Summer Heat: Anthology

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Summer Heat: Anthology Page 3

by Sonya Jesus

  A knock at the door wakes me up. "Shawn? Are you awake?" The call is quiet, but I know it's Selene.

  "Yeah," I say hoarsely. I sit up, rubbing my eyes. A small gasp calls my attention to Selene who has entered the room. And I'm naked in bed.

  Still half asleep, I bypass embarrassed entirely. Selene's eyes have zeroed in on the pool of fabric just barely keeping me this side of decent. My dick hardens under her gaze. It takes her several moments to look away, but when she finally meets my eyes I teasingly waggle my eyebrows at her.

  I half expect her to blush and look away, but instead, she offers me a wicked smile. "I'd love to take you up on your unspoken offer," she takes a couple of slow steps toward me, running a hand down her neck to her chest. My heart starts beating faster, and my dick twitches. "But it is something to be avoided in a house full of vampires with superior hearing."

  She drops the sultry act with a light laugh, and I deflate. "You're such a tease!" I'm sure my smile takes the sting out of my words.

  "Sometimes." She winks at me. "Why don't you get dressed? I would like to teach you a bit about our culture."

  My smiles grows wider. "Sounds fun." I wait for a moment, but when she doesn't leave I throw her a questioning glance. "Should I meet you somewhere, or..."

  "If you aren't embarrassed, then neither am I." She raises a brow in challenge.

  "Okay." Feeling only slightly self-conscious, I throw the sheet back and force myself to walk to the bathroom at a normal speed. I can feel her eyes burning into my ass before I close the door.

  I take care of my bathroom needs quickly and force myself to walk calmly back out into the bedroom and put on my clothes. I could almost swear I hear a little hum of disappointment when I pull on my boxers.

  Dressed, I sit down in one of the wing-back chairs and offer Selene the other. She sits daintily but doesn't say anything.

  "So, what are you teaching me today, fair professor?" I tease her.

  She blushes, but otherwise offers no indication that she's uncomfortable. "In light of what happened earlier today, I believe we ought to discuss blood and biting in vampire culture."

  "Okay. Sounds good. Why don't you tell me whatever you can think of, and I'll ask questions if I have any?"

  She nods. "Very well," and launches into a long explanation. Ultimately, it boils down to three main points:

  1.Vampires don't bite or drink from each other unless they're mates.

  2.Drinking blood from a living source is very intimate, in some ways, it's more intimate than sex.

  3.Blood, and most of what relates to it — like fangs — is considered a "risqué" subject.

  "There is one other thing I should mention." She's gone bright red, and I can't help but wonder what could possibly be embarrassing to her after basically giving me "the talk". "You should know about conquests."

  The last word is dripping with enough venom to take down an elephant. I quirk an eyebrow at her, curious to know what's so offensive.

  "I would like to first say that I have never had a conquest nor do I consider you to be one." She watches me solemnly, and, feeling as though she's waiting for an answer, I nod.

  "A conquest is a human who is in love with a vampire; either having fallen in love naturally or having been coerced into love." Her nose wrinkles in disgust. "Conquests have been a part of the nobility for centuries. I don't know if the practice was ever less repugnant than it is now, but today a conquest is no more than a pet."

  "A pet?" Vampires keep human pets? That's horrible!

  "Yes." She says sadly, head bowed. "Humans are taken up at their prime and tossed aside when their value diminishes without even compensation for their lost years. It's atrocious! I do hope Elysabeth will be willing to take a stand against the practice once she is queen."

  She sounds so earnest that I have to say something. "I'm sure she will. Lys won't be abandoning her human roots any time soon." I should tell Lys about this. She'd want to know. But I don't want to disillusion her so quickly. She'll have plenty of time to find out about the bad stuff. "We can tell her about it once things have settled down. But why do you feel I need to know about conquests?"

  Selene looks down and away, like she's ashamed. "If we choose to pursue a relationship, people will assume you are my conquest simply because you're human. I want you to be aware of what that means and to know that it is most certainly not how I see you."

