Summer Heat: Anthology

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Summer Heat: Anthology Page 2

by Sonya Jesus

  I listen to her, and contribute as necessary, including letting her know how I figured out Damien's secret.

  I'd felt sick when I figured it out, though I'd never tell Lys. Not because Damien's a vampire; he's a nice enough guy. But because I was sure Lys was keeping it a secret from me. Me! We shouldn't have secrets from each other.

  Of course, it didn't take me long to figure out that she was clueless. That made me feel better, but I didn't like that I'd have to keep it a secret. Not that she would have believed me, anyway.

  I'm lost in my musings, only half paying attention to the conversation until Lys cries, "Shawnie! I wouldn't keep something like that from you. You're my best friend!" Her eyes are wide and guileless, locked on my face, begging me to believe her.

  I nod and decide to change the subject to something that doesn't involve us keeping secrets from each other. "So, what are you going to tell your parents?" I know instantly that it was the wrong question.

  She shakes her head, eyes downcast. "I have no idea. I hadn't even really thought of that." She pulls her legs up and wraps her arms around them, resting her chin on her knees and staring down at her arms. "My dad still barely tolerates Damien. How do you think he'd react if I told him we were essentially getting married in less than a week? He'd wonder at the rush." Her voice is thick and she blinks quickly.

  I put a hand on her shoulder, offering my support. "Will you ever tell them?" I ask, my voice soft.

  She turns toward me and rests her cheek on her knees. "I'll have to tell them something. How else do I explain moving to France? I'm kind of hoping they'll come with me." She looks up at me. Her eyes are wide, and her pupils are enormous. I think she's starting to realize how much she'll have to deal with to have her dream. "You'll at least come visit me, right, Shawnie?"

  Her voice is small, childlike, and makes me want to protect her. "Of course." I answer. And visiting her will let me see Selene. My cheeks heat with shame at my selfish thought.

  "Shawnie, you're blushing." Her expression morphs from surprised to sly. "Wait, would Selene have anything to do with your eagerness?"

  I grin at her teasing tone. She hit the nail on the head, but doesn't seem upset by it, so I decide to be honest. "She is pretty hot. And I know I've barely even spoken to her, but I feel like we share a connection."

  "That's great, Shawnie." She breaks off with a yawn. "Sorry. I better go meet with Damien's mom before I fall asleep. You should hang out with the guys. Maybe you'll find out a bit more about Selene."

  She nudges me as we rise and head back into the house, where a maid just happens to be cleaning right inside the door. The maid leads us through the house and waves Lys to the sitting room. With a glance at me, she heads in to discuss her Bonding.

  "Where can I direct you, Sir?" The maid asks.

  "Shawn is fine. Are Damien or his brothers available?"

  "Yes, Sir. This way, please." No Shawn, then. Okay.


  "Well, girls, what do you think of your brother's Chosen thus far?" Mother asks us once we're settled in her sitting room.

  "She seems lovely," answers Aly. "But we hardly know enough about her to pass any judgement."

  Mother offers Aly a pleased smile. "Understandable. My initial impression of her is that she is a lovely, mature young lady. She has been a good influence on Damien thus far, and I believe she will make a good queen once she learns our ways."

  I nod at her words. We've all seen how much happier Damien has been since meeting her. I am eager to learn more about Elysabeth. But, truthfully, I'm even more eager to learn about Shawn.

  "And what of her friend?" Asks Aly with a sly glance at me. It's as though she's read my mind.

  Mother thinks for a moment. "He seems to be an intelligent young man. I don't know much of him, but he worked out that Damien is a vampire on his own."

  "He seems nice enough," I offer, feeling suddenly shy.

  "You must find him nice indeed," Aly teases, thoughtlessly.

  I try not to grimace as Mother glances between us, forehead creased. "Alyssa, to what are you referring?"

  Aly shoots me another look, of contrition, perhaps, before speaking slowly. "Within moments of being introduced to him, Selene offered Elysabeth's friend the right to call her by her given name." She glances between mother and I before continuing rather quickly.

  "Of course, he did offer the informality first. And the rest of us echoed Selene's offer. We would not wish to appear rude."

