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Summer Heat: Anthology

Page 4

by Sonya Jesus

  "Shawn?" My mom's stern voice comes through the phone. "I know you're there. Your father is going golfing today, he'd like you to join him."

  I groan. I abhor golfing. More to the point, I abhor golfing with my dad. What it really means is I'll have to listen to him try to convince me to follow in his footsteps and go into business for however long it takes us to finish the course. You'd think that by now he'd have given up. After all, I'm graduating in a couple of weeks for fuck's sake.

  "I know you don't like going, dear," she answers, voice kinder. "But it's the only time the two of you spend together alone. He's your father, you should be closer to him. And he really enjoys your afternoons together."

  I sigh. "Yeah, Mom. Let dad know I'll meet him at the course at our usual time." I know better than to try and get out of it. It's never worked before. My mom thinks it's good for us to spend time together.

  My dad just can't seem to figure out that forcing me to do something I don't like, while listening to him criticize my life choices, isn't the way to get through to me.

  "Thank you, Shawn. I'll let him know."

  "Mom?" I say quickly, before she can hang up.

  "Yes, Dear?"

  "Why doesn't dad ever invite me himself?" The words tumble out before I can think them through. I've always wanted to know, but have never had the courage to ask, lest she think I'm being disrespectful.

  "I thought it was obvious, Dear." She pauses, but I have no idea what the reason could be, so I stay silent. "He thought you'd just say no if he asked you."

  "Oh." I have no idea what to say. My mom probably thinks it's nice that he's so eager to have my company, but I'm pretty sure he just wants to augment his available time to try to convince me to pursue business. "Okay, Mom, I'll talk to you later."

  "Sounds good, Dear. Have a nice day."

  Golfing with my dad is just as painful as it usually is. I typically just tune him out and focus on my game to finish as quickly as possible, but this time, I find my thoughts wandering to Selene and everything she told me about.

  Am I really willing to embark on a relationship with her when her parents won't approve? That's going to make things difficult. Not to mention I'll have to pose as a conquest. That sounds like it could be demeaning.

  And what the hell do I have to offer a princess? Teaching math isn't exactly an easy road to being a millionaire. Hell, I'll be lucky to be a thousandaire. Wait, is that a thing?

  The more I think about how many obstacles stand in the way of a relationship between us, the more I become aware of a dull ache in my chest. It's like heartburn, but not as intense.

  As I consider the possibility of just walking away from her, of avoiding her house as much as possible to forestall any future heartache, the ache becomes an actual pain. Does it actually physically hurt to consider being away from her?

  To test the theory, I briefly let myself think about the possibility of a future between us. Immediately, the pain lessens. I'm going to have to talk to Selene now, because I've never heard of anything like this happening in real life.

  I push aside all thoughts of Selene for the time being. My dad tries to get me to join him for an early dinner after our game, but I weasel my way out of it by telling him I have to go to the library to work on homework. It's not a lie, really.

  * * *

  The next morning, just after arriving at our house, Damien gets a call from his dad. Turns out Mr. Delanciennes has discovered some information about Lys' ancestry.

  I guess I don't have to come up a with an excuse to head over there early after all. "Okay, then we should probably get going." I clap my hands enthusiastically.

  "Eager, are we, Shawn?" Lys asks me, eyebrow raised.

  Unembarrassed, I answer, "hell, yes."

  With a smile at my enthusiasm, Lys heads upstairs to grab her purse, meeting us outside once she has it. "Damien," she says, "I'd like to speak with Shawn, so, if you don't mind, I think I'll ride with him."

  I hope she's not going to grill me about Selene. I don't like keeping things from Lys, but I also don't want to share everything about Selene. When she hasn't spoken after a few moments, I shoot her a look. "What's up, Lys?"

  "I've decided I won't be inviting my parents to my Bonding ceremony," she says sadly. "They won't understand, especially my dad. And I certainly can't tell them that Damien and his family are vampires." I hold back a snort. That would be an interesting conversation. "But you are meant to be there. You were in the dream I had. I'd like you to walk me down the aisle. Would you?"