  She still isn't looking at me, and that worries me a little. "When you say 'people'..."

  She finally looks back up at me, eyes filled with tears. I have a sudden intense desire to hold her and tell her everything will be okay. "The royal family does not mate with humans."

  My heart plummets. Of course there can't be anything serious between us.

  "Those are my mother's words," she says hurriedly, obviously realizing where my thoughts have gone. "So, if we choose to pursue a relationship, my family will have to believe you are my conquest." She blinks a few times, clearing her eyes, and I swear there's a sparkle of hope in them. "At least for the time being."

  I feel a little better knowing there's hope. "You think something will change in the future." It's not really a question, but she answers anyway.

  "When Damien takes the throne, he will have the final say on our match, not my parents. Can you honestly see him denying us?"

  She has a point. Lys would kill Damien if he keeps Selene and I apart just because I'm a human. "But how long would that be?"

  "I can't be certain, but Elysabeth is the first Chosen in line to become queen. Chosen are revered in our culture as a direct line to the Fates. They placed her in this position so that she will be queen. Our people may want her to become so sooner than would typically happen."

  "So, we wait, and hope?"

  She speaks softly, but earnestly. "If you are willing, then I am happy to do so."

  I smile at her to let her know I'm not running away any time soon. "I think you're worth waiting for, Elly." My words tumble out before I can consider what I'm saying.

  Selene tilts her head as she looks at me. "Elly?"

  "I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from, I — "

  "No," she shakes her head, smiling. "I like it."

  With a smile, I reach out to take her hand. I want to tell her all about the connection I felt to her when I first saw her. But my stomach decides to growl loud enough for Selene to hear.

  She laughs lightly, and the special moment is lost. "I'm afraid you missed lunch, but we can call for tea, or you can request something directly from the kitchen."

  "Do you mean tea in the English sense, or the beverage?" I'm going to need more than a cup of tea right now.

  She grins. "The English sense, of course. The beverage alone would not satisfy your hunger." Her eyes flick down and back up. "Either of them."

  Several answers flit through my mind as my dick starts to wake up, but I decide not to comment, instead replying, "then tea would be great, thanks."

  Selene leads me down to a sitting room where the rest of her siblings are relaxing. They sit up straighter as we enter, clearly adopting manners better suited for company, until Selene says something to them in what I'm assuming is French.

  They glance between the two of us, looking a little surprised, before relaxing again, making me wonder what she's said. Is she already introducing me as her conquest?

  Alyssa rings a bell, and, moments later, a maid enters with a tea cart. The cakes and sandwiches are delicious. I'm thankful Selene's brothers seem to have appetites as big as mine, so I don't stand out for eating too much.

  As we're finishing up the last few cakes, Selene and her siblings suddenly sit up straight. I'm reminded of prairie dogs. A few moments later, they relax again, all smiling mischievously.

  "Okay, what did I miss?"

  Selene leans over and whispers in my ear, "Elysabeth and Damien were having a bit too much fun and forgot themselves. Damien's room is not soundproofed." Her lips against my ear send shocks right
through me that make me want to go test just how much noise the guest room can handle.

  About fifteen minutes later, Lys walks in behind Damien, looking far more embarrassed than she should. Unable to help myself, I wink at her, and have a hard time holding my laughter when her face turns bright red.

  Her appearance reminds me that we have to go home. Reluctantly, I stand and say good-bye to all of Selene's siblings as I try to figure out just what to say to her.

  "I'll be back soon with Lys. I'll see you then, Elly." I try to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to do this in front of everyone, and knowing she'll hear me.

  "I look forward to it, Shawn." With a last smile at her, I turn to leave. Mr. Delanciennes is standing by the door, and it occurs to me that things are probably pretty old-fashioned in their household. "Sir," I say as I approach him, "may I have your permission to visit again, perhaps tomorrow?"

  Mr. Delanciennes looks surprised by the question. He glances at his wife, who nods with a smile. "I do not see why not. I will have you added to the list of visitors allowed. And you as well, Lys, of course." We both thank him.

