House of Paine - (A Romantic Suspense - Book 2)
Page 11
She was lying on her side on the cold floor, hog-tied with her arms behind her back and pulled down low to include both of her ankles as well. Her head was pounding...that was likely because the last open-handed slap she’d received from one of the big son of a bitch’s meaty palms had knocked her out of the chair they had her in and onto the floor. Her head bounced twice when she hit and everything had gone dark. They wanted to kill badly as she had wanted to kill Caine.
Lucas Kramer had given them orders not to...yet. She wasn’t stupid however. She knew for certain that the first opportunity they got after they had what they wanted...they would put her lights out for good. She tried to move...her body was screaming for some kind of relief from the position they had her in. She grunted involuntarily...alerting her captors that she was awake.
“There she is,” one of the large apes said. Paige gave him a defiant look and he laughed. “She’s a little spit-fire, this one. Too bad you murdered my nephew; I might like to have some fun with you otherwise.” Paige continued to glare at him. “You want up off the floor?” She did...worse than anything at that moment, but she wasn’t going to ask these assholes for anything. He waited a few beats before saying, “I guess she’s comfortable,” to the other ape. That one wasn’t a big talker. He just shrugged. Paige lay on the cold, wooden floor with nothing to do but think. She thought back over the events of the day....
The morning had started out amazing. She’d woke up in Damien’s arms, a place she was getting used to being. He was still asleep, so she just lay there for a while and watched him. His long dark lashes fanned out and his curly hair was messy in his face. His features softened when he slept and he looked young and vulnerable. She knew that he wouldn’t like to hear that...but she liked it. It was like she was able to get glimpses of the kid he was before Jackson came into his life. Close to an hour passed while she looked at him and imagined what their lives might be like if they had met under different circumstances.
“Are you watching me sleep again?” Damien asked, sleepily. He hadn’t opened his eyes, but he’d told her just the day before that he could “feel” her looking at him.
“Mm hmm,” she said, giving him a light kiss on the lips. “I like watching you.”
Damien cracked one eye open and looked at her through the hair that was in his eyes. “Voyeur,” he said with a grin.
Paige kissed him again. “Yep,” she said, “That’s me. I was thinking about sitting on the counter and watching you shower this morning too. I bet that would be sexy.” She giggled. Kevin was in the room next to theirs and Paige had been self-conscious about making love to Damien the past couple of days. They’d still done it...but she hadn’t been able to let herself go the way she liked to with Damien.
Roxi came and went from the penthouse a lot, checking in on her father, and sometimes Jake would show up. Paige wasn’t used to having so many people in and out and around. She was afraid Kevin or one of them would hear her. She was pretty vocal when she and Damien had sex. When she was with him and he was doing the things to her that he was impossible not to be. Damien grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in tight up against his naked chest.
“I have a strict no watchers policy when I’m in the shower,” he told her with his lips so close to hers that she could feel the vibrations.
“You do...even for me?” her breaths were already beginning to become erratic.
“Especially for you,” he said, at last letting their lips meet. He kissed her and Paige felt herself getting hot all over and her panties growing wet. He’s the sexiest man that she’s ever met...and resisting him in any way is futile for her. When he broke the kiss she whimpered and said,
“Well, if I can’t watch you shower...”
“You can’t,” he said again. “But you can join me in there.”
A slow grin spread across her face. “The water will cover up the noise...and we could turn on the music in there...”
“I don’t know why we haven’t thought of it before. I was actually going to suggest we visit the tree again today. But, I like this idea much better,” Damien told her. He startled her by jumping up quickly out of bed and grabbing her hand. She followed him into the bathroom. When they got there, he tapped a button and music began to flow out of the speakers in the walls. Then he slipped his arms around her waist in front of the sink. She wrapped her arms around his neck. She loved the way his hard body felt against hers. He ran his fingers lightly down her spine, tickling and tantalizing at the same time. She shivered and turned so that she could see his face in the mirror. He was watching himself touch her. It was sexy. He reached down and grabbed a cheek in each hand and began to massage her. She could feel herself getting wetter and almost subconsciously she began grinding her hips forward into his leg. She felt him grin against her face before letting go of her and turning to start the shower.