  Mother blinks at us for a few moments before rounding on me. "Selene, I'm surprised at you. I understand that he is Elysabeth's friend, but still, that was an inappropriate offer. You don't know him at all, and his standing as Elysabeth's friend is not enough to earn him that right."

  I bow my head at her reprimand, feeling like a recalcitrant child. We've been so much less formal on this trip, I'm somewhat surprised that Mother is so upset. But what if she knew about the connection we share? Surely, she wouldn't fault me then.

  "Well, what's done is done. In any case it is unlikely that he understands precisely what you offered him, so no harm done, I suppose. Should he meet any of our friends, you will have to explain to him that he must refer to you by your surname."

  I strive to keep my expression neutral as my mind flits to introducing Shawn as my mate. Of course, Mother knows me far too well, and is aware that there is something I'm not telling her. Her eyes narrow as she stares at me and she purses her lips.

  "Selene Colette, what are you keeping from us?" I blink a few times as I consider what, if anything, to tell her. Mother sighs. "Selene, really, today is not the day to try me. Your brother has already expended most of my patience." She holds up a hand as Aly opens her mouth to speak. "No, I do not wish to discuss him now. Perhaps another day. Now, Selene, what do you wish to tell me?"

  I swallow hard, nervous to tell her. I glance at Aly, but she looks down and away, leaving me to my own devices. "I... I believe Shawn is... to be my mate."

  Aly whips her head back to stare at me, eyes wide. Mother's eyes are wide in shock as well. Whatever they had expected me to say, this clearly wasn't it.

  "But you aren't a Destined." Aly suddenly blurts out.

  "Yes, I know," I answer slowly. "But we share a connection." I explain what happened when we met, trying to put into words what I felt when I met his eyes. Mother and Aly watch me wordlessly as I tell them my story. Their eyes dart back and forth between me and each other, and occasionally one of them arches a brow, but otherwise, they are motionless as well.

  "I have never heard of anything like this," Mother tells me once I finish speaking. "It is most unusual. You are most certainly not a Destined. There have never been two within the same immediate family."

  "But you do believe me, don't you, Mother?" I'm unsuccessful at keeping the desperation out of my voice. I want them both to believe me. I don't want to have to keep secrets from them.

  "I believe you," says Aly suddenly. "If you are certain he is your mate, then he is your mate. Surely our Goddesses would not lead you astray." She offers me a small smile.

  "Thank you, Aly. You have made me feel better." I turn to Mother and look at her pleadingly.

  "I believe that your feelings are genuine." Her face is stern, and I know I'll dislike what she's about to say. "But you know the royal family does not mate with humans."

  "But — " I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. Surely Mother won't forbid me a relationship with Shawn.

  "Elysabeth is a Chosen, Selene. Damien cannot escape a fated match. We would never dream of angering the Fates in such a manner."

  "But what if — "

  "There is no 'what if' Selene. Royalty does not mate with humans." I can hardly hear Mother over the sound of my own heartbeat. It feels as though my world is crashing around me. "We never have. However," She looks thoughtful for a few moments, and the despair threatening to crush me eases slightly. "You have yet to have a conquest. Mr. Dooley is well-positioned as Elysabeth's bes
t friend. He would make you a fine conquest."

  "Mother!" I say in disgust. "You know how I feel about that practice." This is her suggestion? That I make my mate no better than a pet?

  She shrugs. "It is your choice, Passerotta." Her nicknames for us are one of the few ways her Italian heritage shows through. It's been a while since Mother called me her 'little bird'. Her voice is kind, but I'm struck by how little she really knows me.

  She chooses to ignore the horrified look I'm giving her. "I think it would be best if we kept this from your father. He is at his wit's end already thanks to your brother." I try to keep my steadily rising temper in check, but Mother's words are like a match approaching a powder keg. Soon one of them is going to spark, and I'll explode.

  "If you wish to take Elysabeth's friend as your conquest," she continues, unaware, or uncaring of my feelings, "we can speak to your father then. Surely —" She stops speaking suddenly.

