if he let Supreme still breathe after pulling a gun out on him. He was so grateful when Rosco had told him that Supreme killed his boys. Wise could honestly say that the fifty grand was well spent.

  When Choice had walked up on him, Wise could tell that she was pregnant. He was going to tell her that he had found out who had killed Spliff and Juicy and that she was sleeping with the nigga. But, for once in her life, she looked happy and Wise didn’t want to rain on her spirit so he had changed his mind. For a minute, Wise had second thoughts about killing Supreme. He didn’t want Choice’s child growing up without a father.

  Choice was the only female who could take him there and have him feeling things he didn’t know were possible to feel. He loved her but he knew that the love he had for her would be an untold story and that was a hard pill for him to swallow but he had to step back. It really broke him to know that she was pregnant with another man’s child but the shit still didn’t make him love her no less.


  Choice was pissed as she drove through Overtown in deep thought. How dare Supreme disrespect her by asking if she going to meet up with some other niggas? Choice took a deep breath. The day was long and eventful and she welcomed the night. She was exhausted and the only thing she wanted to do was pick up her food from Miss Anne’s and go home. Choice looked at all the kids as she thought of her own child. She wondered why they were out so late in where in the world were their parents. She didn’t have to wonder for long when she thought of her own mother.


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