He let it run for a few moments with his hand underneath. When the temperature was right, he stepped in and took her hand to guide her in behind him. For a few seconds Paige just stood back and watched the water cascade across his skin, rolling across the muscles and tattoos. He closed his eyes and backed up into it and then took her hand again and pulled her under the spray with him.
The water soaked through her long hair and down her back. She tipped her head back to feel it on her face when suddenly she felt Damien reach back for the shampoo. He squeezed a little into his hand and then began to massage it into her hair. He let his fingers massage her scalp and around her face making her whole head tingle. He worked in little circles with his palms all the way to the ends. It felt amazing. Then he held her by the waist and turned her so that she could rinse.
He used his hands to help her rinse all of the shampoo out and just when she thought he was finished; he grabbed the conditioner and gave her the same treatment with that one. Paige was surprised how erotic having her hair washed was. The feel of his fingers and hands coupled with the warm water on her back and the scent of papaya and coconut that was wafting up out of the spray was all intoxicating. “Mm...God Damien, this feels so good.”
“Good baby, just relax.” He filled his hands with body wash then and set about rubbing her body down. He let his hands skim across her shoulders and down her arms. He put his lips against her shoulder while he washed down her back. Paige’s pussy was aching by then and she was dying for him to touch it. He washed across her cheeks and down the backs of her legs and then turned her around and did the front. Her nipples stood at attention as his palms lightly skimmed across them and she moved her hips when his hands made it to the tops of her thighs, trying to get him to touch her clit. He didn’t...that was the only place he left untouched...driving her nearly insane.
He grabbed the shower head and rinsed her clean and then he handed her the shower gel and grinned. Paige poured it into her hands and worked it into lather. She started with his shoulders and upper back and then started working her way down. She stopped as he had to massage the hard cheeks of his ass before moving down the backs of his thighs and lower legs.
When she was on her knees washing his ankles, he turned around for her to work her way up the other side. The side of his cock standing at attention, hard as a rock was distracting. She tried to pretend it wasn’t there and continue washing him...but it was hard. As she washed around it and upwards, she got back to her feet. He pulled her in for a long, sweet kiss under the water and his tongue slipped into her mouth. The kiss went on forever and did nothing to ease the ache between her legs. She held onto him tightly and lifted one leg, resting it on his hip.
That excited him and he pressed her up against the wall of the shower. She took hold of the towel bar for support. He had one hand holding her hip and the other resting against the bar along with hers. She could feel the tip of his throbbing cock pressing against the outer lips of her pussy...sliding back and forth. She was dying to feel him inside of her.
“Please baby...please...”
“What do you
want baby? Tell me.” He let himself slip inside...but only the tip. Paige needed more.
“Please, I want you inside of me.”
He smiled and slipped in a little further, still toying with her.
“Oh Damien,” she said, putting one hand down against his ass and pushing. He held back, only allowing an inch at a time. “Please,” she begged.
"Please what?" he asked. He loved to hear her say she did.
“Please fuck me, Damien. I need you inside of me, baby. All the way...please.”
He put his lips on her neck and held her hips tighter as he slid the rest of the way into her wet pussy. She groaned and he lifted his lips to her ear and said, “Better baby?”
“Yes,” she said in a breathless voice. He started moving slowly in and out of her.
“Is that what my baby wanted?”