  "You driving with Damien, Lys?" I ask as we near the door.

  She smiles. "Yeah."

  "Okay, see you at home."

  Damien drives like a maniac, so I get home well after they do. Lys has the brilliant idea to have a pizza and game night. For the first time ever, I beat Damien at Mortal Kombat. The pizza arrives immediately after, along with a delivery guy who makes an ass of himself, so I quit while I'm ahead and work on homework after dinner.


  I sigh at the knock on my door. Whenever is a girl to read? "Come in!" I call, setting my book aside reluctantly. I'm surprised when the door opens to reveal Damien, who looks rather sheepish.

  "Selene, I am sorry to interrupt your evening, but I really feel I must speak to you." He speaks from the doorway, hands held behind his back, and makes no move to enter my room.

  "Don't fret, Brother." I sit up on my bed and motion to my desk chair. "Do have a seat."

  I've never felt quite at ease with my oldest brother. He's always so formal, even among family. I have always thought of him as our Crown Prince first, and my brother second. I'm certain the pressures of his position weigh heavily on him, but his demeanor makes it difficult for me to relax.

  Damien steps into my room at my invitation and sits lightly on the chair. He spends a few moments nervously adjusting his position, looking incredibly uncomfortable and a little lost. I can only assume he's not certain where to start. Taking pity on him, I ask, "what troubles you, Brother?"

  His eyes meet mine for a moment before he glances down and away. "I am —" He clears his throat. "I am well aware that your private life and your relationships are no concern of mine. However, I feel obligated to ask what your intentions are with Shawn. He is an honorable young man and does not deserve to be trifled with."

  I feel a pang of hurt that my brother could even entertain such a low opinion of me. It's quickly followed by a flare of anger. I meet his gaze and make no effort to keep my feelings from my face as I reply.

  "You wound me, Brother. I would wish that you knew me better." He opens his mouth, but I hold up a hand to keep him silent. "Then you could never ask me such a question. You should know how I feel about conquests." He nods. I have made no secret of my abhorrence of our culture's ancient practice. "That alone should indicate to you that I would not trifle with anyone's emotions."

  "Selene, I did not mean to offend —" He speaks slowly, hands raised and slightly outstretched.

  I hold his gaze. "Perhaps not. But you also did not think." My words tumble out, quick, but strong. "You, of all of us, must consider all angles and every aspect of your words."

  His head drops. "You are right, Selene. I must be more aware of my words and their potential effects." He raises his head and spears me with his gaze. I see a side of my brother I had no idea existed. His eyes are cold and intense. "But I must protect Elysabeth. To hurt Shawn is to hurt her, and I will not allow that if I can help it."

  Suddenly, everything is crystal clear. My anger evaporates. Everyone knows a Destined is even more protective of their Chosen than a vampire typically is of their mate.

  "I understand, Damien." My tone is softer, conciliatory. "Of course you want to protect your Chosen." I wait for his eyes to soften. It doesn't take long. It occurs to me that if he is to be my hope of a happy relationship, I should tell him everything. "Can I trust you with a secret, Brother?"

  "What kind of secret?" He asks guardedly.

  "Mother and Father cannot know what I am considering telling you."

  He gives it some thought. "It is not something that will negatively impact the family?"

  I shake my head. "I do not believe so."

  "Very well, you have my word I will not tell a soul." Always so formal, but I know I can trust him.

  "Thank you, Brother. My intentions toward Shawn are honorable. We share a connection, but I am uncertain as to the nature of it. Mother has not exactly forbidden the relationship but reminded me that royalty does not mate with humans."

  His brow furrows. "But — "

  "Elysabeth is your Chosen." He nods, understanding the difference.

  "I spoke with Shawn earlier. We are considering a relationship, although nothing is yet set in stone. But we will have to present the façade that he is my conquest. He is aware of what this means and is open to the idea. We are keeping an open line of communication to ensure there are no misunderstandings. Does that make you feel better?"

