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Demonic Contract

Page 3

by Catherine Banks

  Just how powerful was he?

  “No, I’m not going to fight you,” he said before I could ask it.

  “Oh, come on! I want to see you.”

  He dipped his head down next to my ear and whispered, “I think it’s a bit early in our relationship for that.”

  “Scared?” I asked him.

  “Of you? No. I am scared that I might lose control and burn down this city because I will be enjoying myself too much with you,” he said and kissed the side of my neck.

  “Sir!” a man yelled from next to us.

  Edan and I both had our hands out, mine covered in lightning and his covered in fire and aimed at the man who had popped into existence beside us.

  The man bowed. “I didn’t mean to startle you both.”

  Edan looked at my hand and then me in shock before he turned to the man. “What is it, Castille?”

  “There’s a minotaur army headed this way,” he said and walked closer to us. “I’ve been ordered to bring you home.”

  Edan shook his head. “I’m not leaving her in danger.”

  “Minotaurs? Thor’s hammer, it’s been almost a decade since I fought one of those. How many are coming?” I asked Castille.

  “More than twenty, but less than fifty was the head count I was given,” he said. He turned to Edan. “We must leave now. I will teleport you and then come back and get her.”

  “No, teleport her first,” Edan said.

  “No way!” I argued and stepped away from them both. “I’m not letting you have all the fun. You’re going to let him take me somewhere and then you’re going to fight the minotaurs without me.”

  “I have no intention of fighting them. I only want you to get to safety,” he said and started to walk closer to me.

  “I don’t need safety,” I snapped. “I am not defenseless.”

  “All the same, I’d like to know that my girlfriend is out of harm’s way,” he growled at me.

  “Sir?” Castille asked and glanced behind me nervously. The minotaurs were approaching fast. The ground shook beneath our feet from their heavy hooves and the water rippled beside us.

  “I know that you are strong,” Edan said to me, “but now is not the time to fight over this.”

  “No, now is the time for you to die,” a deep male voice said behind me.

  I spun around and used my lightning to electrocute the minotaur behind me. His body fell to the ground and then Edan grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. “Can we go now?” he asked.

  The minotaur army was in front of us now and they were not happy about me killing one of them.

  “But look at all the fun!” I insisted and waved towards the charging army.

  “Finally found a girl like you, I see,” Castille grumbled.

  “Bring a mage back with you so that you can teleport us both out at the same time,” Edan ordered Castille who disappeared the next moment.

  Edan looked down at me and I saw the fire growing in his eyes. “As soon as they get back, we’re leaving.”

  I nodded. “Deal.” I stepped away from him and released some of my magic, letting my shield open a crack so I could access it. The power washed over me in a warm caress that made me sigh in happiness. I was faster, stronger, and deadlier with my magic. My ears also became pointed without my father’s power being used.

  “Elf?” Edan asked in shock.

  “Only a quarter,” I said. “Sword,” I ordered my talisman, the bracelet on my right arm. It transformed into a black blade with a red hilt.

  “That is definitely not elvish,” he commented about my sword.

  “Nope,” I agreed and pointed it towards the minotaurs. “Who is your leader?”

  “We aren’t here for you, girl. We’re here for him,” one of the minotaurs in the front said.

  I looked at Edan and asked, “What did you do to piss them off?”

  He shrugged. “No clue.”

  “Kill them!” a minotaur bellowed.

  The other minotaurs yelled in response and charged towards us.

  “You going to participate?” I asked Edan who hadn’t released any of his power yet.

  “No, I think I’ll watch you,” he replied and leaned against a tree to my left.

  I shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  The first minotaur approached and I ran forward to meet him, my blade sliding through his upper body and cutting him in half before he even knew what hit him. I sliced through the minotaurs one after the next until my sword was slippery with their blood. “Necklace,” I ordered my talisman and stood in the center of the minotaurs. They formed a circle around me and I felt Edan’s magic releasing.

  “I don’t know who you are, but you will pay for harming our brothers,” a minotaur to my right snarled at me.

  “Don’t interrupt,” I ordered Edan who was marching towards us.

  “Pull your weapon out,” he growled at me.


  “This is not the time to be egotistical. I do not need you to impress me,” he growled.

  “Calm down,” I whispered and smiled at him.

  Castille and another mage appeared next to Edan and he looked at me pointedly.

  “Fine, I’ll finish this.” I inhaled and then slammed my hands into the ground by my feet. Lightning shot out of my hands through the ground and electrocuted all of the minotaurs. They fell to the ground and I stepped around their bodies until I was in front of Edan. I inhaled, sealed up my shield and smiled at him. “All done.”

  “Who is that?” the newcomer asked. She was in her early to mid-twenties, tall and thin, but I could sense power from her.

  “Isha,” Edan said, “I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Tora.”

  “Girlfriend!” she screeched.

  “Sir, your parents want you to return to them,” Castille said.

  “I can take, Tora, home if you’d like,” Isha offered though she failed at hiding her disdain for me from her voice.

  “You are dismissed,” Edan ordered her.

  “Edan,” she whispered softly and took a step closer to him.