  She sounds so hesitant. As if I'd say no to her. But I can hardly believe she's offering me that honor.

  "You... wow, Lys! Thanks, that means a lot. I'd love to, yeah, sure!" My brain recovers from its shock and reminds me I don't have a formal suit. My grin drops. "Shit. I don't have anything to wear."

  "I'm sure we can find you something, or have something made," she says brightly.

  "Right, seamstress on premises."


  "So, have you considered your plans for after school now that you're joining a family of vampire royalty?" I ask her, mainly to avoid any chance of talking about Selene.

  "No, not really. That part sort of got left out with all of the revelations. Damien and I discussed the necessity of me moving to France with him though. I can understand the reasoning, but I'm not happy about it. He and I will definitely need to discuss this more once this whole Bonding craziness is over. I'd like to maintain some aspects of the future I envisioned for myself, and don't see any reason why I can't."

  "You mean other than becoming a princess?" I ask her, just barely holding in my laughter. I know she's stubborn, but she's going to have to accept that she's joining a royal family.

  "If they can just leave home for a year," she says, sounding annoyed, "there's no reason why I can't spend time here for work. I don't want to just leave everyone behind."

  That's right. moving to France means she'll be gone. I mean, logically, I knew that when we graduated, things would change, but I wasn't expecting this kind of a change.

  "If you leave, I'll miss you." I tell her.

  "Maybe you'll come too?" She sounds hopeful. "I'd love to have you with us. I don't intend to let our friendship go. I'm sure you can teach math in France, too. And I know it's too early to think of the long term with you and Selene, but she said she feels a connection with you, too."

  Great, this is just what I wanted to avoid. I haven't even quite worked out my own feelings yet. But I can mention some of the bigger issues on my mind. "Lys, she's a princess, literally. I'm finishing up my math degree. I don't have anything to offer her," I say quietly.

  "Damien will be king, and I'm with him."

  "But you're his Chosen. I mean, yes, he loves you, but the situation is different. You're special. Do you honestly believe the king will let his daughter choose me? I'm sure she's destined for some rich and powerful vampire. I'm just a twenty-two-year-old human." I'm glad I'm driving, because if Lys could look me in the eye right now, she'd know I'm not telling her everything.

  "Shawn," she says, putting a hand on my shoulder. "If that's really how you feel, then why are you spending so much time with her? Won't it make it harder later?"

  I sigh. "Yeah, it will. But I can't help it, Lys. She's amazing. I want to spend every possible minute with her. It's like a physical ache when we're apart." At least I can tell her the truth about that.

  "If I didn't know better," she says slowly, "I'd swear she was your Destined. But, you know, I'll be queen someday, maybe sooner rather than later. I'm certain I can convince them —"

  I shake my head emphatically and cut her off. "No, Lys, don't do that. You don't want people to feel like you're throwing your power around." Not that she'll need to.

  "You're a great catch, Shawn. You're loyal, caring, a wonderful friend, and, I'm certain, an amazing partner to Selene no matter what anyone else may think. We know now why it never worked between us, but that doesn't mean it can
't work between you two. If you truly mean to just let her go, then I think you should stop visiting. It's not fair to either of you."

  She has a point, but thankfully, I'm saved further discussion by pulling into the Delanciennes' driveway. Damien and Selene are waiting out front. Lys shoots me a grin. "I don't think she's waiting for me."

  The dull ache in my chest completely disappears as I near Selene, and my surly mood vanishes just as quickly.

  "Hi, Selene. How are you?"

  "I'm wonderful. And yourself?"

  "Much better for seeing you."

  Selene blushes and motions for me to follow her inside. "Come on, Elysabeth," she calls. "We're meeting in the library to speak with my father."

  I follow her into the library where everyone is already seated. This is obviously a family meeting, which means whatever Mr. Delanciennes has discovered is probably epic in proportions. I say hi to everyone as Selene draws me down on the sofa next to her. Damien pulls out his phone and connects it to a speaker before dialing his dad.