“Yes! Oh yeah!” He pulled out again. She whimpered.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m not finished.” He took her hips in his hands again and turned her around so she was facing the wall. Then he used one hand to guide her so that she was holding onto the wall and bending forward. Then he slid back into her...slow and deep. Paige clenched down with her muscles and squeezed him from the inside. Her back was arched and she pressed herself back into him each time he thrust forward. She was beginning to make her noises. She couldn’t help felt too fucking good. They worked together...working up to a harder, faster rhythm. Her moans seemed to be spurring her on. He leaned forward and wrapped one arm around her. He reached down with his fingers and began tweaking her clit. “Oh fuck! Jesus Damien! God, that feels so good.”
“Good baby!” He grunted out as he continued to thrust himself forward and back, increasing his tempo more and more as his fingers worked her clit. She felt his teeth graze across the sensitive skin of her neck and shoulders. His fingers were still moving hard against her clit and she could feel the orgasm building inside of her.
She wasn’t ready to come yet. She tried to hold it back, but he didn’t stop rubbing and she was only human. She went rigid and suddenly felt the rush of warm liquid between her legs. As she came, she got louder but with the music and the water, she wasn’t too worried about anyone hearing her. Damien rode out her orgasm...each thrust made her shudder harder against him. It seemed like she came forever and when she finally came down she was breathing hard and slightly dazed.
He pushed her harder against the wall then and said, “Hang on tight, baby.” He grabbed her hips hard with both hands and shoved himself in even harder and deeper than before. She sucked in a breath as he did it again and again, bending at his knees and thrusting in again and again. He was struggling to keep them both on their feet, gripping her tightly as he slammed into her over and over again. She’d completely lost her breath by that point. He put his mouth to her ear and in a low, deep growl he said, “You’re so fucking sexy baby...God, I love this.”
His words and the sound of his voice sent a fresh wave of arousal through her. She could feel the tension in his body...he was on the verge. His pace had become frantic and she clenched her inner muscles around him as he dug his fingers into the flesh of her hips and cried out as the orgasm rocked through him. She felt his knees bend more and him almost go down. His grip on her hips was the only thing keeping him upright.
Afterwards, they’d helped each other clean up and then he had taken her face into his hands and kissed her hard. His gaze was so intense and he was looking at her so seriously that she was waiting for him to say something...when he didn’t, she was almost that she lay on the ground, trussed up like a pig and waiting to die she was glad that she hadn’t heard those words. Knowing he loved her and how badly this would hurt him would make this that much harder.
Chapter 21
The ride to the docks with Jackson was a long, quiet one for Damien. Thankfully, Jackson didn’t talk to him. He was on the phone a lot, arranging for his men to meet them there. Damien was sick to his stomach. He couldn’t get the image of Kevin out of his head and he wanted to puke. He had no idea how he would ever be able to look at Roxi again. Kevin’s death had essentially been his choice. He’d chosen Paige over him...and now he had to live with that choice. Alex killed him. He knew without a doubt that he’d never be able to look at his own brother the same...if at all. And Jackson was going to send Paige away. He’d never let Damien see her again. His life was essentially over...he was royally fucked. But, Paige was going to be okay. That was what he had to keep in the forefront of his mind. That was all that mattered.
Jackson’s driver let them out of the car two blocks from the docks. There was a large semi-truck without trailers on it waiting. Two of Jackson’s men were inside. Damien and Jackson got in the truck with them and Jackson said,
“Any sign of Brad and Alex?”
“Not yet,” one of the men named Nico told him. Jackson took out his phone and sent another text. A few seconds later it beeped. Damien was watching his face and he saw that his “uncle” was instantly pissed.
“What the fuck?” He pushed in a number and Damien heard it ring. Then he heard a man’s voice answer but he couldn’t hear it clearly enough to know who it was. “Where’s Brad?” Jackson said. He waited a beat while the man said something and then said, “That wasn’t the fucking plan.” The man said something again and Jackson’s face looked a little less angry as he said, “I guess that makes sense. We don’t want the fucking lawyer or his cry-baby daughter finding him too soon. Okay. Get your ass down here.” Jackson clicked the phone off and Damien knew they had been talking about getting rid of Kevin’s body.