  I can hear three people approaching, and moments later, Elysabeth steps into the room. She has excellent timing. I'm not certain how much longer I could keep my temper with this discussion.

  She apologizes for keeping us waiting, but mother waves them away. "Do not fret, Cara." Mother must like Lys to be calling her "dear" already.


  A maid hurries into the room, interrupting Damien, Demetrius, Eziano (who's asked me to call him Tzi), and I. "Your Royal Highness," she says quickly as she curtseys to Damien, "Miss Vance has fainted."

  Damien is up and out of the room before my brain even processes what the girl has said.

  "She's in Her Majesty's sitting room!" She calls out to him.

  Demetrius stands and motions for me to join him and his brother. "We'll show you the way, Shawn."

  I nod gratefully. "Thanks. I hope everything's okay. Lys never faints."

  "I'm certain she's merely exhausted. It's been a long day for you both," says Tzi.

  When we get to the sitting room, Damien and Mrs. Delanciennes are hovering over the sofa anxiously.

  "...must wake her, Mother. I wish to know she is well!"

  "Cucciolo, calm yourself, I am certain she will wake soon." I raise a brow at the odd name Mrs. Delanciennes calls Damien.

  "It means puppy in Italian," Tzi mutters. I nod in thanks. "What happened?" He asks the room.

  Mrs. Delanciennes answers him with a tight smile. "She fainted, poor thing. I'm certain — "

  Lys makes one of those universal "I'm waking up" noises, and we crowd around the sofa.

  Her eyes flutter open, and I grin, happy to know she's okay. "You know, Lys, I think maybe you need to get some sleep."

  "Are you all right, Chérie? What happened?" Damien sounds more worried than the situation merits, but I suppose as her Destined, that makes sense.

  Lys blushes a deep red. "I think it finally hit me exactly what I'm getting myself into. Just a bit much to take in at once, is all." The clock strikes, and I glance at my watch just as Lys asks, "what time is it?"

  "Nine-thirty." Damien answers.

  Lys glances back at me. "You know, we should probably get home and get some sleep. I don't know about you, but I've been up for more than twenty-four hours."

  Lys is nuts if she thinks we're fit to get ourselves home. "I have, too, but I don't know if I should drive. I'm exhausted."

  "Do not worry," says Mrs. Delanciennes kindly. "Mr. Dooley can stay in one of our guest rooms. Lys, you may stay in Damien's room or another guest room as you desire."

  "That's kind of you, Ma'am," answers Elysabeth with a smile. "I really appreciate it."

  "You're welcome, Cara."

  Selene appears at my side. "Shawn, if you would follow me, I'll show you to your room."

  With a final glance at Lys, who's recovered and is getting herself off the sofa, I follow Selene out of the room. She's showing more interest in me than I would expect, but I'm not dumb enough to question it.

  My eyes are drawn to her hips, swaying softly as she walks. My brain may be half asleep, but my dick hardens, thinking it's going to have some fun. I don't know where the hell it got that idea.

  "I'm terribly sorry we didn't think to allow the two of you to rest sooner. I do hope you'll forgive us. It has been a rather surprising day so far." She looks over her shoulder at me, and I'm momentarily lost in her big, blue eyes.

  My brain slowly clunks into gear, and I remember that she said something. Shit! Answer her, dumbass! "Um, don't worry about it. We'll sleep for a while and everything will be okay."

  Her answering smile is radiant, and my dick twitches. God dammit, dude, you aren't getting any action today!

  She opens a door to the left and steps aside for me to enter. The room is a comforting cross between a guest room and a hotel room.

  "There are unused toiletries in the bathroom through that door," she says, pointing to the door in the far-left corner of the room. "Feel free to ring the bell on the nightstand if you require anything."

  "Thanks. This is great." The door closing pulls my attention from the room. For a split second, I'm bothered that she didn't say good-bye. But then my eyes land on Selene standing in front of the door, eyes shining.

  I must be imagining things, because I'd swear she's wearing a "do me" smile. Sleep deprived hallucination or not, my dick doesn't care. My pants are now uncomfortably tight.

  Her smile widens, and her hand creeps up her front. "I can smell your arousal," she says slowly. She doesn't look even remotely upset, but I'm embarrassed by her straightforward words.