  The news my father delivers to us is unexpected in its enormity. After Damien ends the call, my siblings and I lead Shawn and Elysabeth out to the backyard.

  "Well, Elysabeth," I say, coming up to her. "I suppose I may call you cousin?"

  I'm surprised by her grimace. "I think I'd prefer Lys for now, Selene. Cousin is a reminder that we're related, however distantly, and that's kind of weird for me." Her words wound me. Does she not wish to be part of our family?

  "But I look forward to calling you sister," she says quickly. Oh! Right. Humans are more concerned with consanguinity. Vampires are all well aware we're related in some degree to nearly every other vampire on the planet. "I'd like to speak with you in private if possible," she says, drawing my attention back to her.

  "Of course, I will show you the maze," I tell her, leading the way. "What do you wish to speak of?" I ask, once we're out of earshot of my siblings.

  "Shawn," she blurts out, blushing. "I have to know, Selene, what do you feel for him? Is this just a quick fling before you return to France? If so, please don't lead him on anymore. It will be hard enough for him as it is."

  I stare down at my hands as I consider how to answer her. "Shawn is lucky to have such a good friend." I start slowly. "I acknowledge the truth of your statement; however, I currently do not intend to return to France permanently. I will, of course, be expected to attend my Grand Coming out, which means going home for the summer, but I hope Shawn will join me as my official escort."

  Her eyes widen, although she cannot possibly understand the enormity of what I've just said. "That sounds like a big thing."

  I nod. "It is. It is also not something typically done. But I do not wish to be parted from him." I contemplate my next words carefully. "We may not know each other well, but we share a real connection already. I know he is special, and I would like to get to know him better."

  She hugs me. "That makes me very happy. I can't tell you how much. But Shawn is worried that he can never be a match to you. He's scared of your father's opinion." What has Shawn told her? Did he relay my mother's words? Or did he only speak of my father because we don't know his opinion?

  "My father will almost assuredly have doubts," I tell her, airing on the side of caution. "And Shawn would have to ask him for permission to court me, but I believe my father has my happiness at heart and would rather see me happily mated than mated to someone of high standing." Or, at least, I'm sure he would if said mate were a vampire. "I've spoken to my mother, and she is of the opinion, that, considering his circumstances, there should be no complications." It is not entirely a lie. Mother saw no complications to Shawn being my conquest.

  "You should let Shawn know. If he asks your father for permission, then he can be your escort, but he'll need to let his parents know he's going to France, and they'll want to meet you."

  "I hadn't thought of that." I'd only ever considered my parents' objections. His parents could have their own. We'll have to come up with a suitable cover story for me that will please them. At least we have some time, still. "Let us get through all of these new revelations first, then I can tackle that situation."

  "Shawn will be at my Bonding," she says suddenly, "maybe he can speak to your father then."

  I nod, considering her idea. "Yes, my father would certainly be in a good mood, and would never make a scene before the Goddess Nyx." Perhaps Shawn could actually ask to court me. If Father agrees, then Mother can have no objections. A bubble of hope forms in my chest as I consider the possibility.

  "Maybe one day Shawn will be my brother-in-law?"

  My face heats instantly at that thought. "It is too soon to tell," I answer shyly, "but that is an appealing prospect. We have been here for a while. I believe we should get back."

  "Yeah, I'm sure a certain person is eager to spend some time with you."

  Shawn and Damien are waiting for us at the door to the house. Damien directs us all to Hilda's workroom for Lys' final fitting. Hilda and I help her get dressed and follow along behind her as she presents herself for Shawn's approval.

  "What do you think, Shawnie?"

  Shawn gazes at her with obvious brotherly admiration. They have such an astounding relationship. "It's gorgeous, Lys. You look amazing. Damien will be blown away."

  Lys beams at his words. "Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Now I can say it's the right dress. Hilda, Shawn will be walking me down the aisle at the ceremony. Do you have anything he can wear that would fit?"

