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Summer Heat: Anthology

Page 15

by Sonya Jesus

  The elevator doors open and we spill out into the lobby. The door man always gets nervous when he sees me, I can only imagine what he’s thinking with all three of us together. I nod to him when he opens the door and head for my bike. Maddox and Gunner follow me. At first, I thought they parked next to me, then I realize their bikes aren’t in the parking lot. This is not a good sign. I check the perimeter and spot why I had the Dragon Tail.

  “Keenan?” My mouth dropped when I saw Hailee standing near her car. Daxton was inside on the phone, while Aysen was smoking a distance away. The future Council was here, and of course they send the Charmer, one of the future leaders, to lure me back in. I haven’t heard from her since the funeral when she convinced the Council to give me a reprieve, it’s only fitting she’s the one to revoke it.

  I have nothing against her, but fuck does it irritate me that the one day I need to be somewhere they come around. “What do you want, Hails?” I can’t help the snark.

  Aysen drops his cigarette and gives me a poignant glare, warning me to watch my tongue.

  I correct myself. “I’m sorry. I have to meet Bash in twenty minutes, and I am already late. Maddox and Gunner…” I trail off when I realize they were buying time.

  She nods, confirming my suspicion.

  “Are you calling me back into play?” I say as Daxton exits the car and Aysen rounds the front. I would assume they would take over, but they wait on her to break the news.

  “Daxton and Aysen have joined me at Vonwest.”

  “What? How is that possible?” Maddox and Gunner, who are still flanking me laugh. Anything was possible in the Dragon world. “Why?”

  Aysen answers this time. “The Council has decided to expand into college territory, and we need someone who could help us eliminate the current dealer so we can set up base.”

  Hailee interjects, “We don’t need you to eliminate anyone.” She sends a scathing look at Aysen who rolls his eyes and looks off to the side. “We could use your help though.”

  I smile because only Hailee could make that boy shut his trap. Hannah never could. I know Hailee didn’t want this, but I can honestly see these three ruling together. Maybe if I play by their rules I can appeal to Hailee later. Get her to let me follow in the right direction, unfortunately that means I need time and to postpone meetings with the record label. “What do you need me to do?”

  Daxton steps forward and says something in Maddox’s ear. My assigned bodyguards are excused and he waits until they are at a safe distance before explaining. “We need you to deal.”

  I nod. I did it all the time at the Den. “Doing it on a college campus is risky. We can draw too much attention if we go in big.”

  “That’s exactly why we choose you, Chains,” Hailee says softly, almost as if she’s regretting asking me to do this.

  “She’s right. Gunner is too old for it and will stand out. And Maddox is out of the question. We need someone who can blend into the crowd. You’re the only one, other than the three of us, who can pass as a Vonwest student.”

  “Wait a minute! Are you talking enrollment?”

  “No,” Daxton clarifies. “Your pretty well known around these parts. I think most people will be more than willing to let you into their parties.”

  “He means the girls,” Hailee adds with an eye roll. I get the feeling she isn’t completely comfortable with this situation. She never wanted this, and now it’s invaded her sanctuary. I can completely understand. She’s shackled to the Dragons, just like I am. The only difference? Her chains are imaginary, whereas mine are very real. She’s the leader who will owe no explanation, I’m the one who needs to explain.

  “So, can we count on you?” Daxton poses the question, as if I had a choice in the answer.

  “I’m in.” I exhale through my nose. “I can’t believe I’m going to ask this, but I need a favor.”

  Hailee immediately becomes alarmed. “What kind of favor?”

  “We have a meeting with Pheonix Records today. I need you to postpone it.”

  Hailee scrunches her nose, causing a furrow between her brows. “Why would you want us to stall? From what I understand, this is something you were working for. My father was banking on it actually.”

  “I don’t know how I can do both. Maybe after we push out the supplier at Vonwest, I can focus on making it. I know it will take me away from the Dragons, but I will have pull. It can establish different connections, and draw in new clients.”

  I want to keep negotiating but there’s a silent exchange between the three of them that causes me to still my tongue. I know better than to meddle in Council affairs, but anyone who knows these three knows something about their dynamic has changed. Aysen has been quite most of the time, fiddling with his phone and not interrupting. Daxton only stepped up when Hailee gave him the opportunity to. But the biggest difference is in Hailee. If I had to pin it down, I’d says she’s embracing the power that comes with being a Charmer, and she has realized just how much influence she has over the Masters.

  “We’ll take care of it,” she says. “Can you meet us at Vonwest tonight? We have a lot of planning to go over.”

  “Aysen,” Daxton calls out. “Can you text Chains the address to the dorm, and have your dad secure an all access card for him so he can come to the suite whenever he needs?” Aysen nods and heads into the car to make the call. Daxton walks over to the driver’s side leaving me and my would-be sister-in-law alone.

  She tucks the long strands of her pin straight brown hair behind her ears as she approaches me. Her eyes dart to mine, studying me before she says, “I wish I could have given you more time, Keenan.”

  “I don’t know how much time would be enough.”

  “I don’t mean more time to mourn Hannah, because trust me Keenan, one day you will realize she wasn’t who you thought she was.”