  "Crap. I'm sorry, Selene. You're a gorgeous woman, and it's not something I can really control." I scratch my head as I try to figure out how to get out of the awkward situation my libido has thrown me into.

  She takes a half step forward and shakes her head. "That wasn't a negative comment, Shawn. I was merely offering an observation." I meet her eyes and her pupils widen as her gaze grows heated. I briefly wonder if I'll be getting lucky after all.

  Her eyes close and her nostrils flare slightly before her eyes snap back open. "In fact, you smell quite appealing."


  I feel as though my body is screaming for him, yet he hasn't even touched me. Smelling his arousal brought mine roaring to life, and I need him, now!

  I close the space between us and slide my hands along his neck and into his hair, pulling him to me for a kiss. If he is truly my mate, there will be plenty of time later to take things slow. Right now, I want to claim him.

  My lips crash against his in a sudden desperation to taste him. He remains unmoving just long enough to make me wonder if I've made a terrible mistake.

  But finally, with a strangled moan, his arms snake around my waist and he pulls me to himself tightly. I expect him to battle me for dominance, but instead, he merely becomes an active participant. He lets me set the pace, the tone, answering every kiss, every touch, with one of his own.

  My body sings and my blood is on fire with my lust for this man. Never in my life have I imagined kissing could feel this way. This new sensation only reaffirms my belief that he is my mate.

  He breaks off the kiss suddenly, breathing hard. His eyes are wide with wonder. Perhaps this is a unique experience for him as well. The moment drags on, somehow managing not to become uncomfortable, then, slowly, he leans toward me.

  He drops kisses in a line from my lips to my ear, making my head loll. I hum out a happy moan as he nibbles on my ear. It's nice to know I won't need to take charge every time.

  Thoughts cease as he nibbles down my neck from my ear, stopping right at my pulse point. He licks me, then bites down lightly. My eyes fly open as my sex clenches. I pull away and stare at him for a moment in shock.

  His forehead creases as he takes in my expression. "Are you okay?"

  "I..." I don't know what to tell him. No one has ever bitten me there. It's considered too much of a temptation for vampires. I reach up to touch my neck and my sex clenches again.

  Suddenly ravenous, I mold myself to him and devour
his mouth. With a groan, Shawn answers my need. I feel the tell-tale prickle along my gums as my fangs extend and kiss my way down his neck instinctively. But when I scrape my fangs along his skin, he pulls away from me, hands up and eyes wide.

  "Woah, um... Selene, I don't know if I'm ready for you to drink my blood yet. I mean, I like you and all, but that's a big step forward, and we've only just met."

  I gasp and cover my mouth as I process what he's said. "Oh my Goddess!! Shawn, you're right. I'm so sorry! I should have stopped the moment I felt my fangs descending." My face heats with shame at my actions. "Please forgive me! It was abominable for me to allow that to happen without discussing it with you first."

  His nervous look slowly morphs to a kind smile. I desperately want to jump into his mind to make sure I haven't messed everything up, but, as my future mate, he deserves privacy.

  He takes a step toward me and puts a hand on my arm. "Hey, it's okay. You just surprised me is all." I glance up at him hopefully. "After all the talk about the repercussions of drinking blood with your parents and Lys and Damien, I don't think this is something that should be rushed. We should figure out if this is going anywhere first."

  I nod happily, pleased with his wisdom. "Yes, that is a good idea. There is still much you should know about drinking blood in our culture. I will make sure you are fully aware of its significance before we take that step." I blush at what I've just implied. "If we decide to take that step."

  "I look forward to learning about your culture, Selene." The heat in his eyes belies his easy smile.

  "I look forward to teaching you, Shawn." I offer him a sassy grin.

  He groans. "Let's not go there again. I need to get some sleep if I'm going to have any hope of thinking with my upstairs brain." His hand moves to my cheek, and, with a slight pressure, angles my face so he can brush a light kiss on my lips. "I'm sure I'll see you in the morning." His eyes narrow and he tilts his head. "Or, well, later today."

  "Very well, Shawn. I hope you sleep well."



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