  “Is there something wrong with your hearing?” Edan asked her and growled.

  “Sir, there’s something dark about her. I don’t think it wise for you to be alone with her,” she whispered to him.

  I wasn’t certain how she could see my darkness, but I was more focused on the obvious fact that she wanted him.

  “You forget your place,” Edan snapped at her.

  She cringed and then bowed to him before she disappeared.

  “I will escort Tora home and then I will return to speak to my parents,” he informed Castille.

  “You could bring her to meet them,” Castille offered.

  “No!” I said a bit too loud. “Not yet,” I amended.

  “She’s right, it is too soon for her to meet them,” Edan said with a smirk.

  Castille bowed and disappeared.

  “An army of minotaurs doesn’t faze you, but the thought of meeting my parents does?” he asked me.

  “I know where I stand with the minotaurs. The King and Queen of the Dragons, not so much.”

  “Are you afraid that they won’t approve of you?” he asked and all humor drained out of him.

  I didn’t want to answer him. Of course they wouldn’t approve of me. Once he found out what I was and who my father was, it was over.

  “Tora,” he chastised, “My parents may be the rulers of the Dragons, but they do not get to decide who I date.”

  “Can we continue our walk? It’s starting to smell,” I requested. It really was starting to smell from the minotaurs’ bodies.

  We resumed walking, his hand holding mine.

  “Isha seems to have a crush on you,” I commented.

  He sighed. “I know.”

  “You know that if you had let her take me home that she would have tried to fight me?”

  “Yes, which is why I didn’t let her. I didn’t want to explain to my family why she was dead and
why I had to buy you a present in apology.”

  “A present? Maybe I should have accepted,” I teased him.

  “Can you promise me something?” he asked.

  “Maybe,” I said hesitantly.

  “Next time there’s some type of danger, let me handle it.”

  “Fine, next time it’s your turn. We can swap,” I said with a bright smile.

  “It’s my job to protect you. That’s what the male is supposed to do,” he argued.

  “Does your dad protect your mom?” I asked.

  He opened his mouth, closed it, and then growled. “That’s different.”

  “Our relationship is only going to work if you learn to compromise,” I said and looked up to see his reaction.

  His anger disappeared to be replaced by surprise and then he smiled. “Our relationship. I like how that sounds.”

  “Weirdo,” I teased.

  We finally made it back to his car and when we slid inside I felt very tired. I yawned and leaned my head against his shoulder. “What time is it?”

  “A bit after midnight,” he answered.

  “What? Where did the time go?” I swore we hadn’t finished eating that long ago.

  He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him so that my head rested on his chest. “I’ll take you home.”

  “Mm,” I managed to say as I fell asleep on him.

  I woke up as Edan carried me towards my dorm room. Girls lined the hallway and watched as I was carried by a Prince to my dorm. My face was hidden so none of them knew that I had woken up yet and Edan hadn’t noticed either so I closed my eyes again. I opened them quickly when I heard the door shut behind us.

  “Hey,” I said and stretched in his arms. Having a man who could support my weight easily was definitely nice. “Sorry I fell asleep.”

  He looked at the two doors to the bedrooms and asked, “Which one is yours?”

  I struggled to get out of his hold and standing. “Uh, the one on the left.”

  “I was going to carry you to your bed,” he said with a smirk.

  “It’s a bit early for that,” I said and smoothed down my shirt so I didn’t have to look at him.

  “Are you feeling alright?” he asked with concern.

  “I’ve been abnormally tired the past couple days,” I admitted.

  “I should leave you to rest then,” he said and headed towards the door.

  “And get to your family,” I added.

  He turned and said, “If you asked me to stay, I would make them wait.”

  “Perhaps another night,” I said nervously. “We’ve already moved this relationship along faster than I normally would.” I walked up to him and kissed him lightly on the lips. “I had a good time tonight.”

  “Do you have plans tomorrow?” he asked. He slid one hand around my side, just above my hip, and pulled me closer to him.

  “I’m afraid so,” I said with a sigh, lying.


  “My boyfriend is going to come over,” I told him.

  “Your what?” he growled. “You said…”

  I looked up at him innocently and asked, “Aren’t you coming over tomorrow?”

  He laughed and bent down to whisper, “I’m going to get you back for that.”

  “Tease,” I growled at him.

  He nipped my neck, a zing of his power hitting the spot at the same time and my knees buckled. He held me up and whispered, “I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”

  I followed him out into the hall where the girls were still gathered, whispering in disbelief about Edan being here. He noticed them as well and gave me a glorious and over the top kiss in front of them all. He walked halfway down the hallway, spun around, bowed, and said, “Until tomorrow, my love.”

  I waved at him, dumbfounded by his overacting. Once he was gone all of the girls turned to look at me. I giggled girlishly and skipped into my dorm where I promptly went to bed.


  Emily was gone the entire day, which I was fairly certain was on purpose, but since Edan was over I didn’t care. He arrived early with donuts and hot chocolate. Instead of tight clothing, he wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

  “You’re rather casual today,” I commented as I chewed my donut. I made sure that I was fully dressed, teeth brushed, and hair brushed before he made it over.