  My jaw ticks. The need to protect her memory pulses through my veins, but I have to stifle it because Hailee would be in charge soon, and I needed her approval to get the fuck away from all this shit. “Then what did you mean?”

  She glances back towards Dax and Ace, neither of them paying us any attention. “Neither of us are Dragons at heart. We both want different things. I didn’t want this, and neither do you.”

  “Careful, Hails.” I didn’t want to see another Charmer end up dead or being hunted. Her mother and sister were both dead. One was already buried, the other? It was just a matter of time before they found her. “Be smart.”

  “There’s so much shit going on right now, Keenan. Being smart is the only way I am going to get through this.”

  As she looks over her shoulder and verifies the Masters’ location, I fight the urge to ask her for more information. I get the distinct feeling something is on her mind and she doesn’t want them to pick up on it. For some reason the worry takes over, and I ask, “I know it´s none of my business, Hails, but is everything okay between you, Dax and Ace?”

  A heavy sigh escapes her lips. “Things got a lot more complicated since the last time we spoke.”

  “That was vague.”

  She opens her mouth to speak, and then shuts it quickly. Taking a step forward she closes the distance and leans in inconspicuously. “I think I saw my mom.”

  My mouth drops open for a split second before I plaster on a stoic expression. The guys may be watching. “Where?”

  She hesitates. “I didn’t say anything because I wanted to be sure.” I knows she’s lying. Keeping this secret was not going to protect her mother, but it was going to put her in danger. Hiram and Liam, might pardon this mistake. Don, however, might use this to cling to his hold on the Dragons.

  “You don’t have to tell me.” We have always been friends, but I was still a Dragon. My obligation was to report the sighting, but I wouldn’t be able to do that without getting her into trouble. Hailee’s mom abandoned the Dragons, and there is no escaping. She’s been in hiding for years, even though the Council had eyes everywhere, no one has ever spotte
d her.

  She takes a moment to drudge through the consequences of telling me. To my surprise, she chooses to trust me. “I was at a friend’s house. Dax and Ace came to pick me up, and they noticed someone watching us. When I looked back, a car was coming and the headlights shined on her. I swear it was her, Keenan.” Her shoulders tighten, and I can see a sheen in her eyes.

  I look over her head and check on Dax and Ace, giving her a moment to regroup. The guys were adamantly talking about something, not paying us any attention. “You didn’t tell them?”

  “And sign her death certificate?” I glance down at her and notice her swatting a tear from her cheek. “She left me and Hannah, but that doesn’t mean I hate her enough to want her dead.”

  “Hannah did.” Keeping this from the Dragons is dangerous. “Don does.”

  “But I don’t.” My heart softens at the defeat in her voice. Both of us know, the moment word got out about Rosalie’s return, it was only a matter of time before a body was found. Don has made it his personal mission to get revenge on his wife. Hannah feared her. She thought Rosalie could charm her way back in and have her crimes against the Dragons pardoned.

  “What are you going to do, Hails? You can’t keep this from the Dragons forever. If you spotted her, it’s only a matter of time before someone else does… and if they find out you were lying. There’s going to be consequences.”

  “I know. I just need some time to figure things out. I’m hoping the situation at Vonwest will keep Dax and Ace entertained, while I do some digging. If she was following me, then she has to want to know something, right?”

  “I don’t know why she was following you. But, either way, it’s dangerous. You don’t know what she wants, you’re the heir. What if she wants you out of the way so she’s the only other living Blackwell. They would need her to continue the Council.”

  “No. They would keep my father in position or a different proxy.” She pauses to consider something. “I choose to believe my mother wouldn’t harm me. But if she is here to do that, then I can defend myself.”

  “I don’t trust your mother, Hailee. I know you don’t want to hear this, but Hannah told me a lot about things that went down when you were younger. She never really cared about you. Dax and Ace’s moms practically raised you. What makes you think she’s suddenly maternal?”

  Hailee shrugs. “She wasn’t a good mom, but she wasn’t a bad mom either. She actually hugged me every once in a while, and acknowledged me. That’s more than any other Blackwell has done.”

  “Let me help you.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that, Keenan. If they found out… No, okay? Let’s just pretend like we never had this conversation. I don’t want do drag you into this. We are already asking you to come back, and I already feel like shit for that.”

  “Don’t.” I reach out and wrap one arm around her and hug her. She chuckles. “Thank you for giving me time. I owe you one.”

  She backs up from my embrace. Before I could respond, Aysen is marching toward us and Hailee is rolling her eyes. “Here we go.”

  She turns on her heel and holds a hand in the air, stilling him. “I am ready to go.” Ace gives her a menacing side glance that I recognize all too well.

  I chuckle as I lean into whisper in her ear. I don’t think of Hailee in that way, but I just need to test out my theory. Her back is turned to me, but I can see the jealousy in Ace’s face. “You two? Damn, it was only a matter of time.”

  She gently elbows me in the stomach, and I back up. I already had my answer though. Aysen couldn’t resist sending me a warning. “Chains?” His voice was low, threatening, and enough to answer my suspicions.