Another fresh wave of nausea rolled through him. He sat while Jackson and his meatheads had a conversation about something he didn’t give a shit about and prayed that he wouldn’t start heaving in front of them.
It was almost a half an hour later when Jackson’s phone rang again. He put it to his ear and said, “Okay, we’re on our way.” He clicked it off and told the driver, “They’re in position.”
The driver started the big diesel and they drove towards the docks. Damien was watching through the big window in front. He hadn’t been let in on the “plan.” When they got nearer to the docks, Jackson took out a gun and handed it to Damien. Damien was surprised he’d gotten one at all.
“Thanks,” he mumbled. Jackson shook his head at him and said,
“If you use it on me, these guys will kill you...after they kill Paige.”
“I know,” was all Damien said. He tucked the gun into his waistband. The truck pulled up in front of a set of trailers and then backed up to them.
“Come,” Jackson told him. Damien followed him out of the truck. They went around to where the trailers were. Jackson unlocked the big railroad container and told Damien and the other two men,
“Wait here.” Damien was reluctant, but he didn’t have a choice so he did what Jackson said. When Jackson was gone, Nico...the talker said,
“So you and your Dad had a falling out?” Damien gave him a look that should have set him on fire. Nico had a brain after all. He dropped it.
Jackson came back about five minutes later with Alex and two others in tow. Alex wouldn’t make eye contact with his brother and Damien couldn’t help but think that he was a coward. Yes, he was following orders to stay alive and keep Paige alive...but at the very least he could look him in the eye after he’d killed his father.
“Here’s how it is going down,” Jackson said. He had everyone’s rapt attention, as usual. He shone when all eyes were on him. He really should have been a politician. He would have been great at it and he could have been just as dirty and made just as much money, Damien thought. “Lucas will be here to meet with Damien at six-thirty. Damien’s going to go in, but he’s going to tell Lucas Paige has to be released before he gets what he wants. Once she is out of the way, Damien is going to call Alex to bring it in...we will all go in. I’m taking down Lucas. I’ll need the rest of you to have your guns on the brothers and whoever else
he has with him. Everyone got it?”
There were nods and sounds of assent. Jackson looked at Damien and said, “Give me the envelope.” Damien handed it to him and watched as Jackson opened it. He looked inside and when he was apparently satisfied, he tucked it into his jacket pocket. He looked at his watch then and at Damien. “Don’t screw this up,” he said. Damien wanted to take out the gun and shoot him in the face...but he refrained. The entire time he could feel his brother’s eyes on him.
When Jackson was finished with his insults Damien looked at his brother. This time, Alex didn’t look away. His face was impassive, but there was something in his eyes...he was trying to tell Damien something, but he didn’t know what it was. He tore his eyes away from the pair of eyes that looked eerily like his own and took a deep breath before heading out.
He walked slowly along the docks towards the warehouse. There were a lot of buildings in between it and where Jackson had them all hidden it didn’t come into view until he’d walked halfway down. When it did, he could see two of Lucas’s men out front. They were talking and laughing until he got close enough for them to see him and then they stopped and were all business. Damien stopped about two feet away from them.
“Gun?” One of them asked. Damien took out the gun Jackson gave him and handed it over. There was no use in trying to keep it...they were going to pat him down. As soon as the gun was out of his hand, the other brother pushed him from behind into the wall. His big hands roughly searched him and then he said,
“He’s clean. Text Lucas.” The first brother sent a text while the other one stood glaring at Damien. A few seconds later a response came through and the brother with the phone said,
“He said for you to take him in. He wants me to stay out here.” The pushy brother slid the big door open and pushed Damien inside. It took his eyes several seconds to adjust to the lack of light in the warehouse. When they did, they fell immediately on Paige. She was hog-tied to a chair. There was a piece of duct tape across her mouth and Damien smiled inwardly at that.