  He nods with a smile. "Yes, immensely. Thank you. I apologize again for any offense I may have caused." He bows his head, returning to his ever-present formal ways. I wonder if he's so formal with Elysabeth. Surely, he must loosen up around her.

  "You are forgiven, Brother." His brows are furrowed once more. "Something still troubles you."

  "How will you handle a relationship with him, Sister? He will grow old and pass on. I would not wish to see either of you hurt in such a way."

  I smile at his care. Now is the moment of truth. "You know, probably better than I, the current state of affairs for our family. Our people will call for Father's abdication soon after learning of Elysabeth."

  His eyes widen as he processes my train of thought. "And then you will only require my approval to be mated. Yes, I understand. But what happens if you are incorrect? You have all the time in the world, but Shawn does not."

  Then we run away. But I cannot tell him that. "Shawn and I will discuss that problem if it happens."

  "Very well. I appreciate your candor, Sister. Know that if things proceed the way you expect, you will find no opposition from me."

  "Thank you, Brother. But, if I may ask one favor of you?"

  "Name it."

  I struggle with the idea of asking him about being a Destined. I am certainly not one, but perhaps some insight into what it's like would help me understand what exists between myself and Shawn.

  I don't know how much my thoughts show on my face, but Damien is watching me with a quizzical expression. "What troubles you, Sister?"

  "No troubles. I am, however, curious what it's like to be a Destined. I know you have no real frame of reference for serious relationships," he winces at my words. I never knew that was a sore point for him. "But can you tell me what it's like to be around Elysabeth? How you felt when you first saw her?"

  For once, his perfect formality disappears. It's easy to follow his thought process as he considers my questions and the reasons behind them.

  I don't wait for him to ask the question. "No," I say, shaking my head. "I don't believe I am a Destined, but I would like to know more about them."

  "Very well." He takes a deep breath. "You are more correct than you realize. I have no frame of reference for relationships at all. I had never been with anyone before my Elysabeth."

  He doesn't meet my eyes, but I can tell it's because he is embarrassed, not because he's lying. Aly and I had oft
en speculated on the extent of his experience, but we always just assumed he was discreet.

  "There is no harm or shame in never having had a relationship, Brother. But perhaps you would tell me what it is like to be around her; how you felt when you first saw her."

  He meets my gaze again, but then looks away, obviously deep in thought. "I do not have words to adequately describe it." He says, sounding awed. "When I am with her, I feel as though I am complete, as though I could conquer anything with her at my side."

  He pauses, and his expression morphs to something that looks almost pained. "When I thought I was losing her, it was as though my world was crashing in on me. It was hard to breath, hard to think. I almost had a panic attack. Then I felt an urge to destroy anything and everything standing between us."

  His eyes go black as he speaks, and his upper lip takes on the fullness characteristic of descended fangs. His last words are a growl. I well remember that day on the plane. Father, looking nervous, took Damien to the rear of the plane for a talk, and they did not return until we landed.

  Damien takes a few deep breaths and his appearance returns to normal. "Thankfully, we got past that. I believe you asked how I felt when I first saw her." I nod. "I recognized her." His eyes lose focus. "I had never seen my Elysabeth before, but I recognized her the instant my eyes met hers.

  "I knew, with that one look, that I had found my mate."

  My stomach jumps. That's precisely how I felt. But... "was that because of the pull?"

  His brow furrows, and he's lost in thought for a few moments. "No," he says, shaking his head. "I do not believe so. The pull led me to her." He smiles serenely. "But it was my soul that recognized hers."

  "Thank you, Brother, for sharing with me."

  "Of course, Sister. Please let me know if I can assist you with anything else." He rises and makes to leave.

  "I will, thank you." Damien has given me so much to think about. So many signs point to Shawn and I being Chosen and Destined. But we can't be. Two in one family is unheard of.


  My phone rings way too early the next morning. I manage to answer it before it goes to voicemail (barely) only to wish I'd managed to sleep through the call.


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