  “It’s my one day off,” he explained, “Today I do not have any Prince duties and have turned my cell off.”

  “And you chose to spend it with me?” I asked. “I feel so honored.”

  “You should,” he said and nodded. “I don’t normally leave the castle on my days off.”

  “Why?” Didn’t he have friends?

  “Leaving the castle means running into groupies,” he muttered.

  “Such a rough life you have,” I mocked him.

  His lip lifted in a snarl and he lunged for me. I was halfway across the living room before he made it to the couch. “You’re pretty fast,” he commented and smiled as he began to stalk me around the room.

  “You should see how fast I am when I’m using my powers,” I teased him.

  “Now who is the tease?” he asked with a smirk.

  “So, what do you want to do? Since it’s your day off, I’ll let you choose.”

  He pinned me against the wall and I gasped in shock. I’d barely seen him move. He kissed me deeply, his arms around me to keep our bodies pressed together. “How about we watch a movie and then we can go out to lunch somewhere?”

  I grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled his face to mine, kissing him again. Damn he was an amazing kisser. “Sounds good,” I said breathlessly.

  I started to walk back to the couch, but he scooped me up and tossed me over his shoulder. I screamed in fake terror and hit his back with closed fists gently. “Put me down you brute!” I said in a high-pitched voice.

  He chuckled and then tossed me on the couch. He went to pin me down, but I wrapped my legs around his waist and spun him around so that he ended up on his back on the couch and I sat on him. “This was not the plan,” he mumbled, but was still smiling.

  “I had to make sure that you couldn’t reach the remote,” I lied and picked up the controller. “You seem like someone who would want to watch a classic movie.”

  “What’s wrong with classics?” He slid his hand up and down my lower leg.

  “They’re perfect for naps, but I’d rather watch something a bit more interesting.” Despite my plan to keep the shenanigans to a low level, I leaned forward and kissed him again. He slid his hands along each side of my face, pushing my hair back and turned his head to kiss me deeper.

  When we finally separated, I climbed off of him and found a movie for us to watch. He put his arm around my shoulders and we watched the movie. I let him pick the next one and we realized that we had a lot of common interests.

  “What do you want for lunch?” he asked.

  “How about pizza? We can get it delivered so you don’t have to deal with groupies,” I offered.

  He twirled a strand of my hair around his finger and said, “I think going out will be good. That way they can see me with you and know I’m off the market.”

  “Hopefully none of them has figured out how to make someone’s head explode from glaring.”

  He laughed and kissed my cheek. “I’ll protect you.”

  “It seems like I’ll actually be protecting you from their attention.”

  He smirked. “True.”

  “Give me one minute,” I requested. I went to my bathroom and brushed my hair and checked my makeup. I didn’t wear much makeup, but since we were bound to get a lot of attention, I wanted to have some eye shadow and eye liner on at the very least.

  “Hello sexy,” Edan said.

  “Ready?” I asked.

  He dipped me to the side and kissed me. “Now I am.”

  As soon as we walked out of my dorm, the stares began. Edan draped his arm across my shoulders and led me outsid

  “What would you like for lunch?” he asked me.

  How could he stand all of these people staring at him?

  “I’ll eat pretty much anything,” I replied.

  “Who is she?”

  “She isn’t even that attractive.”

  “He could do so much better.”

  Wow, these girls were vicious.

  Must. Not. Obliterate.

  “I think your pizza suggestion is sticking with me. How about a pizza?”

  “Sounds great.”

  We walked through the college grounds and it was not an exaggeration to say that every single person looked at us as we went by.

  “Have I told you today how beautiful you are?” he asked.

  I looked up at him just as he bent and kissed me.

  That sent them all squawking.

  “No, I don’t think you have,” I replied with a smug smile.

  He twirled some of my hair around his finger and said, “You are the most beautiful woman in the world. Your beauty would make Aphrodite weep with jealousy.”

  “Oh, what a silver tongue you have.”

  He leaned closer and whispered, “I think you’ll fall in love with my tongue soon.”

  “Oh, tease,” I purred.

  He pushed open the door to the pizza place and pushed me towards an open booth. I took a seat in the booth and watched him place our order. Even in sweatpants you could see the muscles in his legs. How much could he squat? His shoulders stretched his sweatshirt and made my stomach and other parts squirm a bit.

  If only mating wasn’t such a serious thing for non-humans. I really wanted a taste of him.

  “You’re blushing,” he whispered. He set down a mug of beer in front of me and leaned back.

  “How do you stand the attention?” I asked instead of responding to his comment.

  “I ignore it.”

  “How? The comments and stares are pissing me off and it’s only been an hour.”

  He slid his hand across the table to lace our fingers together. “I’m sorry. Would you prefer if we got the pizza to go?”

  “That’s not what I meant,” I mumbled. “I just don’t understand how you don’t respond to their comments.”

  “Sometimes it’s hard. Especially today when they were talking about you,” he admitted. “I just have to remember that I’m expected to act a certain way and beating up everyone who said something I didn’t like would result in me being locked up for the rest of my life.”


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