  I nod and step back even further. “See you later, Hails.”

  She walks toward him. He places his hand on the small of her back and leads her to the passenger side, and then whispers something to her before planting a soft kiss on the side of her head and waits for her to slide into the seat. As they drive away, I note the huge smile on her face.

  Hannah had that same smile. My heart bursts again and the pieces sink down to my feet with the weight of her memory. When I release the clutch and the engine purrs to life, the pieces levitate back in place. Being on my bike and feeling the rush of wind against my face, temporarily blows away her memory. I must say, there’s nothing like hitting pavement on two wheels to help ride out the sorrow.

  When I get to my brother’s place, I could hear Bash shouting from the sidewalk. I open the door and walk in, ready to side step flying instruments. Bash likes to test their ability to fly every once in a while.

  The rest of the band is sprawled out on the couches, while Bash is pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace. The second he sees me he points the drum stick in my direction. I raise my brows, warning him not to fucking to throw it. He wisely lowers it and presses his lips together. “You’re late!” His clipped tone suggests Hailee and the guys already fulfilled my request.

  “What the fuck is up with the shit attitude?” I can’t let on that I know. “Don’t we have to practice the song for the meeting today?”

  Hanz, our bassist, throws his hands in the air and shakes his head, groaning. “Don’t make him say it again, he’s been losing his shit for the last half hour.”

  “Yeah, and I’m tired of him bitching about it.” Trevor, our skinny boy lead guitarist, strolls in from the kitchen with beers in his hand. I don’t know how this kid doesn’t have a beer gut.

  He hands me one, and I take a sip of my favorite breakfast drink. “What are you so pissed about, baby bro.”

  “Don’t fucking call me that, jackass.” He stops pacing and yanks one of the bottles from Trevor’s hands. “Phoenix Records just called to reschedule the meeting. Something came up.”

  “That sucks,” I say, nonchalantly. “So, reschedule.”

  “Sloan’s next available appointment isn’t until the end of the year! He’s going to London to set up the records new site.” He chugs half the bottle. “And before you ask, no someone else can’t handle us. Something about payroll and scout commission. This is fucking ridiculous.”

  “Why don’t we just go to another label?” Hanz raises his hand, as if we were in class, just to mock the situation.

  Shit. I scan the guys and it seems like the only one flipping out is my brother, but I’m not liking the direction this conversation is going in. Seeking out another label would be a wild factor, and I won’t risk asking Hailee for another favor. So, I have to steer this conversation away from that possibility. I take a swig of my beer and point the tip in Bash’s direction. “I thought Bash said this one was the best for our genre or some shit like that.”

  Bash rolls his eyes at all of us. “It’s the only one that can make us big.”

  I chuckle, taking a seat on the worn-out recliner. “Go big or go home, right?”

  My brother doesn’t find my comment amusing, not even a little bit. “You need to take this serious, Keenan! This was our break. It took me forever to get Sloan to even hear our demo. This screening was supposed to propel us into the music world.”

  “It still will.” The guilt is taking up residence in my stomach and making it churn. I drown it with the rest of the beer. I don’t have time for remorse, stalling was the only way to handle this. “Let’s just work even harder, make sure Trevor isn’t lagging.”

  My joke breaks the tension and Bash finally takes a seat. “I guess some new material wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

  “Yeah some of our shit is tired.”

  I laugh. “More like expired. We’ve been pretty much playing the same set for the last few months. I think fresh material could elevate us, make us more appealing to the record label.”

  As they start discussing topics for new material, my body relaxes and the guilt dissipates. When I asked Hailee for the extension I didn’t really consider the positive side. It makes my decision a little easier to deal with and a little less selfish.

  Chapter 5: Psychology of Love

>   Lexi

  I love Psychology, but I hate early morning Monday classes, especially since lately I can’t seem to sleep in my own dorm room. It’s not because of my roommate she’s barely ever there, it’s because all of it reminds me of Steven. He helped me pick out most of the things in there. The comforter, the posters, the desk lamp, my computer, even my shower shoes. Then there’s the memories on the carpet, the desk chair, my roommate’s desk, against the walls. For something so small, there were plenty of places to have sex.

  It all seemed like a good idea at the time, now all of it just serves as a reminder of how stupid I was. All his creative positions were probably things he learned from the many girls he cheated on me with.

  Ugh. My whole-body shivers with disgust. At least I had to give Steven one positive thing, he always used protection. There were times where I wanted to see what it was like bare, but he would shoot that down real quick. I thought he was just being cautious, refusing to risk a pregnancy that would change our lives, but honestly, I think safe-sex wasn’t exactly his kind of thing with other girls. After we broke up, I heard about one of his pregnancy scares.

  One of. There were multiple ones, and that was just in high school. My friend, Jonah says that I should take that as a compliment. He didn’t want to infect me with anything he could probably catch. I think, nothing about Steven is a compliment. He talked to me every day, lied to my face for years and made a fool out of me. Our whole relationship was an insult. Every good moment we spent together was nulled by all the random girls. If he truly loved me, like he said he did, he would be faithful to me.


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