  "Oh, yes, of course, this way, Shawn. Selene, come, help me decide." Hilda has been with us for so long that she often abandons formalities for myself and my siblings. Shawn follows us dutifully into her stockroom.

  "Hilda, do you have something similar to what my brothers will be wearing?" I know Shawn will be playing a special part in the ceremony, but a similar look with maintain the harmony of the party.

  She eyes Shawn carefully. "No, but I know what will work. Wait here." Hilda doesn't like anyone messing with her organizational system. But it serves me well since I can talk to Shawn.

  "Lys mentioned you have some concerns about any potential relationship we may have. Are you reconsidering our plan?" I whisper quickly.

  "Not really. I do have a few concerns, but I also don't want to walk away from you. I didn't have the heart to disillusion Lys about your world just yet by explaining everything you and I discussed. She's stepped into the fairytale she's always wanted, and I don't want to take that from her any earlier than necessary."

  "She wanted to be a princess?" I have a hard time picturing Lys imagining herself as royalty.

  He shakes his head. "No, a vampire." His eyes bulge. "Shit, please don't tell her I told you that!"

  I can hear Hilda returning, so I hold up a finger to let him know to be silent. "I won't," I whisper right in his ear.

  "You can try this," Hilda says as she approaches, holding out a suit bag. "We will help Lys change, and you can change there." She waves her hand toward a small partition screen.

  "We'll be back in a few moments." I tell Shawn.

  He's changed into the suit and is looking at himself in the mirror once Hilda and I have helped Lys out of her dress. It fits him well, accentuating his shoulders, and his backside.

  Lys circles him, waggling her eyebrows. "You clean up well, Shawnie. I told you they would have something perfect."

  "You do look dashing, Shawn," I offer quietly.

  Shawn's gaze turns tender. "Thanks, Selene."

  "You are the same size as Sebastian. It makes the fitting easy," proclaims Hilda while she marks the adjustments. "There, now go change."

  When he comes back out, he hands her the tuxedo. "I really think I should be getting home. I need to finish my projects."

  I wrack my brain trying to think of an excuse to keep him here. We really need to discuss whatever is happening between us as well as his remaining concerns. But I can think of nothing and must let him leave for the day
with only a fond farewell.


  Poor Lys. She looks so overwhelmed. Each day is bringing a new revelation about her and her heritage. It's amazing she's holding her shit together. I really hope her dream isn't turning into a nightmare.

  I'd hoped that with Mr. Delanciennes returning from France today, she would get a break. After all, no research should equal no new information, right?

  Nope. Not only did Lys get inundated with even more shocking information, she had a mini argument with her soon-to-be in-laws.

  Damien's right to take her home and let her decompress. It will be good for her.

  "Shawn, are you coming?" She asks quietly.

  I'm about to mention having another game night, but Selene beats me. "Actually, Shawn," She interjects, "as Lys is leaving, would you be willing to tell me your thoughts on my dress for the Bonding ceremony? I know she values your opinion."

  My cheeks heat. I glance at Lys, but her easy grin convinces me she won't be upset if I stay. "Um, sure, Selene, I'm happy to help."

  "I'll see you later then, Shawn." Lys says. I nod at her, losing the battle against the ridiculous grin threatening to split my face. "Until Wednesday, everyone." She calls out as she leaves.

  Selene's dress is already done and makes her look stunning. My tux is ready also and makes me look pretty good.

  With a quick "thank you," to Hilda, Selene leads me out to the backyard. "We have much to discuss, Shawn." She takes my hand, pulling me along behind her to the maze. "If we are quiet, we won't be overheard."


  She turns to meet my eyes looking serious. "We should have had this discussion before, but there simply hasn't been time. I have felt a connection to you from the moment our eyes first met."

  I can hardly believe what I've just heard. "Me too! It was like there was a string tying us together and pulling us closer!"

  She nods, eyes shining. "Yes, precisely! If you felt it, too, then I don't have a doubt in my mind that we do not share a typical relationship."


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